"Past a certain age, a man without a family can be a bad thing"
"Past a certain age, a man without a family can be a bad thing"
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>she's just a kid
my fucking sides
God I love relishing in the seething jealousy that w*men exhibit whenever a (desirable) man is public about his relationship with a younger woman. If I cant seethe about the fact that women will always prefer Chad, then they shouldn't seethe about the fact that men will always prefer youthful partners.
those seething retards would do it themselves if they could lmao
kek this
If you could switch out 21-24 year old prime pussy every couple years why on earth would you ever get married?
Its mostly post wall roasties who are seething
Literally all jealous 30+ women
Can someone please post the one where he's got a vape and it says he's thinking about his next girlfriend being born right then?
livin the life
>Timothee Chalamet
Pussy is pussy. If you ever grow up you’ll desire a deeper companionship.
Roasty status: toasted
Gesundheit wird groß geschrieben, du Affe!
>21y old roastie
>shes just a kid
calm down roasties
>it looks like he’s lifting his daughter
>deeper companionship
Not something you find in females or their cunts.
Deeper companionship is also called friendship and that can be found with male friends. Women are for fucking and making babies.
true MGTOW
>Used to think Leo was closet fag for constantly replacing his girlfriends after they reached 25
>Until I realized the amount of butthurt he generated with women on the internet
Pretty based, his entire "muh climate" bullshit is still fucking gay and probably some money laundering front.
Move out of the incel belt
virgin detected
I know 21 seems old when you're 15 but it's really not.
Men are all the same!!
have feed and seed
Have family.
Not the one you’ll ever meet
You know I was 21 once, I was a student with a part time job and a rent to pay, I was everything but a goddamn kid.
serious question, what do these post wall roasties think they have that these younger ("kids") women have? besides fading looks. Like what mental maturities do they have?
These chicks don’t have to work or pay for anything they probably have stopped developing around age 15
Have you ever spoken to a young woman as an older guy? Like an 18-21 yo woman as a late 20 to early 30’s man. It’s like having a conversation with a fucking cinderblock. They have nothing to say, no opinion or experiences or ambition. At least most of them. Sure they’re good to look at and fuck but that gets old and eventually if you’re mature at all you’ll start wanting to be around someone you can tolerate for more than a few hours at a time.
>they probably have stopped developing around age 15
That goes for all women.
almost forgot it was summer
Obviously if you’re a movie or rock star you should live that life. But as a normal guy it’s dumb to try and act like a player when you’re just deluding yourself
Whatever let’s you sleep at night incel
>all this jelly that based leo is living his best life
>implying women in their 30's and 40's are any more interesting to have a conversation with
So what purpose they have in life other than hanging out with rich guys ? I fail to see a problem here.
I'm not trying to fuck a womans ambition, life experience, or conversation skill. I'm trying to fuck her holes.
>jealous roasties saying he's creepy
Did you read those posts thinking they were talking about a problem?
*tips fedora*
Maybe it's not old enough to die but is it what we're talking about here you insane american puritan morons?
You havent had a girlfriend. Its super obvious
You actually CAN live that life and it's really not that unattainable.
All you have to do is have around 1 million USD and move to Thailand or the Phillipines.
>deeper companionship
LMAO try having a “deep” conversation with a woman. Get a dog or some actual friends for that one.
Have sex, incels.
A lot of them are so brainwashed by modern culture that I'm not so sure. They truly believe that older men should not find women at their peak beauty and fertility appealing, and should instead stick to post-wall hags
You're right. You'll never meet them as they don't exist in the real world, only fiction.
what's with all the Leo threads?shits weird
t. tradcuck
I can absolutely understand fucking 21yos if you are into that, but actually committing to a relationship as a 43 with those girls is most definitely a hint that there's something seriously wrong in his head.
He's got a big movie coming out.
I'm in my 30's. Single women my age are usually those who partied a lot and slept with dozens of guys.
Why would I choose one of them instead of a younger woman who not only doesn't have that story, but who will give her years of physical prime to me instead of to a bunch of club guys?
And do you really think someone whose life experience is partying is such a great, wise partner?
Shit son, anything past 18 is granny status leo must be losing his touch.
T. roastie
What should a single 43 years old men who wishes to marry do instead?
Yes women in their early 30s are so mature and dignified
>Have you ever spoken to a young woman as an older guy? Like an 18-21 yo woman as a late 20 to early 30’s man. It’s like having a conversation with a fucking cinderblock
So it's like speaking to an older woman, except she's not at hot as the 18-21 year old so you are less likely to put up with her excessive drivel. If you want intellectual discussion then make male friends, or speak with your male relatives.
he's not marrying anyone you retard stop posting anytime fucking incel
Why in the world would Di Carpaccio get "a girl his own age" ? That makes absolutely no sense.
thats what friends are for
Apparently they think a old man should just kill them selves. They will change their tune when they reach their 40s
That pic is just roasties seething. Only women comment/follow celebrity news anyways.
If I find an 18 year old who's willing, I sure will.
Have you ever been with a girl in your life?
The only good thing about women is them looking good and young.
look at this faggot desperate for {yous}
Elaborate why. I'd like an answer other than "It triggers me because my feminist-influenced upbringing says it's wrong"
"Past a certain age, a faggot posting stupid shit on Yea Forums can be a bad thing"
It is not about his well being. It is about competition.
Feminist ideal lifestyle:
>enjoy your life and date a bunch of bad boys. Party, party, party. Then, when you are ready to settle down, look for a great single guy to marry you.
Men refusing to marry women who do this and going for younger women kind of destroy their ideal lifestyle.
This. Leo can do it because he has fame and fortune. An average Joe in his 50s attempting this would be pathetic because he doesn't have anything to offer. At the end of the day it's a simple transaction of wealth for young pussy, that only a select few men get to have.
>get someone your own age
Blown out old roasties bitching about rich men not fucking them anymore always makes me laugh.
Women want to feel valid when they get old and fat. It's actually kind of amazing. You look at women up until 20-23, and they're almost all thin, good looking etc. but the entire weight distribution shifts massively by the time they're 30. Jesus fucking Christ I see more fat 30 year old women than any other demographic. The tragedy is you see it creep in slowly. Chubby by 25, waddling by 28. I don't know what happens to women after highschool/college, but something in them fucks up and they turn into hodge podges.
Glad I'm a fag. Plenty of good looking guys out there that aren't lard arses. When str8s get to their 30s and 40s, women get into this complex where they think that being fat and lazy is ok, and then wonder why their men looking at the younger fitter girls.
There are some attractive women at those ages, but as said, the scales shift. Literally.
why are women so insecure?
Guess how compassionate they would be for some young nerd guy complaining he can't get a girlfriend because women go for Chad?
There's this cute chink at my work who looks 19 but I'm pretty sure she's 35
I like celeb gossip on Yea Forums
Good thing he achieved his dream of winning an academy award, they can't do shit to him now
Yea Forums is no better than TMZ when it comes to gossip.
Exactly. Just as bad as the betas they would've shit on when they were younger.
>those comments
An average guy in his 50's should have amassed a nice sum of wealth especially if he's been single all this time. He won't be pulling perfect 10 models, but he sure as hell don't have to settle for women in their 30's and older
Speak for yourself, cynical old fart. I haven't changed much besides looks since I was 16.
Any good films with this aesthetic?
Men are always valuable, even moreso when broken down into race
Way more fun than women in their 30s and up, they don't know how to relax and enjoy life, they have this idea they have to act "mature", which means being boring.
Not to mention they don't care about their looks and are not as horny and interested in sexuall experimentation.
>western women
Lol, they're absolutely seething. Based Leo.
>be 43
>still spend your money and time on servicing a slut
leo is the biggest faggot on earth
>"You know I was 21 once, I was a student with a part time job and a rent to pay, I was everything but a goddamn kid"
there should be a tax on women
It works every time you mention any asian woman.
seething post-wall r*asties
Me on the right
The negative area seems higher than any positive area, how does that work? Is it just relying on constant increase in a young workforce?
>deeper companionship
better off with a dog for that tbqhfammalam
It just happened I read about Moby's autobiography today, and the shitstorm the details about his sex life caused. Always liked his music, but this man is based.
The only things women in their 30s and 40s know about are the symptoms of cirrhosis of the liver.
>SEETHING jealous incels itt
stay mad, cucks, while leo is smashing the most prime pussy he can find
toastie roasties mad that based Leo only dates women pre-wall.
this, roastoids are just mad they can't settle for prime guys after they hit their prime
dating prime women (18-25) is the redpilled way to go lads, they also give you healthier children
More of this
seething rostie
>I should do what a multimillionare oscar winner hollywood actor does, what could go wrong? I'm white like him and that's all that matters
10 years later you're still a virgin OP.
>busty girlfriend
>no pics in thread
bunch of slackjawed faggots in here
>women do that
lmao, women CAN'T do it, aside from a few mommyfags literally no one gives a single fuck about old women
kek virgin seething. kys you beta
Nice damage control, roastie.
You are the ones complaining here.
*has sex with 18 year old girl*
I am 27 years old and my girlfriend is 26 years old.
In fact, when I was 25, I really thought that my mentality was adult.
21-year-old is a child
All look fuckable, I don't see the problem.
>growing up
Leo is obviously a homosexual.
femcels btfo
T. cuck mad he can't get 18 year old pussy
Leo isn't even that attractive.
His face is okay, and his body is average.
How is he able to fuck all these 10/10 models?
That's because you are a retard though.
they unironically are. they realize their days are numbered so 9/10 of them are more humble in how they treat men.I have given up on trying to find a gf and have been just hooking up on tinder. Every single woman over 30 has had sex with me on the first date and even want to split the bill. The hotter, younger ones (if they even show up) don't even bother to offer to split, are demanding,playing mind games (one even wanted me to start paying her rent in full because I was "spending alot of time at her place" when I had literally spent about 5-10 hours total in 3 weeks at her place (literally only fucking then leaving)
Even on the dates themselves,it is impossible to make a younger woman to look up from her phone, older women are much more respectful with their phone usage on the date and are more likely to carry conversations
>lusting after barely 7/10 thots
Fucking orbiters
It's always someone in their mid 20's that delude themselves into thinking that they "oh so much mature" them someone a couple years younger, you aren't.
Who the fuck judges women for dating young men? The most I've seen is other women sperging with rage about it and Yea Forums sperging about Jason Mamoa. I saw no one give a shit when kourtney kardashian was dating bieber or when Cher screwed Anthony Kiedis when he was 13
What do these whores feel about this marriage?
He was 19 when they were engaged
>nearly $300m
>one of the most famous actors in the world
how does he do it brehs
I’ve read some YouTube comments
>age is just a number!
You truly dont understand what women find sexy. Go back to posting fucking chico and MMA fighter gifs
>money can't buy you happin-
I would also dump you
When I was 27 I really though that my mentality was adult, but it's not. 27-year-old is a child.
>incels comparing themselves to a rich hollywood star
This is beyond pathetic
Strong independent woman.
The majority of men who critizise this are just jealous and would do the same if they had the chance
I disagree but if a guy is rich he can look like shit and still get prime pusy.
they really do fear the samurai
>my girlfriend is 26 years old.
You pedo scum !
Would you fuck a used fleshlight? Obviously not, so why fuck a used woman?
Men usually don't criticize this.
What are you complaining about then? How is it a problem to you that Leo dates a 21 year old?
>I don't see the problem.
God damn what a fucking champion. Leo and Mel fucking rule.
all of this desu
Bad bait
Women are so jealous
Money shouldn't have anything to do with attractiveness, though
I mean humans are attracted to looks. Why does it matter how much currency you have?
>someone notices that this trend is inherently unsustainable
He knows, shut it down
Yes? What are you trying to prove here?
Hes an adult. Shes an adult. There should be no fucking problem.
>they're more desperate so they are more mature and conversational
try living with them for a year
Comfy beds. Good food. Ac. First class flights. New clothing and shoes. Not living paycheck by paycheck. Less stress so end up more healthy over all. Longer lifespan
>those asses
Remember, lads: he might've been a cuckold who enjoyed watching other men fuck his gf, but Patrice O'Neal was right about one thing
Why? Because think about all these 18-25 year old thots who traipse around in skimpy clothing and get paid/fucked/married just by existing. Men have to be charming, witty, entertaining, and make decent money in order to attract them. Women on the other hand, do not. Women don't have to be charming, witty, entertaining, or make decent money in order to get fucked/paid/married, and they never had to be. You're better than them simply because you have to put more work into getting fucked/married/a relationship with one. They don't.
>Roasties seethe
What else is new.
His face looks familiar.
>"just a kid"
Fucking white knights and feminists.
HAHA Kappa girls, had them at my college, they are the best sluts around
>>I mean humans are attracted to looks
Men are. Women also value men for their protection and provision capabilities, as well as social status. You sound clueless on female nature and should educate yourself.
las goblinas de las americanadas
Because they know how easily men can be manipulated by pussy. Every other women is competition.
>Women also value men for their protection and provision capabilities, as well as social status.
Yeah once those women read post-attractiveness
Women functionally choose looks over money every fucking time. Why do you think prison bae exists
>try living with them for a year
that has nothing to do with the initial claim I was answering to.Go fuck yourself, there is nothing more pathetic than moving goalposts just because you have no argument
You know that guy is super annoying to spend time with
They just keep raising the bar, before it was 18 that was "just a kid', now it's 21, soon it will be anything bellow 30 (The Wall).
>wh*te women
What you are saying is that they are done fucking alpha males cause they are not attractive enough and lower their standards in desperation and use you as a consolation prize.
If you were as rich as Leo, why lower yourself to settle with a with a woman like that, for some sort of dumb moral or ethics? The woman sure as fuck don't follow that dumb code.
Observative reality proves this wrong.
>western women
the fuck is wrong with women?
she should
dare i say it
You couldn't pay me to fuck any of those trolls.
All you have to do as a female is spend 20 minutes at the gym doing weighted squats 3 times a week and you have the perfect body, yet they choose not to. Baffling, especially when women care so much about posting pictures of themselves.
the absolute state of "social sciences" experts
He's got a point though.
Why DO women stay in relationships with an abusive partner? :^)
Don't shoot the messenger, I didn't create women.
>Lefties start eating their own feet again
They just cant see it can they? disgusting.
>It’s like having a conversation with a fucking cinderblock. They have nothing to say, no opinion or experiences or ambition.
This perfectly described every 30 something woman I know. At what age is this supposed to change?
>a 21 year old woman who is sexually mature since 16-17 at latest and who has voting rights that will affect the future of society
>wahwahwah she's just kid wahwahwah
What the fuck is wrong with this kind of "people"?
>The 18-year old Polish Instagram influencer Julia Słonska broke a sculpture from the XVIII century for the sake of "fame". She filmed her act of vandalism and posted it on her Instagram page. This was reported by Life on Friday. It is noted that the act of vandalism was committed in Warsaw's Swiss Valley Park. The video shows Slonska smashing the face of an angel with a big hammer.
>Why don't female sexuality work like my sexuality?
But /pol/ told me that polish women are volkisch and tradpilled and based
It's hilarious his argument in defense for women is essentially "women can't make wise choices on their own and must be saved from themselves".
based or cringe?
>google camilia morrone
>21 years old
>looks like she's almost 40 in some pics
women. not even once
More of these dumb skanks please
>Immediately draws parallels to abuse because he's older
So when are we taking the vote away from women? It's only taken them 100 years to prove they can't handle themselves.
Hoes mad
She's one of the most good looking women but also the most disgusting one.
Lol no it doesn't. This bitch went and cheated on her husband who got her into the country and went off with a brad
Ugh. This is like, literally pedophilia, sweatie.
The perspective is crooked, bad bait?
You sound like a old women
>equal to men in ability
>toxic masculinity is detestable and should be discouraged
No contradiction there. As usual the autismos from the pol school of false equivalence can't comprehend nuances or context.