Incredible hulk is a good contestant as the worst mcu movie

>incredible hulk is a good contestant as the worst mcu movie
>treated as a complete joke in ragnarok
>gets his ass destroyed by thanos in IW and then disappears for the rest of the movie
>did fucking nothing in endgame and apparently permanently injured now
>what was once the strongest and most intimidating avenger is now a fucking joke of a character
>can’t even get a new solo movie because of copyright issues
The mcu really did him dirty bros

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90% of the white men in avengers turned into jokes or a dead

and that's a good thing


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His solo movie was actually one of the better ones in the franchise. He stole the show in the first Avengers too. I don't know why he got downgraded so much as it went on.


i was disappointed that after going for the middle ground in endgame he seemed to be unwilling/incapable of actually doing any damage or violence. when i saw his first appearance i was hoping he'd got control over the transformation and would eventually become massive and do some real damage but he never does

I liked ragnarok

>>treated as a complete joke in ragnarok
Ragnarok Hulk was the best he's ever been. Fuck off.

Trash movie.

Best capeshit
Capeshit is retarded, at least make it a good comedy and thats what it is

theres no room for strong male characters and certainly no room for white men.
reminder: you not only watched this garbage but also likely paid to see it
enjoy your movies faggots


Yeah, they really fucked over Hulk!!!FACT!!!

when are capeshitters gonna get a containment board?

Scenes where he actually destroyed things were probably too expensive, or they knew people thought he was the best part of the film and turned his presence into a cocktease.

It was all figured out, to raise Captain Marvel
They had to make Thor get fat and the Hulk was unfit by wearing the glove.
But everyone knows that the Hulk's healing factor is Marvel's best
But the writers went through this
Maybe we have the real Hulk and Maestro in a future reboot of the MCU universe

we're crying for the hulk but we'll never have it on the big screen

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Reminder: The Hulk had never beaten Thanos 1v1 in the comics.
So people thinking he would in Endgame are retards.

Shit movie, with the worst miscast in the history of all capeshits

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It had nothing to do with captain marvel, she fucks off for most of the film. It was all about somehow making thanos appear stronger or at least stand a chance without the infinity gauntlet.

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But Hulk is green.

wasnt the hulk. it was a skrull. real banner is still in hiding after the events of the 2008 movie.

I didn't think it was that bad but they should've went with the better Abomination design.

I enjoyed the call backs to the tv show hulk that died from jumping out of a helicopter.

Attached: abomination.jpg (630x420, 56K)

I hate how they put that chick in every fucking movie these days, but the casting was fine. What are you even bitching about? Specifically?

Not letting the Hulk get out for a final fight with Thanos in endgame was a missed opportunity.

maybe for a normie

Valkyries are tall, muscular
True warriors
Pride of displaying their muscles
Think they are a few thousand years old
So Disney standards should not fit into them, tactical suit and diversity
They are all blonde, period
You change a thing and destroy the whole concept of the character

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Captain Marvel, Iron Man 2, Black Panther and Ragnarcuck are worse though.

It's alright, they fixed him in post.

Valkyries in the comics are stupid, and stupid comic book bullshit should be thrown out for the sake of making a compelling movie.

They've never really been able to write the Hulk correctly which is why he's now been replaced with Green Banner.

T. cuck

Nothing about this creatura is compelling

I forgot how scary and threatening he was because at one point since my most recent memories of him were getting clapped by Thanos

Nu Star Wars and Nu Avengers is about white old men dying or retiring and handing off power to minorities and women. Whether you like it or not, you're an absolute retard if you can't see this.

We have Zoomer Spider-Man

A twink who only mixes with black girls and gets bullied by some Indian Poo. Thank God.

Oh hey reddit how’s it going?

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lol what the fuck? I assume the bottom pic is from Endgame, and I'd assume it was photoshopped but with Marvel I genuinely don't know if it's real.

t. Zoomer

It's real

How can you have a character who can always beat up the bad guy? It doesn't work in a team movie.

I guess she might be white by Argentinian standards.

It's thor the dark world

You do it with good and creative writing.

>Has spotty movies at best.
>The best one that everyone loves does your favorite arc dirty.
>Getting the biggest damn hero moment in IW.
>Fails and goes to be goofy fat Thor.
>S'fine, he gonna get up and be Thor again.
>Never really happens.
>Doesn't even have the decency to lose weight for the final battle.
I know the feeling to a point.

Attached: thor-avengers-infinity-war-wakanda-power-level.jpg (1280x720, 59K)


You're right, these marvel movies don't work at all, look how incoherent and unsuccessful they are

I might have to DL a camrip to see this now but how does he get full control over his hulk mode (or at least that's what it seems like) so he can look like a mid-transformation hulk/hip college student?

stop using success as a measure of anything about a movie besides how many people have seen it and how much money it made. it means literally nothing else and makes you look like a tard when you act as if it does.

That isn't what I'm saying at all. Just note how they have to shunt the Hulk to the side somehow unless it's a generic battle scene against yard trash.

I like Taika Waititi and even I couldn't stand that fucking quipfest.

Both Hulk and Thor were trashed in the MCU. It's part of leftist agenda it emasculate men, particularly white men, but the goal is to do it to all men.

Why did they make a half mutt negress a norse asgardian? The original character is a straight up blonde with blue eyes.

>permanently injured


omg you're so cool