What is the death note of western TV

What is the death note of western TV

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Death Note (Netflix)


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>comparing a criminal to a person who kills criminals
Into the trash


>someone who kills criminals isn't a criminal

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>hurr if you kill the bad guy you become just as bad as him

might want to double check the definition of criminal there friend

No idiot
He meant that it's still murder which makes you a criminal by law
Fucking spastic learn 2 logic

What is the edgy af shit that's impossible to be taken seriously if you're over 20 of the western TV? Idk, maybe mtv?

I suggest you learn what applying justice means.

if you want justice go kill niggers

You're a special kind of retard aren't you
Theres a fine line between doing it lawfully and unlawfully of your own volition no matter how great the cause
it's still murder that you thought you could take upon yourself
Sure you can justify it and sure it can be total clear justice but it's still murder

A dude selling meth because of "LOL US healthcare bad I gotta make statement that I have to break laws to take care of my family when sick" is somehow more edgy than someone who is willing to purge criminals out of the goodness of his heart.

This is why western shit is garbage

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Murder doesn't equate to criminal.
By that logic all soldiers are criminals and the death penalty...etc are criminals.

Light is the good guy.
He is nothing similar to meme bald man

The writer of Death Note said he just wrote it for fun.

>this used to be my favorite show
>tfw Gwern ruined it for me when he pointed out how totally retarded Light was in giving up so much of his anonymity so early on

That's a false equivalence you're pulling there
Light wasn't authorised or governmental approved to proceed with his murderous rampage killings
He did it out of his own volition because of his self righteous reasons
And this kind of thinking is a sociopathic slippery slope and a small step towards tyranny
"I know who deserved to die and who doesn't"

>light reduces the crime rate by 70% and ends all wars

>comparing it to Walter who is practically just a nigger drug dealer

woah look at this mature adult
he's so grown up

>Gwern ruined it for me when he pointed out how totally retarded Light was in giving up so much of his anonymity so early on
That's a shitty criticism. Light is a true to life narcissist like Ted Bundy

One is self righteously killing people because he thinks he can
The other is also killing them by meth addiction and commuting other crimes

The advantages of what light does doesn't equate to him thinking he has the right to rule over another persons life
There's a reason we have law systems in place for democratic decisions and a focus on rehabilitation than death penalty
Self righteous murder is still murder
Even for good reasons you're still a criminal who did so out of a unanimous vote

Characters making mistakes that fit their personality is not a bad thing. It only becomes bad if the plot only moves forward because characters do stupid things that don't fit the logic of their previous actions, I couldn't watch The Strand because of that shit.

One is self righteously killing people for the betterment of the world one that has shown to work.
The other is just a selfish nigger doing nigger crimes.

If the current system is flawed it should be abolished which is what Light was doing.
In what world do we live in where transitioning to a more effective system is viewed bad.

they're nothing alike though, the MC of death note turns into an insane meglomaniac in the first ten minutes of the show and instantly proclaims himself the god of the new world

Hey Rabbi.

Is the English dub of death note ok? I haven't watched a dubbed anime in years I kind of miss it

>Is the English dub of death note ok?
Yes it's good but fucking sub spergs are never pleased

Yes and I think it's from the same people who made the Black Lagoon dub.

The current system isn't flawed
It's focus is primarily on bettering people not just killing them outright
At the end of the day they're human even the most cruellest people out there
I'm not defending that it may not be justified for you to seek revenge and sort the world out
But you'd be fooling yourself to think you're in the right and not a murderer
Because at the end of the day
They are people like you and me and the goal is to better the people, us not destroy us
Our laws are based in principle in religious beliefs to cherish and respect a human, to see ourselves as something godly and worthy of eachothers respects and the laws trickle down in such manner to further foster this principle
The sooner you'll understand this the more things would make sense

>it's focused primarily on helping people
Didn't realize removing all wars and reducing global crime rates by 70% didn't achieve that.

Light was in the right, which is the biggest difference between him and Walter.
Walter had no justification to go around sellong drugs, killing people all for his selfish desire to help his family as he killed people who had families all of their own.

Light was improving while the other was worsening.

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Where's my fucking Netflix sequel REEEE?!

>the same people who made the Black Lagoon dub.
Good times. That dub is legit as hell. Same feeling as the Hellsing Ultimate dub, which is also great.

You're not understanding me are you
His improvements as much as you justify it, are still murder
He didn't care to better those criminals he outright thought killing them was a solution
But why
What gives him that right
His own self righteous reasons of course and a demonic item to reinforce it essentially
You can spin it all you want and even do great things at the end of the end
But you're still a criminal, a murderer who killed millions without mercy without acting better that those criminals, above them

i kept trying to force this association in my head too and i don't know why. they really aren't that similar aside from the cat-and-mouse aspect of A$AC Shraeder and Heisenberg, and that still never was really the driving force of the show

Wow what a bitch. You I mean, that's not even a solid criticism to let affect your enjoyment of a show

Yeah the VA have decent talent. And considering how dialogue-heavy the show is it's nice not to have your attention always focused on the bottom of the screen

How does one define what is evil and good?
By the amount of people it betters in ratio to how many suffers.

Light is practically a saint to improve billions of lives out there by merely killing a couple hundred thousands of people.
That is what gives him the right.

Light is the hero of the story.

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You're allowed to admire and worship criminals, that's entirely within your right. He's very charismatic.
He's still objectively a criminal.

How is he objectively a criminal.
If batman, superman...etc can be viewed as heroes why not Light?

Overrated trash?

It's better than Monster

i love death note so much i don't even care if people shit on it as long as they're talking about it

Why are so many people unaware that it's possible to learn how to read subtitles so that you aren't staring at the bottom of the screen?

Let me put it this way
In the same manner those criminals thought they could do what they want and kill and commit crimes without due process so did Light in thinking he could kill them without due process without repercussions, unlawfully and declare himself self righteous
The law system is set in place for that reason for us to understand what's right and wrong all stemming back to religious beliefs and practices to set order among us, from our animalistic behaviour and transcend to full humanity and with those that fumble into sociopathic and such pathways, the ideal goal is not to outright destroy, it's to help, to understand and to further help prevent it in the future
Mass killing is not always the solution
Because guess what more and more people could start commitimg crimes that Light supposedly protected
Does that mean he should kill them too
And on and on this cycle should go?

Why are you automatically stating that the current method is not only effective but "good".
When did due process become synonymous for good? Yeah sure you were born and force fed the idea that it's good simply because you were born into it but it doesn't automatically mean the system is good nor flawless.

Light was placing in a new system that not only benefitted people more it also caused less suffering for everyone.

It's NPC behavior to call the system you were raised in good just because you were born in it, it's like muslims saying their system is good which isn't true at all as western society decreases the levels of suffering and Light even further decreases it making him ultimately the best system to follow.

It isn't flawed it just isn't fleshed out because it's focus is on helping people from all calibers not killing them
For fuck sake
This pisses me off that you can't grasp the concept of caring for humanity and the anime itself doesnt adress this much on the criminals except for Lights character where it's focused
you are aware most murders are committed by sociopaths and psychopaths which is a mental condition any one even you one day can foster this mental frame of mind and people in these conditions do not care about their own lifes let alone another humans because they lose the sense of humanity to respect it to cherish it hence why they still commit what they do knowing full well that they be punished by death for what they do in fact even inventially desiring that effect because deep down they're troubled
Light solution is temporary eventually it all cycles back with people commuting murderous crimes again and again
And his doing is only equivalent to the people his destroying to supposedly self righteously protect others..

People who commit crimes are evil and deserve to die, case closed.

You do not care for humanity if you're taking care of people who take advantage of innocent people.
If you are ok with tons of people suffering just so you don't kill all these troubled people then you're just as bad as them.

If Light were real he'd kill you too and I'd be ok with it

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why couldn't Hollywood just remake death note normally

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This. The mistakes Light made might be "dumb" by your standards, but that doesn't detract from the show because it's actually part of Light's character. His narcissism and vanity which enabled these mistakes to happen, it's character development.
The person you replied to is probably some fag who thinks BBC's Sherlock is peak Sherlock Holmes kino.

I'm not justifying their behaviour you imbecile
Of course its wrong and the focus is to heal this condition not destroy it praying that it never comes back
And to think you deciding to take it upon yourself by "taking care of them" and think it's not murder, not equivalent to the path they ended up on and to not think of yourself as a sociopath at least
Then you're more of a fool than I thought

House of cards

What does a show about a gay pedophile have to do with anything

I don't know, are there any two-season TV shows that are great for the first half, and shits itself on the second half?

Breaking Bore isn't even as good as Game of Dumb.
Comparing it to Death Note is a joke.
