This is literally what got me watching the series

This is literally what got me watching the series

Then they kill her by a a manlet.


Attached: 8A419499-ECCE-4C21-8343-F3F56554B711.png (500x412, 260K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Too young to have such a saggy ass.

i wanted to put my penis in her stinky vagoo

Imagine pulling those cheeks apart and diving tongue first into her shit hole? Haha they say licking a woman’s asshole opens up their wild side and turns them into sexual deviants

Dany in season one was like a whole different character. Fat ass, dopey face. Definitely wife material.


what if the length of a girls asscrack is how big a dick she can take?

god damn, that's a nice ass

then your mom only fucks black guys

I don't think you'll have any problems with any woman then

I was reeled in by her smile and eyebrows

Attached: 1558735705519.gif (245x280, 1.3M)

Unironically best scene of GoT. Only other one to come close is the one after she got out of the bath in season 3 or 4. Emilias booty is the only reason to watch this show

Imagine her accidently farting right before you are entering your penis before analsex and have your penis pressed against the anus.

i like her big butt


Attached: Screenshot from 2019-05-21 16-13-38.png (63x45, 4K)

she's clenching her butt cheeks

What happened to that palace anyway? Was it ever revisited? Where was it?

>fat batty
>venus dimples

Imagine uncorking a fart held in her colon when you dutifully press your tongue into her anus, it would sink a lot, lol


It's Illyrio's house in Pentos

When she got raped is what started it for me

Attached: B6D2B1D0-C894-4F4C-ABD9-0B9E9213D66D.jpg (1021x592, 442K)

>when she agrees to just the tip, but you slip it the whole way in

I'm gonna fuck it.

Attached: 208e4c1b460ae4a8b1f2a03a5e83db2d--british-actors-rossi.jpg (236x354, 14K)

Imagine the smell

her ass in S1 is so sexy bros, nothing like a nice wide dumper

the ass is too square tbqh lads

>not just watching that 3 minute compilation of her on pornhub

Have sex

I can't stop thinking about hot dogging her





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So, you’re just a faggot?

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They stopped doing scenes like that after 75% of the show's fanbase had become Twitlr trannies and feminists.

This is the ideal female body.


>This is literally what got me watching the series
nobody has said that pre season 8
then suddenly in season 8 - dany best character evah

what the fuck happened with you pervs

her ass looks like Hank Hill's ass.

she was always /ourqueenl/

how bout this thicc dic instead

Viserys inspecting her breasts and the closeup of them has gotten me off for almost a decade.

Never knew what saggy meant. Now that I see it, I know my gf has a saggy ass.
Would have I preferred not to know.
Such is the question.

pic unrelated, the reasons we watch shows is quite often because of asses.

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Wtf no way this is real



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When's the last time she was even naked? I watched up to Season 3 or 4. I remember her getting out of a tub, then a few episodes later she did this bed sheet bullshit. Dropped it shortly after.

Attached: sheet.jpg (960x504, 62K)

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we've been invaded by r/freefolk retards who unironically believe that emilia clarke is a competent actress

How to make Dany's descent into madness 10x better:

In the Long Night she freaks out when she can't kill the NK, goes mad, looks genuinely scared (you know, like a normal person would be when faced with an unkillable monster). She starts screaming Dracarys over and over to no avail, she's gone nuts.
After Arya kills the NK, Dany is still obviously spooked, and has nightmares about it and she wakes up screaming "Dracarys". These nightmares get progressively worse as the show goes on.
Tyrion finds her having these nightmares one day, and tells Varys and they both question her mental state and talk about putting Jon on the throne for that reason, not because of the rubbish reasons they gave before.
She has Varys executed for treason, same as before.
Something in Kings Landing triggers the memory of her nightmares, and she burns down the city.
When Jon is about to kill her, when she says "Be with me, build the new world with me, this is our reason" add "for our child." It makes Jon killing her so much more tragic and difficult, Or maybe he's weak in that moment and doesn't kill her. Anyway that's what would make her descent into madness far more believable

quite pungent, my dear

the tub was CGI/body double.

Did she forget that everyone already saw her naked?

I don’t understand how you could use the wrong male pronouns so many times in the same post.

crazy how hard she hit the wall by the end of the series

what are you talking about she looks the same

she become semi famous and wasnt a literal nobody actress so she decided to not get naked anymore.

shegot some nice roblox ass

>Stop liking what I don't like!

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Quads and I get a curvy girlfriend.

yeah well now she can be the queen of burgers and stay beautiful forever thanks to clever editing
she doesn't give a shit about you


not only did she struggle with her weight for ages becoming a fat cow, but she hit the wall hard after losing the weight

Attached: wenn_gameofthronesseason8premiereemiliaclarke_042019-1200x1800[1].jpg (1200x1800, 282K)

based and buttpilled

If you don’t wanna fuck that ass you’re most definitely gay and should kill yourself

To hide her smelly butthole and pusy


Case in point. It's reddit.

I would switch to licking then.

I'm still mad we never got a salsa titty scene
they showed us the goblins side boob, that's it

goblins sideboob was CGI

She doesn't like getting naked

Why didn't they hire a thicc ass double?

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you write like a mad roastie lmao

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god i wish she would sit on my face

everyone loved her, Yea Forums hated her in general
everyone hates her, Yea Forums loved her in general
same with season eight of the show

all those crows feet, shame the brain aneurysm didnt kill her.

she got chubby in S6 but she lost it and was the same back in S7/8.

She looks the same in that image as she did in S1 if she was making the same expression from the same angle with the same make-up.

I always liked Emilia, she's cute. Dany was boring S2-S6

No one likes S8 nigger

Attached: roll.webm (640x742, 969K)

I don't care, I just wanted to see sophie turners tits before she hits the wall any harder

perfect for hatching dragon eggs

>woman looking the same nearly 10 years apart

yeh i am sure they would, have sex incel

user she has hit it, shes full bimbo now

Attached: 49907240_2004036592999127_3470985383268160297_n[1].jpg (640x800, 75K)

she's barely changed buddy, if you think this is "hitting the wall" i've got bad news for you

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Tranny cosplaying as Cate Blanchett

What am I looking at?

>she's barely changed
>post proof of her clearly hitting the wall in fucking season 3

how does she look any different in S3 than she does in S7? you can't just claim any woman who ages past 25 is hitting the wall faggot.

t. underage virgin

She literally looks the same throughout those photos with the exception of maybe a couple extra really minor wrinkles

>he thinks removing eyeliner is "hitting the wall"

She literally doesn't and that's with generous amounts of makeup and editing

Yeah I want to touch her bum

she has a generous amount of make-up in every season it's a fucking TV show

Attached: sniff.jpg (747x960, 106K)

imagine resting your head on her butt

imagine unloading a full drum mag of a saiga 12 with slug rounds into the back of her head while goodbye horses plays in the background

no it wasn't because she has the same nipples as she always had.

>implying you wouldn't let her sit in your face

>S2 Dany
that makeup, that sheer dress the entire season, her rising fucking qt!

Attached: 1513715428163.jpg (960x929, 46K)

do you think they would just randomly guess her nipples or use the previous footage to create an accurate representation? watch the fucking footage its clearly CGI, its uncanny valley material.



Attached: 1558839966137.png (1000x1000, 1.11M)

i agree, but my dick quibbles with me on it

>watch the fucking footage its clearly CGI, its uncanny valley material.
post the scene or shut the FUCK up

Keep it up, guys, I'm sure if you do she'll fuck you eventually

She was fucking obese in S6

Attached: 1509914532154.png (231x266, 136K)


she has aged very gracefully

yes because i save footage of cgi tits of celebs lol

>Sex scenes should be more subtle. I’m British, so I cringe at that sort of thing anyway — I can’t stand it. I don’t want to have sex thrown in my face and I’ve always thought the suggestion is so much more titillating than the act itself. Most sex scenes you see in films or on TV are gratuitous and they’re usually just to attract an audience. On screen, the subtler the better.

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>Too young
Sorry Meryn, nothing personal.

Attached: Ser-Meryn-Trant.gif (400x224, 1.78M)

Imagine tripping and falling face first up her ass into an alternate fart universe

Imagine bringing her to a date in taco land.

>s-s-she didn't hit the wall STOP ITTTTTT

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she was hardly obese, she was pretty chubby though. glad she lost it

>I'm British
>Country that produces Naked Attraction

>>shes ugly
>nah she isn't here's why
>>Keep it up, guys, I'm sure if you do she'll fuck you eventually

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nice cope

is there a high resolution picture of this or is it just this one? I need it, for playing with my dick.

i wish desu

Attached: B U T T S.png (1006x585, 637K)

imagine being THIS assblasted in a chinese novel discussing forum

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>she looks like shit without TV editing and shots
she'd look like this with slightly less wrinkles if you did a close-up shot of her with the same expression in S1 too, that's hardly hitting the wall.



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she was 23 in this not 18 so not surprising

ITT: roasties seething about the wall

keep it up

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pic extremely related

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that's just awful makeup

Attached: Emilia_Clarke_by_Gage_Skidmore_2_(cropped).jpg (1770x1641, 222K)

>s-she's ugly!!

Attached: 1533418870835.jpg (720x960, 103K)

>caring about if some woman has hit the wall or not when all you should be caring about is coming up behind her with a thick wire and garroting her as she struggles to fight back and you feel her body go from a desperate struggle for survival to a limp and lifeless ragdoll

I was underground dany supporter until i was allowed to be public about. Being a dany supporter on Yea Forums was like wearing a MAGA hat in los angeles until literally last week

again, you can claim she's ugly all you want i don't care, but she objectively hasn't changed much with age so to claim she "hit the wall" is retarded. if you think she's ugly now you would think she's ugly then too.


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have sex

I literally want to eat bryce
I would fucking cook her up and eat her rump for weeks then die a happy man of starvation afterwards because you can't ever get the same happiness out of eating afterwards and nothing could ever compare to bryce rump or bryce skirt steak but I would die a happy man bros

Nigga, you gay as fuck.

Attached: EC_o-EMILIA-CLARKE-NO-MAKEUP-facebook.jpg (1536x1272, 107K)

She'd eat you first.

Attached: bigger__badder__wider_by_bigbig_on_da_dcbfbpr-pre.jpg (995x803, 80K)

Imagine being the kind of idiot that can't admit Emilia Clarke is a fucking goddess. Just imagine it. Genuinely, not overly beautiful with/without makeup, perfect amount of meat on her, looks like she has an actual personality, etc etc etc. You'd have to be trolling.

That's not her real butt its a body double

nice booty on this wite gurl...i'd breed her

Thats not even her
It's a stand in actress
Not emilias ass

Attached: Best season ever.png (1853x950, 1.47M)

she's part loo and I have a duty to save the white race

It never was emil, incel

that was me desu

No it wasn't every time they showed her naked it was a double. She wouldn't do the nudes.

Absolute brapkino. She just looks so breedable and fertile.

Why the fuck does she have that thing through her nose. Does she think she's a fucking heifer?

Can anyone confirm or deny

Sorry, i forgot. Emilia is pure

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>the subtle jiggles

Attached: 1518479280843.jpg (645x773, 58K)

She had strokes you souless cunt! Show us ur milkers with timestamp

I don't watch capeshit but the images posted in which she looks batshit crazy sorta makes me love her

Sophie Turner posted pusy pics on her twitter to show off some meme tatoo.

I thought that fucking retarded fad died out. It was very popular the past 2 years.

>i obsess over & report on 10/10 women who wouldn't look twice at me slightly aging or slightly gaining weight as a duty to the white race

Attached: incel.jpg (720x960, 61K)

We do not choose our destinies. Yet we must do our duty, no? Great or small, we must do our duty.

Literally the longest thread i ever had on tv

It was her in the 1st season but not in the OP image.

Huh ? I don't understand

The poo genes are coming out more strongly as she ages

Is this her

Attached: 5BAE9FA9-BE6D-4CD7-9D2E-02CD90EC245E.jpg (500x531, 44K)

>manlet has the last cum in her pussy
Stay mad lanklets.

maybe is its just me but she's just such a terrible over actor, particularly with her facial expressions.

Attached: 599766823-morfing-hate-disgusting-frightening.jpg (235x175, 9K)

She had 2 aneurysms and was recuperating during S2-S6

timberlake got no sheet on his chest and fucking ugly bitch over there covering her titties with one


Are you unironically retarded or just pretending?

I honestly find her most attractive in season 8 but frankly she was most attractive in the Solo movie when she dressed up as Lando for the prison heist

Yeah that is her. Thats why the butt is so much wider and saggier in OP pic.
Different butt.

>I honestly find her most attractive in season 8
Ah, a man of culture just like me.

Attached: dany.webm (904x1080, 2.76M)

No it's not. She has the same tits and ass as in the S01 tub scene. Which means they either hired a body double for this absolute nobody in S01... or it was Emilia getting naked every time.
As her popularity rose, she was able to demand to only go nude in scenes showing her as a powerful woman. Which is why her only nude scene after that is a brief topless shot after burning the Khals and becoming the biggest, baddest Khaleesi in history.

Its not the same body at all. The girl in S1 is kuch slimmer.

>mfw Jon in the canon of the show literally is a cunninlingus fiend and probably rode dany's face and braphog multiple times having her cum directly on his face

Attached: jonsnow.jpg (317x291, 8K)

It's fridge mode anyway

its fucking CGI you mouth breathing plebian, watch the scene its clearly not 100% natural, any cgi artist worth anything would use S1 as a reference for her.


Attached: piercearch.jpg (211x239, 8K)

It's the exact same butt in both shots. Why would Emilia agree to show her bare ass in one shot but force them to get a body double in the next? She reveals the same amount of skin, I.e. most of it, in both.


Attached: zyzz-workout.jpg (346x257, 36K)

>its fucking CGI
Are you memeing or are you just retarded?

Is clearly not S1 body excites my peener OP image I feel nothing.


clear as day, clean the cum out of your eyes

Actress even confirmed it you retard

based snow

clearly not CGI dumbass

Post some nudes

It's perfect. Unironically have sex

It's a pretty good one. She needs some exercise to perfect it, but it's a good one.

Absolute kino

it's a good butt. gotta give her that

i have a better ass than that

prove it or shut the fuck up

Post it

thats a photoshopped ass my brah

Attached: IMG_0234.jpg (2448x2438, 129K)

these asses are the perfect type os asses, when you bend them they turn into a perfect curve
of course you virgins wouldn't know that

Attached: Emilia_Clarke_women_actress_lingerie_brunette_ass_portrait_display_Esquire-320807.jpg!d.jpg (1355x1600, 440K)


Timestamp or BS

Attached: IMG_3138.png (657x624, 198K)

Thats a guy isnt it

Not even close faggot

time stamp or gtfo
also that's not better faggot

It's a direct quote from one of the early books,cam't remember which one

it's literally the last real chapter of the last book released you show faggot

Yes, and mine is to tell you that you're a sorry ass incel.

"The Wall" is usually just alcohol/dehydration/smoking. The incels on this board just like it because it's basically the "Christmas cake" thing from Japan, where women should submit themselves for fucking before 25, because if not they will be unloved hags (this also extends to "wine aunts.")

Anyone who's kept up with people from college and remembers who drank harder than the others is aware of this.

is this a boy or a girl
I need to know which folder should I save this into

A-user kun...

>Then they kill her by a a manlet.
>he watches GoT
>he thinks he's above manlets
I've got news for you, kiddo.

Now show us the Penis

Yeah i watch Game of Thrones, no i never read the books. How did you know?

Attached: 1556632660984.jpg (1080x1331, 135K)

>The incels on this board
>posted by an incel

Is this not a blue fucking board? Why is this still up?

because it's artistic nude

christ she is hairy as fuck
that must be an english thing when chicks get those thin hairs that grow all over.

any porn stars with a squishy toosh like this?

she's quarter poo in loo

no they're all disgusting meth trailer whores

Attached: proxy paige.png (1029x801, 1.11M)

she's 1/8
also if she never talked that in the interview, you would never know

all women with a square ass like that inevitably become fat pigs. I have science to back it up. Elizabeth Berkely had an ass like that at her prime in Showgirls and now she's a fat pig.

>implying that’s you
Time stamp you braphog

Attached: FB759481-0133-4EF8-8D0A-97189263BF07.jpg (347x217, 76K)

Wasn't that a body double though?

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Attached: Allhopelost - Copy.png (254x288, 217K)

I hate her and this show
But I'd pound that ass like there was no tomorrow

I thought she did do them in the beginning but wouldn't in the later seasons

>Same body double

Attached: 20190526_143632.png (1920x696, 2.54M)

>coalburning foid killed by a manlet
Can't think of anything more based

Only people who get those are roasties and/or bi, that's why.

I would not say perfect but I'd fuck her if given the chance.

> Its her fault she marries a barbarian when she is ordered to despite protesting against it

Wrong Daenerys submitting to an arranged marriage despite being opposed and then trying to be a good wife was based and tradpilled.

cant be her, no way.

where did you get it from

this is the kind of "person" that complains about prudish American censorship

Yes mate, now this is circa 2018. At that time she was 18.

nah British people are more prudish than Americans (when sober)

her ass is nice, I'd love for her to fart up my nose. you guys are just anime watching fags.

I love that people are just waking up to the joys of Emilia's fat white cheeks.

>>been nutting to them for years

Attached: cerze not my cock.jpg (409x578, 38K)

>"for our child."
Cute fanfic until here, she's literally been barren since s1 and it's been brought up several times over the series, pay attention

>Some also questioned if it was really the actor, Williams has appeared to confirm she didn’t use a body double for the intimate scene.

imagine the smell


Attached: 1518905459520.jpg (625x482, 68K)

Men really ARE better than women at everything


Which movie?

This is bad and you should feel bad you fucking faggot. She doesn’t “descend into madness.” She’s been mad from day one. You just liked it because her opponents were mostly evil.

The point of Dany is she’s an entitled, zealous revolutionary. Like a Jacobin or a Communist. Seemingly good when unleashed on the villains, bad when they turn their sights elsewhere, which they invariably do. And almost always causing more collateral damage than any problems they solve.

She’s like if you mixed Napoleon with Sauron and gave him tits.

You’re a fucking retard if you think she “went mad.”

it wasnt a body double but it was CGI she wasnt actually naked, look at the video, its not right.

This is a gay power bottom.

body double??

Hell No!

Attached: ed5008ff0456f5991e04a3b90204f1e7.jpg (1719x3000, 486K)

She is so perfect.

This is a terrible ass.

Now take a picture with the penis shown

Imagine being her toilet

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Attached: 1558910914504.webm (480x258, 2.99M)

Bullshit on her being a commie or mad or zealously sure of herself.

Keep in mind that all she wanted originally was a quiet life as a tradwife in the house with the red door or something similar shes also in the books well aware that shes in over her head ruling but shes all the alternatives as worse.

She does throw the awful and dystopian society of slavers bay (Astapor is probably the most evil society I've ever read about the Drow are better) into chaos via imposing abolition by force but quickly halts the leftist purity spiral afterwords (for instance introducing enforceable apprenticeship contracts) the problem is the old society was so bad reaction isn't an option either and her failures were not that she was too ruthless the problem is she tended to stop short of being ruthless enough.

For instance she totally spares the Yunkai nobility (who didn't crucify any children and weren't so bad as Astapor) but its a mistake as they plot against her.

Attached: Sniff.webm (1280x720, 1.01M)

Inflated her milkers

Attached: SQly3wI.png (489x609, 549K)

cute smol ass
i want to bite them and use them as a pillow

Attached: 298288BE00000578-0-image-a-4_1433945787111.jpg (636x382, 63K)


did you seriously think GRRM was a good writer?
>her cunt became the world
the entire book series is just an old incel pervert writing about his perverted fantasies

>that obvious editing
for what purpose faggot?

Is it wrong that I want to stick my dick in that fat ass?

Does she ever reach back and spread her ass open.

Double on GOT

Remember before GoT became a meme "event show" after season 3, and it was only known for shoehorned nudity? Good times.

Shitty link is the only one I could find because of copyright claims.

Attached: 986796969.jpg (468x468, 45K)

She has an odd look but it make my pp hard

Lovely ass gives us hope

Kek that’s what happened with my girlfriend. We fooled around and she said just the tip, end up fucking her good

Why do girls do this? It’s like guys offering to take out to dinner, and saying but only an appetizer. Like no shit you’ll probably enjoy a whole meal

Jesus fucking Christ lol she's fucking revolting

must be one of those english roses i keep hearing about

what do you have to do to get an ass like this? asking for a friend haha not for me that would be gay haha

I believe it'll be the next step in his master plan.

I actually found her so much cuter in Seasons 7 and 8. Was not attracted to her before that and found her boring. But now that's changed.


you a white boi aren't you

yo why this bitch have a square ass lmao

as a half fag i aprove of this, nice ass user

dumb horseface

>Unspoiled nsfw pic
>Still up just because it's GoT

No compensation

what happened to pic related?

Attached: lifeimitatessam.jpg (662x756, 88K)

Dads have sex with black guys though

Super cute.

for you

OP that posts a GOT thread:

This is begging for a datamosh.

This is SO GOOD

I agree but i cant dislike it.

do you think Jorah stood outside Karl Drogos tent and jerked off listening to him fuck Kelly C?



You might be gay, son.

Attached: xo6EFLj.gif (302x202, 2.17M)

nahhe had a lolflix account.

LoL gave him live access in the flames.

look at the fucking toilet on this bitch

You must be blind.

>Reverse image doesn't give anything
Post more

Attached: 003.jpg (200x237, 6K)

Oh cool, so you saw it once, and are an authority now. Dumb blind faggot.

What sag?

You wouldn't know cgi if you watched Lawnmower Man.

Faggots. Am I right?

Attached: 1558367505021.png (500x516, 241K)

Squats (hacksquats), deadlifts, walking, maca powder, healthy fats, omega-3's

That ass is sad, she need to do more squat

She's a solid 6/10

She's a strong womyn and would never need to pose in sexy--


perfect for marriage.

Normie pls go

I liked it when /got/ called her the mother of donuts.
She cute tho. One of the few post wall celebs I love

She's been PIERCED

Post pics of chubby Dany

Getting really tired of seeing her fat ass pop up every time I open the catalog, lads.