Chuck's Feed and Seed

>Chuck's Feed and Seed
??? So funny

Attached: Sneed's_Feed___Seed_Menu.jpg (725x598, 116K)

Other urls found in this thread:

It's Chuck's Feeduck and Seeduck


Attached: moe.jpg (262x234, 14K)

Attached: you got the thud.jpg (1280x960, 129K)


Stop posting this cringe, yikes

Do you like Fleurs Du Mal from Naked City's Absinthe album?

Moe's cringe and whinge


It refers to "fuck and suck" which are words with a sexual connotation XDD

But it's in a tv show where referring to that sort of thing wouldn't be allowed, so it's hidden by a "clever" riddle XDD

So funny XDDD :P

Attached: 1447772271618.jpg (227x209, 13K)

I don't get it. So feed is a codeword for fuck and seed for suck? Then how come Homer bought actual supplies from the store?

this but unironically

>Loud = funny
wow this website sure is hilarious!

You really dont get it do you? Look at the name, SnEED fEED and sEED.
It was formally Chucks so by the same logic the name beforehand was Chucks chEED and chEED.

It's funny because it repeats CHEED two times



Attached: 4L_Hygke2wG.png (500x375, 356K)

>Repeating a word = funny
wow this website sure is hilarious!



have sneed

That doesn't sound right, maybe it was Ceed (?) And Heed?

dead meme


Formerly alive

This board has made me hate The Simpsons even more than I already did. Well done, faggots.