ITT: Shows normies tricked you into watching

ITT: Shows normies tricked you into watching

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Anyone else have that asian friend who was super into jim?

This show is just another example of how Americans need NOISE and cartoonish caricatures to even find humor in anything.
>haha the man scream and then the other man look at the camera and make a face

The Burger Office is the main one, if you date an older woman it'll be even worse, you'll have to watch F*R*I*E*N*D*S.

My normie gf is based, she only made me see one Harry Potter film, and suggested we go to John Wick 3 this weekend.

>This show is just another example of how Americans need NOISE
But we don't even watch it.
It's just some background noise to have playing while you're eating your TV dinner.
Syndicated sitcom reruns are top tier background noise because you don't need to look or listen, it's just glorified white noise.

Name another funny american show

Of course, this is the generic banana love interest.
"Just looking for the Jim to my Asian Pam teehee."

Parks and Req
American Degenerate Family
It's all the same type of noise you just have playing while you eat

The Inbetweeners

>one Harry Potter film
Better have been PoA

When I sit down for dinner, I personally love to watch Cops or LivePD
Nothing is more relaxing after a long day's work than sitting down to a hot home cooked meal and watching some niggers get chased down, bitten by dogs, and hauled off to jail.
That'll teach em

Curb Your Enthusiasm
King of the Hill
The Simpsons up to Season 10

Yeah, my mate Ping. He was obsessed with Jim, whenever Ryan wasn't around that is.

What is it about the office then that makes it more popular

>What is it about the office then that makes it more popular
Because most normies work in offices.
They fantasize themselves and their coworkers in the show, or a similar show.
Listen to the white women in your office talk any time something mildly serentipitous or strange happens.
>Wow they should totally write a sitcom about this place
>We got a REAL BUNCH of characters around here.
It's just your basic basicness

>if you date an older woman it'll be even worse, you'll have to watch F*R*I*E*N*D*S.
Totally worth it though

It's a good show though
Light-hearted and fun

Burger here and I can’t even argue. is categorically wrong. Normies watch this show intently, and then they watch it again, and then again, like it was some complex drama you could pick up new things from with every watch.

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>115597368 (You) is categorically wrong
Yeah I'm categorically wrong about what I have on in the background noise while I eat my dinner

The Sopranos

30 rock

>if you date an older woman
If you date any woman you'll have to watch friends

the best American comedy series is the Larry Sanders Show and this isn't debatable