/trek/ Who the fuck is that edition

What is the lore behind this? Did Captain Kirk get phased into an alternate universe and replaced by Captain Kork multiple times during this fight sequence?

Attached: captain_Kork.png (650x489, 528K)

Other urls found in this thread:


>he's my #2 captain

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Why does Mr. Spock consider himself a Vulcan when his Dad is obviously Romulon?

I don't get it.

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Why does he consider himself a Vulcan when the actor who plays his dad is obviously human?

Why was Kirk power level so inconsistent? He is just human and yet he can beat an enraged Vulcan, a genetic masterpiece as Khan which is supposed to be stronger than 5 humans, fucking androids and a super lizard

>What is the lore behind this?

the people who made star trek didn't anticipate home video where autists could go through an episode frame by frame.

>make a show about the wonders of the future
>don't expect better video technology

why did the shuttle in wrath of khan dock at the portside cargo bay even though they were told to dock at the portside torpedo bay?

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If Geordi's entire schooling and training was focused on engineering, why did he exclusively pilot the Enterprise throughout 2364?

Why did he never pilot the Enterprise after 2364, even though Picard and Riker and Troi all got to?

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>Why does Mr. Spock consider himself a Vulcan when his Dad is obviously Romulon?
>I don't get it.
Vulcans and Romulans are same species

>caring about a shitty show filmed on cardboard sets in the 60's that only lasted three seasons starring a bald retard and his rain man boyfriend
imagine being that autistic

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Was Lal even moren an autisimo than Data?

it was asexual


>TOS thread
>15 replies on page 10
screenshot this, faggot

/trek/ hates TOS for some reason

"Spot has never seen a mouse, or any other form of rodentia. He has never encountered an insect or been chased by a canine."

Is this animal abuse/neglect on the part of Data? Locking a cat in a sterile starship with little to no stimulation must be detrimental.

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So how do y'all feel about that new Picard series?

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Not hopeful. The showrunner is still ass, and he didn't even say anything in the trailer, which is a big red flag for me.

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No one can really explain cats.
Mine is an indoor cat and he hates when windows and doors are open, and even though he has a fluffy cat bed in every room his favorite thing to sleep on is a packing foam insert he claimed as his when I bought a new tv. We play and he lets me know when he wants attention or food, but 90% of the time he just sleeps somewhere near me.
If a cat is always raised indoors they don't really think about what's going on in the rest of the world.

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What happened to them bros? Think they were still showing gladiator fights on. Empire TV while Picard and Janeway were blasting around the galaxy?

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Nice blog, Valley Fag

I am First Omet’Iklan, and I am dead. As of this moment, we are all dead. We go into battle to reclaim our lives. This we do gladly, for we are Jem'Hadar. Remember: victory is life.

Are you really an asian twink?

It's okay. Geordi's dog Edison gave Spot plenty of exercise by chasing it around the halls.

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>kills Weyoun outta nowhere
And that was for questioning my loyalty.
I think there's been enough killing for one day.

That poor creature. Every cat I've ever known that was purely indoors always had some sort of behavioral problem, meanwhile every purely outdoors or outdoors/indoor cat have always been the most well adjusted. The animals with behavioral problems always have owners who think there's nothing wrong at all.

In a German Star Trek spoof by commedian Bully Herbig, the captain is indeed called "Kork".

Elderberry John Luck Pickard
I hope all the romulans are oppressed and hard working people, just looking for a better life on Vulcan

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say that to my face, illogical being

Requesting fake Data from this scene.


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Why does God lose the Battle of Wolf 359?

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Thought I recognized him.

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Why would god grow a big beard and hair like that -- that's an evolutionary mane like a lion would have, intended to make you look bigger and scarier to your opponent, which god doesn't need.

No, no, none of this adds up!

Yeah, because people actually believe the artistic depictions of an omnipotent omniscient energy are literal descriptions of what it looks like. Stick to Star Trek, it's really important you learn the differences between starship classes.
You stupid fucking clown.

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And furthermore, what does God need with a planet? Why can't he just float in the middle of space?

It's all gonna be refugee propaganda isn't it?

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And if he knows everything, why does he even have to go around at all? Robots will work.

All the women on the bridge found him creepy and made Picard send him to engineering with the other virgins

Why did God even create humans ? I wish I was never born

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One of the novels had them actually joining the Fed in Next Gen but ignored the Jesus stuff alluded at the end of the episode.

That’s not his dad, it’s his dad’s twin Romulan brother

they do eventually enter into the portside torpedo bay, so i think there must have been a missing scene.

kirk: "why are we at the portside cargo bay? you fucked up sulu! i'm no longer glad to have you at the helm for three weeks! these kids can't steer worse than you!"
sulu: *sheepishly moves over to the right docking bay and doesn't talk for the rest of the movie*

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I don't get this meme.

Me neither. It looks old.

The best episodes of TOS are the best Trek ever produced.

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Looks like he has dementia


Hi there!

You seem to have made a bit of a mistake in your post. Luckily, the users of Yea Forums are always willing to help you clear this problem right up! You appear to have used a tripcode when posting, but your identity has nothing at all to do with the conversation! Whoops! You should always remember to stop using your tripcode when the thread it was used for is gone, unless another one is started! Posting with a tripcode when it isn't necessary is poor form. You should always try to post anonymously, unless your identity is absolutely vital to the post that you're making!

Now, there's no need to thank me - I'm just doing my best to help you get used to the anonymous image-board culture!

Balance of Terror and City on the Edge of Forever are the two greatest Trek episodes of all time.

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It takes a confident man to accept he looks like a bloated lesbian grandmother and never make an effort to change his appearance. Based Bill.

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Looks like the stupid mick immigrant that used to bully him in space school.

The Shatman is a true alpha. Just look at how well he endures suffering.

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He could've taken him on the holodeck
In the future there will be an entry in Data's file that will say he was the galaxy's foremost writer of cat holodeck programs

No, TV used to be fuzzy and in low resolution.

What's up, /startrek/?

hey dude

I admire how he's made the most out of Star Trek his entire life. Some people might shy away from being too attached to a character but Bill has fully embraced his role as the real life Captain Kirk to such a degree that it's difficult to imagine anyone else as the character, Bill and Kirk are one and the same. People look at a lot of his other work and say, "Oh that's just Kirk pretending to be a cop or a lawyer or sell travel plans," but you honestly have to admit he's a talented actor with an impressive range who intimately respects and understands the craft. He's a brilliant man, and following him on twitter when he was fighting off SJWs accusing him of releasing songs about date rape was hilarious. Go get 'em, big guy!

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Fucking zoomer, it's Milli Vanilli

hey guys how do i get a cool name lik you guys have? I want to be a regular poster so everyone knows who i am.

you have to get a Yea Forums pass for that, it's a premium feature


Hello, newfriends. Did you know that you can click [Settings] in the bottom right and add a tripfag's tripcode directly to your filter in the Filters & Post Hiding section? If you do, you'll never have to read their posts again.

You should try filtering trips instead of derailing threads entirely. You see, unlike some tripfags, I don't want to make the thread about me (or anyone else for that matter). You should try posting about Star Trek as well, as an alternative to being a massive faggot. This'll be your last (You) regardless.
A lot of actors are insecure about being pegged down as a legendary character for the entirety of their careers. Shatner, by embracing it, made a career out of it instead. It's probably the best way to handle that sort of situation. He's an admirable guy, all things considered.

>google milli vanilli
>years active: 1988–1990
lol okay

Attached: weed.jpg (480x600, 72K)

He catered his appearance to McCoy's expectations.

>/trek/ hates TOS
>/trek/ hates DS9
>/trek/ hates VOY
>/trek/ hates ENT
I guess you can only get away with liking TNG (short for The NormalfaG trek show) on here

*dropkicks you*

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I feel bad for anyone who can't enjoy TOS.
>Be like 9-10
>Dad talks about this funky space-show he used to watch on TV in the 70's
>"I want to see that!"
>Dad goes out and buys me the complete DVD set of TOS
>Instantly hooked
>Watch all of it on constant repeat
>Fall asleep to Kirk hitting women across the room
>Get into TNG a couple of years after
Thanks, dad!

*double-axe handles you*

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I love that episode with Kirk and Kor. Peak kino.
Also Balance of Terror.

Seriously, this is just lazy. How hard is it to not directly show a stunt double's face in a very bright room?

Make a thread about Darmok, Barclay's holodeck fantasies, or transporter clones, and watch as it explodes to 300 posts in an hour.

Televisions in the 1960s were worst than 240p.
Eat my shorts.

I remember seeing this episode and not thinking anything was weird about the fights. I mean, the whole thing was "he's slow, but super strong!" which I guess made sense in context, but it looks SO bad out of context.

It still holds up if you just embrace the camp.

What did the director say when he tried to explain Kirk's motivation to Shatner?

Shatner is Kirk for life. He knows his legacy will be Star Trek and it shows how much he respects the fans, compared to someone like Brooks who wanted to leave the show and used his position to crowbar episode about personal issues into Deep Space Nine which interrupted the entire narrative flow of the season. I would love to have the chance to go riding with Shatner on one of his ranches and spend the day talking about what it was like to film Star Trek.

Who says you can't like what you like? My favorite is TNG although it's been a while since I've seen it.

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>Alright, Bill, just act like you did when you were auditioning for those studio executives
I had no issue with Brooks acting the way he did, to be honest. One episode out of 24-26 isn't really jarring enough to disrupt any sort of narrative flow in my opinion. One of the advantages of Trek is that you can toss a weird episode in there every now and then. The Shatman is just from a different generation where actors were sort of used to being entirely at the mercy of producers and executives. He's a true professional.

it's going to be bad, obviously.

That was also just a really weird ending for that episode. Like the point is that Kirk has gotten over the kinds of instincts that led to the OK Corral, so he refuses to shoot, but that won't stop him from doing a really weird jump-kick.

>Who says you can't like what you like? My favorite is TNG although it's been a while since I've seen it.
You can like whatever but you’ll be shit on if it’s anything that isn’t TNG.

>stupid mick immigrant

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My old spec script retconned all the hokey stagefighting as a striking-oriented martial art developed in the early federation so weaker races could go hand-to-hand with far stronger Romulans.
Bad idea or not?

I expect a high quality show with a great deal of nostalgia and fun.

Agreed, actors should only serve the role for which they're cast and leave their personal baggage out of the production. Bill has always been able to play the political game and knows to stay on script. Even when he makes waves with other cast members it was always in service of the story and the outrage more than likely the result of drama queens jealous of Shatner's status amongst fans. Several of the guest actresses have spoken highly of how Shatner fought for Kirk to be as dashing and impressive as possible because he knew people love leaders with a bit of dirt under their nails, who leap towards danger. Shatner is responsible for the spirit of Star Trek more than anything Roddenberry created.

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I don't think it really needs to be retconned, but sure, why not.

Damn, Jordi must be hung like a horse~!

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Star Trek doesn't accept spec scripts anymore.

RIP Michael Piller.

The second Partick Stewart stood up on that stage, announced his return and said "The world needs Picard right now...in these dark times" I knew the whole thing was fucked.

God Ezri is so hot I’d drink her piss

WTF?! It's Lou Ferrigno!!!

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>Shatner is responsible for the spirit of Star Trek more than anything Roddenberry created.
I love you, Bill, but I'm not sure about that.

*top rope elbow drops you*

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I didn't like TNG so I don't think I would be willing to give the upcoming Picard show a proper chance. We need new TOS content or bust. Mr. Shatner isn't getting any younger!

>unlike some tripfags, I don't want to make the thread about me
The only purpose of using a name is to draw attention to yourself

The Cage was initially rejected because of how dull Pike was. It wasn't until Shatner came in with his swagger and charm that Star Trek became a real show. Gene might have written the script but without Shatner there would never have been a series, hell, a whole franchise. Kirk is the golden standard by which all other captains are compared, and that's directly owed to Shatner's performance.

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well if billy shat tells me i should buy a computer just to use priceline...

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>Star Trek doesn't accept spec scripts anymore.
Greatest mistake in television history. Fuck nu-Trek.

Pol likes Irish people because they're white why the fuck you defending paddies when they're some of the most privileged people on earth

You're not wrong. The series owes a lot to Bill, sure, but discounting Roddenberry's contributions just feels wrong. If there wouldn't have been a franchise without Shatner, there wouldn't have been a franchise without Gene certainly. There might not have even been a Shatner without Gene. He was struggling with minor roles and guest spots before he landed Star Trek.

>why the fuck you defending paddies when they're some of the most privileged people on earth

this general is a great way to lose brain cells

Attached: JJ1.jpg (620x414, 191K)

>off-topic politics poster accuses thread of being bad after getting baited by shit-tier bait
Plenty of discussion going on in here, friend. Learn to ignore blatant shitposts. I know I'm replying to one right now but everybody makes mistakes.

Like that wasn't you pulling your new trip off and then back on.
>although TOS threads usually involve actual discussion on the franchise so you'll get a soft pass this time 'round

Attached: Kirk With Canon Cetacean.jpg (1024x684, 626K)

>Be like 9-10
>DVD set
Begone, zoomer

When Michael J. Pollard auditioned for the role of "Jahn" in the "Miri" episode of "Star Trek: The Original Series," he only had 8 dollars to his name. When the cast got their first paychecks, DeForest Kelley bought a signed Peter Max watercolor for his kitchen. Michael J. Pollard bought a hot dinner.

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>You're not wrong. The series owes a lot to Bill, sure, but discounting Roddenberry's contributions just feels wrong. If there wouldn't have been a franchise without Shatner, there wouldn't have been a franchise without Gene certainly. There might not have even been a Shatner without Gene. He was struggling with minor roles and guest spots before he landed Star Trek
Roddenberry was just the first person to think up a militarized space adventures series at the peak of the space race, if it hadn't been him then someone else would have written a similar pitch. The idea of Star Trek is an inevitable response when a culture begins exploring space. What's unique about the series is Shatner's glowing charisma and without Shatner we wouldn't have Star Trek. That's just a fact.

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Based TOS thread. only good threads left from you faggots!!

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>Nichols and Koenig aren't looking great nowadays and probably don't have long left
>Takei has Nip genes on his side
How likely is it for Takei to have an "accident", say, drowning in a pool, and leaving Shatner as the last TOS man standing?

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>drowning in a pool
It's over Bill, we know your MO.

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Are you implying William Shatner is a murderer?

>Roddenberry was just the first person to think up a militarized space adventures

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>The Cage was initially rejected because of how dull Pike was.
>What's unique about the series is Shatner's glowing charisma and without Shatner we wouldn't have Star Trek. That's just a fact.
Guys, Billy boy Shat is IN THIS THREAD RIGHT NOW!!

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Reminder that Bill killed his third wife.

Nobody remembers Forbidden Planet. I don't even know what you're talking about. When people think of navies in space they think of Star Trek or the Empire in Star Wars. Any parallel concepts have since been forgotten beneath the sands of time.

Is it really so strange for people to discuss an actor who's work they enjoy? Is this not a Star Trek thread?

It's a better film than any Star Trek movie

"yeah, brother, and throw away the rind."

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It's filth. Everyone associated with it is filth. Even Patrick Stewart. If you watch it you are filth.

Star Trek was a space opera. An "oater" shot against the background of outer space travel.

Why is this board getting dumber?

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Why do rage posters always have to ruin everything?

Delete. This. NOW!

The old RPGs already said this. You're late.

Plainly stating a fact is rage?

You're aggressive and hostile, it's clear you either aren't posting in good faith or are just a shitposter. You don't want a discussion you want attention. Dismissed.

>goes on Yea Forums
>gets upset at angry people
What the fuck did you expect? Are you new here?

I love that episode, but that fight kinda killed some of the momentum because of how many times you see Kork.

Why are you surprised someone doesn't care about your low-effort tantrums?

It's going to be shit. How can you see Discovery and have any faith in this?

Source: user's Ass

What the fuck were they thinking with The Animated Series? Nurse Chapel and Uhura voice all the women and Scotty voices all the aliens.

JJ shills are not accustomed to any sort of criticism. It's HARASSMENT.

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It's redeeming factor is Bill's never phoned in voice acting but b/w the other actors' terrible performances and the grade school quality animation, I find it nearly unwatchable refuse.

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tried so hard to be you FUCKERS friends but it never works out

ill keep tryin :)

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Why aren't Data's interfaces all wireless? Why does he need a data cable thingy to interface with stuff.

>beat an enraged vulcan
Every time he fought an angry Spock he got BTFO
>khan, gorn
Cheated both times, used a weapon to win

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Neither of those two were the first. Also, if it wasn't Shatner acting, then it would have been someone else with their own appeal. Dumb posts.

The Original Series

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because fiberoptic cabling has better throughput and less loss of signal than Wifi and 5g
>you fucking pleb

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>baaaw kirk triggers me because he doesn't act like an overly emotional kid

TOS is too white

TOS is probably the wildest of any Trek series. If anything, TNG or Voyager are the most milque-toast. I'm not saying their blandness makes them bad or anything, necessarily.

is that why it had the most attractive characters

Who is the Tackleberry of Star Trek?

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Shame Roddenberry sexually assaulted the woman who played Yeoman Janice, she was my favorite.


2/7 main characters is "too white"?

>getting triggered by imaginary people getting triggered
your mental illness is delicious

Attached: so white.jpg (600x900, 96K)

TOS only has three main characters.

1/3 then

>too black
>too white

Stop being racist

TOS has one main character and everyone else is written as a response to his perspective.

Please don't let some feckless identity politics obsessed faggot derail the thread. Stop replying to them.

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You could argue that DeForrest is in a supporting role, but the show stars Shatner and Nimoy. Regardless, characters like Nurse Chapel and Yeoman Rand have more characterization and personality than a literal extra like Sulu.

>it's a namefag episode

Attached: conundrum-hd-447.jpg (1438x1080, 253K)

>can't tell the difference between namefag and tripfag
reddit begone

They're all just Valley Forge especially MKUltra

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You should be thankful.
It makes it all the more obvious who's a plebbitor tourist when they all wear name tags.

but they're both

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>that one sperg who always posts forbidden planet because it's the only old sci-fi he's seen

>Nobody remembers Forbidden Planet

If you don't think Forbidden Planet didn't heavily influence the creation of Star Trek then you need to get your head examined.

Forbidden Planet is a great film.

The only place I've ever seen Forbidden Planet mentioned is here. If it were so influential then why doesn't anyone care about it like they do Star Trek or Star Wars? Star Trek wasn't first but it did it the best and that's what matters.
I'm sure Forbidden Planet is a wonderful film but it is utterly irrelevant.

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To be perfectly honest, if you've never heard of Forbidden Planet before, you should really broaden your horizons in terms of both film and sci-fi. Not trying to insult you or anything but I'm really surprised that any Trek fan hasn't heard of it. Maybe it's an age thing.

You can use a trip without using a name. Fuck off newfag.


you've seen it referenced plenty of times in star trek itself


Thank you for the recommendation but from the pictures I've seen Forbidden Planet looks incredibly cheap, boring, and frankly uninteresting and I'd rather watch old black and white serials from the 40's if I want to spend my time watching something so bad it's good. My point still stands that compared with the classics of science fiction Forbidden Planet isn't even in the same league as Star Trek. If it were, we'd have Forbidden Planet generals dedicated to the discussion of new movies and films in the franchise.
Instead, there's one person who loves Forbidden Planet and apparently posts about it any chance he gets. >that one sperg who always posts forbidden planet because it's the only old sci-fi he's seen

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The Boomer rock was strong with that song.

I've never even seen Forbidden Planet, I was just pointing out that Roddenberry obviously plagiarized several unique elements of the film in the creation of Star Trek.

>has the Picard Maneuver meme saved
>is a new tripfag
>is pretending to be new
Hey fella who ya think yer foolin?

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Of course it looks cheap. It was made on a shoestring budget in 1956. Don't be one of those people that writes off old movies because just because they're old. You could say the same thing about TOS. It looks cheap, the effects haven't aged well, and it's chocked full of tropes. That doesn't mean they both aren't great, however. Forbidden Planet is massively influential. There's a reason why it's always pretty high up there on any top 100 film list.
I never claimed to be new. I slapped this trip on for a reason, though. You guys can figure out why if you really want, or you can just ignore my posts entirely. I'm fine with either.

Forgot my trip, kek.

>that one sperg who always posts forbidden planet because it's the only old sci-fi he's seen

Attached: Forbidden Planet Star Trek.png (400x174, 134K)

If you think Forbidden Planet invented militarized sci-fi, then stop posting.

It definitely is.

>The only place I've ever seen Forbidden Planet mentioned is here.
That's your own personal problem. It's one of the most famous sci-fi films of all time, many people still care about it, it still gets television airtime and it is nowhere near irrelevant.

>but from the pictures I've seen Forbidden Planet looks incredibly cheap, boring, and frankly uninteresting
VF, you say stupid shit sometimes.
>My point still stands that compared with the classics of science fiction
Forbidden Planet is undoubtedly one of the most enduring and greatest sci-fi classics. You shouldn't talk about genres you are completely unfamiliar with. The other guy is a plebeian who has only seen Forbidden Planet and thinks it invented everything, but even he's not as bad off as you. This image is for both of you.

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>2000 years apart from Vulcans
>no genetic engineering
>"they're different species now desu"
this is like claiming that Japanese culture isn't based in Chinese culture

>forgot my trip
>it's totally not just one person who likes forbidden planet

I've seen Forbidden Planet like twice. It's a classic but I honestly don't know a hell of a lot about it. I'm not that guy. If you don't believe me, it's fine. I forgot my trip because I was posting without it in another thread.

>because fiberoptic cabling has better throughput and less loss of signal than Wifi and 5g
Why does he need a flap in his head. Why can't they just run the cable up his penis?

Why does TNG have a Klingon Devil, when in TOS it was clearly established that the Klingons have no devil.
Kang himself said that to Captain Kirk.

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No, you're just a sore loser and a faggot.
>likes STD

is Data's positronic brain located in his penis?

>Forbidden Planet is undoubtedly one of the most enduring and greatest sci-fi classics
It's a literally who franchise. Lost in Space is more relevant than Forbidden Planet.

>Why does he need a flap in his head
It's so someone can directly access his positronic matrix.
>Why can't they just run the cable up his penis?
Because maybe that would interfere with his ability to be fully functional? If that wasn't important then Dr. Soong wouldn't have included it.

Attached: Data_gets_taken_advantage_of_Part_4.jpg (1280x720, 97K)

That's simply not true on any level.

>It's so someone can directly access his positronic matrix.
So you need a fucking keyboard cable plugged right into your CPU to use it?

Okay so instead of his penis it can go right up his butt, or underarm or belly button.

Your argument is that several elements in Star Trek are openly stolen from Forbidden Planet as if two separate people couldn't have similar ideas. By your logic it could be argued Gene stole the idea of colorful uniforms from Ultraman. Nothing you've said has made sense and when your position was criticized you started samefagging, so I'm done with this conversation. Have fun tearing apart Star Trek because you want to talk about a dead show no one cares about.

Attached: BsJ1oc9CIAAgowU.jpg (600x426, 53K)

Fagola - Simpola - Cumola - Bumola

Attached: 1546893586129.png (720x697, 408K)

There's a store of nerd shit called forbidden planet and none called startrek hmmmm who's more relevant again?

why does marx need a spaceship?

>Your argument is that several elements in Star Trek are openly stolen from Forbidden Planet
I never made that post.
>a dead show no one cares about.
That still isn't true, tard.

Sperg answer: Geordi was also a pilot. He met Picard while chauffeuring him around in a shuttle and made a good impression. Picard wanted him on the Enterprise but couldn’t make someone so young chief engineer (presumably), so he served as as helmsman for a while, no doubt learning the Enterprise systems and preparing for the exams required during that time.

The whole point of mentioning Forbidden Planet is that Star Trek employed similar budget-saving ideas like teleporting a character from one location to another without having to film the transit. Is this conversation moving too fast for you, grandpa?

Further, Geordi and Worf were referred to as "Junior Bridge Officers" in Season 1, to represent specialists (Security and Engineering) who were getting in bridge time to qualify for command roles.

Attached: Data dance.jpg (1438x1080, 359K)

sorry, the fight just doesn't seem the same without the music:


I saw a video once analyzing the double-handed punch technique.

Forbidden Planet was The Tempest crossed with Rocky Jones, Space Ranger. Star Trek was Horatio Hornblower crossed with Rocky Jones, Space Ranger and westerns.

Attached: A9F13AC5-0A51-4A31-B44F-EAAD4989239F.jpg (480x360, 27K)

Why are you replying to my posts arguing about things I never talked about? You said Forbidden Planet was cheap, uninteresting, ugly and a forgotten film. I argued that you're a fucking moron because none of that is true.

Attached: 97bc3aea-01c8-4780-9d0e-235e677027bd.jpg (500x376, 58K)

You've never even seen Forbidden Planet.

He thinks you are me because we're actual 4channel posters and not attention whores.

Not so fast, my friend. Somebody also accused me of being 'Forbidden Planet' guy.

>Rocky Jones, Space Ranger

Attached: 23415530_1243184775783000_4825470924050804435_o.jpg (883x1197, 151K)

>tripfag says something dumb
>multiple people make different arguments as to why it was dumb
>tripfag cannot fathom that multiple people might disagree with him, thinks it's more plausible that it's just one guy samefagging

Attached: hmmm.png (399x471, 364K)

>zoomers thinking Shatner cared about Trek
Lmao, dumb people

>thinks Trek invented militarized sci-fi
>claims Trek developed completely independent from one of the most famous and influential sci-films of all time
>tries to trash said famous and influential sci-fi film without even having seen it
>will claim that we're the same poster and that we took off our trip

Attached: 1547169692047.png (476x523, 432K)

Ah. I’ll admit to rewatching season 1 episodes very infrequently. Some I haven’t seen since they first aired.

It's not, we made the whole thing up!

Attached: two cakes.jpg (480x360, 11K)

I have but it was so long ago I rented it from Blockbuster.

Season 1 is transhumanism kino

Attached: Season Weird.jpg (1000x1000, 223K)

It's sad that people were able to spread the meme about skipping the first two seasons.

See this clock? Now imagine a world WITHOUT SPRINGS. We made that world up.

where the hell did Q Data come from

Fuck off Coily

Attached: coily.gif (400x300, 976K)

>thinks Star Trek stole from some grainy irrelevant space adventure movie nobody has ever heard of
You have no proof.

Shatner cared more about Star Trek than anyone. When Gene died his empire could have fallen to either his shifty hook-nosed lawyer or Rick Berman, neither worthy heirs by any measure. By the end Gene was a scared, greedy man desperately trying to make sure people would always utter his name in the same breath as Star Trek. Bill was always leading from the front trying to make the best Trek production possible, starring in seven movies which relied entirely on his portrayal of James T. Kirk. Gene was just the first person to come up with an idea like Star Trek and it was Bill who kept the franchise alive. The decline in quality of Trek can be directly tied to the point when Shatner stopped being involved.

Attached: spacepatrol.jpg (800x478, 40K)

i really love that dumb episode where they get to another galaxy by accident and then onwards, Wesley almost ruins it, almost

your nightmares

Attached: Data Q.jpg (1440x1080, 258K)

Go to sleep, Bill. We love you but you're pushing a little hard.

I like the ep where the paddys were pumping out 50 kids on their shitty chicken farm while the english were a bunch of incels cloning with machines.

>In the authorized biography of Star Trek creator Gene Roddenberry, Roddenberry notes that Forbidden Planet "was one of [his] inspirations for Star Trek".[37]
Can you shut the fuck up now? Thanks, dumbass.

Also, because I know you like GoT
>Author George R. R. Martin cites Forbidden Planet as his favorite science fiction film and owns a working replica of Robby the Robot made by Fred Barton Productions.

>and how about the story of the man in the diner? Could he really eat a stack of 100 pancakes covered in warm butter and syrup? If you thought this tale was taller than that stack of flap jacks, you better rethink it. This story actually happened to me. Back in 1997 I ate 100 pancakes in one sitting.

Attached: Rike_and_Roll.jpg (480x360, 21K)

>I've never heard of it therefore no one else has either

>Robby the Robot
Kek in the forbidden planet universe you'd be called virgil the virgin.

Found the literal boomer not just a 40+.
What was it like to watch TOS in the good ole' days?

Attached: trouble with tribbles korax.jpg (640x480, 49K)

I watched Starship Troopers for the first time today. It was fantastic. Is the book or the anime OVA any good?

Attached: MV5BZWE0MzcwY2QtODA2MC00NjE2LTg3YjctMjBmM2VlYTllMzhiXkEyXkFqcGdeQXVyNjI4OTE1MTA@._V1_.jpg (1024x576, 71K)

>Forbidden Planet was an inspiration
>we never got Leslie Nielsen in Trek

>say a host of just the dumbest shit imaginable
>get verbally beat up by a gang of people on the internet
>"y-you v-v-v-virgin"

The book is legitimately good. It's a different ride than the film.


>acknowledging a meme movie for its meme status is the same as stealing an idea
So the plane scene in Dark Knight Rises ripped off every movie about planes that was made before it? Your entire argument is built in quicksand.

Dumb shitposter.

The book is infinitely superior to the film. Legitimately one of the greatest scifi works of the 20th century.

Attached: Authority is Violence.jpg (310x248, 27K)

The book does a better job of showing life in the Mobile Infantry through Johnny Rico's eyes but the movie is a superior work of satire. Heinlein didn't even consider it satire until his hippy groupies started calling him a genius. Is that the purest level of shitposting?
Getting rid of the bugs' laser guns was a genius decision but I wish we'd gotten the power armor.

I hope that's not a real quote from the book, because that's pretty bad.

Its the episode where Wesley gets stabbed.


>I have no argument so I'll call something a meme
Did you even read his fucking post where it said that Gene Roddenberry wrote that Forbidden Planet inspired Star Trek? It's over, you've lost.

I’m 37. I did watch TOS reruns in the good ol’ 80s and 90s though.

You don't think authority descends from violence?

Refuse to pay your taxes and see what happens.

Attached: Nozick-1.jpg (376x437, 70K)

you get fined

Now he's claiming that Roddenberry was lying about that in order to gain credit for ripping off a movie that apparently, according to the tripfag, is completely forgotten and irrelevant. Makes perfect sense.

Nah it's awful unironic fascism I'd advise everyone to stay away from it lest yet absorb some of its ideology seeing as this very website has produced racist murderers tricked by some posts here I'd hate to see what their takeaway and reaction to legitimate fascist material would be.

The film reminded me a lot of Full Metal Jacket and the consequences of war and the transformation of a civilian into a soldier. Also the movie was violent and showed how unglamorous war actually is vs the backdrop of the whole film also being propaganda and gorlyfying needless death and brutality. What's the book like?

Attached: 1553066008728.jpg (605x454, 47K)

Blockbuster was around until the 2000s. You don't need to be a boomer to have rented movies from Blockbuster.

Voting = violence is a pseudo intellectual statement.
>When you take a shit, you are exercising plumbing, you are using the force of water. And force my friends is violence. The supreme authority from which all other authorities are derived.

My favorite part is that he seems to think that everyone replying to him thinks that Star Trek stole many elements from Forbidden Planet when literally no one claimed that

The book takes itself a little more seriously. It's honestly hard to describe the differences without throwing paragraphs of shit at you. They're both very good for what they are, though. Just trust me and give it a perusal while you're taking a shit or something.

How in the name _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ do you know all of those references without being at least a pseudo-boomer?


Attached: AnyOtherName2.jpg (320x240, 18K)

>the consequences of war and the transformation of a civilian into a soldier. Also the movie was violent and showed how unglamorous war actually is
That's what appeals to you, and yet you still haven't watched LoGH yet.

The civilian's name is even Julian.

Not him, but the part of the statement that's questionable isn't that authority descends from violence, but that voting makes any difference whatsoever

And if you refuse to pay the fine? What then? At some point if you refuse to comply the police will come to your door and they will use whatever force is necessary to force you to comply. If that means killing you then they will escalate the situation to the point of your death rather than backing down and letting you keep your property.

I sincerely doubt you've read the book. I also find it ironic that you're telling people to avoid dangerous books and ideas while decrying fascism.

Attached: Thought Police.jpg (500x750, 70K)

We've been going in circles all afternoon and quite frankly I'm bored with Forbidden Planet. None of you provided any firm proof that anyone involved with Star Trek stole ideas from an irrelevant movie no one cares about besides a passing comment where Gene acknowledged its existence. You are boring, this conversation is boring. We are done.

It's written in the first person perspective and follows pretty much the same plot points except it spends more time weighing the cost of brutality and the toll it takes on Rico. Definitely check it out if you enjoy satire. It's an easy read and Heinlein has a casual hand so you can finish it over the course of a weekend.

Attached: Data-Dances.webm (640x480, 2.85M)

Why can't you comprehend that many people enjoy media from before they were born?

LOGH is for brainlets

Not who you're speaking with, but I watched Forbidden Planet because I felt like being a Shakespearaboo that day. You can watch classic films for any number of reasons.

Also, please stop trying to force your stupid meme/signature.

Maybe it'll Kirk and Picard in a timewarp drinking and trading stories.

Signature posting is a bannable offense isn't it?

Yes, I'm aware that it's an anime.

>getting killed over taxes
Do americans really do this?

>Signature posting is a bannable offense isn't it?

>None of you provided any firm proof that anyone involved with Star Trek stole ideas from an irrelevant movie no one cares about besides a passing comment where Gene acknowledged its existence
Yeah because fucking nobody even claimed that, you defensive retard. You have never seen Forbidden Planet and have no argument that Forbidden Planet is irrelevant other than the fact that (You) haven't heard of it.

>We've been going in circles all afternoon and quite frankly I'm bored with Forbidden Planet. None of you provided any firm proof that anyone involved with Star Trek stole ideas from an irrelevant movie no one cares about besides a passing comment where Gene acknowledged its existence. You are boring, this conversation is boring. We are done.

I actually used a screenshot from FP to show how it used a near copy pasted effect for the transporter that you didn't respond to. You are picking and choosing your battles because you can't admit defeat (which would be the most adult thing to do at this moment).


Attached: Star_Trek_Datadubs.jpg (248x249, 20K)

>say a host of just the dumbest shit imaginable
>get verbally beat up by a gang of people on the internet
>"y-you v-v-v-virgin"
Intellectual giants don't have time for libtards

Attached: 1558907276038.jpg (960x960, 55K)

Yes, apparently you're unfamiliar with the Revolutionary War.

Attached: America - We will kill you.jpg (500x375, 57K)

>If you thought this tale was taller than that stack of flap jacks, you better rethink it

I chuckled.

Attached: 1473463105865.gif (317x238, 2.56M)

>None of you provided any firm proof that anyone involved with Star Trek stole ideas
Except for Gene Roddenberry saying so. Why don't you stop trolling? This is pathetic. Get a fucking grip, ValleyForge.

Attached: dumb shitposter.png (1596x437, 737K)

Authority comes from the majority and the threat of force. But that doesn't matter, the quote was exceedingly stupid. Voting doesn't mean you're using force. The government with a standing army is ruling through force. The average guy casting a vote on policy isn't using violence. It's a fedora tier WE LIVE IN A SOCIETY sort of statement.

I’m a fat ugly nerd is all

>Also, please stop trying to force your stupid meme/signature.
Dubmass, it's my autistic tick. Signatures involve names or catchphrases.

Attached: A_Krenim_soldier_uses_temporal_phase_shifting_to_assassinate_a_corporate_coke_sniffer.gif (400x216, 1.63M)

kill, and, I cannot stress this enough, yourself

More Fact or Fiction posting, please, I'm getting too tlate to argue with you anymore.

Attached: CrewmenDrinkingNearAPaddy.webm (960x720, 2.18M)

I'm more likely to murder you and your extended family when the next financial crisis hits because I'm a MENSA level hyperautist who has diversified his portfolio but I also like guns.

Your move, George Takei.

Attached: ohmy.jpg (928x523, 76K)

>I'm getting too tlate

I'm so glad Frakesposting has been making a comeback recently

Every single time Forbidden Planet gets mentioned here it's because someone wants to compare it with Star Trek. The little status Forbidden Planet is afforded is due solely to its relationship with Star Trek in the minds of autistic boomers. Why even mention it here if not as a way to bitch about how Gene supposedly copy and pasted Forbidden Planet?

The way Forbidden Planet looks hurts my eyes and you're being ridiculous if you expect me to believe it was the first movie to have a special effect involving sparkling glitter.

I did not make that post.

>anyone I don't agree with is some boogeyman I don't like
A sourceless greentext is not proof, imbecile.

They may enter there but they are clearly shown docking at the lower bay. When they do that the details around the docking port on the model don't match the ones on the close up effect. There are missing windows on either side of the port on the model.

Attached: Screen Shot 2019-05-26 at 8.44.31 PM.png (1413x723, 1.06M)

I didn’t even know this was controversial when Gene himself mentioned being inspired by Wagon Train and Hornblower and god knows what else. No one was expecting this show to be remembered and scrutinized five years later, let alone fifty.

>sparkling glitter
You just proved you haven't even seen the movie by this very stupid and predictable statement. Gene even admitted that the transporter was inspired partly by that deep sleep device, at least in design. Go fuck yourself with a soldering iron for shitting up the thread, Valley.

>A sourceless greentext is not proof
>Alexander, David. Star Trek" Creator: Authorized Biography of Gene Roddenberry. London: Boxtree, 1996. ISBN 0-7522-0368-1.
You going to stop shitposting now, ValleyForge?

>every time Forbidden Planet gets mentioned in Star Trek General is to compare it to Star Trek
Really makes you think

Attached: 1433851722381.gif (245x145, 955K)

Would someone who's seen the greatest science fiction movie of all time, the movie from which all other works of science fiction and even fantasy are derived, call Forbidden Planet an irrelevant literal who? I'm starting to feel like you have a hard time comprehending things unless they're spelled out for you in very simple English.

>In the authorized biography of Star Trek creator Gene Roddenberry, Roddenberry notes that Forbidden Planet "was not one of [his] inspirations for Star Trek".[37]
Can you shut the fuck up now? Thanks, dumbass.

You see how easy that is? Why should I believe some random poster on Yea Forums?

Why are you doing this? Don't bring your personal problems here. Stop venting about whatever is shitty in your actual life.

>Would someone who's seen the greatest science fiction movie of all time, the movie from which all other works of science fiction and even fantasy are derived
The fact that you preface your replies with strawmen is nothing but a further stamp of approval on your shitposting. We don't need this to keep a thread going.

But furthermore, I responded with more proof that the film has had influence and you didn't even touch my response. Just use your usual trip and not this new shit because you're not fooling anyone.

>Why are you doing this?
I came here to talk about William Shatner and you hijacked the conversation with Forbidden Planet. I am simply replying to the people who wish to continue this conversation.
>Don't bring your personal problems here. Stop venting about whatever is shitty in your actual life.
I've been compared to other namefags and had peoples' facebook pictures posted in reply to my posts but I have not once discussed any personal issues. You are paranoid and likely delusional. I say this as nicely as possible, you need to take a step back.

The "strawmen" are in response to posts about how important some random movie is with zero presence in contemporary pop culture. You don't have an actual argument you just want to argue semantics.

don't care, virgin.

>You don't have an actual argument you just want to argue semantics.
I just reiterated my "actual argument" to you since you are bloody fucking retarded and can't refute anything that is spelled out like you're five years old for you. Forbidden Planet's deep sleep device had it's design lifted for Star Trek by Gene Roddenberry. Every variation of it comes directly from Forbidden Planet. That is what you call being highly influential since nearly every episode of Star Trek has a transporter in it.

You're a faggot, VF, just put back on your normal trip so I can filter you for good.

>tfw picard is going to bomb hard
>tfw they couldn't even get kate on board to reprise her role as janeway
>barclay will be the only character to appear in three series without resulting to time travel

>The "strawmen" are in response to posts about how important some random movie is with zero presence in contemporary pop culture
You are mentally deficient if you cannot comprehend how a work can influence a later, more culturally important work

Anyone got the picard spoilers? I want to copy/paste them to a friend.

>some random movie with zero presence in contemporary pop culture
>I've never heard of it therefore it's obscure
Taking your own thoughts and generalizing them to everybody else is a sign of autism.

Zero presence in zoomer pop culture, maybe. But not within the sci-fi fandom, especially in Roddenberry's day.

>In the authorized biography of Star Trek creator Gene Roddenberry, Roddenberry notes that Forbidden Planet "was not one of [his] inspirations for Star Trek".[37]

I totally believe him lol.

For those of you just joining us, Valley Forge's new alts include:
>PointBreak !kPtO7ohkkw
>NTT !cJUPWmQuqk
> DS94Lyfe
> Tripfag

Attached: VF.png (1081x185, 108K)

When you keep slamming out essays of sourceless gibberish and accusing me of being another namefag only makes you look delusional. You're clearly just trolling me.

That kind of logic is so ass-backwards I don't even know where to start. That's like saying everyone who's ever made a fire or used electricity is copying some caveman banging rocks together a thousand years ago.

Then where are all of the Forbidden Planet movie sequels and tv series? Where are the tshirts and action figures? It might be considered a classic by shut-in neets but to the rest of the world it is absolutely irrelevant and forgotten. If we're going to compare Forbidden Planet and Star Trek then let's talk about how a second season of a new series just ended and a new Picard series is on the way.

>you hijacked the conversation with Forbidden Planet
I wasn't the one who brought it up.
>I am simply replying to the people who wish to continue this conversation.
The conversation ended a long time ago. Now you're just shitposting until everyone gets sick of replying so that you don't "lose".
>I've been compared to other namefags
You aren't fooling anyone.

Here, let me sum up all of your previous posts and every post you're going to make in the future
>Forbidden Planet is shit and it's a literal who movie and that direct quote from Gene Roddenberry is fake news
There. It's over. Take your hysterics elsewhere, cunt.

>he's still going

I'm going to come slit your cat's throat you fucking needy loser. Stop shitting up the thread.

Attached: caretaker_0954.jpg (692x530, 71K)

>Star Trek: Picard would effectively be a reboot, one that would replace the Prime Timeline with trans-dimensional universes, using Shran and his trans-dimensional counterparts as the trigger point.

>The story of the pilot involves an ancient Andorian named Shran and the explanation of how two other roles played by original Shran actor Jeffrey Combs-- a Ferengi liquidator and a Vorta clone-- were trans-dimensional incarnations of Shran himself.

Attached: very trustworthy.jpg (900x900, 61K)

>Then where are all of the Forbidden Planet movie sequels and tv series?
Citizen Kane is one of the most famous movies of all time and it has no sequels or tv series.
>Where are the tshirts and action figures?
Try a google search.
>to the rest of the world it is absolutely irrelevant and forgotten
It's one of the most iconic and well known sci-films ever. I literally posted a google search of most famous sci-fi films and it's on the list. It's also ranked on AFI's list of top 100 films. It still gets played on television multiple times a year. It's objectively very well known. Forbidden Planet and The Day the Earth Stood Still are the two most commonly seen old sci-fi films.

Why do you keep doing this? You're doing nothing but pure shitposting at this point. You just keep saying the same things over and over without any proof even though it's all been proven wrong by actual proof. You're a terrible person. Seriously. Anyway, I'm done so just make your last stupid shitpost so that you can feel that you walked away from this embarrassment with some sense of accomplishment.

Valley Forge, you suck. Thanks for ruining the thread. It was decent until you happened.

>That kind of logic is so ass-backwards I don't even know where to start
Let me spell it out once more for your retarded ass. Gene Roddenberry watched a movie called Forbidden Planet and took inspiration from it (along with other movies and TV shows from the 40s and 50s) and created Star Trek. Therefore, Forbidden Planet influenced the popular franchise Star Trek. It was important to the development of Star Trek as we all know it. This fact is independent of whether or not you have heard of Forbidden Planet. Star Wars was influenced by spaghetti westerns. This is true whether or not you have ever watched a spaghetti western. This process of creators reading or watching things and taking influence from them in their own work has been occurring for millennia.

>The conversation ended a long time ago. Now you're just shitposting until everyone gets sick of replying so that you don't "lose".
I tried to end this discussion 200 posts ago but people kept wanting to drag this out. Now you have ten posts left before bump limit so you don't even have time for Star Trek, idiots.

He refuses to accept any new information. If he googled "forbidden planet star trek" he would learn how full of shit he is, but he is incapable of admitting he was wrong.

If you really wanted to end the conversation you would have stopped making posts on the subject. You're too defensive to let anyone else have the last word and have to rehash the same arguments that have been refuted multiple times in this thread. If you didn't want to draw attention to yourself, you wouldn't use a name and a trip.

I'm going to talk about Forbidden Planet at every given opportunity in every /trek/ thread from now on.

>If you really wanted to end the conversation you would have stopped making posts on the subject. You're too defensive to let anyone else have the last word and have to rehash the same arguments that have been refuted multiple times in this thread. If you didn't want to draw attention to yourself, you wouldn't use a name and a trip.

Succinctly put and to the point. Get the picture, VF? Of course not, you're too much of a child to admit any sort of defeat or be graceful when proven wrong.

Attached: JanewayNotAmused.gif (275x206, 480K)

Im rewatching the 1st season of TNG again, and noticed in the 1st season 4th episode (Where No Man Has Gone Before aka the traveler episode.)

So Picard is walking through the hallways and before he sees his mom there is an ensign on fire that picard tells him to extinguish with his mind. So the guy does this and walks off. I noticed that guy was wearing a GREEN uniform, like full on Green!

What the hell occupation is Green and I dont think we ever see that again do we, Green uniforms?

Attached: 1528936759034.png (590x520, 314K)

cant wait for the hooknoses at bad reboot to ruin it like they did STD

Attached: 1528936759038.jpg (604x637, 82K)

and then one day for no reason at all, people voted hitler into power.

>NTT !cJUPWmQuqk
Nope. I am, in fact, the Picard maneuver poster. But believe what you want to believe, friendo.

Forbidden Planet's budget was 20 million in today's dollars. It looked amazing for its time and still holds up decently today.


Attached: get_back_to_where_you_once_belonged.jpg (717x880, 186K)

I googled it and didn't see any firm proof. You're starting to look pathetic because you won't address my points but expect me to care about sourceless copypasta. This whole conversation has been absurd and the only thing I've learned is that I hate Forbidden Planet.

I think the science division was supposed to be green early on but they changed it

Looks like it has more blue than green. The science uniforms have always drifted between greenish-blue and blueish-green

Attached: wherenoone_hd_356.jpg (1440x1080, 307K)

Seriously, kill yourself

You are this general's trickster and have proven yourself a dishonest person. Will bring it up at every opportunity in the future.

Attached: Imp.jpg (1214x584, 328K)

Attached: hang ur self.png (1267x466, 63K)

>sourceless copypasta
That wasn't my post, and a google search provides the passage from the book that it was taken from. If you still just do not trust any internet source, you could go to your local library and look for the book.
>I'm set in my ways and refuse to assess new information!
Okay then, have fun with that.

Science is Green, Medical is Blue.

Attached: Blue Uniform.jpg (1438x1080, 398K)

Just took this from VLC, dam it looks green, and beverly in her doc outfit in that ep def looks blue.

I wonder why in mine it looks green??? So It is actually "blue" right? I wonder why they made it look green then, weird!

Attached: vlcsnap-2019-05-26-22h48m53s272.png (720x571, 450K)

It seems you're watching standard definition and the other screenshot is the remastered HD version

The Virgin DVD

The Chat BluRay

They totally changed command to red because Pat looks like shit in yellow. Not sure why science changed. Gates was in a blue jacket all the time, and it looked great.

Fug I guess your right, weird how the contrast is that wonky between the two.

doesnt the blu ray crop everything to 1080p like widescreen though? Thats why i stick with these 4:3 ones because I want to see everything.

>the remastered HD version
no shit, and they didnt crop out the shot it seems to make it widescreen. I may have to do an upgrade on my collection. thanks user!

Exactly "which" remastered version do you think is shown here: going to hit up amazon and see if its available in a box set.

I think this was corrected for HD also. They’re supposed to be the same color. Part of the problem is Beverly is wearing spandex and Dr. Quaiss is wearing wool and they reflect light differently. There’s a blog called the Star Trek Costume Guide that delves very VERY deeply into this topic.


I already acknowledged this point. Read the thread before posting.


Personally, I always liked blue = medical, green = science headcanon

>denying facts
Next you should
>kill yourself

It's an accurate summary of what you've done today and I will be sure to bring it up nearly every time you put the VF trip back on. You've fucked your reputation today by going hog wild with namefaggery and blatant omission of arguments. You didn't win as anything today other than keeping the thread bumped.

Attached: friendly namefag clicks submit.jpg (301x328, 43K)

>getting this buttflustered after being btfo

Unironically this. I'll never look at you the same way.

>doesn't trust a quotation from Wikipedia that includes a citation
Again, read the fucking thread. This isn't the only place on the internet where that passage occurs. You can find the same quote on other websites, you're just too lazy and discount any form of evidence that goes against your uninformed opinion.

This is all on you DS9 fags. You wanted tripfags, you accepted them, you celebrated them and now you are reaping what you sow. Kill yourselves.

>I already acknowledged this point.
Can you point out which of your posts acknowledges that Forbidden Planet is an inspiration for Star Trek?

I accidentally missed the post where you acknowledge this and don't attempt to dispute it.

Attached: nine years.png (1608x1223, 2.27M)

You've had nine years to move on. Please don't make it ten. Move on already.

When Ferengi were clever and interesting and not just LOL DUDE WE ARE JUST LIKE HUMANS FROM THE 20TH CENTURY!! JUST LIKE YOU AUDIENCE! DID YOU GET IT?!