Are there any films or tv shows that actually handle the "spooky/undead enemy in a snowy environment" premise well?

Are there any films or tv shows that actually handle the "spooky/undead enemy in a snowy environment" premise well?

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The Terror

The thing

HBO could've picked any random senpai to write the last two seasons and it would've turned out better than what we got.

random fan* lol

well I think a;though the white walker are a good horror elelenent in the show because of things like brains warging power with the three eyes rasven or the worging into the wolf or whatever, the white walkers are beetter than that with the themes of the show because they ice ice, which is the ice and fire which is the title of the books. Nobody else thought of doing that with9in the fantasy genre dso far to i think dawn i thin it can't be done ylet

>"spooky/undead enemy in a snowy environment"
The Others are not supposed to be undead but rather some snow "elfish" race. Sidhe thus comparable to the fairies or elves.í

Dead Snow

Undead, Zombies in cold environment would be even slower than they usually are. The sprinting and jumping the in TV show made everything even stupider. Their advantage is that they are many, almost unstoppable, never tire and so son.

up to the point the tuunfag shows up. so basically like every horror movie/show

only the 1st episode is spooky

Surprised no one mentioned the thing. Fucking plebs.

look again dumbass

Dead Snow



Just ripping off that bandaid early

Attached: A7F92DD3-BD2D-48A4-9E3D-47919FDF4529.gif (500x206, 2.26M)

based strokeposter

Dead snow

Was this written by a first grader?

Wrath of the Lich King

reply four (), retard.

But not for so long

Based and confused

Attached: 1556765099070.jpg (784x739, 235K)

>the game that fucked over the entire Lich King storyline
>handled well

I'm almost 100% certain these guys are aliens who came to Planetos from elsewhere (shooting stars and comets and all). It'd explain a lot such as their blue blood, see-through bodies, white flesh and everything. Maybe they're silicon-based lifeforms.

The Secret War
