Why are like 99% of successful filmmakers left-wing leaning?

Why are like 99% of successful filmmakers left-wing leaning?

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Because left minded people have overinflated senses of self. They believe people need to consume their creative endeavours. Right minded people want to get work done and actually add to society.
Mindless entertainment doesnt actually add to society

The irony is that Clint Eastwood is a larping pussy.

Because they are usually very literate and educated people and if you are literate and educated, somewhere along your path you have found out that being on the political leaft is not a matter of mere ideology but a matter of right vs. wrong. Good vs. evil. Without exception in humankind's history, the political right was and is and will be - evil.

Source: ASS

>the left supports people mutilating their bodies leaving them on a path that ends in suicide
>the right wants them to get medical and mental help that will prevent this
>the right is evil
Top quality baits

They have compassion and empathy unlike right wing people. That means that they are able to reach certain emotional levels in their films that right winger could never reach.

Ok, name some right-wing leaning SUCCESSFUL filmmakers

Saw Gran Torino. Nothing leftwing or onions about it. It was straightforward git gud or lose kind of movie. Honest heartfelt story that even old racists have a heart, even if they are right to be somewhat racists.

so let's shoot this lie zeppelin down real quick:
>the left supports people mutilating their bodies leaving them on a path that ends in suicide
When in fact the left supports people with severe gender dysphoria to receive reassignment surgery so that their lives START to get bearable. Trans people suicides are usually because of the transphobic environment.
>the right wants them to get medical and mental help that will prevent this
The right wants to "pray away the gay", that is to say, torture them into submission. Classical evil.
>the right is evil
Yes, this is a objective, verifiable, tried and tested over the millenia, fact: The right is indeed, without exception, evil.

Nice reductionism

Two points:
1. It is never right to be "somewhat" racist
2. Clint Eastwood's character was not somewhat racist. He was a genocidal, exterminatorial, SS death squad, Auschwitz-tier nazi. He literally boasted with how he stacked the dead bodies of asian people of color during the imperialistic american war against Korea.

Who owns Hollywood? There's your answer.

Almost the entirety of hollywood is left wing, because most of hollywood is jew shit. Left wing politics are jewish politics.

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The bait. It kills

>Frank Capra
>D.W. Griffith
>Walt Disney
>Jerry Bruckheimer
>Trey Parker and Matt Stone
>Mel Gibson
>John Wayne
>Sylvester Stallone

I'm not talking only about Hollywood, though. All over the world 99% of successful filmmakers lean left.

>asian people of color.
Your bait is showing nigger

stanley kubrick
alfred hitchcock
andrei tarkovsky
federico fellini

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mel gibson

artists and creative people are left wing.

Clint Eastwood
Howard Hawks
Mel Gibson
Not John ford, he was a New Deal Democrat
There was one in the French New Wave, but I don't remember who

They're good at creating fiction because they already live in a fantasy land inside their own heads

>I'm not talking only about Hollywood
If you're talking about filmmakers you're talking about hollywood, retard

I think it is clear for everyone to see how the political right declares intellectual bankruptcy in ever direct confrontation, as soon as a left leaning person insists on their arguments and won't back down or give in to shallow nazi rhethoric and keeps deconstructing it.
In other words, I own you.

>All over the world 99% of successful filmmakers lean left.
Yeah, I'm gonna need a source on that.

because all creative and intelligent people lean left
right wingers are uneducated brainlets

Because right winger actually have to do jobs that keep the society working, while leftshits do either infantile vapid shit like 'entertainment' industry or shuffling money from one place to another.

Are asian people not people of color? I was placing this phrase very carefully to expose knee-jerk reactionaries (pun intended) like you. Thank you for cooperating.

people that digest and consume the most propgaganda in their curriculum = """""educated"""""

that's like %1 of successful filmmakers.

Right wing incels unironically BTFO
the right is a cult for low IQ victims

Imagine unironically thinking this

you consumed it just as much as them only difference is you were too much of a brainlet to get educated

>the right wants them to get medical and mental help that will prevent this
The international standard for treatment is transitioning and psychotherapy

Tarkovski wasn't right wing IIRC

>All over the world 99% of successful filmmakers lean left.

probably because filmaking is disruptive propaganda meant to challenge the status quo. With societies becoming more leftist perhaps more right wingers will start making movies and TV to challenge them in the future.

Left was spreading their 'good' in the half of Europe for nearly a century. They are still repairing the damage.

>shuffling money from one place to another
That's right wingers and neoliberals

I realize political threads get the most replies on this board, and the effect of that is people who spend most of their day on here are constantly thinking about the left/right wing dichotomy, but most filmmakers (and other people in general) do not dwell on these topics very often and do not have particularly strong opinions on most issues that typically gets attributed to one side or the other. Not that they're entirely apolitical, just far moreso than what everybody here seems to believe.


Let me guess, "the left" is just communists?

>My ignorance is better than your knowledge

Mostly yes

you only think it's propaganda because you are uneducated
academy leans left because right wing rhetoric falls apart at the slightest hint of academic scrutiny

The only difference between leftshits is how fast they want to spread their cancer.

I guess you haven't stepped out of your basement then. Communist parties haven't been anywhere close to relevant in the US for decades. France and Italy had large ones but they were much larger in the 70s-80s. Now they're not really relevant. Anyways communists and liberals hate each other.

>because all creative and intelligent people lean left
Sure user i'll just take everything you say as fact

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Probably the same reason right-wing platforms allow left-wing works while left-wing platforms do not allow right-wing works. Half of all right-wingers only care about money and are unconcerned with whenever or not something has pro-communist messages in it, if gets the youth to buy their shit.

So basically, right-wingers work with a handicap because their left-wing counterparts actively seek to deplatform them while most of them don't care to do the same.


based and REDpilled

Statistically, most intelligent people are left-leaning.

>Academics respond

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Are you retarded?

>ye tired olde "stalin and mao were as bad as hitler" meme
1. "Mao murdered millions" is actually a LIE. Chairman Mao inplemented policy towards growth of steel production which has disastrous consequences, granted. However, he did not intend those consequences, so at worst, Mao could be called an involuntary manslaughterer.
2. Stalin did kill a lot of people, a lot during war and a lot from within his own ranks. He was classically paranoid. He should be pitied, not judged.
While Hitler did everything he did in his right (pun intended) mind and is 100% culpable for it. He murdered because he wanted to exterminate. Not true for Stalin and Mao in the slightest.
The only real comparison, in terms of atrocity, with rightwingers, would be Pol Pot and even he does not approach the level of genocide Hitler caused.

A lot of people don't really care about these as long as nobody's being a racist asshat.

This is such a bullshit cover-up for conservatives' hatred of trans people. Everyone knows you don't actually give a shit about their well-being, you're just physically disgusted by them and want them gone.

Which is also why they kill themselves. There is no evidence suggesting that post-OP trans people are more likely to commit suicide.
It's the climate that kills them.
Trump's climate of hate.

No i think youre wrong. That wasnt bait Youre just a massive tublrina faggot. And theyre not and the phrase people of color is retarded. Thats nearly every body in the planet except for whites. which accounts for 95% of the plane

art is a left wing kind of thing. huge expenditures for fiction shit you cant touch or eat isnt something the right wing are known for.


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>Communist parties haven't been anywhere close to relevant in the US for decades
They may not get votes but let's not ignore the riots we get of skinny faggots calling themselves communists

I know this is bait but a lot of people actually believe this

Nobody actually cares about LGBTQFRRIUUP people. Conservatives think they're freaks and liberals use them to virtue signal.

Everyone just needs to let everyone else alone.

Because they control Hollywood

Yet this doesnt reduce their suicide rate funny how that worksIve seen every big trans study this is decidedly untrue
>pray away the gay
Not a right wing policy
>muh evil
Come back when you upgrade from slave morality please

I doubt they could even say what dialectic materialism is. Most of them are just assorted chaotic neutral loons. The media just gives them coverage because they attract attention.

>Yet this doesnt reduce their suicide rate
Objectively false.

Hitler wasn't right wing, fuckface

Because if they didnt lean left their overloads wouldn't allow them to reach that level

Yes they are freaks. And i want to see them helped to actually get better
>physically disgusted
Yes. I see no problem with this

Keep murdering babies, dickhead

Sorry, doesnt reduce their suicide rate in any meaningful manner for it being "the best treatment" IIRC the amount it drops the suicide rate is below 5%. What a wonderful fate, mutilating your body for a minutely better chance not to kill yourself. And when they inevitably do where is the left championing those who regret their decisions? Oddly silent.

>get (((educated)))

hollywood is propaganda, the powers that be don't want this to be anything other than that.

I'm not sure why you're trying user, I'm sure he'll handwave it away with "jews" soon enough.

Actually with proper treatment and support the suicide rate goes down a lot.
>those who regret their decision
This is rare, despite what RT likes to claim.

You know that statistic you retards love throwing around is self reported ATTEMPTS and not actual suicides right?

ARe there really this many left wing parasites on Yea Forums or is everyone just trolling?


Learn to read, ameritard

Because HUAC was 100% correct about Hollywood being a hive of communist scum. Should have listened while we still had the chance.

Also it's not taking into account treatment. Of course /pol/ doesn't care though, because if they read scientific literature properly they wouldn't end up like they are.

>a right wing man who literally fought the nazis (a left leaning ideological party) was actually a Nazi
So is the left genuinely retarded (pro tip the more left leaning a state, the lower the average iq) or are you just trying to prove the retard end of the dunning Kruger effect is real?

/pol/ doesnt consume shit made by hollywood. too much jew propaganda no matter how white male the lead is.


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>the more left leaning a state, the lower the average iq
This is a level of retarded I've never seen before.

1. This doesnt make it any better
2. Not the ones im referring to
Again, nope. This is decidedly false. The best results ever were by a dr nicolosi who had a self reported (by his patients) success rate of near 50 percent before he was shut down
>this is rare
Im not arguing to how common it is im asking what the left does with them. Silence is the answer.

Hollywood is a Jewish run mafia. You don't get in unless you comply.

t. industry faggot

>I'm in the right side of history because I murder babies

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It is a very well-known (and sadly very effective) rightwing debate tactic to decry everything rightwingers don't have the mental capacity to counter with arguments as "bait". A classical appeal to ridicule fallacy.
Demagoguery at its finest.

they hate transgender people AKA degenerate transvestites, not individuals with gender dysphoria

Most well known filmmakers are in hollywood retard jew.
You cannot talk about movies without talking about hollywood. And jews are still making movies in other places as well.
>no w-wait i was talking about filmmakers in Zimbabwe

>ITT: the right is christian conservatism and the left is trannies

>ye tired old NationalSOCIALIST cop-out
Hitler was literally rightwing.

>he did not intend those consequences
>leftshit killed millions by the accident
That I believe.
>Not true for Stalin and Mao in the slightest.
>muh bourgeois
Flail harder westcuck
>Pol Pot and even he does not approach the level of genocide Hitler caused
>purges nearly half of his OWN people

pic related

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>The best results ever were by a dr nicolosi who had a self reported (by his patients) success rate of near 50 percent before he was shut down
Isn't he the proponent of gay conversion therapy, not gender dysphoria denialism? Conversion therapy is considered unethical for a reason; it can scar kids for life.

The true right would see every man actualizing his noble morality and the left is when we succumb to slave morality.

This shitty bait has been happening in multiple threads. I think it's just one shitposter.

>why does a society that only allows left wing voices only have left wing voices
i wonder why

I just have a hard time believing people can actually be that naive.

It's just the type of person attracted to the arts to begin with. You might as well ask why businessmen tend to be right-leaning.

Pro tip: You can "fight nazis" (because you have been ordered to do so) and still be a nazi.
This, but unironically and to wit: Right EVIL, Left good.

I'm not transgender, you moron.

I didn't say I wasn't talking about Hollywood, I said I wasn't talking ONLY about Hollywood.

And how many Hollywood filmmakers have won Palme d'Or compared to foreign filmmakers, huh?

I can smell the onions from here

You can cherry pick nutcases all you want.

He dealt with both. Near 50% success rate highest of any treatment ever.
>scar kids for life
Yeah a gay lifestyle rife with all its problems (within its own community) wont do that

And yet again, appeal to ridicule. In a controlled environment where you would get elecroshocks for every logical fallacy, I would wipe the floor with you on an argumentative basis. I would actually, literally, make you cry.

Left wing 'people' will never cease to amaze me

Wasn't aware that there is a world society.

That's just your headcannon
Left and right are and always have been economic terms, morally speaking you can find the same values both left and right

>demagoguery at its finest
>the right is EVIILLL
Lmaoing @ ur intellect

Pol pot purges half of his people because he was convinced they were counter-revolutionary. A personal trait.
Hitler eradicated the jews for their ethnicity. A trait which they had no control over.
Hitler was, objectively, scientifically, more evil than Pol Pot.

Sure, sure. You were just born in the wrong body. My mistake.

this but unironically

nobody cares about cinema in shithole countries, and if you want to do cinema in actual countries you have to bow down to the leading ideology

>always been economic terms
Holy fuck youre stupid

>*ape noises*

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Why? The right is objectively evil. This is not demagoguery but admission of facts. Calling a spade a spade is not demagoguery. Calling a heart a spade and have people executed for calling bullshit on that is demagoguery.

>kills over 100 million people

Was this study peer reviewed? Or is science outside of the fringe a communist conspiracy?
>Yeah a gay lifestyle rife with all its problems (within its own community) wont do that
"Gay lifestyle" is a buzzword concocted by the religious far right to sensationalize what are, in the vast majority of cases, lives just as boring as everyone else's.

Lol 10/10 bait. Well done. This was indelible in the hippocampus.

>in actual countries you have to bow down to the leading ideology
>nobody cares about cinema in shithole countries
In other words, all countries are shitholes?

he was religious af

I was being unironical. This is proven to be true.
Imagine you bet so much money on such a loser horse that you have to stoop so low to try to get the better of a clearly superior debate opponent.
I truly pity you. There should be weight classes in debate, I can see that now.

Fun fact: Lenin was fond of calling his opponents infantile leftists. Much of the opposition to Soviet rule came from socialists and left wing groups.

Being creative requires you to push boundaries.
Right wingers like keep boundaries un-pushed.
That's really all it is user.

Books are a better medium for teaching rugged individualism and self-reliance. A movie at its best will not waste your time and briefly inspire, but film can hardly be said to be the most conservative medium.


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This would be an electric shock, for instance.

That has nothing to do with what he said?

>he was convinced they were counter-revolutionary
Yes and he was going around by himself and purging them one by one, right? He didn't have army of leftshits who believed the same, right?

You're such a faggot. Holy shit. I used to beat the shit out of faggots like you in high school.

>killing people because of their beliefs is kinda bad
>killing people because of their ethnicity is too far
Behold ladies and gentlemen, the genius of the leftlards

Yes. His findings were peer reviewed by those who would accept them. Not my fault the left is anti science when it doesnt support them.
Nope. The statistics are quite clear on the dangers associated with homosexuality.

they aren't


My sides

This isn't a leftist point. PragerU said something similar when comparing communism to Nazism.

>Why are like 99% of successful filmmakers left-wing leaning?
Soviet Union pumped millions of dollars into hollywood and commie ideas.

Look at all these disgusting jews i think im going to be sick to my stomach
It’s like inhaling garbage fumes

Papers from 1990 don't count. Neither do internet infographics or "research" from people that have been officially discredited.

Virtue signalling. For all these rich leftists it's always socialism for thee not for me. They have already made their money and are going to make damn sure the government can't get their hands on it. If they ever want to make more money, they are just going to hire lawyers to find tax loopholes that regular people can't utilize easily.

Shall we meet up and figure it out? Be a man about it, now. I've got quite a lot of frequent flyer miles, I can be go at literally every location in the world in 24h.
Your move, bro.

What is that supposed to mean?

because the right wing is retarded, buddy

Beliefs can be changed. Race can not.
>He literally cannot grasp the concept
>Not knowing Hannah Ahrend

So you leftoids are relying on pragerjew for history lessons now?

I cannot even begin to describe how autistic your attempts to defend wanton political genocide and then propagate an incredibly fallible hoax is. If you are lined up against a wall to be shot in 20 years, will you still be grappling onto the idea you're part of the "good guys"?

Wait wait lets pretend my studies are from the 90s (they arent) why would that nullify them?
>doubles down on "scientific evilism"

Nice counterargument you got going for you there

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Average IQ in Mississippi is 89

Because 99% of artists are. Simple as that. Some professions are way more liberal or conservative than others. I personally work in surveying and 90% of the people I work with from young to old are extremely conservative, I'd say I work with more people I'd describe as far-right and extremist than anyone left of center.

The sad thing is lefties probably believe this.

>If you are lined up against a wall to be shot in 20 years, will you still be grappling onto the idea you're part of the "good guys"?

Yes, absolutely. I will.

then why are all the richest people right wing?

Unironically based and redpilled. Conservatism is a surrender to our base animal instincts

Because they are callous and self-serving sociopaths.

Liberals don't have a firm grasp on reality which lends itself to creating alternative realities through film

so smart then

Conservatism is nothing more than sucking up to the man. It is the ULTIMATE, FINAL form of cowardice.

Because they aren't? Guys like Gates, Bezos, Zuckerberg etc are mostly centrists who dislike Trump.

they seem to be more imaginative and creative people. This is also true in literature, art and music.
There are many reasons for this and there is more than a grain of truth to the conspiracy theories that proclaim that artisitc endeavours of a left-leaning disposition recieve institutional and financial suport which right wing projects never will receive, but that only goes a small way to explain the discrepancy.
In the post 19th century western culture, in which movies developed, those of a left-wing disposition have always been more receptive and nurturing of creativity and valued education and intellectual development in ways that the right, conservatives in particular, have not.
Look around you. The parents that encourage their kids to get involved in arts from a young pre-school age have a tendency to be liberal and have left of centre politics.

No, callous and self-serving. These traits are not in any way necessary preconditions for being smart.

>it can scar kids for life
And cutting off kids genitalia does scar them for life

and the rest of the top 10% are conservative

Americans don't have a firm grasp on reality in general and it's not exclusive to liberals.

Source: Dude trust me bro

any retard can be callous and self serving, and they'll just end up like every other urban hoodrat.
you have to be smart to turn those traits into money

If you want to make a point towards that end, provide evidence of fuck off.

>Beliefs can be changed
>believe what i want you too or you and your family are dead
How is that any better than
>get out of the country and do as we say or you and your family take a ride on the holocauster

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>why would that nullify them
For the same reason that any other health statistics are supposed to be as recent as possible - research has to be up to date.


You're the faggot blaming what you said on pragerjew instead of using your brain

True. Leftism believes the govt. should be extremely limited and such things as taxes/welfare/etc. should be abolished.


>get out of the country and do as we say or
Lie. Hitler did not posit that alternative. He rounded the jews up and had them killed.
Nazis lie. Always. QED.

The surgery is not done on minors

In the USA it is.

>nazis: we're going to kill jews
>you: LIAR!

Holy fuck, rightwingers get so brutally BTFO in this thread it's not even funny anymore.

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I thought you were talking about gender reassignment surgery

Well it won't matter because the men on the other side of the guns will be thinking the same thing. Germans who fought for their country and for a leader that dragged them out of the shit of Weimar and into prosperity also thought they were the good ideas - that is still up to contention because they lost. The same goes for Pol Pot and anyone else who fought and died for a cause that lost.

You have no form of moral superiority to hold over the heads of randoms on Yea Forums, nothing valid at least. The "left wing" cause is supportive of self mutilation based on mental delusion, the destruction of the most vulnerable lifeform (an unborn child) via tearing them out of the womb with hooks, and detrimental racial divisions. Is this good to you?

I wonder if that has anything to do with Mississippi's huge black population.

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leftoids are completely divorced from reality. what compels them to exist in their heads like this?
why do they isolate themselves from their neighbors?

this is so sad. i'm going to listen to despacito

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Parents should also not be able to give kids chemicals to block natural growth.

because right wing people are conservative and all they can make are bible movies that suck. You need to be left to be an artist. Same reason conservatives cant do stand up. The nature of art is not conservative.

Either fucks with a kid's mental state.

These. Ideological right is just about the law of the jungle. Eat or be eaten.
The left at least in my understanding is based on more humane principles.
Communism was fucked ofc. There needs to be an absolute base in humanism and the sanctity of life in any higher society.
I like to believe that in many movies they try to give these lessons.

Leftism really is a mental illness.

not only does it have "anything" to do with it, the negro population is the sole contributing factor

stop being lazy

>Communism was fucked ofc.
No it wasn't. It was literally the best system for humankind and every meme aiming towards its "failing" is 100% capitalist bullshit propaganda from the 1980s.

The nazis forced many jews out of germany

>And how many Hollywood filmmakers have won Palme d'Or compared to foreign filmmakers, huh?What does that even have to do with anything

Not really, they harrassed the jews and some of them took the hint and left the country. Later on, they prevented jews from leaving.

Bezos and Zuckerberg actively spread leftist rhetoric and lies through The Washington Post and Facebook algorithms, respectively. The closest they'll ever get to centrism is if they ever lose support of the current establishment and wind up in a bed of lunatics that will steal their wealth.

So gays have gotten less promiscuous youre saying i the past 20 years. What a hilarious reason to not believe something. Good thing they arent old anyways

You said most successful filmmakers are from Hollywood. I proved you wrong, right wing faggot

I honestly have no idea why western civilization continues to tolerate you creatures.

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>It was literally the best system for humankind
Top b8 m8

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>conservatism is a surrender to our base instincts
God damn the left literally lives in fantasy world

>Bezos and Zuckerberg actively spread leftist rhetoric and lies through The Washington Post and Facebook algorithms, respectively.
Name one lie.

Why did we leave communism then? We lived with it in prehistoric times. If it was the best why did everyone stop?

A monoculture supported by bigorty and hatred of the ideological minorities, whom the ivory tower socialists think of as cartoonish villains and heretics.

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*looks at climate change chart*
*100% the fault of capitalism and likely a global killer*
Nice breadline argument you got there, pal.

you're right. we should just nuke the developing world so they stop trying to industrialize

Rightwingers are evil, all of them: The objective proof.

>biggest polluter in the world is China, ruled by the CCP

how do you know? did you live in soviet union or any other communist country?

Well they still are. And as i said before there isn't much difference between the jewish hollywood owners and the jews of everywhere else.

you are silly

India and China aren't capitalist nations and global warming nutters belong in the cell next to the rest of the leftist loonies.

Most of the damage has been done previous to China being the biggest polluter and CCP has degraded to state capitalism. So, point in case.

>falling for climate change meme
>blaming it on muh capitalism
>not realizing communism wouldnt stop production
Truly braindead. Unless youre anprim you dont actually care about the environment


you are using words, but there is no meaning behind them

>climate change meme
>still denying scientific consensus after all those years
Please elaborate what sets you apart from a flat earther.

>well... capitalism caused global warming i think and the end of the world i guess
Shut the fuck up faggot, you insufferable nigger. Even if this is bait you should still kys

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>ignores other points
>thinks science is a democracy

Not even you believe that. Pathetic.

round earth is a fact, but climate change is a political bludgeon used to coerce people into accepting tyranny

Imagine being so naive you actually think objective morality exists


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stop getting your arguments from tranncord flowcharts


Man, it's almost like you just need to Google any media source and "retraction".

sorry retard

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you realize the OP pic, clint eastwood, isn't a lefty director RIGHT?

Zahler hasn't been mentioned yet but he is, even if he's a fucking kike

This guy knows what's up. Environmentalism is currently opposed to humanitarianism in the eyes of leftist peddling. They want us to cut our noses off so they can hand contracts to their friends and prop up companies that will donate to their campaigns in the way current energy businesses do for their opponents. Spiking cost of living in the U.S. isn't going to stop China and India from shitting up the atmosphere for the rest of us.

>libfags whining about denying science

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Everything the liberal says or does is a product of their never ending projection.

Fight me irl faggot

>if you dislike the president it means you're left


because wealth causes people to believe life can be better

Jewish Hollywood

>Without exception in humankind's history, the political right was and is and will be - evil.

This. They will never accept or address this

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There's literally a show on TLC where it's done on a minor.

>righ wing filmmaking

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What communist country did you live in?



The left makes better art, at least in the modern day. Anyone with a modicum of artistic talent is left leaning, this is why its always such a big deal when someone makes some lame ass "conservative movie" or some shit and it ends up just being baby boomer tripe. This is just a fact. Bootlickers and anarchists are both retards, but one of them makes graffiti and has a grasp of the fundamentals of drawing. Go on /ic/ and spread your /pol/shit, youll be torn to shreads

>"I'm sorry I'm not gay or Jewish, so I don't have a special interest group of journalists that support me."

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>Trey Parker and Matt Stone



>Robert Allen Iger (/ˈaJɡər/; born February 10, 1951) is an American media executive and businessman who is Chairman and Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of The Walt Disney Company
>Iger was born to a Jewish family in New York City.[5][6][7]

>Thomas Edgar Rothman (born November 21, 1954) is an American film executive. He is chairman of Sony Pictures Motion Picture Group. In that role, Rothman oversees all of the studio's motion picture production and distribution activities worldwide, including Columbia Pictures.
>Rothman was born in to a Jewish family[12][13][14] in Baltimore, Maryland.

>Brian L. Roberts (born June 28, 1959) is an American businessman who currently serves as the Chairman and Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of Comcast, an American company providing cable, entertainment, and communications products and services which was founded by his father, Ralph J. Roberts.
>As the owner of the international media company NBCUniversal since 2011,[10][11][12][13] Comcast is a producer of feature films and television programs intended for theatrical exhibition and over-the-air and cable television broadcast, respectively.
>Roberts was born into a Jewish family[2][3]

>Sumner Murray Redstone (born Sumner Murray Rothstein; May 27, 1923) is an American businessman and media magnate. He is the majority owner and chairman of the board of the National Amusements theater chain. Through National Amusements, Redstone and his family are majority voting shareholders of CBS Corporation and Viacom (itself the parent company of Viacom Media Networks, BET Networks, and the film studio Paramount Pictures). According to Forbes, as of September 2015, he was worth US$5 billion.[1]
>Redstone was born to a Jewish family[2]

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I fucked Clint Eastwood back in 87

Because they have enough money to pay to keep the people they "care about" far away from themselves

Because Jewlywood is a cartel. You can't work in the movie and TV industry if you are not left leaning.

Nice try you fucking faggot.
Because the heirachy that controls jewlywood are pedo fucking, baby eating satanists. Their masters want a one world government and degeneracy- liberalism is the quickest way to it.

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>my college didn't even have a gas the kikes class so it was very soipilled

This may have nothing to do with anything but I've noticed that the Right has a terrible sense of humor.

Your ideology killed a hundred million people last century. Talk about fucking projection.

Sure they do.

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>misqutes from pol
thank you for educating us about how vile and immoral pol is.

>americans think some shitty humanities degree makes one ''educated''

This is factually wrong.
When compared in studies, right wing leaning people have higher iq and are more educated on average.

Based.Triggered and exposed all the autistic, very dumb /pol/cels in the thread.

You just can't handle being exposed can you Avi?

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>american leftists think some shitty humanities degree makes one "educated"


and they are absolutely right

did you take any Polaroids?

No, they really aren't.

Getting really sick of people bringing politics into every single thing people want to enjoy

Because, like most rich people, they virtue signal without having to live with the consequences. And live in the whitest neighborhoods you can imagine. Send them 1 month to Detroit, they will never open their mouth again.

The treatment with the highest efficacy is anti-psychotics.

No. The best cure in most cases is the same used against schizophrenia.

China is actually making a real effort to move over into clean energy while the current ruling US party denies man-made climate change because they are in the pockets of people who profit from damaging the environment.

how is giving into the delusion the treatment?

China didn’t decided to act because of anything but the fact we can no longer breath in many of their cities.

>I'm on the right side of history because I want White genocide

We'll take your crazy ideology a bit more seriously when you stop frothing at the mouth over nuclear power.

Nuclear power is good though and one of the biggest mistakes in my country's recent history is not investing in it when we had the chance.

Well, our leftists think The China Syndrome is a documentary about Three Mile Island. They're super educated though.

>post 'hollywood is owned by jews'
>it gets deleted
Mods have something against facts i guess

you think it's funny and memeworthy when they kill themselves, you don't get to then turn around and pretend you're the moral backbone of society and you want to help them in any way. that's just classic right wing hypocritical bs

Lars von trier

David Bowie's son said something about progressive people also tending to be forward thinking and imaginative in a way that lends itself to creative endeavors, also they aren't satisfied gluing bricks together for a living. I'm paraphrasing. Anyway, he's right.

You sling coffee for a living.

is being a contrarian edgelord inherently right wing?

I'd say it's more of a fuck both sides kind of thing

There are no intelligent right-wingers, sorry

First of all, that's a random assumption and I've never worked at a place that serves coffee. Second, I'm not shitting on everyone who has a fucking day job you moron. I'm more talking about whether or not you're one of those people who thinks all art is pointless and you should take PRIDE in your shitty job at a kiosk or whatever rather than at least attempting something of a little more substance on your off time.

Sure there are. There are plenty of very intelligent people in the world who have mastered the art of cognitive dissonance by becoming expert mental gymnasts so they don't have to face troubling ideas. To be honest they are numerous on both sides at this point.

So is autism.

Pic related has the highest IQ in the world. He was later b& from Faceberg for suggesting we should replace African refugees with gorilla refugees since they have a similar IQ but the gorillas are much less violent plus they are endangered.

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Most right-leaning people smart enough to make kino would rather just get an MBA from Ivy League and go fuck around as venture capitalists / serial entrepreneurs.

Most people forget that left/right are two mutually-exclusive philosophies. Example: the Left says “everyone should be equal,” the right says “I want to be better.” You can’t have both.

Business, capitalism, etc are better suited for the Right’s philosophy. Arts, feelings, pathos are more suited for the Left’s.

I know, I know. American Left/Right is getting really really super warped. I know, neither is particularly attached to reality. I know, the actual, real, useable philosophies are more-or-less totally detached from the modern political machine. I’m very well aware.

I work in the industry.

There’s a large number of people that are right wing, it’s just that they all put up appearances in public of being left wing or at worst apolitical.

I can also say the pendulum is swinging back HARD in Hollywood because of #metoo and diversity shills. You have to be pretty switched on to be a Director. Unless you are Rian Johnson.

/pol/ utterly and irredeemably BTFO for all of eternity

i feel blessed to have witness this

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Is there a single movie made within the last few decades with a "conservative" outlook? And i dont mean the writer made fun of liberals or has been accused of sexual assault, i mean conservative in the same way Sorry to Bother You is Black Existentialist and Captain America: The Winter Soldier is libertarian. The right has lost its touch.

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>Left =communism

The people that opposed the Bolsheviks were literally left wingers

Based Jews making awesome movies. How can g*yim even compete?

Right-minded people don't go into the arts because it's a fucking princess field.

oh no something bad happened in a small part of this huge, wonderful state guess i was wrong

why are flyover fags so triggered by california? is it because you've never seen the ocean, or you have to hide in a basement to avoid tornadoes, or everyone in your town is missing at least 4 teeth?

And they were just as bad.

Because you live in a shit hole and never shut the fuck up about how great it is.

White genocide was bound to happen though. They have recessive genes and are much fewer than other races, it's fucking nature.

>shit hole
sure, bumpkin. stay mad

Having a couple of nice parks really doens't make up for all the medieval diseases. There is pretty terrain all over the country.

yes it does

California is full of faggots.

>Literally thousands of years of documented history of jews being expelled from countries because of their tendencies

>Hitler was bad

>Why are like 99% of successful filmmakers left-wing leaning?

Who controls the film industry?

There is no society without art you trog.

This person should be jailed.

>he thinks the trash hollyweird creates is art

Why the fuck would anyone want to go see the ocean here in California?

I live here in California and the ocean looks like a fucking dump, Its disgusting filled with filth, piss, and feces. I imagine this is what most beaches are that are as populated as California too.

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Their whole thing is stopping the progress of society tho. Set in their ways, scared to think differently

what is this level of bait

wow pretty deep and original insight there.
shame people stop me from changing things. if i could change stuff then things would be different.

Wow amazing that you have single handedly fleshed out an entire mental health issue here in a Yea Forums thread. I can't believe there are honestly still debates in the medical community now that gender dysphoria is so extremely well understood.

Religious /= right wing

>nobody has ever made a good faith argument against communism

Oh. Wow. OK. That sounds reasonable and true. You must be right.