/RBMK-1000/ Chernobyl General

Previous thread

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What is that aesthetic called?

Great doc: youtube.com/watch?v=O2YNLv_uGTo

Stepan Komar was named as the firefighter who picked up the graphite chunk

We also know he died on September 4

Whoever does memes, please add him to the list

*ruins your future episodes*

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for what purpose?

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daily reminder that the atom is your friend, and through it all is possible.

Nice art komrade

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please tell me this isn't real

is this even real? link to the video please
but even if its real, none of that really seeped through to the actual show

krokodil-induced hallucination painting
very popular in former communist shitholes.

will you be accountable for her?

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Socialist realism

For accuracy?
>The imperfections in the design of RBMK-1000 reactors were eliminated soon after the Chernobyl accident

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You are dealing with what has neva ocured ON thes PLANet bifo

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That's its actual name. Accountability is verified.


>"Hey mom, you should watch that Chernobyl show"
>Stay with her for the first minutes
>It was 3 hours ago
Send help, i can't stop rewatching kinobyl

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And I do realize that's characteristically arrogant since they continue to have no containment vessels and outer shells which are mandatory in the west, but still
>>The imperfections in the design of RBMK-1000 reactors were eliminated soon after the Chernobyl accident

Based female brain focussing on the things that matter.

How many Roentgens, Vladimir Illich?

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based mitsubishi

Fake news, have sex incel.

Boris was one microsecond away from slapping the absolute shit out of him. I liked that exchange because Legasov was really testing his patience.
>tell me how to put it out
>LeNgtHy mEloDramAtiC sTatEmeNt
>b- boronandsandcomrade

Can't see because of this fucking bourgeois air conditioner

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Post them /RBMK/ memes.

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Jared, I loved you like a brother but youtu.be/ulGwxa0ToWQ?t=228

OK I give up, Soviet art is the worst.

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you're a dumb fucking faggot

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seething Starbucks socialist

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Shall I stop?

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>if you idolize the soviet union you're an american college zoomer

are you joking or retarded lol, i'm a czech lab worker.

hey here's a fun fact incase you actually believe everybody in the former eastern bloc thinks life was hell and worse than today -

> 60% of Russians
> 70% of Tajiks,
> 63% of Romanians
> 72% of Hungarians
> 62% of Bulgarians and Ukranians,
>50% of Lithuanian and Slovaks

All of these groups attested to some form of of either thinking that they were either better off under socialism, or worse under the current system.

Fuck - even in East Germany 57% of all those who were LIVING under the East German government said that East Germany was more good than it was bad.

Here are some sources - besides personal experience with boomers




what about you bro? i just want some help to see the truth and own libtards.

That's been debunked, it's a fake quote.

Maybe, or just link the place you're reposting from

That's right. So is the Emily Watson "quote" that keeps getting posted in these threads,

I think it would've been funnier to have this as an ost than Hildur Guðnadóttir dark ambient something

Didn't read Pavel. I'm not saying it was hell but it was certainly a shithole. It's barely above shithole-level now. For you it has become better but that's because you can only go up from the bottom.

neither yuvchenko nor dyatlov received a fatal dosage

Why not just jump to this youtube.com/watch?v=RCWBxxEJiGc

> AKA Great Recession years
>old Germans who were young and beautiful back then
>literally rt.com

All you do is manipulation, unironic Russian troll.

Because 12 different people have decided to sperg out about the name of this thread. At least the autistic /chrnbl/ guy took his ball and went home.

yeah I'm aware but you don't need to keep changing the name of the threads for no fucking reason, stop shitposting like the /ghoul/ and /chern/ fags
What is so fucking hard about just leaving the name alone? Its been fine for weeks, just. leave. it. Holy fuck I've legitimately never seen a general have such a fucking hard time keeping a single name, this is seriously getting retarded.

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>She represents all of these other scientists that came in and risked quite a bit to fight a system — not just the system of government, but also the system of science, which in and of itself, had a certain patriarchy to it and was very interested in protecting itself from its own mistakes," Mazin said.

>Ulana will help hold Harris' character Valery Legasov accountable in Chernobyl as she seeks out what caused the accident. So even though no Ulana existed in real life, she represents many women in STEM who had to break through gender-biased barriers in the pursuit of knowledge and truth.

Fucking based and ovaries pilled

How can the USSR have been both a socialist utopia where women were most of the scientists and made all these advancements, AND have rampant sexism and gender barriers that these people had to overcome?

I sure loved all of those long-ass lines for basic groceries and creepy paranoia where people would secretly accuse their neighbours for whatever reason (mostly envy) to the secret police.

Take this man to the infirmary

gee its almost like they just make shit up

>Goes apeshit over a thread name change
You should take a look in the mirror and see the real retard.

Funny how no one gives a fuck about Ulana then

GG Mazin you clown. Hope your yas queen bullshit is at a minimum next two episodes.

Can't make TV these days without injecting propaganda these days. Truth be damned.

Women were allowed to be workers (scientists and doctors fall under workers). They weren't allowed in the power structure

Why do you think it was a shithole? What was the USSR doing wrong that the free market would do right?

>implying most people today wouldn't do anything to not have to deal with the existental dread and instability of the modern markets

>people graduating w/o work even with diplomas that aren't garbage, housing situation only worsening since the iron curtain - which struggled in itself to provide housing but at least wasn't shrinking, age of retirement ever rising and wages stagnating.

ok dude

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Nowadays cities promote painting stuff like this instead.

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Why was Soviet art so great

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All this art is yet another communist crime against humanity.

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>no u
hahaha wow you sure fucking got me dude wow I'm so BTFO right now fucking neck yourself

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>many women in STEM who had to break through gender-biased barriers in the pursuit of knowledge and truth.
Some times I think directors and writers include this bullshit just so sjw's won't bother them, even though they know it's all retarded.


>Put the first three episodes on a USB for my mom
>Later that night she's complaining there's nothing on TV to watch

So cruel

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Dyatlov died 9 years later of heart failure
I'd consider that a lethal dose

he was in his mid-60s its really not that unreasonable that he would have a heart attack anyways

psa the cia was literally funding abstract art and shit to combat the non-existent threat of socialist realist art lmao

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50,000 people used to live here


that's russian futurism you fucking retard with art deco influence

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>Gets BTFO with facts
>"lol didn't read im still right"
Amerimutts out, Chernobyk is for white people only

Now its a graphite town.

Stop changing the name of your general. Some of us are trying to filter you gay redditors and your cringe circlejerk about a mediocre show.

now its shitposting town

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preaching to the choir buddy

It's like they had a brief sense of optimism for the future with this modernist art until it was suddenly snuffed out because of chernobyl and split of the republic. Now it's just a reminder of their lost potential.

Nice. please post more

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we like to have fun around here but he's got a point. it makes the thread harder to find in the archive.

Please don't forget to honor Stepan Komar who was killed by his own curiosity as a true graphite enthusiast.


Wasnt afghan war sending the soviet union into a decline then chernobyl was the straw that broke the unions back?

Where did the murals go bros

Mural depicting young Jewish boys attempting to escape Auschwitz concentration camp (1944)

Stop the spread of disinformation, comrades


>stalin died because of a brain clot 33 years before chernobyl, I'd consider that a lethal dose

We have a lot of new murals in Kiev, though

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>33 hours before next episode

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I'm dying right now of alcohol abuse in australia, I consider it a lethal dose

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> russian futurism
Depressing dystopian ugly primitive totalitarian hell is what it radiates.
I would unironically kill myself if I were surrounded by all this.

I used to do a liter of vodka a day with a few cans of cider as primers and I'm fine now I quit. Get off that poison lad. You'd be amazed how resilient your liver can be.

creepy as fuck tbqh


Who decided that? Some apparatchik, some career party man?

Comrades I think there is graphite lying around, just look outside.

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Chernobyl... Home

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That's modern it doesn't count

You didn't see graphite outside because THERE IS NO OUTSIDE

Is that how core-chan looks after cooling down?

>EoE: Slav Edition

They flew too close to the sun

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I think that's the point, that you can grab a pic, slap a fake quote on it, and retards on the internet will believe it is legit without question.

No, this is.

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why does so much soviet art/murals depict an electron as a spinning orbiting ball instead of the smeared probability cloud that it is? It would look way cooler

Because it's art dummy, nobody would know what the fuck is beng represented by electron orbitals

Meanwhile in Crimea...

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Imagine an autistic lego mural making manchild rage trying to depict abstract probability.

Besides chernobyl there was also a very devastating earthquake that exposed "problems" in Soviet infrastructure in general.

>look up electron videos on youtube
>some faggot made an app or programming language or whatever the fuck called 'electron' and now it's muddling up all the results


Link to earthquake?


>introduce my dad to chernokino
>my fifth rewatch
>doesnt say anything
>i cry, laugh, dread
>three hours pass
>he says it was ok
Well okay then indeed. I think i might need help, am planning my sixth rewatch as soon as i get home

How many rewatches would you consider too much?

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Shouldn't they draw redundant chromosomes instead of DNA?


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>How many rewatches would you consider too much?
6 desu

>mfw someone says they saw graphite

this kind of shit happens all the time on /vg/

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>Just when I thought I was out...they pull me back in.

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Explains why he purged the Engineers

why red face?

>KGB: How many times do we have to teach you a lesson old lady?

>tfw no smeared probability cloud

>spoilers for disturbing images

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Core chan radiates cuteness.

>Why do you think it was a shithole? What was the USSR doing wrong that the free market would do right?
Literally everything? At least free market allows people acquire capital and get somewhat a better life, while in USSR everyone was not only having a shit tier life, but also was under the constant threat of gulag.
t. russian

not really, the problem in /vg/ is that generals all have to merge with each other because the mods refuse to make a fucking containment board for the bullshit weeb jpg collecting "games"


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I've thought David killed them with the black shit

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also, what we have now is literally the fault of ex-commies in the government and 90 years of communistic regime

*unzips graphite*

Based autistic sopranos crossposter

That's what Scott (paid by the soviets) wanted you to believe

>that quote
If not troling KYS

its goodfellas retard


Guys, I have a question.

In ep. 2 they offer 400 rubles a yers to the volunteers going to drain the pool. Was that at least a good sum for a person living in the USSR?

Also, I understand the three workers actually surivived and two of them apparently are even still alive. I am curious, did they actually receive the yearly stipend?

>6 episode miniseries about a disaster
How do you guys think The Hot Zone is going to compare to this?

why they don't use hazmat?

I think you’re all very nice and I would never send you to the roof.

> A heroic U.S. Army veterinarian working with a secret military SWAT team

No, iirc they just got paid once and not even 400 rubles but their normal salary or something. They just happened to be on their shift that day so they weren't even volunteers.

Isn't it 5 episodes?

they do their hazmat suits are just shitty 80s commie ones that look like ass
General Pikalov wore one when he drove the truck

120 rubles was a standard monthly pay for an office worker. So 400 rubles a year wasn't great. Especially knowing the fact that you coudn't buy shit with money - the stores were empty and you had to stand in queues to buy some rare stuff. People just put all those money into savings accounts, which lost all value in 1991 when USSR collapsed.

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Was the Fukushima disaster completely blown out of proportions because of Chernobyl? The evacuation was completely unnecessary.

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Fuck this westcuck bullshit

Get back to your Wakanda-tier shit and don't touch the slavs

Goddamn amerisharts

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>Jesus Christ! What is you some kind of goddamn bolshevik faggot? What the fuck is this? Comrade, why the fuck is your pecker out of your regulation?

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can you piss off

Eh... I'm assuming that's about the at least a decade-old book about Ebola? It's an engaging read but a lot of its depictions of the illness have been debunked as extreme hyperbole.

You know doing this fucks up the archive for people wanting to find previous threads by searching for RBMK?

>Was that at least a good sum for a person living in the USSR?
It was $360 USD at the time so not really

Why did the nuke explode? I missed the beginning.

It didn't explode.

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this user has sex on a regular basis

Fukushima came with a tsunami. Different circumstances.


that scene

fucking sick

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because the show was made by liberals. at what point in the show did you think it was supporting the soviets

>ruins 2 episodes already


Is the show airing tomorrow or is it off for Memorial Day

>unironically linking a Russian propaganda website as proof the USSR was good
Wew lad

it did in the show

Soviet scientists' arrogance nuked their own people (actually Ukraine but you get the point)

FUN FACT: Did you know there are countries other than USA?
The more you know!

I think you need to go to the infirmary


And I'm asking if it's going to air on an American television and film channel

no dude your entire country just completely shuts the fuck down to think about veterinarians all day
we'll see you tuesday when your internet is back on

don't post this

based retard

>electrons act like waves, no they don't exactly
>electrons act like particles, no they don't exactly
>electrons act like a sort of fog around the nucleus, no they don't exactly
I miss him so much...

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But it's a British show? And Memorial of what, another captured oil fields?

Why are you all so mean? I thought general threads were full of erping faggots.

>no edition
neck yourself OP

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This man is delusional.

What do we do with delusional people, comrades?

Fun fact: America immediately offered all kinds of help with the liquidation in Chernobyl but the USSR kept lying about the extend of the catastrophe and declined the offer

What the fuck is that post.

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>vagina spreading rays of light that drives away a sickly and edgy beast
That's "have sex"-posting before the internet.

it's fake you mongoloids

>Allmighty Leninborg

Was it still communist when the station blew up?

sorry :(

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>FUN FACT: Did you know there are countries other than USA?
not really

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To be fair, the USSR and the USA were enemies, of course you don't want the other guys near your state secrets. The US government would have reacted the exact same way.

die in gulag you trash, your father must be proud

If there's not edition then why is there so much butthurt?

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Why do you post mean words?

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Come post in thread, comrades!

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I see shitpost, I shitpost back. I am a simple man.

>The US government would have reacted the exact same way.
The US was actually functional

Fun Fact: There are no other countries that actually matter besides AMERICA.

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Is America even a country anymore? It's like 46% white.

Be careful. Words can cause harm and pain.

there's many muslims

>long ass line for basic groceries

yep - the entire existence of the soviet union there were bread lines. it's not like it was in the final years where everything was in complete free fall.

yep, the entire time.

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>bread lines
More line nothing lines ahahahahaha

Well, even functional US of A still had a scare with a nuclear reactor.

And that really doesn't have anything to do with my point. Faggots or not, it is obvious that the Soviets couldn't allow american authorities to help.

There is no show. You are delusional.

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>ywn rub iodine on your dick and fuck the radiation out of her

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>I sure loved all of those long-ass lines for basic groceries and creepy paranoia
Propaganda tbqh

It's the 13% that actually makes it a real country.

Wouldnt that make you fat af

Why did the whore shame comrade BIG GUY?
He was a shoe factory worker and rose through the ranks, is there a problem with that? If he was in that position it's because he knew how to play the political game, like all the other players, that woman should've been gulagged right there for class-shaming.

>source: different propaganda

*unzips graphite*

>there's many muslims
no there aren't. They're like 1% of the population. 3.5 out of 350,000,000 people.
Compare that to like 6% in the EU, 6.5% in Russia, etc.

I think you're a bit misinformed, friend
t. Pollock

How did she know about iodine but the doctor didn't?

Doesn't he look out the broken window, multiple times, and see the graphite on the roof?

I kind of like it

I think it was supposed to be a "yas kween slay look how much more intelligent than a dumb m*n she is!" that backfired on them completely because she just came across as a stuck up bitch

It's the very first thing he does in the show.

Why do people insist on calling her a nurse when she's a doctor too?

Anyone got the change my mind pic of Dyatlov vomiting?

>no iodine tic tac toe
why even live

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4 million muslims is a lot


she is a doctor and he's a lot older and probably got his schooling before radiation poisoning was a known thing

Because she looks pretty young to be a doctor.

3.6 and no higher

Doctors have more theorical knowledge, whereas nurses have more practical. Honestly, in case of a big emergency I'd hear more what a nurse has to say.

The motherland calls, comrades!

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there is an old russian joke about an officer asked whether the imperial russia time was better or socialism is better, and he says something like
>of course imperial life was better
>my dick used to work back then

>it is obvious that the Soviets couldn't allow american authorities to help.
Listen kid, two years later they accepted all kinds of help like an African country which they were in actuality



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nope. 1% is not a "lot" in any way that you think about how numbers work. I get that you cousin fucking niggers in your shithole countries get triggered by weird shit, but the US has a proportionately incredibly-small amount of muslims, given how many of them exist on the globe.

Whatever gook hovel you're from has more.

Is this the best national anthem ever created?


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No because alcohol accounted for almost all the calories I was taking in.

There is a lot of communist symphatizing and romanticizing in this thread

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only teens going through their angsty RUSSIA LMAO phase unironically like the soviet anthem

>giving a shit about 1% of the population being muslims when christians are literally destroying the country
all (((abrahamic))) niggers are EXACTLY the same.

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Did that help involve americans looking directly into what you consider a top secret of the state? Because, again, that's the point.

Its objectively a great song you pleb, despite what you think of the politics

>the virgin gets triggered and starts spamming their weird faggot folder

>given how many of them exist on the globe
by this logic the West barely has any muslims

>The galaxy is on Orion's belt

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> a top secret of the state
Having nuclear rectors? It was not new.

not as much as you think

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not really, there are a lot better sounding anthems.
Probably the most overrated national song of all time tbqh

>not really, there are a lot better sounding anthems.
Name one

>by this logic the West barely has any muslims
yes! exactly "by this logic." By ANY logic there aren't that many muslims in the west. Everyone talks about Sweden being "invaded" when it's still 90%+ white. The entire thing is just a meme for easily baited retards thirsty for an outsider to radicalize against.

It's nigger shit for retards.

>Islam invading
>just a meme
weeeeeeeeeeeeew HUGE COPE

okay it doesn't have a lot of muslims, but it has a lot of non-whites. majority non-white

rubber johnny

>American and Soviet citizens eat about the same amount of food each day but the Soviet diet may be more nutritious.



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commieblocks are comfy, the apartments are just too small

communist states put a lot of emphasis on symbolism and anthems and all that, after all they were trying to sell a dream to their people that their struggles, hardships and suffering were all for a greater noble cause - a utopia, a global socialist revolution and a bright future for all mankind

so of course their anthems, symbols and all that are very impressive, its why DDR was "cooler" than West Germany, the life was shittier, so people had to be convinced that their hardships mean something

>it's still 90%+ white
So when should they start worrying, at 44%?

Why didn't they evacuate?

>t christfag and/or conservative that is doing measurable harm to their own future
stop consuming propaganda cuck. You're being exploited and abused.

hows steam is allowed?

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>t christfag and/or conservative that is doing measurable harm to their own future

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You like that commie brutalist blocky shit?

You either don't watch the show or genuinely are a retard.

It's not funny.

I was just asking tho.


the majority of those 90% are people who live in useless nowhere places. All the metropolitan areas that actually make money are

It's funny you're this deluded. Go to the infirmary.

>okay it doesn't have a lot of muslims
duh. Nobody has a "lot of muslims." It's just a meme for retards.
>but it has a lot of non-whites.
Yeah that's what happens when you're a "melting pot" society. That's what happens when you have 400 years of racially-based labor exploitation. That's what happens when you try to occupy 2 continents full of people that aren't "white."

Shit when American was founded it was a bunch of French, Germans, Spaniards, and Anglos that ALL thought of each other as "non-white." Now we're at a point where fucking "castizos" names Fuentes are the biggest shills for a "white" ethno state.

It's "white" people that are driving corporatist policies in the United States that are destroying the middle class and fucking the future. White people are the ones destroying white lives. So why should anyone care when "white" people go from being the majority to the overwhelming plurality?

It's just a meme to keep retards batting down and away instead of up at the people fucking them. It's nigger shit for retards.

Liar. post one nice commie building

>anti-meat,fat,dairy propaganda
They've been infiltrated

Also, starving is healthy

zoomers were a mistake

Sure? If Sweden suddenly goes from being like 5% muslim to 45% muslim, that'd be a pretty shocking explosion. But since that's not happening and essentially will never happen, it's a pretty hysterical nigger thing to get caught up about. If you want to spend your life obsessing about policy decisions to fight a future that isn't actually happening, you might as well just commit suicide. Focus on reality cuck.

Okay bros
learning from chernoby
what is the next step in the evolution of boiling water to spin a fan

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Why didn't they put out the fire first? The firemen just stopped

This doesn't answer my question as to why America is non-white.

>every soviet sympathizer is a western faggot socialists

damn, you live like this user?

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There was no fire

Solar power only poisons the soil around solar panel factories in China, so it's preferable

they used hoses and the station was very hot with smoke

OK why do we even have an argument about muslims in the thread? What the fuck caused it?

no, not really, because I grew up in Russia, and while these pics might look >comfy to people who only look at them for a few minutes, they are dreadful to actually live around for decades, I am just explaining why the anthem sounds so impressive (and I actually do like the anthem), while a lot of the symbolism is impressive and hopeful (notice how they are always depicted at staring straight ahead), its also why some people are nostalgic, because they thougth their lifes had a meaning and a grander purpose, every worker, no matter how small and poor thought that he was a part of something, a cog in some grand machine chugging ahead to common greatness

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Is radiation halal?

Not comfy at all. The elevators are all in piss, the green or blue walls in graffiti, cold in winter, hot in summer. The walls between the apartments are thin as paper, you hear your neighbors drilling, listening to shitty music, arguing, screaming at each other, crying children.

Two were killed in the commie block, where I lived as a kid. One woman was killed with a knife - there are still blood splatters on the wall. And on man was killed by an another one during the argument when they got drunk, the one who killed still lives in the very same apartment, as court decided that he is no longer a threat being a handicapped old man.

I usually found drug addicts in the elevator or on the 9th floor of the building, syringes, spoons. Broken bottles on the floor. All that is sometimes cleaned by a janitor who works for $150 a month.

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>he actually thinks there's any difference between western faggot socialists and eastern faggot socialists
wew lad

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graphite is haram

dope argument
>the majority of those 90% are people who live in useless nowhere places.
>All the metropolitan areas that actually make money are

American declared his country the greatest, had to be brought down a few pegs.

horrible. I'm glad socialism died

Better than the

>safest places in the world
*throws grenade at you*
nothin personal... mutt

>I'm glad socialism died
It never did

You can't blame the block for the subhuman behavior of the jews who live there.

I'm pretty sure you meant veterans, right?

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yes, especially if its used for purging haram

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usa has most money and tanks


make new thread, fags

>Bombings increased significantly in 2015, with Swedish police investigating around 100-150 explosions.
Sweden what the FUCK

before retard decides to ruin another thread

I'm pretty sure you didn't mean to save that thumbnail, right?

you got us bro. we all believe in a world without borders - trans rights and killing all the white people.

bro you exposed us bro. you revealed that we're all college basedboys!!! libtards have been exposed.

dam.... never realized we were all liberals and trotskyite twinks...

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>3,6 microroentgens

That second quote is the article writers POV. They’re projecting onto her already lol.

I'm a 50% anglo, 25% german, 25% french "white" person. I do not consider people from Espania or the Mediterranean to be "white." When you start to break down what, technically, "white" is, particularly by historical standards, it's clearly just a fucking retarded meme for tryhards. The people shrieking the most about "whiteness" are all nigger LARPs that think they have to try double hard to "prove their worth" or something. If the only thing you have to show for and take pride in yourself are the lottery conditions of your birth, you're a fucking loser.
>This doesn't answer my question as to why America is non-white.
Because the continent was never "white." That's like asking why India is "non-white." We had an entire industry focused on importing black people for labor for 400 years. And then act shocked when they didn't disappear 150 years ago?

Like who cares? What are you some kind of slav? Why do you "white" people kill yourselves like it's a sport? If you're so happy with your oppressive nigger governments keeping all the Africans away, why are you all such degenerate fat drunks?
>*throws grenade at you*
most likely to happen in the US or somewhere with US troops stationed than anywhere else. Guess you're referring to that Russian propaganda that latched onto the "grenade attack" insurance scam in like 2015 or whenever?
>nothin personal... mutt
Why do Russians commit suicide so much? Aren't they "pure?"

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Today there were local and european elections in my cunt, last month there were general elections, but the only commies also have to cater to libshit ideas because of american politics making it the norm.

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I read her memories (Lyudmila's)
She said, that she had to remove lung particles and liver out of his mouth so he could breath (a couple of days before his death). And during her staying with her dying husband she was actually pregnant, but girl lived only for 5 days. It's very sad, really..

Not him but I honestly think the Romanian anthem is better

They’re both doctors. He’s much older, her schooling must’ve covered radiation sickness symptoms. A lot of younger doctors were preparing for an American nuke attack and were trained for it. It’s an age gape diff not gender

how? I thought solar was the cleanest


we need to get that number down. whie people are the absolute worst (except for mexicans)

>implying Christians aren't naturally inclined towards terrorism
ironic considering they're in a cult that worships a commie pacifist

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its just the poeple. i grew up in a commieblock in east germany. it was comfy as fuck

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>So trying to find drugs in Stockholm was basically impossible.

29yo swefag doomer here, this is a load of bullshit lol. Drugs are everywhere. I'm coming down from two days of molly and speed that I bought from complete strangers.

>Guess you're referring to that Russian propaganda that latched onto the "grenade attack" insurance scam in like 2015 or whenever?
Are you really this stupid? I'm a journalist and have interviewed Swedes that have been in areas where grenade attacks happened.

electron fog is fairly recent


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