The thing (1982) Questions and riddles

What would happen if the thing made it to civilization?

When the Alien built the small ship was it just trying to get back to the big ship so it could get away?

Why did the doggo run to the USA station(50 Nm , or a one hour helicopter ride away in stead of to the big ship)

Was it just trying to get away from Earth?

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Why are aliens always landing in Antarctica when attaining a polar orbit requires significantly more delta v than an equatorial orbit?

It was a crash/emergency landing , Its shown at very start, it is implied that the thing is killing the crew

Well it is shown in Blair's computer that The Thing would probably try to spread slowly as a virus and fuck everything up which is the reason why he isolated the crew along with the thing by cutting all connections to the rest of the world

What if the thing absorbs and assimilates a human but don't immediate controls the assimilated brain, but instead is the original person's memories/personality that do. Does it know this or it takes time to realize, and if it knows can it regain control manually at anytime or have to act and control the organic mass against the brain's will?


That isn't really true if they're entering orbit from extraplanetary space

the simulation of the thing's spread
did you even watch the movir


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What kind of computer would they have in 1982 in the antarctic ? What spec?

obviously they would have modified Chess Wizards


This movie is really about cats spreading Toxoplasma Gondii, and turning everyone gay.

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What happened to the shotguns they had them at start of movie and middle and then they disappeared at end ?

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The nerve tissue would be absorbed as any other by the thing cells. Then depending on the situation they would immitate the functions of the nerve cells they abosrbed with all the functions it had. It just replaces object with immitation. The Thing doesn't become person it just imitate it.
If someone would be infected by it - he would hve to slowly die inside out, cell by cell and after that replaced completely by the thing.

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What is the true appearance of the thing? How can you know which bits are assimilated forms and what it is originally.

Yes, but what if consciousness could independently emerge in the functional imitated brain from it's memories, how would the thing react? As I don't think it understand the concept of individual and consciousness

it doesnt have one, its a cell based lineform that operates in a hivemind with its connected cells. It takes over the cell next to it and makes it a fellow "thing" cell

who knows how many hundreds or thousands of years it's even been alive. one theory i've seen posted is that it's some kind of galactic prisoner being taken to it's lifelong prison when it breaks free and kills the crew of the UFO. or that it's some kind of alien science mishap
it's obviously intelligent considering how it blends in with it's victims so it would stand to reason it's made for it a very long time.
part of what makes it such a good monster is how mysterious it is

It would take over three years to infect the whole earth

but it must have one. it can't just come from nothing like a big bang.

its a cell based life form, it becomes what ever the being its taking over is. A Dog, human, what ever it comes into contact with.

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what makes you think the big bang came from nothing? sounds like a crock of shit to me from the start. a veritable god of the gaps brain fart that muh scientism cult followers parrot because they dont have any better explanation

The howl was so good.

what do you parrot?


During the commentary, Galuzzo asked if there were any subtle cues in the cinematography that revealed anything about The Thing to the audience. Cundey explained that he and Carpenter wanted to figure out some kind of way to hint which of the characters were still human. He says, “You’ll notice there’s always an eye light, we call it, a little gleam in the eye of the actor. It gives life.”

Now watch the end of the movie and see if you can determine whether the last men standing are both human:

t. i dont understand what science is

Would you even be aware that you had been assimilated by the thing if it happened? is that why when the thing transforms into horrible shapes the person it happens to looks like they are in pain.

of course they are both human, all the meme theories about why childs isnt human or macready was somehow infected are retarded. the point is that things have broken down so much that neither of them can trust each other anymore at the end, thats the horror.

whats the difference between the biblical genesis and the big bang theory? in the end, nothing whatsoever - it's all based on belief.
sciencetard BTFO

what would win.
the black goo vs the thing

define this abstract solely inguistic construction please

>the concept of individual
Every thing's cell is individual. They just merge and cooperate for common goal. To have something we call "individual consciousness" we first of all should imply that the thing have specific tissue (aka brain) that is responsible for producing it. If it is an imitation of a brain that means that the consciousness is also an imitation.

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the difference is that the biblical genesis is entirely blind faith in a very old book, the big bang theory is based off of decades of work by hundreds of scientists trying to come to a conclusion entirely founded off the scientific theory and what we know to be true. and if you say the concept of the scientific theory is a load of shit then stop using technology and go live in the woods and worship the sun

so the thing is a hive mind like the zerg

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scientism is blind faith to men in white coats. they are priests.
50% of peer reviewed studies are fake and their pet THEORIES are for some reason taught in schools as if they're true.
200 years ago you'd be the guy saying DO YOU DENY RELIGION??!??? rather than DO YOU DENY SCIENCE??!??
i never said the scientific method is bullshit, but theres a whole lot of bullshit in science. stop getting offended, i thought truth didn't fear questioning :^)

probably just a hyperfast tyranid

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I love this story, even if its non canon.
are there other thing like creatures?

Biblical creation is based off of centuries of work by thousands of theologians trying to come to a conclusion entirely founded off logic, reason and what we know to be true

don't you know we live in the current year, user? science is true because it must be!

>are there other thing like creatures?

>define this abstract solely inguistic construction please
What's the point of explaining something to a zombie?

The Thing on DVD is the best ever, it doesn't have a menu, once you put it in it starts the movie immediately.

>Don't tell me you nevah heard of a computah stayvan?

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why are boomers on Yea Forums

why cant you make an argument, son?

The doggo is an escape tactic. Another one was spawning towards the end too.

The thing was clearly intelligent enough to realize it. In that short amount of time it gathered enough to know that they're natural sprinters and cute. It's not farfetched to say it knew what it was up against and probably didn't have any further designs for the rest of the planet it just getting the fuck out of dodge.

Childs was The Thing in the end.

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He reaches a little too much but he's pretty dead on regarding this and maybe Cape Fear.

based schizoposter

Duh, Childs drank the gasoline MacReady put in the glass

>christians actually believe this

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based noarguments poster

>Every thing's cell is individual. They just merge and cooperate for common goal.
That's the thing (heh), It operates like a hive but doesn't have a mind, It must imitate brain-like tissue to unintentionally create one, one that's not aware it's cells are individuals. Can the emergent consciousness control the imitated functional body or the thing's cell mass prevent him, do they struggle with each other?

>zoomers actually believe that scholars havent been studying and interpreting religious texts for thousands of years

Why doesn't this board have webms with sound yet

Becuase then Yea Forums would be flooded with sound webms, that's what /wsg/ is for

Sensing isn't thinking. The first eukaryotes were the same way.

What is that image from , i keep seeing posted?

Same reason Horishimoot uses cloudflare and not use the only thing they're good for.

So what are the canon sequels?
The game or the comics?

mixing sounds and image was a mistake and can never be kino, Yea Forums rejects it

I read a post that suggested the bottle that macready was carrying around at the end, was a molotov cocktail. When child's drank it, that's how he knew that child's was a thing. Kind of an interesting theory.

There's no shelter left and he disappears for a good 20 minutes all of a sudden in fine health and wearing different clothes. It's far from implied but it's definitely not just an oversight.

fake news user , mcready is drinking throughout the movie and is just about to drink from bottle when childs reappears.

Did Carpenter ever clear up the ending?

Why it's the music in this movie so godlike

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Fuck no dude he just jammed out on the synthesizer for another 10 years. JC was a kino making machine in the 80s.

>I am a paste eating brainlet that has never once engaged with philosophy or theology
Unironically kys

hes a fucking retard and also fucking wrong

you can't even blame people like him, most are like that. public education rots the brain

this theory has 0 basis other than retarded head canon because

bottle of alcohol
bottle used for molotov
thus bottle at end molotov not alcohol

If you're implying that neither has an eye light and are therefore both infected, I counter that statement suggesting that the eye light is a sign of life. While they are both still human and alive, the situation they're in is so dire that they are already dead.

Yes, but I'm talking about the imitated thinking in the imitated brain of the human the thing imitated.

Here is a video of Keith David talking about the breath and gasoline theory.
He says they are both stupid. You can see his breath better before he sits down too

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both theories are retarded, not only can you see keiths breath in the scene, but in the other scenes, the thing shows breath

Damn I didn't think about that. If it can effortlessly clone someone synapses right down the cellular level it would be thinking just like whatever it assimilated but if it was just a sensory type thing since it is effortless from everything we see, it's really hard to draw that line. I kind of want to say it's non-controlled but it clearly was able to pick and choose parts but I guess that could've been involuntary too.

It's super-cancer emerging as a different life form.

So who actually got to the blood?

If its imitating somebody - it already thinks he is a Thing not a person.

Alright real talk. Who wins in a fight: the thing or the blob?

the black goo

Childs is the thing, anyone who disagrees is just butthurt because whitey is the good guy in the end.

I feel like the Blob would win

>delta v
>mattering to a flying saucer

The new one is better.

neither of them are the thing. you cant prove otherwise.

>entire world
They don't know about president Madagascar.

The Thing doesn’t even make sense. If it actually fully becomes that thing to a cellular level doesn’t it just...become that thing? Wouldn’t it then stop being a Thing since it has wholly become a different matter?


It doesn't *fully* become whatever it becomes. Human blood doesn't go apeshit when you put something hot on it.

>If it actually fully becomes that thing to a cellular level doesn’t it just...become that thing?
It doesn't FULLY becomes it. It can just look visualy like it but not inside.
It just imitate object for specific purpose - to absorbe more matter\things\objects\cells\etc
It also absorbes data and information for example absorbing helicopter pilot the thing could drive helicopter without imitating helicopter pilot.

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But it doesn't necessarily have to a conscious decision. It's hard to argue that there's anyone behind the wheel at all since it doesn't seem to keep even a single iota of it's previous form since it's a perfect assimilation minus artificial stuff. I think it's closer to something like a hyper evolved amoeba.

Fuck you're right. It has to be able to retain something to do that.

>President Madagascar! A child in Greenland has a slight cough and reports of a grandmother feeling 'chilly' are coming in from central Saskatchewan.

oh shit I never really put together the "thing was killing/had killed the crew," part, I just sort of assumed it was the thing's ship and it was malfunctioning, which I guess is a dumb assumption..

Does the thing actually require food and other feeding sources to survive? Say it got stuck in an assimilated body for years, would it need something to sustain the body?

Interesting. He drank gasoline at the end?


I'm watching the Cape Fear analysis and it seems like trash.... It's all stupid reaches and attaching importance to things that clearly don't matter...

probably just a blob

He overcomplicates things but at the end of the day it has a theme of redemption and I never once thought of it that way.

Could be an autotroph that just produces its own food but the only reason respiration ever became a thing was because of the strong chemical reaction, but the thing was from space so I have no idea what it could've been based on unless it's something like light.

it's fucking 80 minutes long!

You're a fucking moron if you don't think stupid people treat SCIENCE as yet another religion these days

i think this need context because these journals were posted in far left social justice """social studies""" journals that are massive circle jerk achievement wank where nobody cites or fact checks each other.

Legit scientific journals like physics or chemistry often have to include hard evidence or cited sources and are often checked and examined by other people. The humanities are a known den of complete bollocks and dogma being pushed in "journals" which no basis, its a bad apple and doesn't mean every apple is rotten. this has happened once with physics and even then he was found out. This specific incident was only found out after they told people.

>to get back to the big ship so it could get away?
He could easily plan to just get out of Antarctica.

stupid you

I thought it worked like photosynthesis but that gets destroyed when you realize the entire movie takes place in the Arctic. Then I thought maybe it fed on the assimilated victims and that’s how it remained fed but it doesn’t seem to necessarily need to eat whoever it assimilates

Also the speck of light in his eyes is gone.

Why would the thing pretend to be Childs instead of digging itself into the snow. Why would a thing put itself into a highly vulnerable situation right in front of MacReady's flamethrower.
>"its trying to fake Mac out"
If it's smart enough to do that than it's smart enough to have learned that MacReady is a paranoid willing to destroy everything to kill it and that even just approaching him endangered its life. A thing would either avoid MacReady or wait until he was vulnerable and attacked him from behind.

It's more surprising that MacReady didn't just flame Childs on sight.

Because the Thing likes to kill.

>Because the Thing likes to kill.
where is this established? the only time the thing reveals itself and attacks is when it has no other choice or can infect someone else. nowhere does the thing just "thing out" because it can.

The Thing is more like a disease than a unified conscious being. It mimics the behaviour of whatever it takes over but doesn't fully comprehend being that creature. It's like if you somehow got control of an oil tanker... sure you could figure out the controls and the horn and possibly the maritime lingo on the radio, but you wouldn't be a real captain and you wouldn't know what your purpose was or where you were going.

I highly doubt that complete assimilation would take 1+ years. With that behavioral pattern and ferocity, it would become a rushing, 1000ft tall tsunami of ravenous biomass within hours of reaching the ocean, the growth/replication rate would be geometrical.

For starters, it's flees to McReady's group instead of killing off the Norwegians.

It's understandable, too. An organism that preys on the cells of other organisms will try not to stay alone.

Holy shit I didn't realize that. Yeah that's fucking ridiculous.

X-Files or Prometheus black goo?


Reminder that The Thing is a metaphor for AIDS

Everything we know we are parroting from another source EVERYTHING

Fuck you faggot @ one person next time

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What was the studio's problem?

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No thought is original.

Fukin cold kills it?? Just wait till October and you win

boomer business men ruin everything once again

What do you think it feels like being assimilated by the Thing? How long until you and your consciousness die? How does that work?

For as much as it’s memed around how painful it must be I actually think it’s pretty harmless in of itself. You’ll probably lose consciousness once the thing takes over your body, what’s left of you is a shell of yourself, that’s the real horror of assimilation

not good, not terrible.

Think of normal cells as a vehicle, while the Thing infects things with its ego and begins to pilot them. If there was more than one Thing-like entities then they would have to fight over who is in the "Driver seat". You know humans are not in any sort of "Driver seat" because humans can't fight back against Thing control.
The weird thing is that it means humans are just some kind of self-driving vehicle.
Following this reasoning, the Thing is a higher type of lifeform.

You wouldn't even realize it.
Individual cells feel no pain, and considering the imitation is supposedly perfect - you wouldn't even realize you've been replaced, until the Thing assumes Direct Control - which is when you disappear forever.
Like this.
And this.

>translating, interpreting, and reorganizing the source to the point any subtlety is completely lost.

>And this.
Wrong one.

Why can't people just enjoy it without praising it as "the best movie of all time 10/10" even though it's not scary and the effects are laughable and there's only one plot thread the entire movie? and then they go and argue about what was in it, because it's not clearly told, knocking off another point, these people who love it just can't make sense of it

>the thing
>laughable effects
I didn't know we were talking about the 2011 prequel

I too comment late in a thread about an argument nobody made.

Wasn't that supposed to be in the prequel? Like they had (before suits said make everything CGI) built a non-Thing Alien that I think was supposed to be that movie's equivalent to the Norwegian at the begin of this one

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So what was everyone else's job and what did the station actually do?

It's a fun scenario for people to self insert into and think about. There are lots of horror movies where making a few better decisions could have changed the outcome of the entire movie but The Thing is seemingly not one of those movies.

Weirdest penis I've ever seen.

Dumbass, The Thing was the friends we made along the way.

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>What would happen if the thing made it to civilization?
End of world scenario, with almost no way to stop it

>When the Alien built the small ship was it just trying to get back to the big ship so it could get away?
It was trying to freeze itself again, probably built a ship so whenever it next awoke it could fly to a populated area?

Where is Blair , Where is the Doggo?

>the world gets consumed
>its vague if the thing was trying to escape or spread, humans figure its not worth it risking it
>was on the run, needed more biomass
>destroying the equipment and helicopter couldve been the human trying to lock it with them or the thing trying to lock them with it until it could consume them and not let them get a warning out

Could the thing imitate a big dick and attach itselfs to a smaller penis?

Asking for a friend.

A short story goes into it, your consciousness fades away as it invades your brain cells, and you slip away into nothingness being unable to do anything about it. A cold quiet death

its like lavos

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Imagine if cancer was alive.

What is the true form of cancer? Different tumors, etc will look different depending on what it spreads to, for example

not true, thats a retarded reduction to absurdity.

Can the thing swim , Would it assimilate the fishos, birdos?!?

it would assimilate the sea.
and it has a tax policy.

Cancer cells have the ability to express long dead genes no matter what the originating organism is. Multicellularity itself is still a total mystery for all we know the two could be related.

What the fuck would it have done if it had taken the entire planet? Wouldn't things resume as they were just now everything go as it normally does just that everything organic are one singular mental collective ? Would the works basically become a giant dollhouse? Or would it be just a massive all encompassing fleshscape?

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Following the discussion of consciousness, disregarding what happened in the alien ship and wtf can this beautiful girl even thinks, imagine it acting on instinct of survivor and not understanding or mind, leading to the baserk behavior in the prequel. Then it starts to get the hang of it, hell, even liking it, never ever really experienced thinking, emotions and interaction with non connected foreign biomasses, but it was too late and it was found.
Barely escapes and change it's behavior, but still have to survive and it lost to much energy, got ultimately found out again and ruined its plans.
maybe if it could escape, the emergent personality, a amalgamation of every human memory it assimilated in that place, trying so hard to preserve itself by not splitting apart too much (or at all), abandon the cell hive shit and try to live as a normal human as long as it can

Imagine if its just a mitochondria that awakened and toke control of the cell

it’s better that he didn’t.. that’s the whole point of the ending.. it’s the not knowing that’s makes it great

Did anyone else read that awful Thing comic where The Thing cucks a guy and then fucks off into the ocean never to be seen again after shit talking Macready?

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Why do you eat? why do you fuck? why do you sleep?
Those functions are your biological imperatives, you're driven to perform them or at least attempt to, whether you like it or not.
Like any other living creature, the Things the same, thing(lol) is - wherever it came from, it's part of an ecosystem and other species' likely have way to deal with its bullshit. It's always when a species is taken out of it's niche and transplanted somewhere where its traits make it become invasive, that shit goes bad.

Imagine The Thing gaining enough consciousness to regret doing the things it does

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There's a ALIENS comic that touched of this idea, where Xenomorphs are dangerous but because they where a part of a much larger ecosystem they never got out of hand but because they were taken out of their natural habitat like any other invasive species they we're able to spiral out of control

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It's not like there has to be a motive user. That's a human condition.

ya but its been 35 years jesus christ , hope he tells us before he dies.

The Flood.
>fungal parasitic hivemind
>feeds on/assimilates only sentient species
>the more intelligent beings the Flood infects the smarter it becomes
>when enough biomass has been amassed an "individual" intelligence is born in the form of a gravemind
>Graveminds are the central intelligences of their horde's hivemind, organizes, articulates and executes the collective's will with far more efficiency than before
>1 single spore can infect and assimilate an entire galaxy
>only the most extreme forms of containment can halt their onslaught I.E. wiping out all sentient life ingalaxy before they are taken by the Flood

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Since you got a full house I'll tell you. It's from a commercial for the world's strongest office chair.

>instead of digging itself into the snow
It had just woken from millennia of cold stasis brought on by its crash. The only thing that has prevented it from accumulating more and more biomass, and eventually absorbing and replacing the entire biosphere of the earth, is the desolation of its surroundings. Its goals are predatory, and it knows what its prey knows. If it buries itself again it could be millennia before it has another opportunity to escape a biome that it must experience as some kind of frozen hell, if it ever has another opportunity at all. It faced annihilation at the hands of the norwegians once already, and gambled on escape and further predation rather than flee into the wastes to chance an indefinite and possibly perpetual stasis again. So, it only has one more person outlast, one more foodsource to manipulate into its biomass, and then it's a comparitively short sleep before rescue crews arrive to return its "body" to the bounty of the civilized world where it can feed and grow.
That's IF Childs was thinged. I'm not convinced either way. But if he was then it had a reasonable motivation to try to outplay MacCready.

REMINDER: Neither Childs nor MacReady were Things.
Childs dies later and MacReady survives
The PS2 Game is the canon sequel

kind of like the blomkampf short 'zygote'

Because if other boards got sound webm's it would render /gif/ and /wsg/ completely redundant and pointless.

I like to believe that subtly infected humans are unaware they've been Thinged until or unless they Thing out upon being discovered, but that the Thing can subtly influence their behavior without them realizing what they're doing. Human minds or personalities are only eliminated upon violent instinctual survival behavior from the Thing

I don't know......

/gif/ is for porn, though.

>not posting porn on every board you visit, especially blue boards

There's a difference between what you choose to post and what the purpose of each board is.
/gif/ is specifically for porn and other adult themed content.

44 years later lots of questions and mystery and riddles but no answers JC was a genius

It only took their persona so it could get some stealth kills. If it stopped needing to hide it would be like what the flood does in halo. And then spread to a new planet

It did make it to civilization. We just forgot we were it due to mimicking the population habits too much.

it's kinda crazy that they made it to earth and didn't fuck over the planet in 3 - like the elites help to glass africa where they crash but it only takes one spore and nothing made it out of there?

>Human minds or personalities are only eliminated upon violent instinctual survival behavior from the Thing
New theory: What if the human mind and personality aren't eliminated, it's just they know what they have become and due to the existential threat they present they have no choice but to Thing out and remove the threat.
Imagine being a jew in nazi germany except you had the power to fight back somewhat. Hiding is still the safest tactic but if you get discovered you could still try eliminating the witnesses and then move on.

>Imagine being a jew in nazi germany except you had the power to fight back somewhat. Hiding is still the safest tactic but if you get discovered you could still try eliminating the witnesses and then move on.
George Soros...

Sounds like a great chance to turn some profit.

The Thing, also known as The Thing From Another World, is a shape-shifting creature that crash-landed upon Earth roughly 100,000 years ago. It was frozen in the ice of Antarctica and accidentally freed by the crew of Norway's Thule Research Station, which it proceeded to attack and destroy in 1982. The Thing was forced to move onto America's U.S. Outpost North #31 to continue its attempts to escape to the mainland. This creature has the ability to absorb and copy the DNA of any life-form it consumes, allowing it to take on its appearance, memories, and mannerisms.

As a parasitic life-form, the Thing seeks to absorb and assimilate any nearby life-form native to whatever planet the Thing arrives on. This enables the parasite to gain shelter and be able to adapt to virtually any environment that can sustain multi-cellular, complex life, which is its principal food and host source.

Each individual cell of the creature is both part of a singular multi-cellular lifeform and a distinct, independent entity at the same time. Dual-functionality of the creature enables individual cells and/or collections of cells to function as separate organisms if necessary, which are invariably focused on one goal; assimilating and imitating other lifeforms.

Support staff, mechanics, electricians, plumbers. Even when McMurdo is at its highest population in the summer of the vast majority of personnel are just there to keep the lights on and keep everyone alive.

It assimilates other lifeforms by either deploying separate, autonomous parts or using the mass of its own body to capture or seize a host, which will subsequently consume and generate a replica of the host from the biomass of the victim and the parasite itself, which is itself a copy of the Thing. Depending upon the size or nature of the infectious method, the consumption and replication of a host can take a variable length of time, from a very long time period to a shorter one, depending on whether the assimilating agent are small particles or larger forms.

One key capability of the creature is its ability to undergo cryogenic stasis, much like the Earth-native yeast fungus. This enabled it to lay dormant for at least 100,000 Earth years, awaiting discovery by any sentient life forms who have the means to revive it from its long-term dormancy.

The Thing's ability to interact with plant based life-forms is largely unknown. Its only interaction with plant based life was in the form of wood/clothing fibers. It cannot absorb these as noted by MacReady, which could suggest an inability to absorb plant cells or dead cells. Another interesting note is no Thing copy has ever been observed eating or drinking beyond living humans or dogs, and it also leaves the bodies of killed humans or dogs untouched even though there is usable biomass. This implies that the Thing cannot utilize dead tissue, or perhaps more interestingly, it understands that potential hosts will react strangely to the presence of someone they know to be deceased.

The guy with glasses did the radio/comms
maybe electrican or EE guy

The old guy with revolver was the boss.

Another guy was in charge of sled dogs

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Glassing involves a bit more than the land itself melting into glass. The heat generated from the plasma bombardment would cook anything organic within the killzone, flood included. The Elites ended up glassing about half the continent, despite the crashzone being localized to eastern Africa, just to be on the safe side. The Elites did nothing wrong and saved humanity from a far more grizzly extinction than the Prophets had in store for them.

Back in my day /gif/ was for all gifs and we didn't need to separate sfw and nsfw.

Palmer is a pilot too
Blair's a biologist
Copper is the medical doctor
Clark was the dog guy
Garry's the station commander
Windows is comms
Keith David is the skeptical black guy
Fuchs is the funny fat guy

always wanted to see the thing go up against a xenomorph

It's pretty good for a prequel that came out 30 years after the original, but original is better. Peak MEW cuteness.

that is disturbing

Station 31

R.J. MacReady - Helicopter Pilot
Childs - Chief Mechanic
Blair - Senior Biologist
Windows - Radio Operator
Palmer - Assistant Mechanic
George Bennings - Meteorologist
Copper - Physician
Nauls - Cook
Garry - Station Manager
Fuchs - Assistant Biologist
Norris - Geologist
Clark - Dog Handler

Why was mcready living in his own hut ? RFLOL

Would be even better If not for the vfx fiasco

>Peak MEW cuteness.
Yes, also based Lars

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There's a difference between speculating on the nature of the divine with background knowledge equivalent to the contents of a community library in the most irrelevant small town today and working backwards along a mathematical model starting from the current state of the universe's expansion. The funny part is that the model leads to everything originating from a single point so scientists worked from there in creating the theory of the big bang, it would unironically be a decent argument for deliberate creation of the universe but it doesn't fit neatly into your established dogma and you're too focused on trying to re-frame science as another religion (accidentally making a case against theology in the process) to actually think.

It should be a ban worthy offense. Seriously fucks up every thread attention starved turd burglars do it in.

I really hate the word "doggo"
Why do people do this?

aka blind faith in new books
kill yourself retarded liberal sciencetard

Because they're annoying,

kill yourself retarded newfaggot

Is the Thing a sociopath?

Can the Thing think, feel or understand things? What does the Thing wants? What does the Thing think of its fellow things?

It pisses me off that I know EXACTLY what you're talking about

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>"You really couldn't have come up with something better than a hand with teeth?"
"Coming from the Thing that turned into a flower made out of dog tongues"
You Things are childish.

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You know if you think about it....The Heart attack sequence is literally just O MY ALIEN ANATOMY

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kino image

it's a fucking reddit thing as far as I can tell, and tv is basically a reddit colony so...

>"The humans can't possibly figure out our trick"
Ayy if you light the blood on fire it'll freak out lmao

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it form r/aww which is a good place on reddit.

>50% of peer reviewed studies are fake

sorry can you translate your Yea Forums autism please

Those are 3 trolls trolling humanities. It has nothung to do with actual science.


In combat against a human size thing the xenomorph would probably win since any injury would release it's acid blood melting the thing into a red puddle. But who knows if a thing can infect and replicate a xenomorph like it can a human.

Which is worse: The Thing or Necromorphs?

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>The Elites did nothing wrong
Who said they did? They glassed Africa, we should be thanking them.

The Thing. Necromorphs are creepy as hell but you would never mistake a necromorph as a normal human.


So he was right the entire time.....even if it wasn't Africa he glassed?

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The Things the Thing can do

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What makes Christianity more correct than any other mythology?

The Thing.
Necromorphs can only exist in the presence of a marker.
You destroy any local markers and they all melt.

>the Thing is a higher type of lifeform.
its a virus
do you know that virus is not considered to be "a lifeform" at all?

it's probably will go like full Brethren Moons from Dead Space.

Neither of those things is right.

Based Thing would've ended postmodern degeneracy.

Neither of your things is right.

What if it was The Thing vs. The Blob? Who would win?

fucking this

they would merge in one new being

Or The Thing (original) vs. The Thing (remake)?Can TT(r) assimilate a giant carrot? Could it become a plant as well as an animal?

Based Thing is actually the most powerful, dreadful and resilient alien creature that ever accured on screen or vidya. No lame meta\xeno\necromorphs can compete with it.

Summoning powerful drawers in the thread to make a version of Virgin vs. Chad with Alien (or necromorph) vs Thing

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Not all virologists agree with that. Some of them consider themselves to be zoologists, and some botanists.

This scene still fucking chills me

How does the cells of a thing communicate with each other? How do they know who is who?
Do they use some magic shit like telepathy, or sending and sensing chemicals in the air? If so why wouldn't they just pollute water or even air with their biomaterial and microbes so the hosts would just inhale it and infect themselves? Are they all just a clones of the same one thing with absolutely identical "programmed" behaviour? If so why would some parts of the thing escape\adjust and separate from the primary body and go full individual?

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Ok. Let's pretend that there is a consensus among microbiologists that, despite the fact that they reproduce with DNA and/or RNA, evolve, and are made entirely of components that are otherwise only found in and made by lifeforms, viruses are indeed not lifeforms.
There isn't much we know about the thing's biology. What we do know without a doubt is that it has cells, and that they can be seen in the visible light spectrum with whatever primitive imaging tech they had in a remote Antarctic outpost. The word "virus" refers to a specific group of biological particles that are acellular. This one of the main reasons there has ever been a debate as to whether they're alive or not; possession of a cellular anatomy is considered by some to be a prerequisite for life. Very few viruses can be seen with light microscopy, and those only with the very best light microscopes we have today, and even then they have so little visible detail that even well-trained microbiologists would have little confidence in identify the particle as a virus.
On top of that l, the thing appears to have some sort of metabolism (viruses don't), and is capable of spontaneous rapid cellular division (which rules out the virus identification again for the above reason).
tl;dr: assume that someone who knows better will be around before you decide to talk out your ass on Yea Forums

>Begone fleshlet

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That "WHO'S THE THING AT THE END??" argument is fucking retarded because it doesn't matter. Once the shelter burns down the Thing will freeze. The only reason it was able to reanimate was because it thawed in the heated shelter in the first place.

>If so why wouldn't they just pollute water or even air with their biomaterial and microbes so the hosts would just inhale it and infect themselves?
Well, we don't know that it didn't. We saw a very short timeframe of the thing's existence. For all we know it had contongency upon contingency. In the inevitable sequel we'll probably see the thing come back from something as simple as a blood spatter taken for analysis, or even a water sample. The airborn idea is the least likely, it would have to adapt a radically different cell structure than the animal cells it was already emulating, and such a small mass would freeze quickly in that environment. It would also make for a shit movie if the protags lose just by breathing. But it's not impossible I guess.

I actually thought about that like if all it takes is a single cell getting in you to immediately be fuck then they all should have been fucked the moment they encountered the Dog or hell them blowing it up at the end should have spread it Return of the Living Dead style...speaking of which Return of the Living Dead is a far scarier scenario than The Thing

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>the Thing will freeze
Yeah, but this time it will freeze somewhere that it will be found and tended to. That's an escape plan.

>go to sleep skelly you are drunk

Here's my take:
>person is infected with thing cells
>thing cells slowly replace all human cells, and perfectly replicate their function
>replicated neurological cells function exactly like normal ones, and the person's contiousness is presumably never interrupted. They notice no change themselves.
>the replicated brain, controlled by the original contiousness controls the replicated body like a normal person until...
>the thing is discovered, and the thing cells' instincts are activated. The body morphs into whatever horrid form and the contiousness (no longer of use for camoflage) simply ceases.

The thing effectively uses people, and their minds, as a complex way to hide. If the host has no clue, they just go about their business, and no one knows.
The reason people become upset when they are about to be foind out is a combination of stress caused by the situation, and thing cell instincts starting to take over.

To the thing, contiousness is a tool. It's form amd function don't need it, and it is shed like snake skin at a moment's notice.

Look at it like this; if you visit a hostile environment, like prison, and adopt the mindset and habbits of others there for survival (gangs) but abandon these behaviors the second you no longer need them. That's 100% of everything the thing does, no matter what form it takes, and no matter what behaviours.

The mind of a host can only control the thing cells while the cells are trying to blend in, because they are allowed to by the thing's function.

Based Chadcrons have arrived to piss on organic lifeforms

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Story retold from the Thing's perspective, fighting bizarre, isolated aliens living crude, fleeting lives without the bliss of true connection (humans).

Best ending line I've read in a long time

That's a good theory, but I think there's more going on than that. It doesn't account for intelligently deceptive actions it took for its own preversation. Like arguing for its release or attempting to avoid testing when the others aren't sure its host is thinged. Those could reasonably be explained as just how the person in question would behave, or a small tweak to the person's motivations without interrupting their conciousness. But sabotaging the freezer? There's definite, actively deceptive agency there that can't be explained as normal behavior.

I'd honestly rather get assimilated than be a RotLD zombie at least it you get got by the Thing you're dying or at the very least loosing your consciousness and it will be over but it you become a Zombie you're a perpetual state of pain, completely aware of what you're doing and the only way to briefly ease your pain is to eat brains and unless you more or less get completely disintegrated you aren't dying...also fuck it you where already dead the virus will just bring you back to life regardless of what state your body was in upon death

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>the person's contiousness is presumably never interrupted.
jej what?

your brain activity ( synaptogenesis ) would be interrupted by the invasion of another tissue even its completely "the same" - so your consciousness (or whatever the fuck word you nu-males use actually for "soul") would still cease to exist even for a short period of time before the new head will grow upon it.

>you're dying or at the very least loosing your consciousness and it will be over
Maybe. Your mind is a part of the thing for a while. Maybe it's preserved as part of some kind of gestalt cellular conciousness. It was making dog parts out of human flesh at the end, so it has some degree of memory of the structures its mimicked. Why not minds too? It may not even be that bad.

I know stem cells can repair someones brain from drug abuse. You guys think its possible cut tiny piece of brain matter put it in someone elses head who is also damaged and use stem cells revive and merge both of them? Anyone want to volunteer?

Plot twist the people infected not only don't know they're infected they don't even know they're gone...even after they transformed, they're collective consciousness is in it's own world

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Damn, this is a good question

Does the Thing pay it's taxes? Could it have a society?

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>Could it have a society
It would became the society

Is the Thing incel or a gangweed?

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apparently when you amputate your hand. Your brain cells that control your remaining hand invade and take over the brain cells hand you lost. To make the hand you have left more efficient.

No, it's a welfare queen. Taking cells from hardworking americans. WE paid for those phenotypes it's riding around in.

Macready was a Gamer trapped in an inescapable Society, The Thing was a minority attempting g to keep him from rising up

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That was The Fly

The Fly was a metaphor for double checking

So let me get this straight.

Thanks to global warming and the melting arctic we get buried ancient cities, alien ships, the thing and the blob.

I think we are fucked.

>Your brain cells that control your remaining hand invade and take over the brain cells hand you lost.
stump neuralgia proves that the cells that controls the amputated hand will still remain intact and active for a time until that part of the bain loose its connections or will be used for another purposes IT WON'T BE REPLACED NOTHING IN OUR BRAIN IS REPLACED. EVER. DURING OUR WHOLE FUCKING LIFE. NEURONS DO NOT REGENERATE only glial cells

If the Thing infected a retard does it becomes retarded or does it mimic being retarded? Is the Thing capable of understanding the difference between kek or cringe?

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And King Ghidorah

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/wsg/ fucked up YLYL and rekt threads because they get divided by how safe for work their content is and people always whining about things being too gory or not gory enough to qualify

Those are good things.

Has something to do with low testosterone and psychiatric medication. Every basedboy I've come across who uses benzos or antidepressants (or both) always comes off as really faggy, "random", and annoying. Shit like "doggo" and easily memorable and quotable quippy humor resonates with them enormously. Since this is a Thing thread, quite frankly so many people seem to act like this these days that it must be like what it feels like to have people assimilated around you.