You're fat so you deserve to die lol

>you're fat so you deserve to die lol

What was his fucking problem?

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t. fattie

Being fat is unfortunately just the result having shit genetics and being unlucky.

I eat like shit and I'm still a skinny twig

>tortured a kiddie diddler

Based Spaceman

>t. reddit election tourist on a phone

I knew you were posting on /hm/ Kev

Put down the tub of mayonnaise and go for a jog you fat fuck

In a few years you won’t be. It will catch up with you.

>continues posting from a phone
You have to go back.

Shut up zoomer. Don’t talk until you’re over 30

It explains everything pretty clearly when they three in the car.

im 42

Get tested for AIDS faggot

>that new kid who doesn't realize we can see when new IPs enter the thread
What you are is dumb. Lurk.

Who would lie on the internet? I could never imagine such a thing.


I'm only 21. Should I start exercising? How much time do I have left?

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Yeah, right, you eat 5000+ kcal of food a day like an obese person and you're still thin.

>What was his fucking problem?
Have you read the bible?

Why would anyone ever read ancient middle eastern literature?

>you deserve to be decapitated because you arent a conformist without goals or expectations
what did he mean by this?

to stop asking stupid questions

>sandnigger wisdom will answer all my questions
Try being white. You can start by writing like one, lazy ape.

>shit genetics

My dad's a fat fuck while I'm a skinny twink.

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About 4-5 years? All you have to do is start exercising and eating better. It’s really simple, but it’s easier to keep fat off than it is to burn once it’s there.

>I eat like shit and I'm still a skinny twig

Your body doesn't defy the laws of thermodynamics, son.

He was envious of Goop’s pretty head.

Dude eats shit but not enough to pass 2k calories probably.


He was too based

Don't expect high philosophy from Fincher films