Cast the male lead

Cast the male lead

Attached: moner-kiki.png (692x384, 110K)

Other urls found in this thread:

imagine threesome

There is no male lead, its dyke movie

Me obviously

They cast him already, I guess you didn't read the news yet.


Attached: shipka-moore-moner.jpg (640x479, 40K)

I wish I was girl so I could have lesbian sex

kiernan is cute not hot
moaner is the hottest girl atm

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Yea Forums is fucking finished

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memes aside
imagine your dads reaction (at your reply)
im just a reminder that you are in the wrong path, ill keep reminding this to you from time to time, my job is done, you can go.

Zoomer actors are all shit-tier.

Why? Yea Forums likes Shameik Moore

Speak for yourself, nigger lover.

damn Divock Origi looks like THAT?

imagine getting hugged by both at the same time
i don't want to live anymore... ahh..

you're a gallant light in the darkness

Attached: 60116384_584334525429276_3865195888126712863_n.jpg (1080x1080, 137K)

Those legs. I want to eat them.

>knowing the names of niggers who play nigger ball
Remove yourself from the gene pool.



Attached: KiernanShipkaIsabelaMoner.jpg (436x600, 79K)

Tom Holland

why is she so soft and delicious?

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She's not fat, or a drug addict (yet)

>male lead

Who's Moner calling hot though?

Attached: 58772391_1909078195863400_2901505337412013702_n.jpg (640x640, 92K)

Kiki. It's a post on Shipkas instagram page.

imagine kiernan crushing moner’s face with her strong thighs haha

me on the left

Attached: 59328330_425302058027590_3883382757087867528_n.jpg (1080x1080, 220K)

male lead?

instead of Pluto she shouldn't named him Hank

>ctrl+f idris elba
>0 results

I doubt the story involves them fighting over the black guy.

kiernan was already blacked

now it's time for moner

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That guy looks 60 years old.

>mfw I can believe it

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>dogs have more sex with white girls than the incel itt


Anthony Hopkins

This guy gets it

Attached: based hopkins.webm (640x360, 2.77M)


Attached: Kiernan Shipa-Isabela Moner.jpg (715x1024, 155K)

Quads and I get a thicc girlfriend.

Oh no no no no


Sorry user

Why do girls do that? They always fawn over each other in the comments on their instagram pictures but they're so snide behind their backs.

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izzy is actually feminine and cute

kiki looks like a little dude in drag

They both have boy faces

Attached: 11.jpg (750x1334, 60K)

they're both basic 7/10s. Moner looks like your average Southern California spic and Kiki looks like an average Valley Girl, complete with an eating disorder and shitty dance moves.

if OP had any taste he would be discussing actual cute actresses

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>shitty dance moves

Attached: kiki.webm (480x480, 2.88M)

become a trap. follow your dreams, ma'am.



Attached: ribbon.webm (358x282, 159K)

based moaner still looks like a girl even with short messy hair, kikis only problem is her manjaw

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jeeze I hope this Netflix flick isn't a trick like Angourie Rice Debby Ryan movie. Debby Ryan was only in it for 5 seconds. The pictures of them hugging tenderly was a BTS trick not a still from the movie

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oops wrong pic

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Do I have to be a zoomer to know what the fuck you are talking about?

She looks like a boy here.

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1. she looks like an ayyy
2. >kiernan not hot when she wants to be

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why girls always talk like this and never been accused of being lesbian meanwhile man have to play with banter when admiring each othe because if not they would be considered as homosexual teasing

Looks like Moner posting is back on the menu boys!

You'd best start believing in norfthreads, you're in one.

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Mark Wahlberg

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what's that position called?

Blue is the warmest color remake when


A cute tomboy

I don't care so much about the black guy as that it's going to be a John Green joint. I don't want his grubby hands on both my waifus.

Attached: John and his waifu.jpg (1000x1504, 261K)


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How many men would you kill to have sex with her?

literally me

It's called the "you know, a lot of actresses are trying to get this role" position


Did he date Cara?

boys dont have those lips and femenine eyes

No, she acted in a movie based on one of his books, and he probably masturbated while thinking of her many times.

Attached: John Green laughing.jpg (610x610, 98K)

she looks like she's leaning off a couch about to get facefucked

All niggers and jews should die.

What does the “N” in netflix stand for?

My guess is Niwits

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You guys Moner is already dating some white chad right? No one in this thread or Hollywood has a chance. Her womb is plowed every night.

She's dating some normie white guy from Ohio, where she lives. Not a Chad. Probably a place holder until some NBA player or rapper swoops her up when she's legal.

She is legal in most of the USA, including Ohio and has been for some time. She doesnt date niggers.

because cute girls are cute and faggots like you dont have a place in the real world

their fathers

Seven I suppose.

You mean this guy?

Attached: isabela-dylan.png (870x792, 456K)

literally 17 years old

No, that dorky looking guy she went to the school dance with.

Christ his hoodie even says THRASHER

Why so much make up though? She's young and her skin looks flawless I don't understand why cake herself like that. Her skin tone is already nice

Girls these days don't think of makeup as something to cover up imperfections in their skin. It's like an artistic flourish you wear on your face. You're supposed to notice it.

Thats the same person you retard.
>this guy smashes that tight pussy and busts fat loads into her every day
I'm jealous

Thoughts on Kiernan's boyfriend?

Attached: kiernan and her boyfriend.jpg (3250x3469, 2.89M)

No it isn't. That kid is some actor. There's a picture of her in a dress and a kid in a suit, and the boy is fat and stupid looking, while Moner looks like an elegant and sexy woman.

>this guy is a model

It's not fair.

Attached: kiernan and her trash boyfriend.jpg (1080x1080, 75K)

>bong director promoting cuckoldry and niggers
the eternal anglo enemy of the white man, strikes again.

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That's the best description of that phenomenon I've ever seen. Nice.

He looks like shit, but he's taller than she is, which is all womeme really care about.

i mean if you're not taller than most woman might as well killyourself, and this is coming from a manlet

Mike Matei is her BF?

as many as it took.

Ladies can't resist him.

Attached: mike matei talks publically with his girlfriend.jpg (622x662, 50K)

Who is that guy? Thats her hair from a year or two ago. She's not dating that guy now.

Who is this guy?

Attached: 60148650_355404381847478_9040348935080648095_n.jpg (640x640, 46K)

No, that's some small name actor.

The fire

She's dating Gary Oldman's son, who used to date Paris Jackson.

Attached: kiernan shipka-charlie oldman.jpg (634x947, 103K)

That's just some Australian guy who worked on the Dora movie.

>tfw I'm taller than him, better looking than him, and almost certainly a better person than him, but he's fucking Kiernan Shipka and I'm not

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Oh. He looks gay. Who is this guy?

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why can women say shit like this to other women without it being gay? if a man does it he's immediately called a faggot

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You have to understand that Moner is a huge slut, and being fully up to date on everyone she's fucked is basically impossible.

Attached: moner tummy.jpg (1118x1553, 219K)

All women are bisexual, user.

Dang I guess. Why are they all white?

Attached: isabelamonersuperfans_56197322_123737822128189_6883212159170175790_n.jpg (720x851, 102K)


Because most of America is white, and I'm sure the entire list of all her previous sexual partners matches up pretty well with racial statistics nationwide.

Because whites have the biggest cocks

Think about it from her pov. She can fuck a black guy
>statistically much more likely to abuse her
>more violent in general
>ugly, smell bad
A spic
>Also violent but not quite as much
>never commit
>Ugly, smell bad
A jew
>Only interested in getting her shekels
>Likely to be shorter
>Also going to want her money
A white
>Biggest cocks
>non violent except when needed
>More likely to be wealthy

This is stupid, people don't just randomly date and so there pool of people is not goimg to match up to demographics generally. Whites almost exclusively date each other and so on. This is well documented. An extreme minority mix

Not her boyfriend

>>Biggest cocks
why are wh*t0ids so delusional?

That's her co-star from her Nickelodeon show. He's a homosexual.

Awful lipstick, but
>that stomach
Mmm what a slut!

me in the role of man savagely and mercilessly beating his meat

time to blow my head off

Attached: moner dora.jpg (1080x1352, 175K)

I wish she was only in it for 5 seconds.
If they try to pair the love of my life with that disgusting nigger I will be genuinely upset

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Well filming is already finished user. If it happened it happened.

Is that EDC? Did Moner Mog on JJ again while they were there?

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Jordyn won this round.

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I'm aware

Attached: Moner Banned Instagram Picture Too Hot for 4channel.jpg (1080x1350, 132K)

>flabby ass hanging out

Attached: 165.png (460x767, 455K)

shes an instagram escort at this point
moner is a hollywood star

She's such a tease.


>moner is a hollywood star
Moner is less famous than Victoria Justice

google disagrees

Attached: Moner Billing.png (2521x1263, 1.49M)

the angel wings edit is based

>he ... masturbated while thinking of her many times
hey that's like me

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When I see an actor is playing a character with the same first name as themselves it makes me think they're too retarded and shit at acting to respond consistently and properly to being called the name of their character.

I've noticed that. She is Isabela in Sicario, Izabella in Transformers, and Lizzy in Instant Family.
I wonder if she can't act or the directors just see her as the character.

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fyi here is the Moner general on the new /cel/ board

Attached: 6.jpg (750x932, 173K)

What a pic. I fucking love one-pieces.


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instant family
(upcoming) dora
(upcoming) let it snow

global theatrical releases, all of them
vjuice may be the straight to dvd queen

Netflix (((executives))) browse Yea Forums just to find the best waifus to black in their latest teen drama.

your sister is my waifu

Let it Snow is a Netflix movie
Dora will bomb.