Is it worth it investing in blu ray? Do you have a blu ray collection...

Is it worth it investing in blu ray? Do you have a blu ray collection? Will blu ray DVD's be an obsolete medium like VHS in the near future or will they survive under the mainstream like vinyl do?

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For some stuff. If a show/movie is 1080p native. Can rip it and save it as a file. Otherwise you're probably better waiting for a UHD release. All physical media is going to become obsolete. Vinyl is fun to use and collect, it's not the same as a movie.

tomoko's stinky ass

>it's a "tomoko does something so cringey, yet so painfully relatable, that user has to pause and pace around the room for several minutes" episode

Lol what? the series is just a yuri harem.

Doesn't the anime only cover the chapters of the manga where tomoko has one (1) friend?

If there’s something you like that’s obscure, buying the physical media is always a good idea because you never know if it will be available in the future.

As far as mainstream stuff is concerned, I own copies of some of my favorite movies that I like to rewatch. It’s easy to just pop in the blu-Ray for, say, lord of the rings than to download the whole thing over again on a torrent.

>Will blu ray DVD's be an obsolete medium like VHS

no the quality bump from VHS to DVD was huge and also the bump from DVD to Blu-ray. We are now reaching a point of diminishing returnes. 4K and higher dynamic range and colors is nice but it wont be enough justification to throw away your standard blu-rays.

if you watch japanese cartoons you need to kill yourself


I'm sorry to break it to you user, but jewish hollywood live action is no better

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Yea Forums lost the right to criticize weebshit a long time ago

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Vinyl survived because the vintage aspect and some shit about the sound they produce being unique,instead dvd have same qualities of digital products so there is no actual reason to stick with them

DVD also had more going for it over VHS, like being digital and smaller form factor. Blu-ray was just a quality increase, one that overshot a lot of consumer's needs (even now, SD is "good enough" for many).

yeah it does, the yuri harem came a while later. Too bad this didn't sell well in japan so we'll likely never get another season. Wasn't bad though, the dub was pretty decent

Blurays and DVDs will never have the nostalgic muh 90s lmao factor that vhs or laserdiscs have

good, the yurib8 shitshow is not worth another season

i've watched watamote and welcome to NHK and i'm finishing Tatami Galaxy, what are some other neet/incel anime kino I should watch?

Seconding this.

Eden of the East

Read Oyasumi Punpun and wait for it to get a live action adaptation.

I collect both dvd and Blu-ray, it's good to have physical media rather than hope and rely on studios for your movies through streaming services and other temporary media that can be taken away from you should they wish.

>4K and higher dynamic
Anythong above blu-ray is a meme and not worth investing in. Sure it may be technically better, but it's imperceptible to the average person, as well as costs more and has less movies available, making an upgrade a bad investment. This is similar to the Beta vs VHS video wars, with Beta having better picture quality, but VHS was cheaper and could have longer movies on it's cassettes, and thus had a more extensive video library.

Personally a lot of the time I don't even notice much of a difference between a regular dvd and blu-ray. There's only been a few rare instances where it seemed like it was better to me.

I think one factor is that discs as a product as mostly just a shell
Packing for a laserdisc or VHS is just as big as it needs to be
A music CD is at least just the size of the disc and the cover is set in stone so it feels more complete

>identifying with a girl
wow, what a faggot

>not identifying with a girl

It's actually identifying with a loser

>Is it worth it investing in blu ray? Do you have a blu ray collection?

>Will blu ray DVD's be an obsolete medium like VHS in the near future or will they survive under the mainstream like vinyl do?
I hope they get obsolete, I hate physical media

Tomoko's no loser. She was only a loner because she purposefully avoided people and has a babble of friends since she stopped

>I hate physical media

But why?

because digital media is more convenient, you can't take it whatever you want, it doesn't take space at your home and it doesn't pollute.

i wish tomoko was my wife