Would purple eyes look too uncanny in the series?
Would purple eyes look too uncanny in the series?
Other urls found in this thread:
The yatching thing was real?
1st for the queen of the world
I miss her bros
It's a fantasy series Bernie, you could have gone with them from the get-go.
I think that clip looks cool. Just subtle enough to not look unnatural.
they look unnatural
i'm pretty sure she didn't want to use contact lenses for the whole show, just like Jlaw didn't want to keep getting painted on and asked for a suit in xmen
They look really uncomfortable, and Emilia has already been through so much. I think her natural eyes are just lovely
>Daenerys Targaryen A Queen
>Emilia Clarke Tries 9 Things She's Never Done Before | Allure
>Emilia Clarke Has Lost Her Dragons and Her Spanx l Cover Stars l Glamour
>Emilia Clarke Re-Creates Stock Photos | Vanity Fair
>The First Time with Emilia Clarke | Rolling Stone
>Emilia Clarke Pranks Times Square as Undercover Jon Snow (Game of Thrones) // Omaze
>Emilia Clarke Reads 'Game of Thrones' Fan Theories | ELLE
>Emilia Clarke's Valley Girl Voice
>(GoT) Daenerys Targaryen | Fallen Queen
>Watch: A to Z with Emilia Clarke for Vogue Australia May 2016
>7 years to love
>contact lenses
nigga just change the hue in whatever $20 editing software they use for post production
No, there's no proof whatsoever
Seething gossip roasties
It's a rumor that comes from a hollywood gossip site populated primarily by black women. It runs on the envy of unworthy women
>implying dabbid would pay that much
Some claim that Emilia is the last thing that flashes in your eyes before dying.
>black women jealous of an angelic anglo beauty
Incredibly shocking.
This is what you see when entering heaven
smol roll
Based link user.
They could have edited the eyes instead:
qtest webm
mhmm.. oh yeah... woo hoo hoo
she looks too white and it scares me. was it really too much to ask for a khaleesi of color?
shes so perfect bros :(
I thought russians bullied this idiot out of the internet
Would be the point. Valyrians are meant to have an inhuman type of beauty. One of them giving you a gold glare should unnerve you.
It never gets old, she is so charming.
Roll for anything than 0
Rolling for any emilia, they're all perfect
>anglo beauty
mate i have news for you...
I got banned for posting the version with more alternatives
Cutest mashup!
>purple eyes
grrm is a hack. this is literally anime tier faggotry lmfao
she's back
is2.Yea Forums.org/wsg/1558379720283.webm
>roasties exposed as followers of literally Hitler Dany while bitching about literally Hitler Drumpf
Yeah yeah, she's "mixed" or whatever. The reality is she's white and no black woman could ever compete.
reminder that Emilia herself is the one making these threads
Die faggot, she's a goddess.
There's people with blue hair chilling on some islands as well
What yatching thing?
Emilia is too cute brehs
You only realise now?
>white giant wolf with red eyes
>dragons with different colors and flames
>magic swords
Bases roll poster ending
Gib 00 again
nothing about emilia's acting was natural, so it would fit
Yachting is a term for Z-C list celebrities who need money to supplement their incomes and in order to keep up appearances.
They will go on a yacht typically owned by a millionaire/billionaire and do what said millionaire/billionaire wants. Mostly sexual wants.
Clearly Emilia doesn't need this shit
Dubs and I also post to /ecg/ again
But what the fuck is yatching?
>We will pray
>Pray with me
>We can bring her back
same fucking face in every video
hate her
I think whenever I'm feeling down I'll just be able to look through the 115 pics, gifs and webms in my emilia folder and just feel better
"Yachting" is when actresses or even actors go on Yachts with powerful business men and do whatever they want for favors. The black roastie gossip site claims both Emilia and Sophie have done it.
That's a strange way of spelling pajeet
Pff.. Emilia doesn't have time to shill herself on a incel forum
Whoring for men wealthy enough to own yachts. Apparently a lot of actresses will fly out to Dubai to get drunk on a yacht and shit on an Arab prince's chest. But Emilia is too pure
>he doesn't know about book daario
Too ugly prolly
>t. Emilia
Elizabeth Taylor had naturally purple eyes.
It's very rare but it can happen.
She knows about people posting her on weird sites so It's not impossible
real ashara
You'd have to find someone without bong genetics to play dany then
yeah this shit doesn't fit Emilia, she has like 30+ millions on net worth
i call bullshit
That's what makes it cool fag. ASOIAF is basically a well written anime.
She's too pure for this board of sinners, but I have it on good authority that Kit Harrington is the one who constantly spams that 5'8" isn't short for an adult man
post the moment she stole your heart
>j-jon... why...?
>says penis and masturbate
she's like that girl that keeps shitposting irl but when you try something serious they turn shy as fuck youtu.be
That's a big resolution
I should have been there for her
for you
>Has had multiple dicks inside her
>Gushes over every mega Chad
Keep telling yourself that just because she has a lovable personality
As long as I don't fail here I'm content with my life.
This, I would give anything to be able to save her
Honestly, it was that new yorker article about her aneurysms that got me to see her in a new light. Then she burned all those westerosi scum, then I saw how completely fucking qt she was when other anons started posting pics of her
All the coke in the world won't win her over, Kit
kek good one user
>tfw I finally understand Jorah
Back when people were posting GIFs and WEBMs of her, making fun of her overly expressive eyebrows. I thought it was cute as hell while people were shitting on her.
If our sworn brother Ser Jorah still drew breath, then that manlet bastard would have been cut down where he stood. Grey Worm failed us.
Jorah, the original /ecg/ poster.
She smol tho
Couldn't they have just added it in in post production? It doesn't seem like a ridiculously difficult thing for a studio to do that rendered complete dragons and skeletons. To simply make her eyes purple would have been worth the cost in production and made her seem more interesting, I think.
Let's settle this once and for all:
I want to admire her eyebrows
what about purple skin
She already is a POC, she’s part Indian.
Also, fuck your bait.
Cutest thing I've ever seen. She did nothing wrong.
I always wondered how they make short people tall in tv shows. Do they just use the select tool in photoshop and stretch them up?
>That playful head shake
What does it feel like to have a girl do this to you, Yea Forums?
Nah, it would've been more than fine
>she’s part Indian.
Which you wouldn't be able to tell if she never revealed that herself, fuck off.
No, I always thought the violet eyes thing was a neat concept. Showrunners were just lazy.
i mean, who don't gush over The Goose? she seems pretty pure for me
Is there anyone who can defeat Rinnegan Daenerys?
Obviously brunette
Angles, m8
brunette >>>
but i would accept any Emilia
How smol we talkin?
what is she thinking?
add this to the list user
I love that fatt butt.
Targs are supposed to be the whitest of the white. Using a woman of color would be a terrible casting choice.
Voted brunette. She looks fine blonde but her natural hair color is better.
>Emilia, you will do as I command and marry user and put an end to these ridiculous threads once and for all. I will accept no further discussion on this subject. You will wed him, bed him, and allow him to put a child in you. Surely he's capable of that much. Go. Now.
pick one
5’2 according to her.
imagine if Tywin arranged Dany with Jaime
imagine the kids
Emilia. The other girls are all pretty too, but Emilia has an endearing personality.
Wouldn’t be too hard. Jamie has a thing for frigid blondes.
i prefer blonde girls but for some reason i really like brunette emilia much more
Imagine if she was arranged with me. Imagine the kids
Emilia obviously, far superior
>Surely he's capable of that much
Y-yes my lord....
I saw fan art based on the book years ago and I never realized (because I never read the books) she's meant to be an albino. But there's also this thing with Tyrion's scar and it's supposed to be much worse than the show depicts it. And this happens in some other movies and show also. Basically, the audience doesn't want to see actual freaks. They don't want to feel uncomfortable, they don't want to and maybe can't actually relate to people that are too different from themselves, or at least how they see themselves. They will publicly applaud "unique" but people that are actually different are shunned just as much as they always are.
For me, it's stock photo Emilia
Felicity hit the wall hard, very hard
Tywin wanted Rhaegar for Cersei initially. When Aerys refused he threw a fit and quit his job as Hand.
>m-muh honor!
>stabs an unarmed woman who loves him while she's kissing him
Is this the faggiest move in tv history?
What an absolutely dishonorable cunt.
Emilia a cute!
God I want to stab her to death and beat the absolute shit out of her until I see part of her brain exposed
That smile just lights up my life
Will you donate to her charity, anons?
Some of you guys are alright, don't go to King's Landing tomorrow
I was amazed by how old she looked in some scenes in Rogue One.
already did.
She would break her wrist firing that gun in that position coming out of that roll.
Yes but we all know the average action flick doesn't care about reality.
she could fire a m107a1 single handedly she stronk
>That lewd back
I want to worship her
>2009 Emilia Charity Advert
She clearly realizes how goofy she made it look. Good job though, I'm very impressed by your gun knowledge
did they?
She never looks comfortable doing sexy shots
Is /ourqueen really with us?
How much can she lift?
She always is in our hearts.
I'm trying to not be lewd but I really want to squeeze those thighs so bad.
She said she had to get drunk
>77 posters
>all positive comments
i'm very happy /ecg/ is thriving anons :3
I used to have a thicc gf and would do stuff like this all the time
fuck I'm so lonely now
Glad you're here with us fren
the 40 posters one was because it was too early, i told you
She's perfect
what season is this from? She looks like a total babe
I love you Emilia
What an absolute slag Sansa is
season 7 episode 2 when she talked to olenna on dragonstone.
Based on her outfit, I think season 7.
How am I supposed to return to a normal life after a weekend of /ecg/?
That's asking to be shopped.
That was because he made his son jaime part of the kingsguard, thus disinheriting him from all titles.
Gotta find a way to stay positive. There are other women out there like Emilia. We just gotta find these girls.
Easier said than done, of course.
all this happened around the same time though
>hey you. wanna buy me a drink?
She looks like an elf. Not saying that's bad, just reminds me of LOTR a little
They wanted to make us hate Daenerys because popular female characters have to be selfish cunts for reasons of social engineering (just like white male patriarchs must be either evil or buffoonish).
But a based and tradpilled (yes all Daenerys wanted originally was to be a tradwife with kids in something like the house with the red door) sweet selfless overwhelmingly positive girl was set to be the most popular female character since Mary Poppins and perhaps ever. They couldn't let that happen.
Despite muh strong women she was ruined because she did not serve the purpose of feminist social engineering.
Remember that today probably there will be alot of cuteness from Emilia on The Last Watch
what? go fuck yourself you're a millionaire and I earn minimum wage why don't you fucking buy me a drink how about that
Why didn't you protect her, /ecg/? It was your sworn duty.
It's the wig and the side fringe. Just like legolas
I just want a girl that acts and looks exactly like Emilia, it's not fair
/ecg/ stream when
We will be there together /ecg/ bros
I have my webm maker ready
I'm happy if you are happy emilia
> Implying she has lost any of her cuteness.
A perfect role given her height
Imagine being such a monster that you can't appreciate Emilia's eyebrows.
Emilia wouldn't ask you to buy her drinks when she can easily afford them and you can't... thats other modern feminist women not /ourqueen.
I'm addicted to these threads
same here. i have been cuteposting here all day
God, I love how she's well aware that her eyebrows are like a super power.
Emilia is a goddess and these threads are comfy as fuck.
We know, Ryan. Welcome to /ecg/. She's a real hero.a real human bean.
We all are user, we all are.
Her eyebrows are a miracle of the known universe.
>tfw crushed my squat 1RM while thinking of emilia and /ecg/
I'm starting to believe in God because of her and her eyebrows.
I went from 62kg to 74kg on two weeks on bench press. Maybe this addiction is not all bad after all
No she didn't.
>ywn watch Drive with her
>tfw i keep thinking on her while on gym, it makes the time pass faster
>tfw literally doing for her
>human beans
She really is Yea Forums's girl.
>ywn carry Emilia's two bags through the ariport while she happily chats up paps and you and graciously signs autographs
Same senpai. They're lots of fun though
Congrats on your achievements guys. We're all gonna make it.
i don't lift but the same thing happens when i jerk off. pretty cool huh?
t. faceless man
Should get some caps of her riding into Winterfell, looks good there.
>tfw i'm rewatching all of Dany's scenes in the show just to screencap for more cuteposting
>tfw i'm powering through deadlifts easier imagining her face
>tfw literally using Dany/Emilia as a gym motivator
So this is the true power of /ecg/.
doing the lord's work user. keep it up
we know the /ecg/ motto but what would the House Clarke's motto be?
no more strokes
Gotta worship, there is no other way but to bask in Emilia's light
Keep up all the good work user. We need good men like you in these threads.
House Clarke:
Slogan 1: Fire and cuteness
Slogan 2: Our pics are cute
Slogan 3: Cuteness is coming.
>Wake up feeling like shit
>Remember my shit life
>Suddenly remember comfy /ecg/ exists
mhmm, oh yeah, woo hoo hoo
Doing the Lord of Light's work
Anyone got the pic of her backstage with the key and the red lanyard thing?
i have more than 500 em/dany pics
As I was saying the fact that her character was so positive was the whole reason for the character assassination.
>i have more than 500 em/dany pics
fuck man, i'm slacking. i've only got 144 and some of those are GIFs and WEBMs.
It was all a gimmick, they were just blue
Valyrians are ancient atlantean dragon wizards they're meant to look weird.
I have to admit I smile more since those threads are a thing. I'm not exactly a happy person, in my all-day life.
if they can not be assed with moving a coffee cup or a water bottle think about how many times they would have forgotten to change her eyes to violet
No. I wear purple contacts regularly and nobody really notices.
That tour video is genuinely the best thing to come out of this catastrophe of a season
Same, I mostly lurk and grow my folder.
it's a body double. she only showed bob in the show
Is it not in the links at the top?
Why is she so adorable? Look at that face, that attitude
Is Emilia the new joker, /ecg/ bros
Just cast albinos brah
Isn't. There are some photos of her wearing jeans and the ass size and curves are the same
Dany would only collect dragon type pokemon
post some nudes you faggots
Jews hate the color purple. You know that, user.
she slipped when recording Terminator
S1 is really her, they only used a body double on S6
>calm down, Khaleesi
While it's nice to see Emilia's body, it's a shame she felt she had to do the nude scenes when she didn't want to.
One of these days I will download the entire series and make her eyes purple myself. Then I'll upload to TPB or something. It's not hard, just tedious as fuck.
She didn't like it, but she was new so she had to do it
Damn, you should get paid for that atleast
Upload on some site you may win some ad revenue
>blue board
that's actually a really great movie
What movie?
They call Emilia box poison, but this movie had less than 20m of budget and made 200 million of profit
Me Before You, it's really good
it's weird how her eyes are green but depending on the lightning in the background they somehow change to blue.
Because she's magic
This painting is amazing, probs my new desktop nao.
post more thicc emilia
She hasn't been at all, she's been the best of some moderately successful movies that reviewed mediocre to poor. We're all rooting for her, I know she's gonna be just fine.
She needs to stick to roles appropriate for her personality. Action flicks clearly aren't her thing. I'd really like to see her in a good horror movie, especially now that mainstream critics are more accepting of horror movies.
She's so perfect lads
>Oh gosh this dress is tight user, if I knew any better I'd think you're trying to fatten me up!
>But Emilia is too pure
imagine doing this with thicc Emilia
I wouldn't mind desu
Do you think she has some ancestral urge to shit in the street?
you literally can't prove me otherwise
>Anglo beauty
Man, she is beautiful, but she is definetly an outlier, most english women are fucking ugly
oh my
So whitewashed Iris?
>Bro there is a fantasy element in this fantasy novel what the fuck
Trust me bro, I know. The average English woman is an alcoholic potato with a walnut for a brain.
Clealy Emilia comes from rare genetic stock.
Seeing Emilia cry hurts :(
She has a great smile!
What Yea Forums show should I watch now to fill the void?
move when bump limit
>Gods i was strong then
I want to see emilia in a comedy. Even a TV one would be good, especially if its British and she gets to swear like a trooper
Its so dumb that they didn't do this to her. It would have made her character seem so much more magic.
no one is fucking pure
It was probably a budget constraint on the first season. Now that the budget has inflated to the proportion that it has, they could probably do it. But the first season already set the precedent.
She is in a christimas romcom movie coming this year. Gods i hate romcom movies and christimas movies but i will watch
No, but Emilia would have to put in colored contacts for every scene and that's probably too much fucking work.
I just wanna hug her bros
I was just listening to clips of commentaries on youtube. Emilia isn't in them much, but in her first commentary she said people were assuming she was an elf or something when the show started. Having purple eyes wouldn't have helped in that regard.
she's pure, not innocent
I like that outfit on her. That and the black leather one she gets killed in were her best outfits.
The opposite... shes not pure but unlike modern feminist roasties she retains most of her sweetness and innocence as if the corruption of this world can't wholly touch her spirit.
>never did drugs
>doesn't like dating actors because they're dicks
>refused to go to a party when she got Dany's role, stayed home eating oreos and watching friends
>call people human beans
seems pretty pure to me bruv
>that clavicle
>sweating man intensifies
Watch GoT s1-4 again.
Emilia please take yoyr place on your rightful throne ; my face
Emilia please bully my tiny 7" dick !
That's blue you fucking meme
I like it user
Another reason to kill myself
I'd still like her to abuse my face with her fat brapper
>>never did drugs
lmao her brain exploded TWICE due OD