She truly is the worst emma

She truly is the worst emma

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She got HARVested. Her statements mean nothing.

nah. if she had, her career wouldn't have stalled so fucking hard

That acronym is getting hella long.

Seemingly every time I see that LGTBRAAAAP+ acronym, it has a new letter added to it, what the hell?

Damn, I was stuck to LGBT but now there is a QIA+ too

>all those people have completely pure colors
/our girl/

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Yeah, one would have thought that HIV+ was enough, but they just couldn't stop changing and adding letters to it.

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>sending love
libtards are mentally ill. this is a good deed to them. virtue signalling on twitter. fucking subhuman gutter whore

Yeah I agree with her the LGBTQIAFXXCZQPÄYFSS88+ community is suffering


>unironically calling people libtards in 2000+19
I can smell your incelism from here mutt

Oh fuck got me

like a shaman or what?

Isn't that just straight people?

I just call it mass faggotry.

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we änglaknullare are a persecuted group

have sex


Is this meant to be a war or what?

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>For England, James?
>No, for dicks in the butt and child drag queens

>no D for the oppressed Dunmer race

hoes mad

Allies has to be the most baffling of those labels. Is it referring to people who support relatives and friends who are LGQetcetc?

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Just call it mental disabled group


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Liberals jump on identity politics because it doesn't cost them a penny to be on the "right side"
But get them talking about economic reform or wealth disparity and most of them either shut up or swing further right than they'd appear

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yeah allies are simply normal people

user unironically thinks this is a good response

>support fags

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have sex

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>less than 1% of the population are mentally ill freaks
>b-b-but our secret study it's r-really closer to 50%!

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>as a society we continue to fail the mentally ill alphabet soup and niggers.

She’s not even hot anymore

t. mentally ill libtard cuck faggot. go lick some tranny ass you pathetic waste of tissue and then kys

I'm straight but I'm no ally


I remember back when it was still only lgb.

It's almost as if they're evolving, but not really.

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Have sex

I do with my white girlfriend

Have sex

I bet they're glad to get hitched up to the degenerate wagon

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Don't have sex

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In Canada, LGBTQ2S is common. 2S is to satisfy the natives cause they have a lot of pull here:

>Two-Spirit (also two spirit or, occasionally, twospirited) is a modern, pan-Indian, umbrella term used by some Indigenous North Americans to describe Native people in their communities who fulfill a traditional third-gender (or other gender-variant) ceremonial role in their cultures.


>associating with mentally ill degenerates


There is not a more divisive and horrid term in modern vernacular. And of course, it was created by American leftist whites. DO IT AGAIN BREIVIK!

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That's just extremely low-t men and women who want attention

Not inclusive enough, it should be LGGBDTTTIQQAAPPP2DNNZRHIV+ (lesbian, gay, genderqueer, bisexual, demisexual, transgender, transsexual, twospirit, intersex, queer, questioning, asexual, allies, pansexual, polyamorous, pedophile, 2D, nazisexual, necrophile, zoophile, rapist, HIV positive).

With fat jews just like Emma did.


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>white girl that fucks asian guys is crazy

news at eleven

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Is this a new tweet? Are they just doubling down on Smollett now? Yeah what he did was wrong BUT IT STILL HAPPENS SO FUCK CONSERVATIVES AND FUCK TRUMP


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Fucking Crystal lake up in that picture

i only support lesbians and shemales.
rest of them can go to hell

genuinely yeah, its some native american tribe's mysticism shit

that's why she overcompensates by being a SJW.

At this point why dont they just say People of all types. They already include straight people (allies)

>tfw this webm doesn't even make you envious, because you've left the belief you could one day have it behind

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It isnt just that. She allowed herself to be used as a lure to get more young girls to be harvested. This is why she goes so hard on the activism.

shut up incel

>le helicopter joke
Reminder that degenerate Jews like you will burned alive at the stake and I will enjoy your screams

*inserts dildo too early*
*necrotic cancerous slime mixed with shit and piss starts flowing from front hole*
*wears a diaper the rest of your life*
*kill self because there is absolutely no way back*

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she fucking a black dude now actually
no memes


Calling us "colored people" is racist, but calling us "people of color" is woke. Welcome to the retarded world of white liberals.

>soi gets filtered but this shit and incel stay untouched by the mods
Big think

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It should have stayed at LGB, adding the T completely ruined any potential for normalcy and clumped people in with 40%ers.

>Muh Jussie Smollett
Look whatever you think of Jussie Smollett's actions you cannot deny that he started a conversation. Hate crimes have been increasing rampantly in Trumps America and shining a light on that isn't the worst thing in the world.


Agreed, it started the conversation we'd all been too afraid to talk about that most of these incidents are staged and that we should be demanding evidence any time they're posted on social media.

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>dog licking your face
That's disgusting man.

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And it will never include straight or white

It's funny because im in too deep with these types. I just smile and nod and get paid. But anyway allies is actually a frowned upon term these days. And by these days i mean forever. I copy pasted an article that was from 2013. People now just picture allies as "Karen" holding up a sign to feel good at special events like pride parade. Now they want "Karen" to only feel included if she is making the problem her problem. Feeling others pains herself. etc

>So You Call Yourself an Ally: 10 Things All ‘Allies’ Need to Know
>every time that I read something from Black Girl Dangerous, I recently found myself snapping, nodding, and yelling out “YES!” while reading a piece from Mia McKenzie. Her article “No More ‘Allies’” made me profoundly uncomfortable – which is a good thing. I was uncomfortable because it was a call to reflection about my own “ally” identifications and my own work. It’s time for those of us who fashion ourselves “allies” or as “currently operating in solidarity with” to have a conversation. More and more, I am seeing precisely what McKenzie is describing – people of identity privilege who are identifying as “allies” almost as if it is a core part of their identity. What’s worse, I keep seeing people respond to criticism about their oppressive language or problematic humor with, “But I’m an ally!”



Did they add a P? I can never keep up with that retarded shit.