Movies you like but don't admit to anyone about?
Movies you like but don't admit to anyone about?
Why don't you admit it to anyone lel?
Guilty pleasure general.
I'm sorry guys it's just gunkata is so cool.
What happened to lonely and horny poster?
>thinking there's only one
Mean Girls
I bought it on DVD. I hide it in a box when people come over. Nobody must know my shame.
This was fucking shit. Eisenberg played the lead like he's in a fuckin' Woody Allen film. All Aychode did was jew the story up and threw in some Brazil and 1984 "homages" (i.e. he stole some aesthetics). The book is way better.
I liked Venom
pitch perfect
Why the fuck wouldn't you admit you liked Equilibrium?
>Mean girls
>Pitch perfect
Some things are best kept secret.
What about it is embarrassing? Seems like a decent movie.
I love it but it's kind of indefensible. The concept itself is pretty shit but has pitch perfect execution. By all means it probably should've been a dumpster fire but they pulled it off.
Have you even read the book? Do you have an actual argument?
Yes. It's one of my favourites. But I think the addition of the romance gave an element of direction that was much needed and which the book lacked. It gave the story an actual centre piece/focal point which the book did not have (although you could make the argument that the centre piece was Golyadkin's job but that wasn't enough on it's own in my opinion and the film managed to include it anyway with the relatively same effect.)
The Double is Kino at it's finest.
The stylization was an excellent visual representation of the psychological tension and atmosphere of Dostoyvsky's writing.I didn't realize that it was an adaptation of his novella when I rented it, but I knew that it had to be 1/3 of the way through. I haven't read it, so I can't speak to it's faithfulness to the novel's narrative, however.