Is Luke kinda useless in the grand scheme of things past destroying the first Death Star?

Is Luke kinda useless in the grand scheme of things past destroying the first Death Star?

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Didn't he turn Vader to the light side and in doing so, caused the death of the Emperor?

Death Star would have exploded anyways. Luke was there on his own personal mission to try and save his father’s soul. Maybe the Emperor wouldn’t have been preoccupied and escaped but it was going to explode regardless.

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His death in TLJ was crucial for Rey's growth as a character.

he's a white male

Yeah but that is okay. Anakin has the overarching epic plot about galactic tragedy and destiny where Luke is a simple man with a smaller scale story - he just happens to be the catalyst in ending his father’s story.

I want Leia to sit on my dick and Padme to sit on my face.

Funny because I want Luke to sit on my dick and Anakin to sit on my face.

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Don't mind me i'm just the unsung hero of the entire saga, saving everyone's asses multiple times over.

What's that JJ? You're replacing me with a comedy foil Sharper Image advert?

O-Okay then.

( ._.)

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Artoo is the best but BB8 is qt too.

Threepio is the worst.

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Next big bad should be a bent on revenge Artoo that's interfaced with the next super weapon as a twist ending.

There's nothing cooler in fiction than malevolent robots.

This. I have never understood or bought into the desire to make Luke into some ultra-Chad character where everything revolves around him. It goes against his entire character.

He took out multiple AT-ATs as the Rebels were evacuating Hoth. It's difficult to say what would have happened in ESB since Vader only had Han frozen as a guinea pig so he could use it on Luke. The Empire likely would have taken everyone on the Millennium Falcon as prisoners, and since Lando wouldn't feel betrayal due to no alteration of a deal, he wouldn't set them loose. But that's all indirect influence on the plot.

Luke is critical in rescuing Han from Jabba, but even Han doesn't do that much for the plot after that point. In the Endor phase, Luke tricks the Ewoks into thinking C-3PO is a god, so they release all the captives and help them repel the Imperial ground troops. After he gives himself up, he's a distraction to both Vader and Palpatine. Without Luke, Vader would likely be heading the defense of the shield generator, spelling certain failure for the Rebels.

Overall, his presence after ANH had a big impact on how it all unfolded. Just not as directly as firing the torpedo that blew up the Death Star.

Ep 9 is REDOING that scene with another actor for Luke-and they're doing it for the RotJ lightsaber scenes too. RIP SW. 1977-1999.

I find your lack of faith disturbing.

if luke isnt there to get vader to leave endor then the rebels dont stand a chance.


Which did fuck all considering the Empire returned in a few years anyway.

The whole point of Lukes character is he has faith. Faith that the force will guide him so in a sense he is useless but he puts his trust in the force to take care of things

No, it doesn't. He was literally the Chosen One the PT.

Yes. They rebuilt the throne room from Rotj for a flashback, same with the Bespin sets for that duel too. They're going to "make you see those fights in another light" with "shocking news" making us "view the Skywalkers in another light".

Anakin is the chosen one. Luke is some farmer hick kid that reminded his dad of who he was supposed to be.

They're going to retcon Vader being the chosen one, now it's Rey 100%. Luke also didn't mean shit.

t. guy who read what happens.

Before Disney absolutely not

What is that gif from!?

Rey and Kylo Ren are opposite sides of the same coin, the Force being bored that nothing has happened for decades and so it planned for these incredibly powerful characters to create “balance” (or really chaos).

tldr; Kreia was right.

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The Muppet Show circa 1980/1981.

I agree, that's why I loved the EU.

Thanks nu-Lucasfilm

This, the Imperial fleet has been advised by the Emperor to simply stall for time and make sure no-one escapes. If Luke doesn't show up, the Emperor simply orders the Star Destroyers to wipe the Rebel Fleet clean off the slate.

It is from a Muppets episode that Mark Hamill featured on as both himself and Luke. Aside from marveling how tight Luke’s pants are around his ass, it is an entertaining episode.

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Gracias. I wonder if it used to be canon.

No, but that's not the point. Luke's story isn't about him being the superhero who saves the galaxy. Especially in ROTJ, it's about redeeming Anakin. He trusts his friends to fight the empire.

It's canon to me.

>Threepio is the worst

Holy shit, kill yourself fag.

If Luke is not there either Vader fucks up the Rebel commando team or Emperor orders the fleet and DS to just slaughter Rebels right away. Without him Empire wins Endor battle.

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JUST LEAVE THE PAST ALONE!! Inserting things retroactively into past scenes to alter their meaning is just as bad as fucking Lucas introducing midiclorians and shit.

At least we will likely have more memes from it like He Was A Good Friend.

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They've got no creative drive, user, it's either this or nothing. I'd rather have no more SW too.

That's sloppy. I've got a cut of that that has Ian's voice for that extra part and has batter editing. What a hack job.

it's a hero's journey. And in a roundabout way his actions brought the death of the emporer

If Luke hadnt been on the death star the emperor could continue to use battle meditation against the rebels

The EU said that IG-88 had taken control of the station and that the Emperor was moot at that point; had the DS not exploded, Iggy would be ruling all.