How the fuck did this fat incel get so much women

How the fuck did this fat incel get so much women

Attached: 798D892C-FB07-4964-B91F-E1E9FFD3C3D0.jpg (306x441, 47K)

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Buff chads always age into fat incels.

>get so much women
user, think about what you just said.

money? status?

masculinity is something you will never understand tranny

Absolute incel cops, he had positive canthal tilt and his lower third was horrible not to mention his maxilla was not pronounced he should not have got anything

The shit you read in womens mags about confidence being the most attractive trait in men?

That aint no meme

He was an alpha male


Tall, confident, rich alpha male with somewhat handsome face

He had a really pleasurable face I remember when it aired the women at my work 22-60 said they loved his face it was handsome but also a kind looking face idk women are weird

is it time to finally round up all the Lookismfag incels and mass slaughter them?

my ex said her first impression of me was kind. I'm cruel as fuck

he didn't take no for an answer

they slaughter themselves dont worry

Gandolfini was a chad in real life too. He even played basketball in high school too, despite the fact that he might never had the makings of a varsity athlete.

Attached: James-Gandolfini-in-his-senior-yearbook.jpg (880x794, 84K)

Whoa bro you and I should be friends. I’m twisted ok? I’m dark

have sex

Lmao confirmed positive canthanl tilt non pronounced maxilla no lower thrid soft brow Manley’s without hunter eyes and lupine features

>despite the fact that he might never had the makings of a varsity athlete.

>I picked up my buzzwords on /fit/ and get a GF by lifting
Never going to make it

>the boss
>carried himself with an absolute and rock solid confidence
>money to burn
>dressed well
>tall, gandolfini was a big guy and I think they actually played this down a bit.
Late season tony was pretty fucking fat though

He went bloatmaxxing in the last season

You will never fuck a girl lmao

Chads don't go for asians and get bullied by the press

Money, you dolt

Attached: rcrumbself.jpg (225x224, 14K)

they do what the fuck they want and their value isn't determined by how mongoloids act, also
>the fucking press

It'll always be weird for me hearing him talk without his Jersey accent

Hearing Furio talk with a regular American accent is even weirder

paparazzi should be lined up in the streets and shot in the head and the world would be a better place.

Is it assault if you just carry a super-bright flashlight with you and shine a light in their eyes? I mean, their cameras are shining a light in your eyes, so you're not escalating beyond what they're already doing.

Does anyone have a celebrity's phone number so I can call them up and suggest this tactic?

you're almost's more like women are easy manipulated and since in the show he fucks a lot of women and there was a marketing of "women like tony" women in real life started to.

god i hope so

honestly a good question. he could just pay someone to follow him around that shines a bright light at them. would also ruin all their pictures.


black pill: paparazzi are a symptom of celebrity worship culture. do not hate them as much as the women who read gossip and celeb sites/magazines.

If I make a show about the ugly guy, bald, fat, short guy, banging chicks every minute, and it's a successful show, would you make the same thread?

Of course you would, because you're a stupid incel who only watches shows and movies and doesn't go outside.

>incel cops
truly terrifying times we live in
