Memes aside, how fucked is the Star Wars franchise at this point?

Memes aside, how fucked is the Star Wars franchise at this point?

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Lay it to rest and have sex.

it's a rotting corpse

2nd 2MT explosion at Chernobyl rendering Ukraine and Belarusia sterile for hundreds of years level of fucked

>rian johnson
holy fuck, could they have come up with a more disastrous trio?

star wars has been dead since rotj. can you people grow the fuck up already?

lose weight

>Dave Filoni now working on The Mandalorian to get some experience in live action
>Will then proceed to work with RJ for the next SW Trilogy
You know it's happening, and it will be Kino.

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i hope dave keeps rians autism in check when the time comes

Mandalorian and new Clone Wars can bring back the autistic fanbase, it can still be saved.

Can't get any more fucked as it is. That's how fucked it is.

I want Filoni to do Old Republic movies.

Their biggest mistake was not distancing themselves from Johnson in no uncertain terms.

What are the chances they'll cancel each other out and we could get something decent?

Are they a couple? Wtf does the other guy do? Lol he had no resume

At worst it's just necrophilia. At best necromancy.

After ep3 it felt like star wars had concluded for good, but there was still some moderate interest and still a clones tv show. It wasn't that big of a deal anymore but it was just big enough Disney just couldn't keep their hands off it. They had the potential to create something new and great, but their trilogy has really failed to entice people, and more importantly this generation of children. Declining ticket and toy sales are a clear sign of this. Hell, the sonic movie is getting more attention than ep9.

The one thing Disney is always good at is their parks. Galaxy's edge is where they can finally turn a profit on star wars and is going to draw tons of people for years. The new movies, tv shows and toys will drop off the face of the earth rather quietly, occasionally resurfacing, and we'll mostly just be left with our childhood memories. People are already moving on to other things and star wars won't be able to keep up.

Every SW fan I know is already drooling over The Mandalorian.

After IX under performs they will silently cancel Rian trilogy and go 100% fan pandering. In few years it will be back to making 1.5 billion per movie.

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It is already dead in every way outside of the superficial youtube sois and box office numbers. How sad that there is no franchise currently releasing to consistently compete with this trash, franchises from the last decade would have put this garbage trilogy into the dirt. Harry Potter, Matrix, POTC; not a single soul would care about this shitty nu wars trash if there was anything else worth talking about.

A Filioni/Johnson collaboration would be pretty great, I think
But it’s more than likely that Filioni is actually going to be working on that KotR adaptation that got announced the other day.

I don't think anything was explicitly/officialy confirmed, unless I missed something? There are indeed good reasons & clues to think so, but I'll wait until official confirmation

Rian Johnson will never make a successful Star Wars movie. The fans despise him and it does not matter how many tard wranglers you surround him with.

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>how fucked is the Star Wars franchis
seeIt's beyond repair unless you are into necrophilia or want to cringe/hatewatch.

D&D did nothing wrong. They were excellent show runners, and both ratings and viewership for GoT were high until the last few episodes, were they were forced to give the series an unsatisfying ending because of the guidelines George RR Marting had established. Their hands were tied.

Prove me wrong.

It actually does matter. RJ is pretty good at composition, just have someone like Filoni to write and keep him in check, and you have a very fruitful collaboration.

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You Filoni fellaters need to fuck off, his Clone Wars was a mediocre kids' show. You are pathetic.

It was finished after TLJ

The show sucked when they still had material to adapt. Remember talisa or Ros the hooker with a heart that didnt need no man. They were constantly cutting good material from the books for their shitty oc fanfiction

>Rian and D&D keep subverting each other to one up the other
this might actually be good guys

Not this meme again. Space battles or throne room fights in TLJ were a fucking joke.

>memes aside
but all that's left is memes
that's the only way to "enjoy" SW at this point

On the other hand, they also gave Cersei and Tywin more scenes that helped flesh out their characters and humanized them, and even book readers loved those

Deep down in the shitter. I have no fucking clue why Iger didn't just fire Kathleen outright. The board and he can't be so out of fucking touch. I guesses that any announcements about restructuring at Lucas Arts would have beend happening after the FOX merger but nothing happened. It is basically all caps Cruise control into the abyss. Neither Jew Jew nor Dumb and Dumber will save Star Wars, but rather make the crash more spectacular.

It's pretty much necrophillia buttfucking by disney at this point. The fuckers don't even know what to do.

Literally the only way to save this franchise is to officially declare the sequel trilogy noncanon and then make actually good movies unrelated to the skywalkers saga.

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Can't wait for Yea Forums tears when Mandalorian turns out to be a super hit and first SW movie after KK gets the boot makes 2 billion $ again.

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No oc content written for them stands out to me. I credit the actors for everything people like about their characters

This is why he kept defending the shitty writing of GoT this season, it all makes sense now

Episode 9 will make an easy billy and then every flick after will start making less and less.

IX will struggle to hit 1 billion unless word of mouth is incredible.

Why? Only reason GOT went to shit was because they wanted to leave they didn't want to keep writing GOT for the next 4 years

Memes aside every single Disney wars movie have been shit. Every single one. So, honestly, D&D can´t hurt this one. All they can do is ruin it for the "people" that supports this new thing (that is not Star Wars) for political reasons, the femminist that watch this for "muh female hero" or the SJW that watch it for "muh diversity". For actual fans of SW it won´t make a difference. Let them burn it.

They need to stop with the fucking Rebels vs Empire shit.

Set it a 1000 years before or after main trilogy. New characters unrelated to anyone. New factions instead of good vs evil crap. More force users with more variety than fucking green/blue lightsabers vs red lightsabers.

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TLJ had terrible word of mouth and still got a billy. Normies don't care and just like the Hobbit flicks everyone wants to see the last one no matter how bad the 2nd one is due to sunk cost fallacy.

With the body.

>Sith take over the galaxy then found a meritocratic democracy.
>Ha, subverted!

Strong message about representative government and the wisdom of the masses

Reminder that Benioff co-wrote wolverine: origins

>Red, White, Black, and On Fire: The movie.

If you want good composition get Zack Snyder. Working with Disney is beneath him though.

Star Wars is Good vs. Evil though. Whenever you try to turn Star Wars into 40k it stops being Star Wars.

Everybody still wanted to see TLJ. Look what happened to SOLO.

Original Trilogy is about good vs evil. Doesn't mean entire setting needs to be.

You have dumb people, on this very board even, literally seething when a Star Wars movie doesn't involve lightsabers, calling them not SW movies. Can't do that.

fucked enough that the mexican star wars dweeb at my work hasn't watched the rogue one, TLJ, or solo
when you lose the mexicans you're doing awfully bad
those people enjoy anything

No, it won't. Just let it die or give it back to George.

Except fans are crazy about Mandalorian and that won't have lightsabers.

Filoni is George but younger though.

Their biggest mistake is not accepting their inability to produce good writing when the story isn't already laid out for them. If they had any sense they'd just stick to what they're good at and do a 1:1 adaption of of the old eu stories like darth bane or kotor.
But chances are they'll try to do their own thing and it'll be shit.

Because fucking Mandalorian wank. Make the series about anything else, and nobody would care. To this day I still can't understand what people see in Fett, or in legit Mandalorians for that matter.

Completely uncertain desu. Everything about this is mixed bag. The writer did both well and terribly, Dan and David are decent directors and good at adapting material and Johnson is good with cinematography and made more decent movies than bad ones.

The biggest mistake was starting a new trilogy without a fucking plan. Even Shitson would probably make a good movie if he had a fucking script before they hired him.

Muh badass warrior culture. It's just space Spartan crap.

Rian did a better job than JJ. At least TLJ tried something new, TFA was just a rehash of old shit. I'd rather get something new than the same thing over and over and over, even if the new stuff isn't great. At this point if you're upset at Star Wars not being pigeonholed into the same worn out storyline then you need to grow up and move on.

>Johnson is good with cinematography

Someone post the throne room webm and blast this user out the airlock

That's choreography, not cinematography.

Johnson is still by far more talented than these tow hacks. He can at least direct, these two hacks cant write and cant direct. Untalented hacks.

memes aside. It will be based.

maybe if they added Damon Lindeloff

I would rather see a Filoni Villenuve collab

At this point they might as well give a trilogy to Neil Breen.

>Johnson chimps out
>Filoni tilts his cowboy hat, snaps the heels of his cowboy boots and revolver-whips Rian.

>"The Sith kinda forgot about having the strongest person rule"

I liked both Solo and R1 so I beleve the mouse can oull it off despite making two shitty SW movies.

The internet is going to try to meme these two guys out of existence because attention whoring click babbys. But I'm thinking the new SW movies will be at least as good as Solo and R1.

Wrong, shitloads of fans wanted a series about bounty hunters. Mandos or not.

Stop with this fucking bullshit there is nothing new in TLJ.

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Best selling Star Wars game in history only lets you play as generic soldiers.

TLJ is steaming dog vomit. It was worse than a rehash. It was fan fiction with a coat of paint and is why most fan fictii sucks and belongs on youtube.

The writing in TLJ wasn't even professional level. It was the work of an amateur writer with photigraphy skills.

It was cucked even before those guys were in

>The writing in TLJ wasn't even professional level.
D&D are gonna set a new standard.. "You need good Jedis but you need the bad pussey"

>SW loses money for the first time in the history of the franchise
>KK still in charge
>JJ getting crazy political on blue checkmark land
>next trilogy handed over to a couple of retards who couldn't write themselves out of a paper bag
It's over, gents. Bag it and tag it.

It is way too Jewed.

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>RJ is pretty good at composition

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Disney made one mediocre SW movie (TFA), one bad one (TLJ), and two decent ones.

The intenet in meming there minds because these two guys didnt fullfill every normies headcannon. I have said it time and again the GoT could not be made in 2019. The internet would not allow it.

They would have petitioned Washington D.C. they minute Ned died to have the laws changed or some ahit.

>Drawn by Peter Chang, Benton Jew, Jay Shuster, Ian McCaig, Ryan Kaful, Terryl Whitlatch and Ed Natividad,
Yeah right, it's totally Lucas drawing those.

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>Disney made one mediocre SW movie (TFA), one bad one (TLJ), and two decent ones
Wanna know how I know you're not a Star Wars fan?

>The intenet in meming there minds because these two guys didnt fullfill every normies headcannon
No, people are rightfully angry at those two idiots because they shat all over the lore and destroyed every single character arc. They didn't even adhere to their own fucking rules within the show.

>TLJ had terrible word of mouth
After the first month

My expectations have been subverted.

i literally couldnt care less. i dont watch capeshit or any of its derivatives.
i think you're legitimately pathetic if you get excited or upset over Star Wars as an adult

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It still blows my mind that people at Disney thought "yeah, this guy is great for this job".

Like seriously, wtf?

They can bring Zack Snyder

How was the lore shat on?

After Episode 7 it was finished, regardless of what the thickos say. Possibly the worst film of all time

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Shitty drawings is one thing, but it's so small and you can't tell what is going on even though its just ships flying straight. Faggot spent more time writing Bombing run of Doom then actually working on the story board.

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In order to determine whether or not I should continue investing precious time in this conversation, I\d like you to answer the following questions:
A) Have you read the books?
B) Have you watched the show?
If you answered "No." to either of the above, then I'm afraid our conversation is done. If you answered "Yes." to both but still fail to see how the lore was shat on, then once again, I'm afraid this conversation is over.

Shut the fuck up and have sex

Great way to not answer questions, I'll copy/paste this for future uses.

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The ego of Disney

I hope IX gets Solo'd

Heard your mom was in town so no probs.

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Rian subverts the expectations.
Dabid subverts the subversions.

So is the end product double subversive, or does it cancel out?

I'm just looking after my mental well-being. Too often I'll find myself wasting hours upon hours on ultimately meaningless conversations. There's nothing worse than conversing about something with someone who lacks knowledge or simply doesn't give a fuck about the subject matter. Why spend time making well-informed posts when 9/10 replies are "Have sex" or "sneed" or worse yet, shills doing damage control for dear Mouse?

star wars has always been 3/10 at best, it's shit and worthless

so i dont really expect D&D will be able to make it worst, it's very hard for it to be worst than what it already is

it's probably cinema's greatest sin is that the force awakens is one of the highest grossing movies of all time considering it is also one of the most shittiest and overrated movies of all time

the original trilogy and the prequels are massive turds as well

don't give me the bullshit of "oh it was good for it's time", fuck off retard, it was 1977, hundreds of books and movies with better stories and characters were made before this time

But then again, we still don't know how the lore was fucked.

>ze EPIC Star Wars was never good maymay
Eat a bag of dicks, Mouseketeer.

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Fair enough, I still haven't seen solo I'm sure most haven't, simply not intrested enough or had weed when I thought about watching it anywo do we really care if anyone makes star wars great again

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>his Clone Wars was a mediocre kids' show these guys r pretty operator

you're SEETHING because it's true

star wars is the biggest overrated pile of shit in the world

He said disasterous not kino

Very fucked.

The Game of Thrones Planet is in the Star Wars universe. Jar Jar will land a ship next to the Red Keep and go "Ow icky icky, isa burrrned!"

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IV and V are wonderful and only complete retards disagree.

It's so fucked it makes the Terminator saga look unblemished and fresh.

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The Phantom Menace is kino.

get out Ralph

hopefully they ruin Soi Wars enough that Disney can let it die.

To be fair, George Lucas didn't have much of a plan either with the prequels. This is very apparent in Attack of the Clones' script.

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It's fine but you'll still bitch about it and claim it's dead while it's making billions like the brainlet incel that you are.

Their biggest mistake was not cashing in on the success of The Force Awakens and make thousands of spin-offs, games, novels, and series that help flesh out the new era.

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There's a difference between a single creator who is trying to work out a rough plan and multiple creators handing off to one another with no plan. Rian might be a rantbaby with a fondness for subverting expectations but the mess is on KK for allowing him to make a movie that threw any plan JJ might have had out the window.

Come on. Caravan of Courage: An Ewok Adventure was fantastic.

Star Wars is already dead from over saturation.

>muh JJ

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where did the 'have sex' come from?


I don't get it. 'have sex' is an implication or insult that [some guy] is involuntary celibate? Who came up with that? I suppose it's used ironically here

t. living under a rock

>abstaining from sex is an insult

Cumbrains be wilin

Just reply back with: "Have children". They never know how to respond. Also try: "Be loved and accepted". lol

First paragraph is mostly on point, except that you could argue physical toys are on the wane as a whole, seeing as even toddlers can play with video games via tablets and phones etc. pre teens do for sure.

Second paragraph is way off, they can keep throwing better and better creators at star wars until they actually create something good again, which if you weren't so warped about it all, you would remember is exactly what we want.

No reason why someone like Villeneuve couldn't do his thing for star wars, or any number of actual talent, they lose enough money they will do just that. D&D should be right on point for the job, SW is not meant to be 'deep'.

The 3 horsemen of the apocalypse

Only Mandalorian has a chance of being good.

>*stares at pic related*
Jesus fucking Christ. Kathy Kennedy has to be the most retarded businesswoman ever.

>RJ is pretty good at composition, just have someone like Filoni to write and keep him in check, and you have a very fruitful collaboration.
You don't get a cookie for shot composition if you're a shit writer.

No you fucking idiot coming up with a unique insult response makes you sound butthurt. Either reply with "have sex" in kind or something retarded like "seething" or "cope".

fuck niggers

This can unironically save Star Wars. Everybody I know is hyped for this.

>insult response makes you sound butthurt
>reply with "have sex

No, Mr. NPC. You function according to your program, and I'll live my life.

Fucking chosen oned.

Rouge one wasn't shit. Wasn't fantastic, but wasn't shit.

That leaked scene was good. Cautiously optimistic, but since it's TV and Nu-Wars, that feeling is minuscule. I already feel foolish and ashamed for even giving it a chance.

>but wasn't shit.
It had some cool parts, but I'd say that 85% of it was shitty, including the final Vader scene. That was cringey.

Why couldn't a Jedi appear? They exist in the time period, and a bounty hunter is exactly the type of villainous scum a Jedi would come into conflict with. (except Quin gon GIn of course, he doesn't give a fuck about law and order)

He had an awesome costume, obviously. And an air of mystery, as he was not fleshed out at all in the films, so people could see what they wanted in his character. How much of an autist are you that you need it explained?

*jumps on your castle*

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What Jedi? There is one in the entire galaxy at that point.

He died like a bitch, with Solo litteraly killing him by accident. He's as interesting and mysterious as watching a 300 pounds boomer burger tripping out of his electric chair in a Wallmart. Why the fuck would anyone be interested in such a character?

Best selling is not best. Independence day was once one of the top grossing films of all time.

Better to just do a Kotor cartoon.

>with Solo litteraly killing him by accident

Are you serious?

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Great post kid, that was one in a million.

I thought Han was the topic, not Fett. Sorry. Thanks for posting that gif, dough.

>no you fucking idiot, only mad people come up with some sort of thought out response to things
>just go literally "no u" or say one of my favorite buzzwords, that'll show em

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Incels being bitter pieces of shit, thinking they are special or even smart for having contrarian and edgy opinions. To say " have sex" is a way to mock them, because really, i don't think they have redeeming qualities...they can go to a ditch, rot and die and no one will miss them

Don’t forget after episode 9 they will better much be out of human original trilogy characters to reuse especially if they are bringing back Lando and Palpatine for episode 9 on top of how Mark Hamil will likely not want to do any more movies after his been so vocal about how he disagreed with how they handled Luke’s character in TLJ

But he didn't kill him. The lore says he survived that fall. Just because he didn't reappear, doesn't make him dead.

If Star Wars wasn't dead to you within the first 15 seconds of the Force Awakens trailer you're an idiot.

Its fucking dead. I know people said the old EU had its lows but this is a catastrophe.

Lucas almost had him fly out of the pit for the RotJ SE, but basically said, nah fuck fan service for fan service's sake. He is truly based.

Lucas after 1985 was worse for Star Wars than Rian and JJ put together. The irony of the Sarlacc Pit not even being a pit anymore when lucas had finished with ROTJ SE seems to have escaped you.

Fett's real death:

>Lucas after 1985 was worse for Star Wars than Rian and JJ put together.

The two Ewok movies and its cartoons are almost kino. The Droids cartoon IS kino, plus the original Star Tours at Disneyland kicked fucking ass.

Morel like he became fearful of killing off fan favourites. He was really afraid that chick was going to become Fett 0.2 so he didn't develop her at all. He originally wanted to make her the assassin in Attack of the Clones.

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who ?

Tell me about it, she was featured prominently in "Star Wars Insider" as just that early on.

Just another iteration of the white male shaming tactic we’ve seen a million times.

>You get your own trilogy RJ.
>d&d are doing star wars. RJ will help them
>RJ has had a family tragedy. We are letting him go to focus on his family. With heavy hearts, d&d will continue the trilogy.

Corporate shills buzzword. They have supervisors telling them what to post.