Will there ever be another trilogy as good as this?
Will there ever be another trilogy as good as this?
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The next star wars trilogy will trash this overrated racist whitewash.
the CGI needs to be redone, George Lucas style. it's starting to age badly.
not until Hollywood big budget films stop being CGI shitfests. LotR was right on the cusp of using too much CGI as is
Nice try.
Star Wars has been shit since the 90s.
LotR isn't very good.
Look into your heart, you know it to be true.
Based lefty
Nobody, other than aging incels, ever want to see this trilogy again.
Will there ever be a trilogy better than fantasy trash for brainlet incels? Yes, highly probable. Also, have sex.
where is the 4k Blu-Ray of this? its like they dont want my money.
Right, it isn't very good, it's actually great.
the digital rendered CG is not that good, 4K is too high resolution for it
Silmarillion trilogy
>Whitey power fantasy only
Lets make Legolas colombian
Tolkien estate would never allow it, they weren't big fans of the LoTR trilogy and despise the hobbit
Altough there's no doubt about Tolkien being a racists, I'm not sure you used that term correctly. How can it be whitewashing if all the characters who are supposed to be white also are white in the movie?
Entire estate should have been nationalized 70 years after tolkien's death
not forever, the Tolkien family lose rights to all his works in the year 2047. they may as well sell out now.
Fuck off cunt. A Silmarillion adaptation would be an absolute abortion
shut up tranny
Literally kill yourself
Maybe they can pull a Disney with his IP
Is the hatred for the hobbit movies just meming on here?
Ive only seen the original trilogy and I loved them. but have yet to see the three hobbit films. Most people i have talked to have said they are pretty solid
Disney will purchase the Lord of the Rings eventually, and reboot it in Marvel style. none escape the Mouse.
even tolkiens son hated it
the hobbit flicks are closer to feature lenght video game cutscenes than actual films
get the Maple Films fanedit of the Hobbit. its much better - just the book itself.
They're horrendous
Never again because it came at the right time when we had the technology to full realize an entire fantasy world with practical special effects without relying on CGI as a crutch. Also politically it came at the right time because it didnt need to add in unnecessary race/gender changes by adding a token black or female minority character that steals the spotlight.
Any other trilogy epics will be forced to use massive amounts of CGI and be forced to include token females and minorities that ruins the whole fantasy vibe, which the hobbit has proven seeing as how it came out this decade and was worse than LOTR in every single way. Just face it, we will never get the chance to see a fully realized fantasy world based off a series of fantasy novels that wouldnt be tainted by awful hollywood garbage.
Why do you say he's racist?
Very unlikely. Nolan trilogy is the closest thing that I know of, but the third bat movie took a tiny dive in quality compared to the two first ones, leaving it second tier to LOTR.
honestly the hobbit trilogy isn't good but it's comfy especially the first movie.
>Fitting the Silmarillion into a trilogy
Are the movies going to be 20 fucking hours long each?
Have you ever read his books? Most of the different humanoid species and races in the books are just metaphors for the different "races" of humans on earth. All the dark skinned humans are evil, inhumane and stupid while the white ones are good and more evolved civilisaition-wise etc. And the elves are basically the übermench.
Let me tell you, honestly. The first movie is pretty good. The only issue with that movie (which also is one issue but not the main issue with the two other movies), is that they decided to be creative with the story line of the hobbit, trying to merge it with LOTR. Without spoiling too much for you (tho this is very obvious from the beginning when you see this in the movie so it's not really a spoiler), it involves having sauron being a part of that story, making the hobbit more of a prequel to LOTR. In the book the story is not that. Other than that, the movie is good overall. It's never on the same level as LOTR, but you accept it because you never really expected them to be able to recreate that excellence.
Then comes the second movie, and.. it is part good and part bad. Many bad scenes in this movie, and you start seeing some scenes that people like to refer to as the "video game cinematography". It also have more of that aforementioned LOTR-plot (plot thickens...). You are introduced to Legolas too, which should not even be in this movie, and Orlando Bloom had clearly forgotten how to play Legolas, it was one of his worst performances ever. You don't need to be a film geek to notice how weird and different the character Legolas is in here. So, second movie is a big dive in quality compared to the first, but it's still enjoyable.
Then the third movie comes along, and this movie is unironically horrible. The best part about this movie, which I guess is the only good part, is Smaug the dragon, and Bilbo Baggins. Bilbo is good in the entirety of this trilogy, and carries it to the finish line, despite all the stupid shit you see otherwise. This movie has even more of that badly written side-plot with Sauron. But most importantly this movie is made in a way that it looks like a fucking videogame. Everything looks horrible, and it's actually laughable.
Here is a last thing in my post: youtube.com
Sauron is the Necromancer though, its alluded that the White Council drove him out, in maybe a single sentence.
That sounds exactly what stupid lefties would make up in their heads and then claim to be fact, without any proof.
Yes I've read the books several times, and there is no human races methaphores there. Either you're making this up in your head, or you've heard it from somewhere else after they made it up in their heads. It's not real.
Yes, that's what I'm saying, they wrote a stupid sauron plot.
Don't worry Tencent will buy the Mouse once hyperinflation of the dollar kicks in because of Yang's free $1000 policy.
>Any other trilogy epics will be forced to use massive amounts of CGI and be forced to include token females
Now now, that would never happen to Lord of the... never mind.
No, but seriously i agree with you. What baffles me though is the fact that audiences want, support and settle for token representation instead of demand well written characters that happen to meet their representation quota. For example, The Dark Tower has Sussanah Dean, a badass black female character from segreagated America yet in the movie adaptation instead of bringing that character in they decided to just make Roland (a character that is descrived as Clint Eastwood´s man with no name) be black instead. Point being there was no need for forced representation, the character was right there, they just had to, you know... not fuck it up for a political agenda.