It’s over. Endgame will not pass Avatar

It’s over. Endgame will not pass Avatar.

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It will be very pathetic if they re-release it just to beat the record

disney will never recover from this

oh no no nowoahahahaha

hee hee hoo hoo

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Oh ok. I trust a Poo post from Thursday.

I do. One of them said that Endgame will be leave on 23rd and indeed China took it out.

So why does reddit want to beat Avatar so badly?

Can discord trannys go home now?

poor brainwashed drone

>it was a nice dream
my corporate product will make more money than the other corporate product

where all my third weekers at? *wink* *wink*

Based Jim (laughs)

They're NPC drones.

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>If it dropped like Infinity War it would not beat Avatar
>If it dropped like Infinity War it would be at 2.681b right now


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This is actually a negative thing, Avatar was fucking awful.

Holy fucking based.

still better than Endgame

And that's a good thing.

literally better than any of modern disney crap

Some random poo said it so it must be true

>not beating a 10 year old movie even with inflation.
THis is fucking pathetic. Do you guys realize that ticket prices have gone up?

Eventually a movie will beat it, is simple economics. This is no big accomplishment.

20 movies building up to it, the biggest PR campaign ever, insanely huge cultural following, people disregarding inflation and STILL it couldn't beat it.

Fuck capeshit man, it's so bad

Pretty sure they adjust for inflation. Usually.

Are you LARPing or do you really not know who Charlie Jatinder is? Fucking newfags

So was Endgame.

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Reminder that Avatar made $2.75 billion in its ORIGINAL run so Endgame actually only needs $70 million to beat the record.
Sit down. Be humble.

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it's not adjusted, avatar still holds the record without adjusting for inflation and endgame is not going to beat it

imagine if it doesn't make 2.75b either

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hurr durr my billion dollar movie makes more than your billion dollar movie
both sides of this retarded bandwagon need to get a job

Not THAT bad.

Endgame was modern capekino.

>15.3M weekend
>14M something overseas, already lower than domestic

Avatar tried to revolutionize cinema, what has Endgame done for the medium aside from stagnating it and leading it towards certain death?

Why capedrones always do this kind of bullshit?

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The utter character assassination that was fatsuit Fortnite Thor and dabbing Low T Hulk would be worse than anything in Avatar even if the movie wasn’t premised on hacky time travel that a character invents over night and can’t even follow its own rules to the point that the directors and screenwriters can’t make sense of it
Endgame was literally Venom tier

friendly reminder that Infinity war ran 12 weeks without dropping under 1mil a week (and thats just for domestic). Even with intl theatres reducing screenings, Endgame is only on its 4th week and it has literally 2 months to make 100m. It'll be a cake walk.

Both movies were designed to appeal to the lowest common denominator to the most hyper extent possible. Avatar was a steaming pile of shit too.

Why do Avatards do this?

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>The utter character assassination that was fatsuit Fortnite Thor
It was literally same Thor as Ragnarok one only fattier.

Establishing that a long running interwoven connection of films or series with a plethora of various characters and consistent continuity can be done to great success. Nothing like this has been achieved to this degree.


Sorry nigger, it's already below projections

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Memorial Day's going to boost it back on track.
Far From Home will give it another boost.

Fat Thor is hilariously depressing and perfectly fitting for what happened to his character

Godzilla and spiderman are popular everywhere. Endgame will have maybe 1 screen left in most theaters. It's over Disney shill.
And we haven't even brought up inflation.

Infinity War had the same memorial day

Memorial Day hasn't even happened yet, Avatard.
>Cameronfags are ACTUALLY this retarded

Infinity War had the memorial day too and it's already being counted for those projections

James is a real director
Russo Bros are hacks hired by Disney to make a soulless feature length commercial


You mean like Avatar did?

Didnt even beat TFA domestically.

Correct. Taking Avatar's re-release out of the equation leaves a true goal of 2.75 billion. Endgame has won whether the Avatards like it or not.

Avatar didn't re-release in order to beat a record. It did because it was popular enough.

Avatar already had the record 900 million above the 2nd place (Titanic, which was at 1.843b in 2009) and was re-released due to popular demand

Not to break a record, which is pathetic

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Spielberg is a real director. A.I. still exists.

Avatar is shit though

>capping out that hard after the first week

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this might be the most ridiculous thing i've in this site - people sad because a movie box office didn't surpass another movie box office. we clearly need another world war

>Please be frontloaded
it worked

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He's a GOD

Avatar re-release was an simply an extension since it was released in August 2010 right when the first run ended

It could get re released if there's enough demand, I doubt it, though. People aren't even watching it now, nobody talks about it anymore. It's over.

How will you cope when Endgame is given an Academy Awards re-release once it's nominated for five awards and it grosses another $50 million?

Ragnarok was horrendous too, but Thor there was just played as a well-meaning but naïve oaf and not an overgrown fratboy yelling at kids on Xbox live and falling asleep in meetings. Infinity War Thor has real pathos and bore the emotional weight of what should never have been played off as a joke in Ragnarok, making it all the more inconsistent

It’s a one note joke that is incredibly lazy and kills rewatchability and makes no sense for the character. They basically switched him and Valkyrie, who was supposed to be the duty shirking alcoholic who handles loss poorly and can’t move on from the past - suddenly she’s the responsible leader made Queen of Asgard and he’s Homer Simpson? Awful all around

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why did they re-release Black Panther FOR FREE during Oscar season but would charge for a Endgame release?

to beat a record

>once it's nominated for five awards


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It's not going to happen anyway

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Avatar also had inflated sales numbers due to 3D tickets being more expensive and the fact that there was no point in seeing Avatar unless it was in 3D.

>People aren't even watching it now, nobody talks about it anymore.

Fucking lol

>retarded video game final battle
>Tony sacrificing himself for no reason
>time travel and timeline bullshit


I have been wondering which fan base was more pathetic and thanks to you I have my answer.

>Can't even beat Avatar despite Chinese growth & 10 year inflation



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>people paid more for a shitty 3d ticket than they will for endgame because endgame is just that shit

>reasoning is pathetic now
okay kiddo, you want to see something truly pathetic, refer to


Nobody cares

Retards. Even without the rerelease Avatar would still be #1

>Location: India

> implying people won't catch it in the last week.
OK then kid.

Imagine unironically repeating this over the internet

You flew too close to the sun MCUcks. Now look at you....

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Jesus endgame hit the wall harder then Chloe moretz

I know you get paid posting here.

Poor Pajeets, you got so close this time but it's still not happening. RIP your shitty hopes & dreams.

>keep telling Marvelfags that box office doesn't work like Christmas releases all year round and that it'll be front loaded as fuck
>it's massively front loaded and now won't beat Avatar

I tried to warn you retards

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based king

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They can and they will

The theatrical performance includes the multiple re-releases they did for theatre.

>sold 400 million in home video, #2 blu-ray of all time behind Frozen, 2x more DVDs sold than Avengers and 11x more than Infinity War

They’re probably going to give the film a big push so it can help promote the next Spider-Man movie

It was re-released only one time in August 2010, which is not in the chart

This threads hosts some of the lowest, most pathetic human forms in existence. Fighting like a pack of starving dogs for heaps of corporate carcass, arguing which part of rotten meat tastes better. Reading this thread by those who are still reasonable would more than sufficient justification for all the atrocities committed against Judaism and its people.

I'll watch the rerelease just to knock Avatar off of number 1

He literally would have saved half of all life if he just went for the head, that's quite a burden to live with. Valkyrie couldn't have done any more than she did, she's got no guilt.

Do you think this implies Avatar was frontloaded

kys you zoomer faggot

no, I just posted it to dab on Endgameover

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My mistake

When it beats Avatar I know people will never shut up about it.

maybe they should have made a good movie is they wanted to win

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So now Disney just has to cover the inflation rate.

>imagine having a board where people discuss boxoffice

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I'm sure people will never shut up when pigs fly as well.

D*mn, good thing Dr Strange didn’t just tell him to aim for the head or rewind 90 seconds and tell Starlord to have some chill or just used the time stone on Thanos instead of giving it to him freely when he threatened Tony’s life given that he knew Tony would die anyway, or told them not to bring Nebula back in time or...
Maybe they should be blaming that retard. Anyway, there’s not one single frame in Endgame where Thor is shown to care about anyone who got snapped, no mention whatsoever of Sif or Solvig or Foster, etc. He brought down Asgard and 99% of his people were killed and they laugh it off with Korg jokes but some more people die and he’s suddenly a Twitch streamer? It’s stupid and embarrassing

> Valkyrie couldn’t have done more than she did
Wtf does this even mean? Why are you acting like they even included Valkyrie’s character in IW when the only reason she was in Endgame is bc Thor 3 made lots of money?

because loving avatar is the most contrarian thing possible. out of Yea Forums nobody cares about avatar. it's become a meme for a reason.

Avatar fucking sucks though, this whole thing is incredibly pointless

and endgame doesn't? I really don't care about Avatar but capeshittors need to get a good beating

>w-w-well nobody likes avatar so endgame is still #1!!!!!

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endgame was a load of balls too
if infinity war was in the running maybe I'd care

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Endgame is out for only 5 weeks.
>makes 2,6 billions

20 more weeks to go
>it won't make 150 millions more


Was Avatar inflated because of 3D ticket prices?

Summer capeshit is extremely frontloaded, in case of Endgame more so than Infinity War. Already out of China and dropped like a rock in other countries. Will be lucky to make 70 million more worldwide.

There are forums dedicated to discuss box office for movies?

What a terrible world we live in

lol kys

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>irrelevant strawman pic

0/10 cry more

lol avatarfags. literally 9 year (fake) article

Avatar was a cliche story buried in 3D effects. Avatar is impressive to Normies.

>>begging people to watch shitty movies

Based screenshot of random comments poster

Endgame shillers BTFO

Avatar is at least partly a significant technical achievement, there is nothing noteworthy about Endgame except demonstrating that you can use third worlders and a legion of man children to con your way to billion dollar profits

>both properties are owned by The Mouse
what a worthless circlejerk. HAVE SEX.

Nobody talks about any of the characters from Avatar. The only thing impressive about Avatar was the 3D. All glam no substance. Thanos will go down in history as the next Darth Vader, people will be referencing him for many years to come.

I hope this is ironic

>capeshit box office wars

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Visuals were impressive, in most movies story is trash anyway. Like capeshit, only they look unimprressive and are instead driven by characters

Avatar is a film, Endgame is a chapter
nothing more to add

>tfw Hellboy made 21 million in it's entire run

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big fan of this image

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Avatar was in the theater for 10 months. Endgame will be there all summer long. It will easily pass the record.

that's not how it works retard
Avatar opened to 70 million but the 5th weekend was almost 3x what Endgame is doing now

It doesn't need to have strong legs to beat avatar. All it needs is a few boosts by memorial day and far from home to win #1. The movie only needs around 110 mil.


> #2 selling Blu-Ray of all time
> no one likes it
You are so delusional that it’s actually fascinating. How much Disney meta-media have you consumed to warp your mind this way?

people can be enthusiastic about something around the time of its launch and then forget about it relatively quickly. i think the point being made is that avatar did not ascend to remembered classic status like star wars because it's not as resonant to the average person. it's simply not as interesting.

The obvious retort is that avatar hasn’t achieved the cultural prominence of Star Wars - despite making far more than any individual Star Wars film or almost any two for that matter - because based James hasn’t released the sequels yet. Once we have an avatar quadrilogy you will see it take its rightful place in the very highest echelon of the annals of pop culture
Also that donkeybrained weirdo I was replying to was alleging that nobody liked the property and that liking it is contrarian, which is a far stupider claim than the one you’re asserting and is easily rebutted with a look at any relevant metric if you’re at all tethered to reality

Still gonna beat Avatar

your desperation is hilarious, your last chance came so close and still nothing kek

D e l u s i o n a l

oh my, 2.67 billion dollar made by investing under 400 mil, HOW WILL THEY RECOVER OH NOES.

Disney deserves a mass shooting thqhwyf

>James is a real director

I don't get it, does Yea Forums have fucking stocks in disney? Why the fuck do you obsess over how much a big movie made?

>does Yea Forums have fucking stocks in disney?
You mean you don't? stay poor lmao

They don't get a bonus from their "social media influencer" company if Endgame doesn't beat Avatar.

People always forget that inflation is also a thing.
I probably needs a good amount above 3B to really have "beaten" Avatar.

If you include inflation, avatar isn't the target.

Avatar was OK. Almost every MCU is pretty bad, except some of the origin stories, which are ok, except Iron Man, which is decent.

my point still stands

Yeah man if you're anti capeshit you're a shill

Except ragnarok thor wasnt a sniveling little bitch who would beg the team to let him be useful. You worthless retard

>a movie will beat it
Avatar 2

111m to go.

Infinity War made 56m domestically from this point onward.

So overseas it needs another 55m or so. Considering the 30-70% ratio expect another 100m instead.

Endgame will make 2.82m or so.

>he thinks the ratio will keep up when the overseas grossing this weekend was already lower than domestic

>in theaters for 8 (eight) months
>3d and IMAX priced tickets
Nice record*

More like 400 million in production and another 600 or 700 million in marketing to create fake hype, then you cut the earnings in half because of the cinemas taking part of it and it barely broke even

>another 600 or 700 million in marketing

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Easily, Marvel movies have shit legs because the hype is artificial due to massive marketing campaigns

>tfw I saw the #1 undefeated movie of all time in theaters but haven't watched Memegame
feels good to be part of history

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That was readily obvious before the second weekend though.

Its closed in China

you have no idea how finances work

if Godzilla is as big as Aladdin overseas it's dead

>dabs on Flopgame

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We’re in the #Spendgame now Marvelbros

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That's so pathetic, these people think Disney is their friend or something & the need to help them beat Avatar, even though Disney own that too

>All it needs is a few boosts by memorial day and far from home to win #1
Far from Home is another 5 weeks away. Endgame will have lost almost all it's showings by then. Overseas it will be gone completely. This isn't a Captain Marvel situation

I hope Jim sends Kevin Fiege a letter that reads "reality is often disappointing" showing Avatar's higher gross next to End Game

irredeemably pathetic

It's gonna be the runtime that fucks Flopgame. A fucking 3-hour snoozefest is not gonna be staying on screens alongside the exponentially growing amount of blockbusters (majority being at least a full hour shorter or more). People who think theaters are gonna keep letting this chug along for a few more months to make pennies a day are delusional. You lost.

It's down to two showings a day at my theater. Because of all the other big movies it's Death by a Thousand cuts. If they wanted o beat Avatar they should have released it in December

You got too smug marvelfags

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what site is he on?

Cope harder, you stupid nigger. To compare and contrast is innate human nature. To deny the dichotomy that is human characterization and our will to express it is to put the saddle before the horse. Claim your feign ignorance all you want, but acting in denial makes you worse than the zog masters you antagonize.

Get dabbed on, retard.

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You have to go back.

I saw Avatar three times in theaters. Once in 3D, normal, and then once normal on the rerelease.

too bad at the time only South Korea had 4D

It will beat it, just not in this run.

cringe and yikes desu senpai

Universal Monsters and Godzilla say hi.