Your theory about the message behind it? I'm still not sure if it even has one. Peele said the Doppelgänger theme was his first idea and the foundation of the whole thing, so it doesn't necessarily have a message.
>We are Americans
It's about privilege, dipshit.
The prosperity of the american nation has always been built on the misery of others. Slaves, Colonies, Minorities and now it's open war on anyone who isn't an Oligarch. They steal your money through inflation and turn you into slaves as cost of living go up while your wages stay the same
Nature vs Nurture, Peele sides with nurture.
Guarantee that ho-ho won't make a film about debt slavery because it isn't "woke" enough
black americans basically make two movies
>dese whities are evil... damn...
It was a stupid movie made by an overrated hack director.
Us is neither of those though
but it's made by a black director and the main cast is black, so it just HAS to be propaganda dude
That line as unironically kino.
Get Out was great, so i was really looking forward to this one, especially since reviews were good, but it's actually kinda shit and doesn't make sense
It's on the nose spelling out the theme. I laughed at it.
i think it's supposed to be an allegory, a fairytale. it's not supposed to make 100% sense.
i actually liked it, until the action started. like in Get Out, it has its moments and the mistery is good, until they start unwrapping it
Yes I understand the allegories but still, a competently written movie ties that in fittingly with the literal story. Still thought the movie was watcheable desu, just not as great as critics imply(which is probably because of the diverse cast and the shadow cast by Get Out).
Get Out was definitely better, but Us was more impressive stylistically. I'll probably never forget the I Got Five On It remix, or the imagery of the rabbits, or the tethered hands across america. It was a very "striking" movie. If the story was on par with Get Out, it'd be downright iconic.
It worked because the theme isn't anything abstract, it's what the main antagonist literally believes. It's her entire goal. Then you factor in that she got retarded messing with the tethered for all her life and it becomes very believable that she would say a cheesy line like that. Kinda goes with what I said above, it is a "striking" line.
What was the thing the kid had?
all races are equal but some are more equal than others
I agree with you that the movie was aesthetically pleasing and technically good, and I also liked the remix, but as for the ballet dancing/fighting tie-together I could do without. It feels too much style over substance. Also, did you notice how poorly the reveal-scene was done? Especially the frame where Spy is writing on the chalk-board whilst explaining the deal to Ray. It looked terrible.
Where did the rabbits come from?
Who fed the rabbits?
Where did the coveralls and scissors come from?
How did the tethers get food?
If Red could walk out why didn’t any of the other millions leave?
>What was the thing the kid had?
It's a flint sparker. Hikers use it to start fires after gathering leaves/sticks
I agree that it was certainly style over substance, and I wish that he had just gone balls deep on that and made the film entirely allegorical instead of having these weird explanations that do nothing but confuse and try to ground an ungroundable premise.
>Also, did you notice how poorly the reveal-scene was done? Especially the frame where Spy is writing on the chalk-board whilst explaining the deal to Ray. It looked terrible.
I haven't seen the movie in a little, but I don't remember that.
>Where did the rabbits come from?
>Who fed the rabbits?
It's implied they were made through cloning as well as the doppelgangers because the clones have some influence over the real people.
>Where did the coveralls and scissors come from?
>How did the tethers get food?
Shady government institution that made them
>If Red could walk out why didn’t any of the other millions leave?
She was special and the first to have some independent thought that didn't mirror her real self
>She was special and the first to have some independent thought that didn't mirror her real self
Then why did she get together with her counter part's partner's clone and have their counterpart clone children
i've said it before, i think the only message the movie has is that a person is defined by cicumstances rather than genetics. the "soulless" clone girl, with the right input, like the psych doctor said, drawing and dancing and shit, grows up to be just normal and a good mother.
while the "real" girl, forced to grow up among the tethered, becomes like them.
In her monologue she made it pretty clear that Abraham raped her
>Your theory about the message behind it?
the message is "get out was a massive racebait so my next movie is not gonna be a racebait because that would too obvious"
there that's your message
>Smart blacks are doppelgangers
Checks out.
alright. i actually had problems clearly understanding everything she said in that voice, English isn't my first language
It had twins. It had double twins. It had identical, one good one bad underage twin couples in bikinis. user this is the best movie simply for that.
Only because This Is America didn't start playing after she said it.
>Your theory about the message behind it?
you haven't even seen the fucking movie retard
Did anyone else just find the villains really incredibly lame? It just felt like overacting and at no point do you feel like theyre actually going to harm the protagonists. All they do in the movie is huff and puff and give the protagonists space while that one bitch explains the backstory in her best "weird" voice
Then there's the fight at the end where you can tell the only point is Peele said "hey I want these two characters to pointlessly fight to the score and I want to rip off Annihilation's choreographed finale with the big bad.
the message isnt there. like get out. peele cannot send messages, because he is stupid and the press cannot ask him to develop his messages, because their 'new master of horror' would be expose as the retard that he is.
>new master of horror
has anybody really called him that? he's a good director and also has potential as a writer, but neither movies are "masterpieces" of horror or anything like it
the film questions how america draws lines between 'full people' and lessers. We are shown that our status comes down to circumstance, and can be taken away from us by outside forces or bad luck.
The homeless, the mentally ill, the poor and destitute, and various minority groups are real life examples of how cultural norms and systems of government/economy marginalize or dehumanize people. The limpwristed 1980s hands across America shows how real americans are fine mimicking charity and virtue signaling but dont seek to fix the deeper problems which produce inequality. Peele asserts that his failed clones are a "byproduct" of our culture. America inevitably produces nonhumans and this is broadly acceptable to its citizens as long as they are contained and neutralized.
In the film, everyone has a less-than human counterpart, even the most rich, the most poor, etc. This shows that despite preexisting prejudices, we are all on the same playing field and can fall further.
Our cultural assumption that we need a lower class to keep things afloat, or that some people aren't people, brings with it a fear that we may have our privileges stolen. US posits something in the dark conspiring to take our place. - Something which can identify all our privileges and is more hungry, more motivated, and more open to violence to get what they desire. That fear of falling out of status, of being replaced, or of being made obsolete is a core fear upon which the american experience is built.
He's the only one innovating and treading new ground.
Everyone else is just rehashing zombie memes or some poorly adapted lovecraft shit
Based and basepill
watch the fucking movie dipshit, there's absolutely no racial bullshit other than the main cast being black. zero. if the main cast would have been white, they could have made the exact same movie with the exception of one single line of text.
Aw fuck yeah is it nigger time? I fucking love Nigger Time!
It's about the red terror that's within us all
the message is the poor live a thin facsimile of the lives of the rich, and the differences are injuring, mentally and physically, and irreconcilable.
basically its two hours of "you can't turn a hooker into a housewife."
that, but backwards: the system today allow the fuck ups, the losers, the mentally ill, the weak to have power by being what they are: useless tools to keep the elite on power.
and america/capitalism didnt take away from the poor. they create the poor. there wouldnt exist a demographic explosion without capitalism offering the borderline basic because the pleb need less of the basic to perpetuate.
africa wouldnt be having a populational boom without the help of white going there to solve a problem that they didnt create.
and live is for the strongest, it always was, it always will be. calling that the american experience is just puking propaganda, ignoring history at its most basic levels. cmon.
Niggers are pretty much the best and I can't wait for them it replace us, thank you for reminding me of my place Jordan Peele
The darkest timeline invaded
christ what ugly looking people
Red is the new Black? Missfits Poo?
it's called make up you fucking idiot.
Imagine being so wrong holy shit. Go back to whatever low IQ site you came from.
Rabbits were initially clones. They repopulate through fucking, since they are rabbits.
The tethers ate rabbits.
The other others were stuck in their loops. She was special.
Hyper based
being thinking blacks can sustent any society at all. show me functional black societies, please.
show a place were blacks exist among other people and they, the blacks, are not the problem population.
black live the moat confortable life possible in america, better than any other country on the planet and yet they complain because white men boat is better.
boo. fucking. hoo.
This movie was fucking horrible, don't get me wrong I'm a racist and hate niggers but I didn't hate this movie because I don't like niggers. I thought Get Out was actually decent at least script wise but Peele is just a shit horror director and should stick to comedy/satire. All the actual horror elements of Get Out sucked but since it was just a very small part of Get Out it was for the most part enjoyable. Us tried to be entirely horror and it sucked because Peele can't direct horror, he bought into his own hype too much when the journalists told him he's the next Hitchcock. The script was fucking horrible, wtf was that. None of it made any sense.
how's he wrong? There's literally 70 million people in eithopia alone that would not exist if not for the millions of tons of food that's been shipped there over the last few decades.
>can't even speak proper english
go back you self hating poo
its about how the lower class would be less poor and retarded if they werent lower class
>invade and divide africa over arbitrary colonies bleeding it dry and propping up warlords
>why is africa so shit xD
fucking whitoids
oh shit, the good samaritan is now talking shit because muh broken engrish, how ironic. LOL
smash me with facts, faggot: show me ONE FUNCTIONAL BLACK SOCIETY. ONE. ill wait.
them show me a country were blacks have a more easier life than in US. this place doesnt exist. and still african americans are so fucking annoying that not even africans who go live in america can stand them.
btw, wich other racial groups did more to blacks than whites? asians? brown latinos? arabs? LOL
And the thousands of years before then?
>now proofreading because he was outed
lmao shut up you ESL indian. you're still a shitskin
It's always embarrassing when brown people try to impress a non-existent /pol/ audience.
how whites did that at first place if blacks love to talk about how advanced they were? LOL
i mean, arent blacks so powerful and magical and shiiiit?
implying that there wasnt wars between black tribes and slaves werent just ehat was left of a war, like slaves of all races were.
anyway, blacks get their ass kicked on their own turf, how pathetic.
>poopooskin still at it
fuck off already lmao go suck white dick elsewhere
Yea I didn't say anything even remotely relevant to that. Ethiopia got screwed over in the 70s by neighboring countries deciding ethiopia didn't need coastal access, forcing ethiopia to rely entirely upon farms for food. in a desert. cue all the african "food aid" programs of the last 30 years.
Ethiopia completely losing all costal access, for some reason, is never mentioned in conjunction with their famine.
/pol/ isn't white. Its all brown people in a permanent state of cope, angry that people give more of a shit about black people than anyone will ever give about indians, asians, and spics.
to be fair, at this day and age, im sure im whiter than you, not even kidding. but again, tell me, once it is so obvious: were are the not even functional but superior black countries out there?
show us. it cannot be that hard.
this is the dumbest comment I have read today. congrats.
dumb and bluepilled
In the end, Nietzsche was right all along. Slaves will always try to become masters and masters will always try to remain in power. It's never been about equality.
>man with last name patel thinks hes white
>im whiter than you
t. some indian or chinknigger lmao
blacks fuck blacks.
whites come to the rescue.
if there is a problem with whites, is not letting problems like these solve themselves.
These are the thoughts of a ten year old
Go back
>boomer dicksucker
lol pathetic
but why didn't the (real) black girl just get up and walk out? why did she have to come up with this elaborate plan to dress in red and murder people with scissors (where did they get any of this)? shit makes no sense, just take off your hand cuffs and walk out, clearly it wasn't that difficult given the facility was abandoned and hidden behind a tourist attraction
bitch lasagna, please: show me a functional black society and it all goes away. its easier than calling people indians.
im waiting, cannot be that hard.
i mean, you can show functional societies on every continent right? right?
It's implied that you lose your soul/privilege/humanity when you get put underground. Parallel Why are people so dumb. The implications are pretty basic.
So you're not really following literally anything that I'm saying. That's nice.
my father died defending this nation against commie rats and you dumb zoomers think socialism will let you play games 24/7 rent free
I hope they send you to die first
You really think india is a functional society?
>poopoopie memes
lmao go back then kys apoo. you're embarassing yourself
But that's wrong in the context of the movie. She was saying how *they* were special ones and it's why they met in the first place. You're just finding an excuse for an otherwise pretty glaring plot hole
thats the problem: the movie is confuse at the most basic levels. as allegory, as a sci fi horror, as the characters do things that make no sense.
take the kids: how could clone fuck clone and come up with the exact same kids as their real counterparts? think about the odds of that.
I'm sure you defended america from the grave threat of vietnamese farmers. good job committing mass murder for the sake of corporations and imperialism yet you still lost. lmao dumbass.
or its a thin veneer over the idea of taking a rich kid and dumping them in a trailer park.
>herpderp wut mooby bout?
Its about an underclass rising up and killing the bourgeoisie
The message is that Peele broke into the big time Hollywood after proving to the deep state that he could create cgifakes good enough to convince the goys of anything using a cgifake of Obama to demonstrate his power to the public.
Nope you're just dumb. It's an analogy on how you can easily fall through the cracks and become the underclass in america.
>never read a book on vietnam
>listened to my bluepilled commie highschool teacher
>imperialism, white nationalism, corporatism, blabla
I'm sure you think you're quite the educated buzzword enthusiast among your fortnite group
You refuse to refute my point by calling me dumb? Great way out of this pickle, Mr. Peele! Imagine trying to make a profound statement with a horror movie that falls apart when scrutinized.
>easily fall through the cracks and become the underclass in america
[citation needed]
the movie literally explains a dualist connection between clones and their originals as the foundation of it's concept.
to be fair, is US wanted to win vietnam, they would. but another atomic bomb on an asian country would be bad PR on an already mess up war, the first with media being so present, etc.
that said, vietnese and japanese people are less antagonic with america than african americans.
Yeah, I'm not entirely sure why but I felt zero tension throughout the whole movie. Even after doing some murdering they still never felt like a serious threat.
No, that's a pretty basic idea and you'd have to be pretty dumb to not understand it. Most likely because you believe in caste-based reincarnation.
>gulf of tonkin false flag
now go away you dumb frogposter
>he's still being dumb
we've done plenty more false flags you shitskin, all in the name of the greater good. the ends justify the means, peasant
its his sperm doing the job, i also have to believe that she has a magical womb that choose the right sperm? and it wasnt just her, the white family also had the same kids. cmon. shitty concept.
>zoomers think reaction images an argument make
if that was intentional (likely wasn't, peele is a shit director) then it worked as commentary on how the poor are not a threat to the rich.
kinda like how that scene in the square started off as pretty great, then fell apart at the end, because something completely at odds with reality happened.
>has zero understanding of dualism
at this point it looks like the movie was literally too smart for you. For if dualism is correct, then there is more to people than chemical reactions.
and peele shows the poor as barely functional people that in any way shape or form could handle create or sustain a society.
But dualism is utterly wrong. Any philosopher worth his salt has always advocated for dual aspect theories. You should've taken more upper level classes rather than stopping at Intro to Philosophy, user.
and the only reason red thinks otherwise is because she wasn't born poor/tethered.
no faggot
ok, i get it now: its a science undercover experiment, also a thesis about dualism and destiny, they also can get scissors and gloves out of nowhere with eed clothes and they also as barely intellectually functional except for the girl that was smart enough already to scape that place.
yeah, way too smart for me.
>But dualism is utterly wrong
Irrelevant. The movie isn't a documentary. It flubs something to have a narrative structure, like literally every piece of fiction. The big flub in Us is that souls exist.
get checked for autism and developmental retardation
How did she survive living down there? The clones seem to have enhanced durability but she was a normal human.
yes, the leader of the revolution is... literally... better.
and at the end the clone remember the obvious plot twist and is happy enough to look at his kid smailing, wich shows that she is has that fucked up broken soul there, apart being 'normal'.
cute tangent. still remains how confuse the director message was. still remains that no critic can point those things because would be career suicide to question the new hitchcock.
take peele and put shyamalan name on this movie and people would be shitting all over the obvious plot twist and the non sense premisse.
oh just fuck off you pajeet
That’s probably not the intention that race baiter had but this is a good description.
that plot twisty was shiamalan all over. and it was bad because was obvious since the begining.
but its for blacks, so i guess it was a surprise and shiiiiit.
>Peele said the Doppelgänger theme was his first idea and the foundation of the whole thing, so it doesn't necessarily have a message.
Yeah, that's how it came across to me. It was a straight potboiler horror/thriller. Not bad, not great.
This is what it COULD have been, but it wasn't.
Seething incel
I think I said this in a thread about this a couple weeks ago, but Peele is complete shit at establishing rules. When the white family was killed by their imposters they just fucked around while the other imposters just held their fucking hands.
pajeet fuck off
Try smiling more sweetie.
woke horror is quite possibly the worst genre ever conceived
stop calling this shit woke or in any way political, it's not. watch the fucking movie. Get Out was political, this one is absolutely not. And while Get Out was a pretty sub average movie, it's political aspects weren't that wrong or badly delivered
Us was more political than Get Out. The only reason you'd think otherwise is because Americans are terminally obsessed with race
whitemanbad blackmangood just like every other tv show this decade.
Imagine being a scientist that created a clone that shares a soul with another being, and then getting fed up with how retarded they all were and abandoning the project.
yes, the movie has no internal logic. from the moment they get into the whites car, everything is just an excuse to put lupita into that place again, no matter how nonsense the decisions must be.
and the clones are savage hostile killing machines but father and daughter can stay at that ambulance, no problems, theyre holding hands now.
Jordan “Banana” Peele is incapable of writing something without being political. His new Twilight Zone series is proof of this.
race vultures.
I'm not American. Explain how Us is more political than Get Out
and instead of killing them, you just leave them there, were they mimic the acts of people with the soul they share... but also have free will to create an army because... muh dick, yo. u mad? cracka?
the more you think about this shit, fellas...
>whitemanbad blackmangood
Nope. It is more about classes of maerican and not about race at all.
>His new Twilight Zone series is proof of this
user, he doesn't write or direct that show. He is just host in that.
There are several people posting about how the movie establishes classes and mass replacement because of capitalism. When you look at Banana Peele’s woke style of entertainment as of late, it’s hard not to deny that this is the case.
Brainlet. He developed the series along with the fag who directed Dark Phoenix and is one of the executive producers.
I wish this movie had been a family comedy about the oafish father trying to keep up with his rich friend while accidentally triggering his ptsd wife.
But it is not about race or how white man is bad. Also those both of those movies are fine just bit overrated.
Quit moving the goal posts. You asked how it could be considered political and I gave you an answer.
white family is just a bunch of assholes trying hard - like get out
black family has tiny boat, white family big boat
oj simpson joke because... because?
'fuck dah police'
open with black girl perspective looking at whites on the park in slow motion like she is on a safari
>OJ joke
>NWA joke
>Home Alone joke
It's because they're old, user.
> I'm still not sure if it even has one.
Exactly. A idea of “Evil lies within ‘Us’ “ was well executed. That’s all.
That African Americans refuse to get along with whites
My theory is this was a big bag of donkey balls
It was not about race at all. It is about classes.
The movie is kind of weird because it's about class in America, but class in America is inseparable from race, but Jordan Peele doesn't really want to make this a central theme of his movie but it kind of becomes one anyway because of the cast.
The message is you are molded by your environment. At the end we are shown that the mom is actually the shadow girl from the beginning, but comes out looking normal because she had loving parents. The red mom turns out to be the original girl, she is filled with hate and wants revenge because she had her great life stolen from her, and was forced into a life of misery underground, which then fueled the whole movement of the shadow people coming out of the tunnels.If you actually bothered to watch the movie, and weren't a brainlet, you'd understand this, since it is that simple.
It was brilliant. The way they (((subverted))) my expectation that the movie was based on race, when really it was a meta piece about peoples focus being on race rather than class like it should be.
Peele is looking pretty based atm.
which interview is this quote from?
Dude that's stupid. get out was about positive racism and fetishization of black people, which absolutely is a thing. Us had absolutely nothing to do with race. Nothing. It could have been the exact same movie if it would have been a white family, or an asian family. With the exception of (maybe) one single line.
Still a little about race. They enjoyed killing the whites too much
Jordan Peele triggers racists by his very existence. I assumed Steve McQueen meant progress had been made here, but apparently he didn't threaten them as much because he wasn't American.
A twist of Plato's allegory of cave
What this twist means I know not. But it's saying that there is a mysterious magical connection between the real world out there and the slaves in the cave that Plato didn't mention. That's what makes slaves angry.
To think about it, Plato's original allegory never mentioned that the freed slaves will get angry and attack people out there
the whites weren't mirrors of themselves. it was
comic relief as they didn't have as much dramatic impact.
this flick was hot garbage
no u