Yeah, I'm thinking Arthur is back!
Yeah, I'm thinking Arthur is back!
bigotry against homosexuals is bad but bigotry against people from the south is okay
Fight fire with fire
It's not bigotry to mock retarded shit like banning an episode of a kids TV show cause it has gay marriage. Also are you trying to defend actual sibling incest?
To be fair, I've never met a person from the south that didn't smell like shit.
So will Japan do the same thing but make it his student?
cousin incest is ok tho isn't it
asking for a friend haha
reminder that even californians voted against gay marriage and that it only exists because unelected judges decided it should
im glad they could compromise!
I agree, niggers smell like shit
gay marriage is "stupid shit", bigot
Why is incest love mocked? I thought love was love no matter who it was? Why are gays hypocrites?
obama was against gay marriage but (((they))) still sucked his dick
hahaha so the rat was a faggot all along hahahhahaha
>letting kids watch gay furry shit
sorry even as a homo myself, this is a brain washing technique. i want people to stop converting children, it's disgusting and leads to a less fulfilling life.
>taking a shit all over the working class will surely prove to be a great idea, right hillary?
it's so humid here, as soon as you step outside you smell like wet dog. i hate it. deoderant and antiperspirant don't help, it's why i actually use my garage for my car instead of storage and keeping the car in the driveway.
you can tell if someone spent more than a minute outside
>le southern inbreds maymay xD
>thinking about gay rat men leads to a less fulfilling life
Speak for yourself, faggot.
It was unironically black people
>rat is a literal faggot
>It's not bigotry to mock retarded shit
So why is making fun of niggers considered bigotry?
this but unironically
Gays have proven time and time again they don't "want to be left alone".
They want to force their faggotry down societies throats, and indoctrinate children into their perversion.
Fuck them and their leftist enablers
Southerners are subhumans and traitors. Sherman did nothing wrong
Faggot marriage is some of the most retarded shit ever
Obesity, middle aged musk and high temperatures seldom mix well together
>Gays have proven time and time again they don't "want to be left alone".
They want to force their faggotry down societies throats, and indoctrinate children into their perversion.
Fuck them and their leftist enablers
That's the lifestylers which the media loves to parade for clicks bro
Most people want to suck a dick in private and be left alone
that's alright cletus you can fuck all the relations you want. out of the shack and into the streets
Yes, every single gay is part of the hive mind. It's not as if the left refuses to acknowledge that any gay person wouldn't support them.
Serious question
Marriage entitles you to certain tax benefits as a unified economical unit, right? And the motivation for this (besides love, aww) is that raising kids is easier with more money to put towards training and education for them? So why is gay marriage lauded as this great leap forward when it's basically just childless dudes spending more money on themselves? Ignoring my generalizing you see my meaning right? Like shouldnt gay couples have to take in an orphan or something? I know this sounds kind ofmretarded but it p's been percolating in my mind for awhile.
lol all the asshurt
How is this show still going?
Gays also phonepost and don't know how to greentext obviously.
You can't even mock properly. Step into the noose
Why are anons getting triggered over this joke?
t. seething southern sisterfuckers
Incest is less of a sin than homosexuality. At least a brother and sister can theoretically produce a child, despite the dangers of concentrating recessive genetic traits in the offspring, which at least fulfills the function of the procreative act, however poorly. The union of two men or two women, by contrast, is always sterile, producing no offspring at all, and thus runs contrary to the natural purpose of the reproductive process in a error similar to but going well beyond incestuous unions. For this reason, if one stands against incestuous marriages, one must all the more stand against homosexual unions.
Marriage, which was established by God and not by men, enshrines the union of one man and one woman as a holy sacrament, as that is the only fitting and fruitful relationship to bear and raise up children. Homosexual union is forever excluded from the category of holy matrimony despite any legal arrangements that man might make. That a cartoon show would seek to corrupt children with this error is unconscionable. May God in His Judgement have mercy on the makers of this show.
Until you refuse to bake a weeding cake for them because if religious reasons, and get sued into poverty with the assistance of the State
Why the incestphobia?
>t. sub 80 iq nigger
>le niggers violent maymay XD
>every gay is the same person
i didn't know Yea Forums was one person either
It also gets things like hospital visitation rights
>t. habsburg
>neckbeard posting in 2019
>not knowing how to greentext
Don't forget to take your HIV meds faggot
What the fuck, I love polluting the gene pool now.
Same sex marriage is legal in all 50 states. It’s a fact of life in this country.
>taking Leviticus or any book of the Bible literally
if only
Whoever said left can't meme??
Should'e lawyered up better, you can sue people over anything in muttland
>muh straight married couples who can't conceive
Gays never criticize their own when they step over the line
>Don't forget to take your HIV meds faggot
>first my dad tells me I can't jerk off to my sisters panties and now people on 4channel are making fun of me?
>I know I'll call him le nigger
I'd such his dick to be honest with you family
>a disproportionately urbanized and poor group has more gang activity (which accounts for a lot of crime in the US)
No surprise.
>t. nigger
that dude looks based and cool tho. I would suck his dick.
I just did.
Plenty of "normal" gays hate lifestylers and whores
>The Chaser
we talking like bugchaser?
The state literally got involved tardo
And the left leaning scum bags in tbe goverment will always coddle their pet faggots
That's all been accounted for, Shlomo.
You seem to have misunderstood me.
My position is thus:
Incestuous marriages should be illegal because incest produces offspring with concentrated recessive genes. Homosexual marriage should be illegal because it doesn't even produce that.
they'd be fine with him marrying a child:
Better vote in more right leaning officials then
Gotta play the game bro
ok kid. enjoy the rest of middle school
Masterpiece cake shop actual won in the end. However lawyering up is exactly what someone would want them to do if they wanted to drag them into several lawsuits and bankrupt them
its true billy bob deal with it
>muh socioeconomic factors
Poor whites never engaged in the same level of criminality that blacks are
that IQ map is a meme BTW
The researcher only had data for about 80 countries, and he took data from some very non-representative samples
So you'd rather have resource draining malformed offspring than some people not contributing to an already overpopulated planet, okay bro
the future is gay and you can't stop it
and? being gay is based and redpilled
There's literally nothing wrong with sister-brother incest.
I'ts the purest form of love
have any data to support that then?
How do you figure ? They didn't insult homosexuals, they just didn't show that episode
Seems rather rude for Gay people to insult the south. Hopefully they grow up a little and learn to behave themselves better
I meant qualitative poverty, you moron
Man, legality in america is pretty fucked up if people can just do that
There is literally nobody named Billy Bob
>implying there's anything wrong with brother sister love
cities are probably more inbred at this point with all of the people coming in from wonderful diverse middle eastern countries
people don't support sister/brother marriage so the insult doesn't even make sense
The definition of marriage and prohibition against homosexual union is restricted to neither the Book of Leviticus nor the Bible as a whole, but is found throughout the Bible and the theology of the Church Fathers, written in explicitly literal teachings based on Biblical exegesis. Leviticus is a legal code, by the way. It isn't poetry.
good luck when whites are the only ones who vote republican, and whites will soon be a national minority
You’re a faggot my man
The only people who name their kids Shlomo (ultra-Orthodox Jews) tend to be pretty racist.
I have the same edition of the CM from that book.
>go to your little sister's room
>see this
wat do?
>don't make fun of our sisterlovin, they're the only ones who will fuck us!
lmao at the absolute state of dixieshits
Southerners aren't people.
>don't like being fucked over by corrupt goverment overreach used to punish political dissident against your current view?
>haha just vote them out bro, im the mean time we'll keep abusing you
Top tier banana republic mentality bro.
Don't bitch when "the other side" one day manages to vote someone in who will do worse to you.
>he thinks there is more incest in the south than the coastal degeneracy enclaves
>people from the south
Nobody likes you, even the inbred hicks around your state.
Literally 50th in education.
They didn’t ban the episode, they just declined to air it. Completely different.
Still looks about right though.
It was a legal code but it was for a tribal people in the ancient Middle East. Also some of the other allegedly true areas of the Bible aren't supported by archeological evidence.
I wont, just gotta wait for the next election cycle to try and undo it
No need to be bitter about it
Both incest and homosexual marriage should be illegal because neither are good for producing healthy children. One produces unhealthy children, and the other doesn't even produce children at all.
Are you insisting on your false dichotomy and pretending that I support legalizing incestuous marriage simply because you don't have a coherent argument to address my actual position? I suspect that is the case, but I just want you to admit it.
>haha stupid inbreds xD
>muslims? let them in!
According to what? A gut feeling?
>cut your penis off and become a woman is science
Maybe because "poor" can describe a lot of different states of living with different problems.
human development
have you ever gone outside and spoken to a nigger?
>no need to be bitter about it
That isn't the mindset of most people
You talk like a faggot lol
*confederates are traitors
There were actually parts of the south that were pro-union, still hated black people though unfortunately.
Anyone that still flies that flag is anti-american in the worst way( the right wing way) also they're probably inbred.
coping nigger
Nuns are forbidden from marrying.
Premise rejected.
There are black or mixed race countries with high or very high HDIs.
Explain to me why gay marriage is wrong without resorting to the bible.
this but unironically
You got that right, just look at what passes for arguing between left and right on Yea Forums these days
>black poverty is different from white poverty! whites are never in the same position as blacks!
this level of cope lmao
>There are black or mixed race countries with high or very high STDs.
Even if that data is true? What do you want to do? Kill them all?
You know men commit more acts of violence too, maybe we should just kill all men instead?
>It was a legal code but it was for a tribal people in the ancient Middle East.
And was handed down by the Prophet Moses to God's Chosen People. That prohibition is part of the Moral Law, and is not part of the culture-bound Ceremonial Law, which is why Christians still observe the prohibition against homosexual activity.
>Also some of the other allegedly true areas of the Bible aren't supported by archeological evidence.
Are you really saying that you have archaeological evidence that ancient Israelites legalized gay marriage? Please show me. I want to see this.
Fucking Christ, get your shit together periphery. The heart of America can only function so well with your bullshit
Isn't interspecies marriage illegal in Alabama?
Ratburn wasn't marrying another rat
Yeah a lot of American blacks might seem unintelligent because of the dialect of English many of them speak. This isn't a racial thing though. To a lot of French speakers, people from the Northern edge of France seem unintelligent because of the thick accent associated with the region.
Arthur should have a pray the gay away episode
It can be pretty fucked up. I’m pretty sure the guy representing the cake shop was a Christian lawyer and either worked pro bono or for a reduced fee. They were also able to raise a lot of money since it was s high profile case. They were lucky in that way.
But people suing the cake shop don’t really care about discrimination, they seem to want to just punish this specific business. It’s why as soon as it was determined that the Colorado Supreme Court was persecuting the shop on religious grounds that someone went in and asked for a cake to celebrate a tranny kid coming out. They’re trying to drag them into s lawsuit and ruin them. I’m a fag and the people doing this make me sick.
>all flyover states outlaw cousin marriage to try and combat rampant inbreeding
excuse me but why do you have this image saved on your computer?
at least they know two men literally can't be married.
segregation. failing that, deportation
Because the government should not be involved in matrimonial affairs. A marriage is a religious bond by definition, so leaving religion out of it is pure nonsense.
btw- look up the root Latin words of "matrimony". It might help guide you.
Why should a couple that biologically is unable to procreate be given the same benefits of those that can and contribute to the future of society?
>Alabama bans an episode of a PBS kids' show for showing something they deem inappropriate and degenerate
>They replace it with something even more degenerate
>Why should a couple that biologically is unable to procreate be given the same benefits of those that can and contribute to the future of society?
But then marriage for sterile people should be illegal too?
the states where it is legal never had a problem with it so they didn't need to pass laws against it.
to epicly own libtards
That's why i have terabytes of blacked porn and trannies saved on my hardrive too
No I dont jerk off to it shut up
Cousin marriage is legal in japan too, isn't actually pretty common?
your caps lock is on again grandpa
to mock people like you
ayo southeners be bigots n shit *imports a thousand more thirdworlders with stone-age belifes*
this is fake right?
What does that have to do with anything?
You being from the dumbest state is very apparent.
>Are you really saying that you have archaeological evidence that ancient Israelites legalized gay marriage?
I never said that. I said that parts of the Bible alleged to be historical records (like Exodus) aren't supported by archeological evidence. Thus, why should it be assumed that everything else in the Bible is reliable. Even if it is, that's not a guarantee that what the ancient Israelites did is necessarily the best path for people today.
southerners are 3rdworlders with stone age beliefs tho...
Rude and sad at the same time.
Sterile people are an exception, not the rule. They are an outlier among heterosexual bonding.
Homosexual are unable to reproduce as the set rule.
A better question would be, why do gays even want the State to get involved in their relationships?
I never said they're never in the same position. That being said, it's retarded to say that poverty in West Virginia is the same as poverty in Detroit.
Define sterile
So all men should be segregated from society? Cool.
Explain to me why giving couples tax breaks so they can spend more money raising their children should instead be given to couples who cannot produce children, and when the few among them who do adopt children result in them having statistical outcomes so poor the children would be better off in orphanages, and do that without resorting to your feelings.
Is praying away infidelity a bad thing?
If praying away heterosexual thoughts is a things why can't you pray away homosexual thoughts?
>never had a problem with it
poisoning the gene pool isn't something you can easily see within a generation or two, it will be too late by the time they outlaw it
yeah it couldn't have anything to do with black criminality and social ills like illegitimacy and drug abuse. it's just the way they talk
That's actually pretty hot.
>Sterile people are an exception, not the rule
So are homosexuals, it's a pretty small perchentage of people getting married
They can, marriage is just a social construct you dumb sister fucking hick.
>people this thin skinned that a state didnt air a cartoon
>this level of cope
This would negate your entire premise since Alabama also hasn't outlawed it. I guess this is the power of /leftypol/ reasoning
There are now two canon universes where Mr. Ratburn is either gay or married to a female rat. One universe where the state will give him a baby to adopt and be raised by two fathers and one where they conceive a rat baby that is biologically his.
There have been miracles
Women classified as sterile who were able to have children.
There has been no miracles in regards to gay men giving birth to a life.
no, just criminal ones. we already do that; it's called prison
bible thumpers kindergarten magical thought experiments is always so cringe
is magic johnson still alive? I rest my case
You're pretty well versed in gay lingo user
unable to have children
A lot of countries that today are safe and well regarded were basically warzones not too long ago.
Cousin marriages are more common in most places outside of the US. Frankly the south incest thing is a meme since it's also legal in a lot of northeast US.
That's who he was talking about
>bakersfield california is a shithole and populated by people descended from southerners
Anywhere they go they bring retardation and bible thumping.
>and when the few among them who do adopt children result in them having statistical outcomes so poor the children would be better off in orphanages,
do you have a source for any of this?
>Alabama also hasn't outlawed it
No wonder there's so much inbreeding then, they dont even try to combat it lol
Can you actually respond to what I said without resorting to ad hominem attacks?
>What does that have to do with anything?
It matters what your criteria is for "le educated". An affirmative action mongoloid who studied African Gender Polytechnic Theory is "educated". Meanwhile, Alabama is considered "uneducated" because they have rejected politicized junk science.
Noooo its the hicks who are rhe thin skinned ones for not airing it! They are also dumb and deserve to be ridiculed for not accepting progressive ideals that are counter intuitive to their culture.
You can repress any part of you that you want user
Prayer should be more about seeking clarity and guidance
The first president who did not campaign against gay marriage to get elected is the bad orange man.
you're implying it. your entire farcical argument is that poor blacks can't be compared to poor whites, therefore the massive disparity in criminality is irrelevant. it's just typical nigger apologia
also 99.99999% of americans dont give a shit about alabama not airing this cartoon and only fags on Yea Forums keep talking about it.
You should take a break from the internet bro
So prison is good enough, no need to do anything to black people then.
Prison is good enough
>the retarded racist misses the point
You were saying black people supposedly commit more crime so all of them should go, and I was saying men commit more crime than women so they should all go instead.
Based Alabamabros
Having a recognition of your union with your souses provides a lot of legal benefits and makes a lot of stuff like insurance easier.
That's your argument?
What do you expect, this is the same board that starts a thread about a twitter screencap with 8 likes and has a 300+ post thread about it
the u.s. is not a warzone
That isn't how statistics work
Population A is heterosexual couples
>100 individuals
>2 are sterile and unable to reproduce
Population B are homosexual couples
>10 individuals
>10 unable to reproducile
Despite the smaller population population A only has a failure to procreate percentage of 2% while B is at 100%
More like they're considered uneducated due to a lack of funding in schools.
And they're also ranked 49th in the whole country in general, so clearly there are a lot of problems in alabama.
Why do we need more people?
I'm insulting you and people like you because it really does turn my stomach to see adults acting like fucking toddlers
Population C, heterosexual sterile couples
>10 individuals
>10 unable to reproducile
Whats your point? You are defining the categories to suit you
lmao JUST
For sure.
But. Any Roman Catholic who's prayed a rosary knows that it can also be used to push out thoughts.
Yeah, they are so scared of a dumb cartoon for children.
>oh no kids may learn gay people exist the horror
Pretty embarrassing for alabama.
Do you really expect the left leaning fagtoids to be consistent
i got your point. i ignored it because it's a moronic false equivalence, and another effort to skirt around the facts shown in
A more accurate statistics sample would be to measure the perchentage of gay marriages out of the total number of marriages
>public school funding is the criteria for "educated"
Thanks for proving my overall point.
wtf this isn't the south
those poor oppressed southerners
>just didn't show that episode
That's the insult, dicklick
taste the big yankee cock seething s*uthoid
And why should they be given those benefits when their union doesn't provide anything for society at large?
Should you be able to write your pet off as a dependant as well?
I think my example demonstrates quite clearly that just because you have a desire doesn't mean it's a good thing. Like the desire to cheat on your wife
>user discovers how statistics can be abused to get the result he wants
So when's the orgy?
>poor people bad
So much for the tolerant left :^)
im placing a curse on you
>states with the most niggers
Yikes @ your blatant racism
but liberals being scared of white people and guns is not at all embarrassing, right
>inB4 ''niggers''
Still more white children in poverty in absolute numbers
>I never said that. I said that parts of the Bible alleged to be historical records (like Exodus) aren't supported by archeological evidence.
Leviticus isn't a history. It's a legal code. Have you...have you even read the Bible? Don't you think you should read a book before you talk about it?
>Thus, why should it be assumed that everything else in the Bible is reliable.
This is where you should have either presented your archaeological evidence that the ancient Israelites practiced gay marriage, or just shut up. You can't say that Leviticus is unreliable because of vague allusions to "archaeological evidence" concerning another book when there is absolutely nothing in the archaeological record to contradict Leviticus's statement that the ancient Israelites prohibited homosexual unions, which is the topic actually under discussion. You're just casting a red herring. Despicable.
>Even if it is, that's not a guarantee that what the ancient Israelites did is necessarily the best path for people today.
So you're saying that homosexual unions in modern society have resulted in positive outcomes for society? Please innumerate them.
fuck Americans. They’re all dumb subhumans with loud mouths. Let’s get them into another war they’ll lose again
People really think this is a real article? The Chaser is a satire site
Also I'm not sure why anyone got offended about gay stuff in Arthur. There's only been 2 episodes in the 22 seasons (around 300 episodes) of the show where any gay content was shown. Alabama also didn't show the first episode where Buster met a girl with two moms a few years ag
In your case the correct term to describe yourself is 'faggot,' 'homo' is for the decent ones
>whitest states doing the best
Who would have guest
>not Detroit
I like white people, they're the most attractive
If they would elect democrats maybe they could implement so regulations to help their economies and not be one big parasite to the country.
Too bad they're too racist and stupid.
Your picture proves the opposite. You need stricter laws in places where that crime actually happens
>moving goal posts
Breaking up populations into smaller groups based on irrelevant criteria is disingenuous
I never said that.
>hating the left means you love rednecks
Fake articles are posted here all the time, that's because every time anons will make a thread hit bump limit arguing about it
Such as? What type of poverty is it that whites and blacks don't share?
>irrelevant criteria
The criteria is completely relevant to the original point, if your argument against gay marriage is that they can't reproduce.
>poor blacks can't be compared to poor whites
In a lot of cases they can't. Facts don't care about your feelings.
Poor people are only bad when they're white. Inform them that these poverty rates in Alabama just so happen to correlate directly with the black rates in Alabama, and suddenly those poor people will be good, exploited people in need of massive government funding programs.
>Among the 50 states and the District of Columbia, Alabama ranks:
>7th in its percentage of African Americans
i'm sure this is irrelevant though
it's maximum irony to see posts like this on Yea Forums of all places
You did the exact same thing
Don’t you have a cousin to fuck?
The humidity will do that.
>This is where you should have either presented your archaeological evidence that the ancient Israelites practiced gay marriage
I never said that. Stop obsessing over things I never said.
It isn't false equivalence you moron.
You're saying the US would be safer without a certain part of the population and I merely took your argument and applied it to something else, and now you don't like it because it targets you instead of those "evil brown people"
Men commit q disproportionate amount of violent crime, so by your own logic they should go.
And it makes the US safer than your own racist idea because it gets rid of all men instead of just part of them.
can you pray a tree throws itself into the ocean? apparently so but strangely enough no one ever does it
Wow i didn't even know i could marry my cousin
You are afraid of people who think differently than you. It is a pathetic mindset and a dismissiveness that makes any rational person throw up their hands in tedious exhaustion. You will never change these people and you only wish to exalt your supposed intelligence over the poorest and dumbest people you have chosen to target.
Why can't poor people be compared to other poor people
so why mention it?
Just accept it user, after the election we got a lot of actual 50-60 year old boomers posting here
They've already ruined /pol/ beyond repair
I always love this bizarre line of thinking like it's some sort of zinger. A country can't function or continue to exist without men. Without niggers all that happens is the crimerate goes down.
Name 1 (one) good thing to ever come out of Alabama
Not just poor, stupid too!
go ask the californians about that. california being the state with the highest incidence of incest out of all of the states in the US
>bigotry against homosexuals is bad but bigotry against people who fuck their sister is okay
Yes, and?
Nobody wants their kids exposed to degerate faggots, grown men who butt fucking each other and suck each other cocks pretending to have a marriage (homosexuals are known to be polyamorous). Mr. Ratburn spent 23 years just being Authur's asshole teacher. Now he has to be fucking butt bandit.
>doesn't realize how important funding is to schools
>think that's the only problem with alabama schools
Thanks for proving my overall point
recessive genes aren't the problem, it's deleterious genes
also ur a faget
>episode of a kids TV show cause it has gay marriage
It promotes AIDS, Anal prolapse and leakage and anal cancer. Faggots are disgusting and not normal and should not be in our kids's programs.
Talk to any Christian councillor. Praying away sexual desires can work
This user gets it. Muslims are the most inbred people on the planet
It’s not “banned” you fucking dipshits, they pulled it from public television. People can still buy it if they need to show it to their children so badly
>Facts don't care about your feelings
they sure don't
>Faggots are disgusting and not normal
Yes they are normal, homosexuality has existed as long as humans
Which still doesn't affect their ability to procreate
Ironically, Alabama is deregulating marriage. It's not quite where it needs to be since the government shouldn't be a factor in marriage at all, but it's a step in the right direction.
Michigan’s poverty rate is low but Alabama’s is still worse.
>sympathising with poor people
Yellow faget
I'm from Alabama and we honestly deserve it.
This is the most backward ass shithole in the Union, save for Mississippi which we can at least claim to MARGINALLY better than.
>"de immgrants took our jobs!"
>bans immigrants
>fruit rots on vines
lmao the absolute state of so*thoids
It's not that they don't share it at all. It's that statistically they tend to experience different issues, not just across the board issues like low income.
They're not putting actual gay porn on the TV, gramps
it is a false equivalence because the u.s. doesn't need blacks. it does need males and females
You argued that Leviticus, specifically the part of Leviticus we're actually discussing here, is "unreliable" because of "archaeological evidence" regarding "other books." In other words your argument completely fails to actually address the topic at hand, the passages in Leviticus which prohibit homosexual activity, and is irrelevant to our discussion. Red herring.
You don't understand what that word means
You're pretty focused on asses user, I can respect that
Explain this shit America
This isn't actually that much higher than the rate among the general population. Something like a third of the population has it.
As has rape.
Is rape disgusting?
As has necrophilia
Is necrophilia disgusting?
>no source
God I hate this board
>un and dc hate alabama and rank them last in almost everything
>alabama rejects progressive ideas and embraces religious convictions
I wonder why they are ranked last while places who love the government and governing bodies rank higher?
>homosexuality has existed as long as humans
Just because it exists does not mean its normal. The black plauge is not normal and it existed. Faggots should be killed and when they all die the world will be a better place.
So I guess murder is more legal in states with lower murder rates.
>this is your brain on discord
Are you trying to defend actual homosexuality?
Yes, promote the radical left agenda instead of holding greedy farmers accountable for their business decisions!
>no we dont want those jobs, we deserve better jobs
Essentially the same as feminazis all wanting to be bosses
bigger version
Being tolerant of racism is moronic, many poor white southerners are racist, they also call african americans welfare queens while also being a drain on the american economy themselves, so they're hypocrites.
Them being poor has nothing to do with why people call many of them racist rednecks.
Them being racist rednecks is what makes liberals call them that, if they don't like it then don't be racist?
same in the UK, most of our fruit pickers are seasonal migrant workers who won't have freedom of movement when we leave the EU
>source: anus
>(9 KB, 195x258)
The comparison is between heterosexual and homosexual pairing. Splitting up the former to water down the difference between the latter is intentionally deceptive
Reminder that america is one of the least inbred countries in the west
You know they are two different groups of people right?
People who own farms have an incentive for illegal immigrants. Increase the supply of labour, demand stays similar, and the price of workers drop.
If you work on a farm you want the supply of labour to shrink so your wages rise
I abused your mom pretty badly last night
>trust the free market -- except when it means no one will work for your compensation!
Not nearly as embarrassing as alabama, no.
And they're not scared of white people, you're ironically just a triggered snowflake.
Mississippi has nice casinos you Alabama trash
THeyve literally been telling us Ratburn’s faggot ass was a cake boy for years
Unironically because of diversity :)
Based theology poster
>Is rape disgusting?
Not according to /pol/
that's hsv-1, not 2
Yiking at Europe
It's like looking at other social issues present in different groups. Crime can happen because of different factors, and among different populations you'll see different factors at work.
How many ass babies have gay couples pooped out?
I bet they also have 1 testicle and smoke meth!
Deleterious genes are frequently recessive because if they were dominant then they would be weeded out of the gene pool quickly. Inbreeding concentrates recessive genes, which thus concentrates deleterious genes. That you think these two categories of genes are completely unrelated demonstrates that you don't understand what you're talking about.
>And they're not scared of white people
Filling your country with niggers is not a good way to lower the amount of incest
Well, they are equally disgusting and unnatural acts. So yea, point still holds up.
holy fug
Has there been a study on which state has the most incest because I feel like it would Minnesota due to the massive muslim population
>the irony
Homosexual marriage doesnt exist. Anyone who thinks spewing seed into another mans waste disposal is some sort of marriage must think driving against traffic is the same as driving the right way.
People are trying to normalize this fetish to children and thats all there is to it. Nothing about "acceptance" or "equality" its all about teaching kids how to suck dicks so they can get molested easier.
Imagine if a school teacher invited your kids to watch some gay porn; you would say he is grooming them and it isnt acceptable, but when they tone it down to inviting children to a homosexual "wedding" its okay, because who would look insane for protesting something so "harmless"?
HSV-2 is present in about 11-12% of the population. Among females it's higher.
That wasn't a refutation, that's just an opinion.
A country can function without men, anything they can do women can do as well.
Google is your friend
I had one in the toilet after binge drinking and a massive kebab last night
>HSV-2 is present in about 11-12% of the population
so not a third then. got it
Can't explain those digits, nor the filesize.
Wow the one and only thing you have to keep people in your flaming shithole is an addictive pastime that keeps the most egregious abusers in state of dissipation just for the slim possibility of winning some monopoly money. Please tell me ONE other reason to ever go to Missippi lmao. You realize that Alabama has casinos? And Louisana? And lots of other states?
Get yourself back to Chunky you Mississippi muskrat
>>think that's the only problem with alabama schools
Lemme guess, RELIGION BAD! Meanwhile, if you don't think that cutting off your penis makes you a woman, then you will not be considered educated by the accredited institutions of learned men, and you will not receive federal education funding and it will be all your fault, you stupid inbred hicks!
yes yes you have figured it out! alabama is a wondrous utopia and any claims of poverty are Globalist propaganda!
>A country can function without men, anything they can do women can do as well.
>buy MacBook for $2000 + tip
>cover it in shitty stickers
Why do people do this? Aggravates me every time I see it, even if they’re not cringey political stickers.
Why do boomers write in such weird archaic ways, anons?
I doubt a discord tranny like yourself can even maintain an impotent "erection" long enough to do anything that can constitute pleasure, let alone "abuse"
>A country can function without men, anything they can do women can do as well.
Oh look, liberals angry at a state following its own ethics and throwing a fit to try to appear better.
You're talking out of your anus to cover up a simple mistake instead of admitting you used the wrong word. While it's easier for recessive deleterious genes to spread, they aren't recessive because they're deleterious. Dwarfism, Huntingtons and cystic fibrosis are just a few of the dominant deleterious genes. Alles are dominant because their impact on the proteins overides that of the recessive gene, usually by being much more severe, not just because they are.
>men literally literally invent everything irl
We've got strapons these days gramps
That just makes a conflagration.
You’re supposed to fight fire with water or smother it.
then shouldn't you want alabama to receive help? seeing as a good leftist like you surely believes all those poor hispanic immigrants deserve our help
Because they embrace religious convictions from a book written long ago, and pretend it's the truth.
>That a cartoon show would seek to corrupt children with this error is unconscionable.
My point was that it's not a huge difference, and it's misleading to point out the high prevalence in black women without saying that it's also common in the general population.
Incest is only relevant to deleterious genes by way of recessive genes. You're just behaving like a pedantic twat. Where on the spectrum are you?
11-12% of the general population is not the same as 50% of a specific and much smaller demographic. it is a huge difference
Kill yourself faggot.
>using averages
Why not look at the US states individually?
>It isn't false equivalence you moron.
It is.
The removal of a non-core part of a population is not the same as removing an essential half of the entire population.
>You're saying the US would be safer without a certain part of the population and I merely took your argument and applied it to something else, and now you don't like it because it targets you instead of those "evil brown people"
Disproportionate to who? Women alone cannot form a society, men are also required for one to form and maintain itself.
If you were to argue
>all men except for Asians should be removed
It might make sense (assuming their crime rate is lower).
>so by your own logic they should go.
No, his logic is
>if a populations average crime rate is significantly higher than the white average, they should be removed/reformed
>And it makes the US safer than your own racist idea
It would cause its complete collapse.
Are you shitposting, or are you genuinely this entranced by the zeitgeist?
Gays are an abomination and they will pay for their crimes against God
Well that isn't true either, you aren't guaranteed to pass on a dominant trait. Keep going though
Have sex (with me)
right now
>getting cucked by plastic
Lol, loser
Mississipi still has the confederate flag on their state flag, and any attempts to change it always end in failure.
Racist and stupid.
You keep saying I said things I never said. You have no reading comprehension, or else you're a liar. I'll give you the benefit of the doubt and just assume that you're stupid.
Silly user, you're not cucking yourself when you're the one going down on the plastic
Wow oh boo hoo twitter screencaps.
Did one of them call you a racist? Aw poor triggered snowflake.
Good Yea Forums thread as always anons
I figured you would love cutting off penises.
Religion contributes to penis mutilation after all.
mississipi has the highest percentage of blacks of any state in the country. very racist indeed
>relying on plastic to simulate intimacy
A cuck and an incel at the same time
LOl imagine being a tranny and not killing your self. It’s so selfish to be around normal people flaunting your fucking mental illness like it’s something to be proud of.
>11% is not a huge difference from 50%
I know you guys have low IQs and do poor on testing, but god damn.
Yeah they can, institutionalized sexism exists.
Women were discriminated against for centuries and still are today you stupid incel.
Men are non-core.
And men aren't needed at all, sperm banks exists.
Why would being called racist make any based user triggered?
nice bait
Yeah, thanks to republicans making it harder for african-americans to vote it wasn't changed.
And probably won't be any time soon.
He literally used twitter screencaps to prove whites are hated everywhere.
He is a snowflake.
pick one niggerlover. in some places they don't even ask for id
It's the truth.
leftists and nonwhites hate white people. deny it all you want
Those are both high rates
The only way your last post made sense is if you were thinking that incest is only relevant because it makes it more likely to pass on recessive deleterious genes, which is true. However it's relevant to dominant deleterious genes for the same reason. If there's another reason you said incest is only relevant to deleterious genes by way of recessive genes though, what was it? Nice ad hominems though.
>being this ignorant
Republicans suppress the votes of non-white people all the time.
If they didn't, they would never win.
Roll tide
That's blatantly false, just because they want to remove the institutionalized racism, sexism, etc. Doesn't mean they hate white people, they just also don't have non-white people.
Getting triggered over a few twitter screencaps from a minority of people is pathetic.
nice conspiracy theory
i wish I could be a victim like you, must be nice
>institutionalized racism, sexism, etc
aka things that don't exist
>Men are non-core.
They literally aren't, they are the core of any society as they tend to have more extremes in terms of ability, meaning they fill up more vital roles that most women, frankly, can't.
>And men aren't needed at all, sperm banks exists.
So lets say this theoretically country has somehow survived without men for a long period of time, what happens when they start running out of frozen sperm?
It isn't, it's the truth.
Research shows it to be true again and again.
The electoral college also favors republicans, without it a Democrat would win every election.
You haven't been on the internet long, have you?
without white people a Democrat would win every election
Wrong, only thought so because of institutionalized sexism, anything men can do women can also do.
Maybe physical labor would be more difficult but guess what? We have machines that can do that now.
>However it's relevant to dominant deleterious genes for the same reason.
No more relevant to dominant deleterious genes than in non-incestuous pairings.
>Wrong, only thought so because of institutionalized sexism
Sorry, I just needed that little bit more to confirm it, you can stop shitposting now, you've milked enough (You)'s.
PS those weren't ad homs. Those were insults.
Not after the first generation
Yes? What was your point?
You don’t know what the word faggot means
that you hate whites. which you do
>no counterargument
>have to resort to "it was just bait"
Yeah, just think it was bait, wouldn't want to make you question your beliefs at all now would i?
Moving the goalposts. Just recognize that you're a pedant and try to change.
Which I don't, just pointing out that white people do in fact benefit from institutionalized racism.
>institutionalized racism
aka a conspiracy theory