I'm gonna watch The Tree of Life

I'm gonna watch The Tree of Life.

Is it good? What am I in for?

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Pretentious reddit movie


Good cinematography but also this

I only click on this thread because of the footfaggtory but I now realize it's a babies foot which is eww

put a fucking tree in your image like you used to have cunt


Pretentious shitbrain Kino

The meaning of life

its not pretentious. its good. everyone here is emotionally retarded though so whatever i guess its shit!

Wrong. There’s nothing Reddit about a white 1950s family and a man struggling with his faith

Mid-tier Malick, still leagues better than most anything else.

This, people who claim that it's pretentious can't even explain why.

it's great, what Boyhood should have been

Literally as Reddit as it gets.


If you're turning your nose up at that, and it's "reddit", what's "Yea Forums"?

Please tell me you're going to watch the Extended Edition. You should, as it gives you extra depth and better understanding of the parent's background. As for the film, it was meant to be Malick's magnus opus but failed due to various reasons.

Is it flawed? Sure. Is it a masterpiece? No way. Despite the fact that the cornerstones of the film is directly based on his personal life. I can't help but feel that a highly re-edited version from the shitton content they shot could elevate it to a new level.

Sean Penn summarized really well some of my feelings about the film: theguardian.com/film/filmblog/2011/aug/22/sean-penn-tree-of-life As if Malick wanted to have his cake and eat it too. TToL is a remarkable effort, but with huge wasted potential.

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Fucking footfags

earth creation stuff is fucking great
the rest is okay, great visuals

a journey through time and space

Kino dinosaurs.

You're watching movies wrong.

I'm pretty sure even Linklater saw it was a bad idea but after sinking that kind of time into a single project you can't really pull out.

Ethan Hawke ruins fucking everything.

Reddit dislikes this movie. Maybe you should go back there. Terrence Malick is pure Yea Forums director. This is a pro Terry board.

Huh? It has a 6.8 on IMDb. Reddit HATES this movie.

It's synonymous with 'accessible', which is every movie you've ever seen, which is why it's fucking stupid and useless as a pleb measuring stick.

> Hurrr I'm so patrician I've never even seen a good film.

To the world of the Mighty Boosh?

why are white babies gross

from the moment it ends whenever you hear the word pretentious you will think of this movie

You're in for the most beautiful human being ever captured on film.

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What's pretentious about it?

My movie theater usually has an intermission during movies. When I went to watch it, they played the second part before the intermission, and the first part after. No one noticed

Read the bible before watching

Because they look like little humans instead of little turds with 40 year old faces (like blacks).

white people shit

Sounds kino desu. Where did the second half start?


Beautiful film about life. I don't agree with every little scene added in Extended cut, but it's worth it.

My favorite Malick's
To the Wonder > Voyage of Time > Knight of Cups = Tree of Life > Song to Song. They're all good though.

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purest of kino's

Barefoot girls.

watch The New World first

>movie with religious themes

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One of the greatest artistic achievements of all time

Attached: tree of life floating.webm (1280x688, 2.96M)

>to the wonder as your favorite

I love Malick and he is probably my favorite director but some of his movies were really hit and miss, to the wonder being one of them, imo

>Tree of Life >= Knight of Cups > Days of Heaven > The New World > Thin Red Line > To the Wonder > Badlands

Pretentious nonsense. Patience-testing bullshit. Pure American tryhard arthouse faggotry. People only pretend to like this film.

I've seen Wonder few times. Think it's a great film about love. Of course, mileage may vary...


fucking shite, i was listening to the song and it fits perfectly with the webm when the lacrimosa kicks in

I might give a it re-watch soon, then.

seething euro

Yeah the foot image looks fucking stupid especially with that title

Sorry it only took us a few decades to develop a richer culture than yours

Lmao is this what Americans tell themselves?

>rich culture

one of the worst tragedies of the 20th century is that Americans have infected the global, and particularly European, culture

Malick is a student of continental philosophy, not analytical

it's quite shit tbqh

Malick translated Heidegger and taught philosophy. He's more European than the Chavs and Slime you call Europeans these days.

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>Americans have infected the global, and particularly European, culture
Name one thing Europeans created in the 20th century other than your retarded, devastating wars that we got pulled into

while I agree, you've literally done it to yourselves - you keep having world-spanning bitchfits that we then have to come over, and more importantly, stay over there for, long after it's finished. this is how culture is spread.

Vae Victis

That's exactly what makes him a tryhard faggot


>t. uninitiated

This kino started the mommy meme

I didn't say it was good or bad, just that it is 'reddit'

malick is a fucking hack

No. Get out heretic.

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you probably think TTRL is better than SPR you massive fucking faggot

brad pitt?

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Only redditors think SPR is better

Was boring as fuck. Why are there 2 minute long nature shots at multiple points in the movie? Fucking volcanoes n shit

only plebs think malick is a good director.
>actually has a slow motion flashback scene with dramatized narration set over it
worst WW2 flick, worst director.

Sean Penn

It's better. SPR is overtly patriotic unrealistic garbage with bad camera filters. First 20 minutes are good.

And TTRL is a clusterfuck with some pretty shots.
>"my dear wife...."

Best film of 21st century imo

I will rather have my pretty shots and interesting atmosphere with some philosophical discussion and some themes actually explored than SPR.
>my dear wife
Yes soldiers may think about their loved ones.

I'm sure plenty of soldiers walk through jungles with flashbacks of their wife on a swing set with a dramatized narration laid overtop.

total boredom

I'm sure plenty of medieval knights played chess with Death after they came back from the Crusades. Eat an ass, it's not a documentary.

Yes i'm pretty sure that when they are alone they think about what they left behind and whether anything will change when they return.

I'm sure plenty of medieval knights played chess with Death after they came back from the Crusades. Eat an ass, it's not a documentary.

Fuck you. Tree of Life is fucking horrible.


It literally is you jingoistic fuck. No one denies SPR is good though.

SPR is dumb ass fucking boomer flick about muh valiant Yanks fighting to 'free Europe' (by placing half of it under Communist dictatorship that killed more people than Hitler gassed, before Hitler had even gassed a single soul)

dumb as shit film for fucking bird brained communist fucks

Yeah, I liked it a lot. I would say it's kino

This single scene is better than SPR.

It's overtly spiritual and aimed directly at the soul not the intellect. It's about as unpretentious as a movie could possibly be. It's not the kinda movie I'm gonna throw on every couple months and play in the background while I cook, but it is a beautiful experience worth having at least once