Just fucked a discord tranny

>just fucked a discord tranny

Movies for this feel?

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Star Wars Episode 8


so why do they all like dumb nerd stuff?

Because they're literally incels

Natalie Mars Cucks the World

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Because they’re men

hence the nonstop projection of their never ending life long insecurities

did he chop off his freak dick yet?

Silence of the Lambs

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The nerd stuff comes before the trananitty, and feeds into it. They get lonelier and lonelier, unable to disengage from the hostile digital environment, and so they assume an identity that fully encapsulates their perceived victimhood

All trannies are "former" incels

natalie has no intentions of doing that either


low effort tranny
why doesn't she squat a little to improve her ass?
fuck's sake, why can't any of these freaks be like korra del rio.

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Jesus, looks like the real life version of those PPP pictures.


>the panties were too tight and I ordered them in purple
>the socks fit well but they tore after only a week
I give them a 6/10

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Radical feminists are saying this for about a decade. Internet culture + porn addiction.

How do I get a radical feminist gf?

Do white People really do this?

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they have a very weird sense of feminity and they like infantilization

they are all lesbian or severely autistic sadly. The best you can hope for is a garden-variety transphobe tradthot.

You'll have to be an attractive biological woman.

tbf all peoples do this, we just live in the west and post on a western website which is mostly filled with whites

radical feminists just need a man to set them straight like Chris raygun did to Lacey Green

>>And Justice for All.


How is it that americans generally have great home infrastructure, but still manage to live in a pigstall?


China doesn't have this problem to the degree that the west does.
Something has gone very wrong in the west.

I don't want to generalize the type of men who become attracted to the sissy stuff. There must be alpha males who get caught up in the same thing.
However, when beta males turn themselves into sissies I wonder if they are motivated by the desire to have a more active sex life? Betas often struggle to get dates from the pretty girls and even have difficulty being successful with girls in general.

I consider myself a beta. I'm not terrible looking but I have shy and unassertive body language. I'm not very charismatic or exciting to be around, and unfortunately I have a smaller penis than average. When I found sissy hypno and it told me to be a girl and serve the alpha males, this had a powerful effect over me.

In a weird way it seems like a beta male feminizing himself takes the pressure off of his failures with women. The beta reinvents himself and develops a different mindset toward his sexuality.

I'm not saying any of this is good but I think for many betas it is the way they feel. And I feel that in the future the sissy phenomenon will get worse before it gets better. Today's growing MGTOW movement will likely end up pushing many of those men into sissification

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I'm sure they do, they just throw trannies and gays into vats of acid and make onions green out of them and no-one ever finds out

>go on HRT, chop your dick off, wear wig
>still look more manly and less convincing as a woman than twink in a dress

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How do they not kill themselves? This thing looks like an affront to nature, humanity, God and goodness itself. I'm sorry to talk like this, I try not to judge trans people but this is disturbing. How can this person live with themselves? And how did they think this was a good decision? I don't know what it's like "being a woman in a man's body" but I bet it's a lot better than being a freak in a monster's body. Anathema.

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The one on the left looks very fuckable tbqh

You're correct

>How do they not kill themselves?

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Sounds a lot like Yea Forums

And then, for no reason at all, people voted Hitler into power.

most of them were raped and have extreme emotional trauma
if you even somehow get one to like you, say goodbye to your dick

can you really be an incel if your neg hole got pozzed?