What the fuck lmao
What the fuck lmao
if you prefer left over right, you're an incel
She looks genuinely fucking retarded with those bug eyes on either side of her head
That black girl is really cute desu. Wouln't cast her as a slav though but whatever.
Wide set eyes CUTE and AYYLMAO.
Not trying to be racist but can someone please explain how the FUCK those are the same species
What show?
Well... At least she has "that" look.
What the fuck lmao
I am going to destroy Lauren Hissrich on Twitter when this bombs bros
>fantasy fiction
>complaining about race
we're not making historical documentaries here
and if you prefer right over left, you're a nigger
Ebin bait
>That black girl is really cute desu.
-hilariously round face
get some standards thirsty incel
Imagine watching a netflix original in 2019
its just a videogame, nerds
have sex
There's going to be huge viewership for the Witcher but I guarantee it'll turn out that Cavill was good as Geralt but the show will be absolute trash so mid meltdown they hire a completely new writing team
reeks of desperation.
complimenting an ugly girl won't make it any more likely that she would've sex with you, pitiful incel.
Please promise me you'll have sex
And just because you have sex, don' think you're not an incel.
Have sex, incels.
>be me
>have sex
>Love women and minorities
It cant bomb. Relax, it isnt a theatric release.
Half of the reason their adaptations are shit - they have no financial consequences
if you poke her face with a stick does her head deflate
Find love you fucking incels
>Character in tv show looks different than you imagined them when you read the book
but she cute
its reality ;)
dillate more
i agree she should be a lesbian eskimo with1 leg and vitiligo :)
she's cute
Hello r/tg/
heres your fringilla bro
didnt the black girl who was supposed to play Triss die of a brain anyeurism?
Netflix doesn't share viewership stats
Elfs are Christian Slavs and Mankind are Turks
the world is the Balkans
just kidding
>It cant bomb. Relax,
it can be cancelled and ridiculed into oblivion
could work if they make her pailer and dye h
>they cast Millie Brady
>in the role of a character that gets killed in the same story she's introduced
fucking monkey's paw
er head red
y'all raysist white people
I'm really not one of those frothing at the mouth racists and I know this is like one of those "I'm not racist BUT" moments BUT this poor women really looks like a neanderthal.
>if they make her pailer and dye h
or they could just cast an actual white woman
welcome to 2019
no, I'm a human
She's not cute even for a black woman.
Didnt happen with Death Note (I think they're still going for 2nd season).
they're pushing ugly people so that we consider them beautiful but they're not
they aren't
Tbqh I think they thought that blacks were black
Acceptable tradeoff for having a propper Geralt and Ciri. Your knew this was happening the moment it was announced on Netflix just as you know the LOTR adaptation on Amazon is going to do the same. All you can hope for is no black elves (unless they are dark elves) no black Numenorians (unless they are dark numenorians) and no black Gandalf (because Gandalf shouldn´t even be in middle earth in the second age but you never know. Mainstream adaptations find ways to fuck things up to get viewers)
At least she's attractive
>proper Geralt
But he should be ugly
Geralt has always been a Chad
stop ruining my video games!
> He should be ugly
Nah, i know he is in the books but this is a) Hollywood b) most fans of the Witcher are game fans (and most of those are Witcher 3 fans. You know it´s the truth)
That´s just the way of hollywood adaptations. Think about Peter Dinklage Tyrion Lannister. He should have been deformed before even getting the scar on his face. I know i know... GoT SHOULDN´T be our standard for adaptations but you have to consider that GoT audiences are the target audience of every single fantasy show in the works right now so...
every show gotta have a nigger in it these days
you mean improving
Oh and I guess you find this attractive cute too...
>turn white character into nigger
>Turn nigger character white
they want us to bend our standards for them but it wont work cause the head lies but the penis doesnt lie
Actually yes, I'd fuck the fucking shit out of Milana
who are you quoting
It's only cute when it's just the eyes, but here whole face looks stretched horizontially.
I would fuck them all closed faggots
all black women are disgusting
nenderthals were white
holy fuck, I wish the set gets fucking bombed when Henry isn't there
You should really stop getting your news from Yea Forums
>tfw Ciri gets BLACKED
you know this will happen
Reminder that Yen is getting blacked. Geralt is going to get cucked by blacked.com.
Gotta say Fringilla Vigo looks awful in Wild Hunt
Fuck it, but don’t get it pregnant.
Tbf it's more like they're cucking each other, Yen was with Istredd first
stop apologizing for having an opinion. "racist" is just a buzzword to make you afraid to speak your mind
The negroid nose is truly their worst feature
she actually looks like a monkey
Please don't bully us
How long are you chimps going to keep this dead meme going?
Ciri better get on the pill
If Milana doesn't make your vayntrub, you did not pass penis inspection day.
I just realized they are showing the second battle of Sodden without Vilgefortz. Who would you cast for him?
Idris Elba
The wide flat nose is utterly repulsive, the only moderately attractive 'blacks' are american mutts that ended up with a good nose courtesy of massa
It's a father-daughter relationship, he's got no interest in fucking her.
>soul vs nigger
what were they thinking Yea Forums
jamal will
> Yen is getting blacked
You can't black an indian
Ok this is a literal primate
>Left: Fringilla Vigo
>Right: Fringorilla Negro
Who in the actual fuck thought this was a passable idea?
My theory is that somebody in the cesspool of degeneracy that is Netflix found out that Nilfgardians are sometimes called "Blacks" in story (Referring their color scheme.) and misunderstood it.
I blame STD inflicted brain damage.
You gave up on pissbaby and shitlord quickly enough. What is it about incel that makes you feel so clever? I have to tell you this obsession with sex doesn't make any of you look more human, especially given the lack of functional sex organs.
>main audience of franchise is video game players
>the games have a fairly well-established aesthetic
>easiest casting job in the world, find decent actors who look good and fit the part and you score an early goal with the fans
>instead you go for political points and cast a bizarre collection of actors that don't resemble the aesthetic that the fans expect
How come the casting staff don't all lose their jobs? Dropping the established look and alienating the fans is such an obvious objective fuckup. How high does the infiltration of identity politics go?
it's netflix user they all suck dick
Isn't this the bitch who had an abortion and tweeted the first thing she asked the doctor was when she could get fucked again? You're beating it to a literal infant graveyard and mods will ban me for this post because they do too
W... what did the doctor say?
>he doesn't know
how u want your Ciri Henry?
based jewish succubus
what's she doing in budapest?
Who knows, I heard she queefed in his face after and he passed out from the scent of rotting infant corpse
>inb4 I get banned
>for posting a tv actress
>on fucking tv
>just killed my baby
>cant wait to have another one like an irresponsible retard so i can kill that too
fuck me. this world is pure shit thanks to people like this
>he already answered twice
Get pregnant.
the word is somebody is secretly making this show as bad as possible. They don't want this to become a success. They want this to be so bad it's cancelled after season 1. Supposedly all the budget went to henry cavill, and that's why they cast henry cavill in the first place.
The books writer is on this project and he HATES the games and cdpr.
she must of had plastic surgery to reduce her nose size but I'm pretty sure she still has the inept urge to rub her hands together when a nickel drops nearby.
when will netflix shut down?
Wtf is wrong with her face?, look at those tiny eyes at the sides ofnher head, look at that chimpanzee like mouth, look at tha wide ass nose.
What kind if mutant is the one on the right?
doubt. they would choose left too
this may come as a shock to you. but there's literally billions more where she came from, a place called africa
I'll watch this if they cast that one bitch from Black Mirror White Christmas as Yen.
So this just confirms that all the pro choice people are literal soulless psychopaths?
Literally how do you get an "unwanted" pregnancy in the 21 century? You have condoms in every corner shop or free, and you have a before and after pills. You are either a mental defect who doesn't know what happens when someone blasts cum into your womb or you're getting off on killing unborn children.
and millions more, a place called america
He left the project a long time ago. Hes a smug asshole who thinks books are the only way to go so his departure doesn’t actually meant that much either. The show is going to suck bc of political bs
So abortion is wrong but abortion pills are ok?
I was't aware that a fetus takes 10 hours to fully develop?
She's got the jewess milkers down at least. I'd fuck her, I'm not a faggot, Id just bust in her ass because she's clearly a filthy kike and would prolly pay me for it
not him, but absolutely not. birth control pills have been proven to be cancer inducing and they also poison the water supply. being on them also makes women not want children because it tricks the body into thinking it doesn't need to produce those hormones
both of these shitty things need to go
>ever sticking your dick in a human petri dish
And she can't blame financial responsibility considering she's a rich Jewish whore, yeah, literal demon tier shit. Ive been banned twice for posting this, jannies are fucking wild dude
Imagine not taking pills and just having a child like nature fucking intended. Nah, break it's neck and spine and vacuum it TF out, this is why women have no soul, bc literally makes you unable to feel empathy
Well, to be fair, she didn't have a child ripped out of her asshole as far as I can tell, this is why you're incelibate fren
This annoys me as a jungle fever victim
women being disgusting pigs with a body count of a hundred + is as good a reason as anyone would need not to fuck them.
>have sex
no ty, missed me with that gay sexual revolution shit
Bro learn to read sarcasm and maybe your life won't suck. Also lose weight and
>have sex
sarcasm is for women. real men dont hide behind despair.
lose weight and have sex, incel
We generally keep them in ghettos.
Imagine being so dumb you have to copy my post word for word
>ah bloo bloo
sucks to suck, kiddo.
have sex incel
>getting this angry over black people in >muh vidya bullshit
grow up manchildren
>getting angry over a lack of black people in >muh entertainment bullshit
Take your own advice sweaty.
>getting this angry over people having opinions
grow up manchild
I don't care if they're not there, but I don't mind their inclusion. If blacks fans enjoy seeing themselves represented on screen, what's the issue? Are you really that thrown out of the experience by a handful of black characters?
Maybe they should try creating their own characters.
This is fake right?
>muh equality
>muh representation
okay thats nice, but life isnt an eternal kindergarten. if black people want to be in movies they should make their own lmao
>blacks fans enjoy seeing themselves represented on screen
Are you fucking ignorant? True fans want to see the source material respected. Admittedly, most niggers are out dealing drugs, fucking, and committing robbery. I'm sure there are a few nig Witcher fans that are put off by Fringilla being cast as Fringorilla Negro.
I'm a curator of Witcher porn, but I can't watch this shit show.
>seeing themselves represented
It's a tv show, not the parliament.
>True fans
Who the fuck cares about these people? Shows are made for general audiences.
>he's a porn addict
>he actually believes himself a curator of anything
>What if...we made the show watchable..
only the picture. text is original but it doesnt matter. the original picture was a picture full with female writer
Her face makes me irrationally angry. It’s like the most punchable little shrew face I’ve ever seen.
>I'm a curator of my virginity
why do (((they))) do that?
I barely see a difference at all. The only thing I can point out is the right one has longer hair
>Jewesses killing their children
I'm an artist that gets paid over 10k a month to make beautiful art. Have sex.
No one believes you libtard.
>I'm an artist that gets paid over 10k a month to make beautiful art
>wastes his time browsing 4chinz
Guys I had sex but I still hate women and minorities besides east asians wtf happened bros?
I made over 100k last year. Stay mad libtard.
>virgin porn cringer telling anyone to have sex
how about you stop being such an obvious incel, kiddo.
Imagine being this delusional. Fuck off redditor.
have sex
>make beautiful art
translation from incel to english:
i make source film maker porn
Based. Witcher porn is top tier kino
Have sex libtard.
yikes, you prefer cis vaginas? Have sex
unironically think pic related would be a great triss
she wasn't playing Triss
Imagine being racist in 2019. Have sex.
lose virginity, cringelord
you can't point out any differences either you dumb /pol/tards
Left is ugly and has a man jaw, right is a kino black queen
I promise m'lady
Ciri at least looks the part. Geralt is fine but I'm interested in how much money they blew getting Cavill on board, probably could've gone cheaper and still got a good actor. Yen and Triss are abominations.
those fuckers love naruto and DBZ, they literally don't care.
I know this show will be bad on its own but will it be successful?
89% of Netflix user dont care about blackwashing and possible current politics referances and the refugee-effect (disappointed GoT watcher who wants something else) could carry it
Books and Games = White
Netflix = Ugly minorities
>how much money they blew getting Cavill on board
400k $/episode
fuck me that filename is her name?
what a retarded ratio
just because a sheboon had her 6th abortion doesnt mean "1 in 4 women had an abortion"
yes, she's also agent 009
I think I fapped to your stuff a couple of times
She went there just to shoot that pic?...
Why did Poland have so many niggers back in the day?
>Shows are made for general audiences.
While this is true, it is also true that books or games only get adapted because the original material has proven to be successful. The core audiences matter because the shows or movies wouldn´t even exist without them. Betrayal of these kind of fans usually happens AFTER the shows air and build their own isolated fanbase.
Still, to define what constitute a betrayal is trickier. I myself would not care much about diversity casting unless it affects the story or the characters in some deeper way. On some characters it matters, on some it doesn´t.
Not by Netflix
Left: white, clear resemblance to the widely accepted appearance of Yennefer, actually attractive
Right: nigger, no genetic possibility to resemble show poointheloo Yennefer, ugly as fucking sin
What did they mean by this?
they are called "the black ones", but I think Netflix misunderstood
BBA (big black army)
It's called we'll fix it in post.
>Tons of cute black chicks
>Keep casting the gorilla looking ones
I mean, it just doesn't help your cause at all.
So why do it?
This is what happens when you put women in charge of something. Especially sjw cunts who are taking every opportunity they're allowed to make some kind of political agenda statement through media. Keep an eye out for thinly veiled shots at Trump, immigration, and misogyny.
>That texture on the armour
Whoever designed this was a retard
>How high does the infiltration of identity politics go?
to the top, where it started
No one is more racist than a leftist.
I still hope these are just patters for the computer to put CGI on
I don't mind. I hope the sex between Geralt and Fringilla is every bit as wild and lurid as the books. Her dark skin will only add to the allure.
If you're not racist in 2019 they you are opressing YOURSELF. SEEK HELP. being opressed is soo 2000s and early 2010.
kek good post
go back
it would be extremely painful
have sex
its based on the books you retard, ciri should be 8 at the start of the series and 16 at the end of it. not to mention that actors can dye their hair, a blonde could play yennefer.
It's funny because the Polacks are more booty-blasted about the darkening of their beloved fantasy plagirism franchise than Yea Forums is.
She's a small girl
for a nigger
be a woman
oh well... looks like neither of us got our wishes.
only difference is that it's technically possible for an incel to get laid.
They hate beauty.
only faggots don't
They expect to find one minority in the crash
>Are you really that thrown out of the experience by a handful of black characters?
yes you nigger brainlet. what are you not understanding?
>all these faggots ITT
Anons, raising a half cast family is literally the most white thing you can do.
Admit it, black women are sexier, we all know it deep down.
The show is not based on the game so stop using it as a reference point. You are lessening your own critique by going "muh vidya gaem" all the damn time
she looks like she lets men splash their semen in her womb
what you post here doesn’t actually add to your social score, so you can go away
there is no such thing as a """racist"""
or if there is, then EVERYONE is one.
every single person on the face of the earth has said something racist at one point in their lives, the only difference is that no one heard it or cared enough to label them a racist.
>inb4 "i-im n-not a racist!!"
imma stop you right there. what are your thoughts on white people?
thats what i thought, you fucking racist piece of shit.
see how that works?
would not mate, even if I were an incel
>inb4 incel, have sex, find love etc etc etc etc
I cannot believe this person received education past middle school level
she does, then she gets it murdered and goes right back to fuckin'
I swear to God they purposely pick the ugliest ethnic girls lmao. Dumb fucking feminists, even their minorities must be ugly or fat. Cringe.
Why can't they hire hot black chicks?? Or whatever race. Its like they have a fetish for below average looking wahmin. WTF
>Netflix doesn't share viewership stats
But it does share when a series gets cancelled
good one, you really rekt me.
holy shit how will i ever recover???
you low IQ unoriginal piece of baboon shit.
and also
*received AN education
i wish your father was around to teach you proper grammar. but im sure he would consider learning to be "corny ass whiteboi shit"
change your culture, if you want to keep up with the rest of us.
How about using the books as a reference point?
why are all the actors in this tv show mutts? wtf, are white people a minority hard to find or something?
>steal your culture like all non-whites do
Admit what you are at your core, Sambo. Fuck off.
>apologizing for your objectively right opinion
That sentence really irks me.
> "ideas and banter and cupcakes and creativity and darkness and champagne and..."
We do live in 2019, right? Women are allowed to go to school - why is she not using a bloody comma?
One is a video game character and the other isn't. They aren't the same species
Commas are a tool of the white devil patriarchy.
i admit it, im a dirty dirty sambo.
you've won once again with your big brained insults.
Now clap your hands. Like this.
could you be any more of a faggot about your opinion
this, but unironically.
we must embrace our ignorance, surely this will be the tactic that helps us defeat whitey, once and for all
They always get the most nigger looking niggers
>People using the witcher videogames as their base
>Author of the books(the actual source) okay'd everything in the show
>Everyone is raging about anyway
Its pretty funny
She looks like a monkey now.
No fucking way
Fringorilla Negro
Netflix has literally Nigger/spics/faggots quotas they have to fill even if the people in charge of the casting are not total sjw retards (which most are anyways) they still have to bend over backwards and put a nigger or two on chain-mail, it is what it is
>Author of the books(the actual source) okay'd everything in the show
more like
>Netflix paid him money
>author: yea, do what you want, whatever
user, it is toxic to want beautiful women to star in tv shows.
Uh that girl isn’t black.
Anyway it’s because they only get hired on black centric TV shows and films.
you are legitimately retarded if you think he personally has to okay everything
Author left due to creative differences with the people making the show, you didn't know that?
That's not the actress playing Triss. That's another mutt they cast as someone else.
Another interesting thing about the pill, is that if there's an actual thing close to human pheramones, it's that we can actually unconsciously detect what sort of immune system people have. Apparently we have different immune systems like we have different blood types. For the sake of your eventual baby, it's genetically favourable to get involved with people who have a different immunity type to yours, the contrast creates healthier babies.
A side effect of the pill is that it makes women attracted to people who have the same immune system as them, creating a less healthy baby... I mean, you know, should they actually manage to have one.
What makes this casting even worse is that Fringilla is the cousin of Anna Henrietta, who will also now probably be a nigger.
The author of the books hates CDPR because he pretty much gave away the rights to them for nothing and they made the series far more popular than his books. So he went to Netflix to stick it to CDPR and make his own show, but when Netflix didn't give a fuck about his opinion and cast a bunch of mutts he left the show over 'creative differences.'
>The absolute state of Yea Forums
Don't know why /pol/ is so triggered by this. Right is p cute and you're comparing her to a literal made-up image of pixels. And of fucking course they're doing this whole diversity schtick because that's what gets the most viewers. Not muh white genocide or whatever other conspiracy theory you think.
But then again /pol/tards being triggered over nothing doesn't surprise me in the least.
>diversity schtick because that's what gets the most viewers
No it doesn't. People don't avoid movies that are only white people or only black people. In fact, there's an argument to be made that those movies are far more popular. eg. Lord of the Rings, Black Panther, etc.
>dont like something
I have a beautiful white gf. Can't stand the ugly brownification of Western media. Shit sucks. It should bother you too. They don't even pick beautiful brown women, it's all ugly ones.
Yeah because I'd much rather watch 3 boring skinny white girls who all have the same bland faces.
And before you say it no I'm no essjaydubyah but with retards like you I can understand why filmmakers would want diverse casts.
But if you don't like it why not make something of your own?
sóibois; batman is now a disabled powerful black lesbian
everyone: wtf
sóibois; SEETHING
They are just doing this to make downloaders miserable like they been for a while. And they definitely found their guys.
>implying she won't shut down her social media
>show will be based on the first book
>judging by the casting the first season will focus on Renfri (how geralt got the ''butcher of blaviken'' nickname) and maybe how Geralt met Yennefer
>for some reason they cast Ciri, Triss and Fringilla
I can't wait for this shitshow
so you want me to become a tv producer? yeah, let me get right on that. everyones just jumping at the chance to fund, create and promote white only tv shows without tons of poz culture
this "dude just make your own ___" shit gets people nowhere, it's a red herring.
>guys, so sorry, so veddy veddy sorry
>but, I must say, although I think I maybe shouldn't
>that perhaps this wonderful person of vibrant shades of the color
>is potentially, but maybe not, but perhaps could be...
>you know what im sorry I shouldn't have said anything she's gorgeous and I will sit down now
That's a really weird chin. Reminds me of those botched Korean plastic surgeries.
>3 boring skinny white girls
racist, prejudiced and ignorant
>but with retards like you I can understand why filmmakers would want diverse casts.
so they are doing it because of them, 100% dishonest, i agree.
the idea makes muh dick
you should see her nostrils
>D6yvU82XkAAuEMP.jpg (114 KB, 1200x800)
Jesus Christ, Yea Forums, sort it out.
>netflix already had a cheap yennefer on their hands and they wasted it
do you have her patreon pics?
her nose is wider than my whole scrotum flattened on a table.
wonder what shes been up to
No, I just understand how twitter functions unlike 99% of people getting pictures off there, apparently.
Goddamn she would've a solid choice. She can pull off the cold, snarky attitude while the one they casted looks like a lost child.
isn't she meant to look like a child?
and that will do what?
No. Where did this fucking lie begin? She's supposed to look relatively young based on the fact that she's like 100 years old - not childish looking.
lol just a joke bro!
casting staff had nothing to do with it - they just do what the showrunners tell them. The show is being produced by a dumb roastie who just happens to be the wife of a big wig producer.
yennefer? no, triss is the youngest of the sorceress
wtf I work retail for years and I have never seen a customer look more ugly then that nigger lmao.
How do I get gf like this?
and who knows why?
"we did a good job ladies!"
Yennefer? No. She's around 100 years old or something like that but the sorceresses use their magic to look like they're in their mid 20's. The only time when Yennefer would look like a child is if they did a flashback to her childhood before she was a sorceress, but they would also have to make her a hunchback.
Sorcerers also use magic to look like wise old men.
go to africa dumb ass?
she lied
>she lied
she is a woman, it comes natural to them
That'd be weird, since neanderthals were Europe-based white primates, with higher intelligence and calorie consumption. Niggers are literal 100% homo sapiens sapiens
1. She's Jewish
2. She's a female
It's in her blood to lie, deceive, and destroy.
So this is Tea, she's from Zerrikania, as far as I know zerrikanians supposed to be like middle easterners no? Which would it be a minority/diversity itself but fuck them I guess
The helmets are insane.
>that interview where she talks about getting titfucked
patrician choice
>no that's ridiculous
>we're storytellers
>story comes first
You're thinking of Ofieri. Zerrikanians are supposed to be white.
My biggest problem is why cast so many ugly people, my god, she doesn't look bad as fucking fringilla but still
Maybe Kunta Kinte over here should create his own 3000 years of culture and draw upon that. Oh wait, he has none? Fuck off, then, you fucking nigger, and stop appropriating white culture, your shitskin folk wear grass skirts last time I checked.
kek @ the Gwent cards
Three Jackdaws is a man of cultur
Most nigger sheboons are ugly, that's why nobody wants them and that's why they bitch the most. They couldn't be properly represented by a pretty black woman.
not really, no one really knows how zerrikanians look, but one thing is certain they are not white like the northerns
>no nivellen
I'm not listening.
The darkie in the uniform is historically possible.
>heres your vilgefortz bro
>Alge Binfortz
raw and wide open please
>check out Clare's twitter
>she's dumb as a fucking brick
The writers' strike killed TV.
imagine the smell
but she cute!
but seriously, how do you think the strike in 07/08 effected writing even up to this day? did it change the process of how shows are written?