Never saw this, what is the feminist angle in this...

Never saw this, what is the feminist angle in this? You guys talk about that a lot and I don't wanna poison my mind with feminism bullshit.

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Other urls found in this thread:


Made up female character that is so much smarter and more capable than the dumb men

Unironically this. The only female character that was created for the show gets btfo'd by the kgb.

It's just poltards sperging out for whatever reason.

can you give an example please? so i can judge whether i can tolerate it

Even Legasov, the hero of the story, is a fucking dumbass idiot compared to the fictional female they inserted.

>Dozens of men die of radiation poisoning making a dome over the hotspot.
>”Women are always the real victims.”

However, by the third episode she’s making mistakes and getting arrested. Yea, there’s a little bit of “woman smart, man dumb”, but it’s not very much, and it’s not thrown in your face. Also the rest of the show makes up for it.

if you're literally this worried about it then you can't tolerate it
have sex

>female scientist: they’re putting boron and sand on it
>make scientist: that’s what is do
>fs: of course it is
It wasn’t dripping with sarcasm or anything, but that’s probably the cringiest dialogue. She’s just shown as a competent, confident person. Even when it’s to her detriment.

just tired of poisoning my mind, as i said

Stop being such an edgelord. I bet you also think anarcho capitalism is a good idea.

The only "feminist angle" is that there's a made up female character that they credit am unrealistic amount of detective work to. The character is basically there as a place holder of dozens white collar worker that wouldn't fit into the script.

That's really about it. Some people are throwing hissy fits about it because they do with the one-drop rule basically. The tiniest trace of feminism makes them go completely ape-shit and suddenly that's all they can talk about. The reality of the character in Chernobyl is that the gender is ultimately irrelevant to the character. Its only an issue if you want it to be one.

Nah, don’t worry about it senpai. Any kind of alleged feminist bullshit is outweighed by the way they portray communism.

Could you please stop shitting up the board with this non issue? It's just one single character on a great show, if this somehow hurts your fragile white male ego just pick any of the millions of shows catered for babies like you were the guy saves the day.

The fact that you cant have sex doesn't give you the right to come here and complain about this crap.

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>implying I need your permission to make a post with my opinion here

thanks user, i'm gonna pass then. sounds obnoxious af

>there’s no feminist conspiracy here you fucking evil fragile white male!

They are answering OP’s question. Just because you don’t agree with their answers doesn’t mean they should leave. It’s a show increasing in popularity and OP wanted to know if it was worth watching, but he had heard some rumors. I’m doing my part by explaining why people say there’s feminist propaganda in the show and how it’s not really an issue in this great show that deserves watching.
Stop acting like a faggot.

>sounds obnoxious af
>"Its only an issue if you want it to be one."

>sounds obnoxious as fuck
It’s really not. The show isn’t really focused on her, she just the weakest of all the characters. Everything else about the show is amazing. Just watch the first episode, she’s not even in it until almost the end.

Are you retarded or you don't realize this is the type of person who goes out of his way to find something to complain about?

I’m stoned and actually replying in earnest to people on a Ukrainian feedwater forum.
Also I’m really digging the show.

Op is a fucking faggot confirmed

There is a smart female character
If you can't tolerate that then don't bother
But it's not YASSS QUEEN shit
Feminism in Soviet Union was about women being able to contribute to society as much as men , not about women being free from all responsibilities and consequences of their actions like modern feminism

>there's a made up female character that they credit am unrealistic amount of detective work to
One of those "can't do any wrong" types? How much screen time does she have? If everything else is great I could just roll my eyes until she's gone.

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never heard of a man rolling eyes


almost considering watching this but I cannot stand anti-male propaganda. Guess it’s back to Rome

She does a lot of wrong and she's not made up of thin air she's an amalgamation of many people who did what she does, men and women

They totally do.

She is on screen about 70% of the time and mitigates everything about the Chernobyl disaster. In the show the other countries never even become aware of it because of wonder woman, so the Soviet Union never breaks up and communism takes over the world. All thanks to one brave woman who had the courage to take on the patriarchy.

Lies. One nurse who knows everything, and one wonderwoman scientist.

bravo hbo womyn win again hahaha white virgin "men"

Jesus christ what a faggot

D-delete this! It's just le /pol/ boogeyman!!!

>Knows everything
She knows one thing you incel

Doulbe yikes, and for good measure I'll throw in a yeesh and a zoinks. Show dropped before I even began.

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If you want Jared Harris kino that isn’t ruined by women, there is the Terror.
If you want history kino that has no leftist/wymyn sympathies of any kind, try Rome

Literally complaining about there being a woman who knows things. I've only seen two episodes but she's no more wonder woman than the dude is superman. She didn't even outscience the guy she just had intel that he didn't re: the tanks being full

>highly rated show
>one of the few that seems to have Yea Forums approval
>one character is a woman who knows things, even then almost gets sent to a gulag by the kgb for being a loudmouth.
>has to get bailed out by a white man
>"nah I'll pass, it's feminist propaganda"
Another trenchcoat wearing zoomer with enough edge to cut through butter. Get lost.

>women don't know stuff about radiation!

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shut the fuck up NPC


writer Craig (((Mazin))) said he had to make up the character to counter-act the evil patriarchy of the true story since it was all men solving the problem.

>She represents all of these other scientists that came in and risked quite a bit to fight a system — not just the system of government, but also the system of science, which in and of itself, had a certain patriarchy to it and was very interested in protecting itself from its own mistakes," Mazin said.

>Ulana will help hold Harris' character Valery Legasov accountable in Chernobyl as she seeks out what caused the accident. So even though no Ulana existed in real life, she represents many women in STEM who had to break through gender-biased barriers in the pursuit of knowledge and truth.

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Nice. Thanks.
>woman comes in to correct man's wrong
I'm not here for ficticious revisionism through some writer's empowerment lense. Sorry if you don't like me enjoying the idea of your gay new show.
Her husband was her partner for everything. :^)

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Seeeeeeething white knight.

Nice, gonna use this for other Chernobyl threads. Do you have a source tho? Just in case someone asks

The only two examples of feminist bullshit I can think of are
>woman knows that iodine is important in radiation while man doctor doesn't
For some reason the incels think she's a nurse and thus couldn't possibly know this, even though she's a doctor as well, and a younger one who knows about iodine while the older male doctor doesn't. Contrived but not impossible.
This bitch is more egregious, though she's a composite character out of like 20 scientists so she comes off as magicking information out of the aether, and of course the incels interpret this as more misandric women supremacy or whatever.

>and of course the incels interpret this as more misandric women supremacy or whatever.
>>t-there’s no agenda-


it has no noticeable impact on the show at all. you must be OP who has never seen the show and is now drawing conclusions on what other people say (some of them are trolling you btw)
the show is absolutely fantastic, your loss if you don't want to watch it because you need to have sex

yea is not pronounced 'yeah'

I'm not OP, I watched the premiere when it came out, thought it was alright, but lost interest with the start of the feminist angle. Sorry not sorry.

thank god you're so smart and pretty, we all pray for you

>everything leading up to our current existence has put me in power to stop men from continuing it!

dyatlov alone makes up for ten ulana's t b h
also he puts the bitch in her fookin place

fuck your nuclear physics degree and get me a caviar sandwich

>have sex
Thanks for giving me more zoomer trannies to filter.

Nice passive-aggressive remark. Enjoy your misandrist propaganda.

Soviet doctor believed his state and that the power plant is 100% safe. Pretty sure it's not that's about the effecs of iodine that's childs stuff.

honestly it would have been weird for Western audiences to have no prominent female characters other than the one who is a microwave. we're honestly not used to how much of a sausagefest Russian society is.


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kek, good post

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She has a fairly small amount of screen time.compared to the two lead characters. She mostly just walk around and drops exposition here and there or goes somewhere and talks to a person and they tell her something important.

The only really obnoxious part is her introduction. The problem is that she's not a real person but rather a place holder for loads of different actual people so her level of intelligence and knowledge is at an absurd level because she's figuring stuff out at an insane speed and has a huge range in her understanding of the power plant and nuclear accidents and the potential problems that might arise from various solutions.

This kind of stuff happens all the time in fiction. Most heroes of mythology are most likely amalgamations of dozens or hundreds of different people and their feats of heroism comes off as absurd because they're attributed with doing something on the level of throwing a 100 ton rock a 1000 miles while the reality was mostly like that there was a large group of men who worked together for a long time to move that rock. Its an ancient narrative device basically and applying it to contemporary fiction based on verifiable historical facts rubs people the wrong way.

The Female character is perfectly fine in ep3, as she's just simply investigating the accident. The issue is she's given an awful introduction throughout ep2, much too intrusive. Would have been served much better if she had a couple of background characters feeding her info.

>>woman knows that iodine is important in radiation while man doctor doesn't
Not even that, he just didn't think there were radiation issues.

>le ebin hab zexx maymay
Hm. I was really considering watching this. But if this is the kind of Jew that’s shilling it, fuck it.

God this thread is full of sexless incels seething about a female character in a TV show. Get a fucking life, idiots.

i can sense your desire to copulate from here, anons
just do it already and then suddenly you won't be looking for things to be offended by all the time

they're trying to make a realistic depiction, it's time to hire some more actors for a chain of discoveries instead of one wonder woman. this isn't a thousand years ago through a dozen authors and translations. it was a few years ago and well documented.

just have sex already

The doctor not being concerned about radiation is an indication how of badly prepared the Soviet system was for a major disaster, it has nothing to do with feminism. The old fucks don't ask questions and unironically tought the government were good guys. Ulana is just a composite character but honestly her effect on the narrative hasn't been that big, she just stumbled on to info no one else had yet and is off trying to figure out how RBMK reactor explodes.

Honestly can’t tell if posts like yours are to make Chernobyl fans look bad or if you are being truly genuine

>just pick any of the millions of shows catered for babies like you were the guy saves the day.
Name one from the past 5 years.

>The problem is that she's not a real person but rather a place holder for loads of different actual people so her level of intelligence and knowledge is at an absurd level because she's figuring stuff out at an insane speed and has a huge range in her understanding of the power plant and nuclear accidents and the potential problems that might arise from various solutions.
That's a huge problem, though. If everyone else is grounded then she's SuperPerson. Even character flaws can't bring a person back from the tragedy of having the learning capabilities of a computer. So even if she encompassed men, which the writer very clearly says she's a woman fixing men's mistakes so that's sort of out the window, she stands out as an ugly character among earthlings.

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I'm a /pol/ack and an /RBMK/ regular, and even I find myself forced to say have sex, desperate incel.

>If everyone else is grounded
confirmed you have not watched the show

Back to discord

So you’re perfectly okay with a Jewish guy making unironic misandrist propaganda which was proven here and here ?
Weird flex but okay. Thanks for once again proving that /pol/fags worship women.

Yeah no shit, I already stated I didn't. Nobody else has pointed out any other sore thumb characters. Why don't you do so, so that I can drop this show harder?

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>implying Chernobyl is misandrist propaganda and not anti-communist disaster kino
>implying the presence of a token womyn character who isn't even that egregious by current year standards makes the show equal to the average feminist shitpile
>implying that to hate misandry and feminist bullshit, one has to also hate all women always
engage in coitus, involuntary celibate

>I already stated I didn't
how am i supposed to know who you are in this shitfest of a thread?
and how the fuck do you even let yourself draw conclusions about a show without watching it?
>That's a huge problem, though
absolute buffoonery. nobody is forcing you to watch this show, so don't watch it

It’s not even about communism dumb fuck. If you listen to the first Chernobyl podcast the guy literally says its about Trump, and that actress literally states it’s “men” who fucked up, not communists.

nurse, this incel needs 50ccs of sex, stat

How hard is it to ignore the feminist slant, then? I wanna start it. Is it as cringey as like, some Jesus rap from the local fundie church?

>this entire thread
we don't need a stealth general you retards we have /RBMK/

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Good argument.

but there are no brainlet incels in /RBMK/, who am I gonna bait with low effort havesexposting there?

>If you listen to the first Chernobyl podcast the guy literally says its about Trump
wtf lmao
more like Cucknobyl
christ this show makes empowered women to correct men and metaphors Trump
what's next? are they going to stare directly at the camera and in unison chant "have sex, incels"?

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Easy to ignore

not cringey at all, as anons have pointed out only the introduction of the female scientist is hamfisted (though i doubt there would be as many people complaining if the character was a man)
you'll get over it because every other aspect of the show is pure kino, best show i've seen in years

>are they going to stare directly at the camera and in unison chant "have sex, incels"?
that would be unironically based though

>personal opinion of an actress is somehow resembles the message of the writers and directors
back to your trashcan



>Her husband was her partner for everything. :^)
and that somehow means he did everything for her?

You have to be looking for it to see it and even then it's mostly irrelevant. There are three women in the entire cast - one is a total bumbling retard fuckup, one is the aforementioned amalgamation who is basically used as an exposition machine for based Legasov to actually do things, and one is a nameless nurse with like two lines about iodine pills.

On the other hand holy fuck does this show shit all over commies.

Fair point.

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watch it and make up your own fucking mind about it you absolute mongrel. are people really this bothered by slight political angles in TV? how fucking thick are people on this board that they need their /pol/itical allies to tell them whether a show has acceptable levels of jewish propaganda in it before they can be bothered to watch it? do you actually only see things through your narrow political worldview? walk into traffic you actual waste of skin

Nobody can say what all happened behind closed doors. :^)

>there’s no feminist propaganda here guys, its easily ignored, just watch it, the female characters don’t matter anyway

They can't see it, user. They don't possess self-awareness.

have sex and seethe

youre never gonna have sex like that, incel

>parrot generic bait reply once
>12 guaranteed (You)s
damn nigga i should use Yea Forums more, this is so much easier than shitposting on Yea Forums

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It’s hilarious. They deny any feminist propaganda than disregard any of your posts by using feminist buzzwords.

where does it say THE EVIL MEN DID IT REEEE?
he does say about patriarchy in soviet science, which did exist, however she is interested in fixing the whole thing, not blaming men for it or preaching about killing all men.

She is not a nurse. She is a doctor. The other guy even calls her "doctor". People assume she is a nurse because she has titties.

Like I said, its understandable why it rubs people the wrong way since its applied to a real world event in recent history that is well documented. However, it is really important to realize that you're not actually watching a documentary and that characters like her are more about finding ways to provide exposition in a short and timely manner so that the narrative can fit a reasonable time scale and decent pace for each episode than it is to try and push a feminist agenda. Trust me, anytime you see an actor say something like "Oh she's a stronk woman who fixes the mess of men", its literally just marketing and nothing else.

Writing everything as it happened would've taken up a lot of time in a single episode. Its not merely a matter of casting more actors. One person needs to figure one thing about, tell another person, then that person does another thing and tell another person, etc. If you just boil it all into a single character, you don't need that daisy chain of characters process and you can just have one person do A, figure something out, then do B, figure something else out, then do C and figure something else out and so on. Its just something writers do to keep the story flowing at a decent pace. Another alternative is to simply not show that work, at all and just have sherbina and legasov be told all this information over the phone by someone else and they then rabble it all up to each other. But that is one of those things that while it might be more accurate to what happened in reality from those characters points of view, wouldn't make for as compelling a narrative structure.

I know right
you can even play both sides of the """"debate""""
>post typical incel shit - guaranteed (You)s from the havesex posters
>post incel bashing shit - guaranteed (You)s from the incels

have sex

Have kids. Your expiration date is coming, roastie.

Go fucking back

>Trust me, anytime you see an actor say something like "Oh she's a stronk woman who fixes the mess of men", its literally just marketing and nothing else.
If this is how people choose to market their show (misandry, flaming gender conflicts) then I choose not to watch your show. Simple as.

>disregard any of your posts by using feminist buzzwords.
probably because there is literally no easier way to get guaranteed seething replies in the history of this website, only "git gud" comes anywhere close

have sex btw

did you just admited your own retardation since you did imply that she didn't know shit about radiation?

cool then you can fuck off out of this thread and go back to /alita/ or /ecg/ or whatever the fuck you desperate incels do between masturbation sessions

I advise you to have sex

go prep the bull Bernie

>there’s no feminist agenda here boys!
really makes me think

>writer talks about how most doctors were women because so many men had died in the war at the time, and how women were respected
>same writer makes this woman belittled by being called a nurse because apparently Russians in this particular show had no idea and are all incels
What a fucking joke show.
She knew as much as her husband knew. :^)


It’s funny how defensive Chernobylfags get when you call their show feminist propaganda. Almost like they deep down, know it is...

>t_dniggers having a meltdown this easily
>over a show about a meltdown
truly kino

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well incel since you said you weren't going to watch the show then the point of the thread is fulfilled as far as you're concerned so the only reason for your continued presence is a masochistic desire to get shamed for being an incel (probably due to a subconscious desire for parenting as your shit tier boomer parents let you waste away in the basement instead of kicking you out at 18 so you learned how reality works)

>(though i doubt there would be as many people complaining if the character was a man)

Because it wouldn't be revisionist propaganda you retard.

confirmed for not watching the show

i don't think you have thought on your own for a while if you get upset by have sex posters


What did the writers mean by this?
From what I've read today's procedure for a meltdown is to dump sand and boron in a fancier method

She has "deduction" skills can race with Sherlock Holmes from the tv series. She is also written as a spy. And the series has this "girl power" theme going on

Other than her, it is a really good series. But sadly it is current year and we have to insert a strong independent woman to every series now.

>"i don't like this"

Came inside my wife last night. We doggystyled during a boring horror movie. My dick was actually so numb after the 40 minutes or so of sex that I barely felt anything but relief as I shot it all in her.

It's funny how defensive incels get when you call out their pathetic state of existence and tell them to have sex. Almost like they deep down, know they should...

how many women died while trying to fix the problem? were there only male casualties in/around the building?

thanks user, sounds horrible. i understand it's probably good in other aspects, but watching something that could have been kino and was subverted just makes me depressed

For me, it's the McChicken. The best fast food sandwich. I even ask for extra McChicken sauce packets and the staff is so friendly and more than willing to oblige.
One time I asked for McChicken sauce packets and they gave me three. I said, "Wow, three for free!" and the nice friendly McDonald's worker laughed and said, "I'm going to call you 3-for-free!".
Now the staff greets me with "hey it's 3-for-free!" and ALWAYS give me three packets. It's such a fun and cool atmosphere at my local McDonald's restaurant, I go there at least 3 times a week for lunch and a large iced coffee with milk instead of cream, 1-2 times for breakfast on the weekend, and maybe once for dinner when I'm in a rush but want a great meal that is affordable, fast, and can match my daily nutritional needs.
I even dip my fries in McChicken sauce, it's delicious! What a great restaurant.

the fact that you actually typed out a reply to that post proves beyond a shadow of a doubt that you are in fact an incel

Obstruction by the soviet government is a major element of the plot you fucking dolt. The show is more about the insanity of the USSR than the actual accident.

>slight political angles
It's pure propaganda.

In the actual show none, theories outside plenty

>And the series has this "girl power" theme going on
The only other named female character is Vasily's retarded, suicidal wife.

Are you stupid? He probably hasn't watched the show.

Came inside your mom last night. We doggystyled during a boring horror movie. My dick was actually so numb after the 40 minutes or so of sex that I barely felt anything but disgust as I shot it all in her.

The fact that you have so much conviction and apparently time to call everyone an incel proves beyond a shadow of a doubt that you are in fact an incel.

she actually had a penis though

have sex

>t. seething inceloid
have sex sweaty

We have that female secretary network that shares information with each other. And also her trying to protect that other female secretary for no reason at all. And the first nurse "do we have iodine tablets". If there is a female character in this series, it is to point out or correct a male's mistake



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good post, thanks for having sex

it would still be revisionist, because they put dozens of scientists into one character. it's not a documentary, anyways. were you also equally frustrated by the chopper crashing so quickly after the accident?

It’s overrated desu

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>go to the general
>they're all shitting on a roastie for getting pleb filtered
wow this show made me have sex

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>We have that female secretary network that shares information with each other
which is what people do under authoritarian regime like ussr?

>And also her trying to protect that other female secretary for no reason at all
>hurrr durrr what is compassion that brought her to that office in the first place

>And the first nurse "do we have iodine tablets"
and what is wrong with that? she was the one looking at the atomics station, recognizing that the fire might be something serious and suggesting the way to prevent harm is something any normal person would do

admit it, you're gay and just salty that women exist and do things

There's the other part where the doc gets emasculated once again when the le smart nurse finds him putting milk on patients for some retarded reason and touching their radioactive contaminated clothes. Then she has to school his stupid white male priviledged ass.

Yea, it is like all females with lines in this tv series are there to just point out mistakes of men. It is sad.

>women are not allowed to know things about radiation, only men are

> putting milk on patients for some retarded reason
because in a pinch that's a passable way to soothe burns which is what you'd expect a firefighter to have as opposed to their skin sloughing off because radiation

>woman in film or television programme speaks
>this angers me very much

>A woman who's a stand in for multiple men and their research and takes credit for all their work.

Hey, at least it's believable.

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>>hurrr durrr what is compassion that brought her to that office in the first place
she is not giving iodine tablets left and right. she is given that to another female that works under an evil white male (lol, the dude was comically evil)

>and what is wrong with that? she was the one looking at the atomics station, recognizing that the fire might be something serious and suggesting the way to prevent harm is something any normal person would do
the problem is she is the only one that can think of that while other male doctors that is under threat of nuclear war or living just next to a nuclear plant cant

have sex

Yeah. Smarmy little cuckolds speaking also make me mad, so why don't you stop typing?

Which, as admitted by the maker of the show, is a metaphor for Trump
Listen to the 1:23:45 Chernobyl podcast

>this angers me very much
As it should

Can all you weak faggots who ask permission to watch shows just fuck off and die already?

Yeah he wouldn't know it's radiation he's just a doctor. Only nurses know that stuff.

>t-t-there are WAMEN in m-muh teevee
hAvE sEx

Imagine the cope

impech blomphf now

Just marathoned this post. What did I think of it?

>if you don't think women are subhuman livestock, youre a cuckold
no wonder you didnt have sex already

That’s not the Isuse. The issue is she isn’t real and acts in shoehorned SJW ways that take away from the seriousness of the show.

It's honestly amazing how "have sex" is such a powerful phrase.

women literally are subhuman livestock though

have sex

you're not real

This show is the biggest reddit zoomer hype train. Totally average show being memed to oblivion by reddit tourists and GoT fans.

>i'm a little cucky boy and suck cocks for my mistress who won't fuck me
You should work on having sex yourself, incel.


I bet you never felt a woman willingly lower herself onto your cock. Normally people like you are projecting hard. I’d say “have sex” back, but I’m afraid a child may result from that. And we can’t have that, user.

>the history lacks any female scientist that made any memorable effect at all.
>or any other female heroic acts during such a disaster
>let's just make bullshit characters.
Are women really happy with this? Made up history? This is almost as bad as black people cheering for Wakanda

>if you don’t want made up female characters that emasculate all male characters and is made (admitted by both the creator and the actress) specifically to BTFO the patriarchy and men, then you think women are subhuman livestock
Please have sex white knight incel.

>Totally average show
This post made me even angrier than seeing women in media portrayed in a favorable light

Gay shit but it's good to see hbo shills doing overtime

The worst part is when you raise criticism the zoomers and redditfags will try to cover up your post by posting incessantly and circle jerking each other to drown out your post

It’s the saddest shit

>incel literally seething
Have sex

have sex

>she is not giving iodine tablets left and right
did you want a montage of her giving iodine to random people while smash mouth -- allstar is playing in the background or what? she obviously didn't give it to the shoe factory worker because he was an asshole

>the problem is she is the only one that can think of that while other male doctors that is under threat of nuclear war or living just next to a nuclear plant cant
maybe because the other male doctor didn't pay attention to whats happening outside or just didn't think it was anything serious, like shitloads of other people, male and female? would you think it's misandry it was male doctor who knew shit about radiation and would get all anxious and shit?

>Totally average show being memed to oblivion by reddit tourists and GoT fans
Too true. They'll also be watching that Zendaya show on HBO.
have sex

Women know literally nothing that men don't.

>61 posters
>tfw odds are this thread is by now like 50% just autists baiting each other for shits and giggles

have sex

Imagine defending SJW shlock

have sex

i've replied to my own posts multiple times and sometimes people even defended me against myself
i should have sex

Fake news, have sex incel.

It's two people that obviously know each other and 50 real people saying the show's shit.
The two incels mentioned.

>well, theres a woman who cames by and knows everything and plays a major role in the show
>D R O P P E D
>well, theres a white male who cames by and knows everything and plays a major role in the show
>D R O P P E D
Yall sound like the faggots you so desperately hate

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Rome > The Terror >>>> Chernobyl

imagine being a poltard and calling sjw anything that has women, who are not dungeon sex slaves, in it
have sex

>if you don't think women are subhuman livestock, youre a cuckold
Correct. That's exactly what they but you are too much of a cuck to accept reality.

>discord tranny actually seething this hard
have sex

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Except there is no MRA pandering in modern entertainment so your hypothetical is moot


wtf? How can I sound like a fag of any gender that knows everything if you're assuming that by my own generalization that I know nothing? Are you gay? Do you need to have sex?

The fact that you would make this post with that image desperately defending the show is more evidence that there is some kind of feminist agenda than anything else posted ITT.

I’m not even a poltard. This is just blatant SJW shit. I enjoy historical dramas to be historical and without modern sentimentalities. Sorry you’re such a pleb.

Have sex

>you share a board with people who unironically defend feminism

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+1 to bump limit, have sex

I’m an 8/10 that used to engage with many sexual partners. Lately, women have become so repulsive to me that I don’t even want anything to do with them. When people say “have sex”, I’m nearly certain they’re projecting.

This poster has sex

The female character's ego is never brought up in the show, the characters barely use her name. She's only there as a plot device so that in 5 episodes you can fit the efforts of dozens of scientist. Most of the screentime is taken up by literally everything else going on following legasov and scherbina's buddy cop antics. And whenever she comes on screen with other characters she's there for 5 minutes then goes away.

You know, my good friend, for many, Women are the first redpill. Or so they believe. In truth, women are the final redpill.

You see, user, it's very difficult to categorically hate a creature who provides you with so much pleasure, pain, pressure and promises validation. It's a fact that they're inferior - and not just to men. To every single living creature on this planet. It's very difficult to accept that they're no better than a roach crushed under the heel of your boot. They're ultimately inferior to any pet you have ever owned. Women are, without a doubt, subhuman creatures. They're vile, vindictive and have voracious appetites for destruction. They're incapable of loyalty, honor, accountability or the classical definition of virtue.

The woman is the nigger of the genders and must be treated as such. If you have any resistance to what I've just said pop into your mind, you're still fucking bluepilled. Misogyny is rational and rape is corrective. Women are the final redpill.

indeed. i hope they get bored someday and leave Yea Forums..

Yup. Look how they desperately spam have sex like the try hard regards they are. It’s not even funny it’s just being spammed at this point, like every other meme newfags run into the ground with spamming.

>I’m not even a poltard

Every poltard says the same

wrong, i'm a fag and say "have sex" because it's guaranteed replies

have sex

Sounds to me like you belong on pol, not me, with that way of thinking.

Can we have a non-sjw edit of this series?

have sex

Feminism is the only reason you have a civilization, sweetie. Have sex.

Yes but then it will only be one episode and it will be cut down to 40 minutes

>This is just blatant SJW shit
It's not, you're just salty that women are allowed to know and do things. Literally change sex of every charachter to an opposite and nothing would change because not a single scene in the show is about sex of the charachters

Chernobyl is a good way to stop redditors. Just ask someone what they think of Chernobyl and their answer can tell you a lot about where they come from.

The point is enjoy the fucking show.


Not really, I wouldn't be surprised if her scenes are less than 20min.

have sex

You can’t enjoy the show when it’s shit. That’s the problem. SJW I’m a historical show has a negative objective drawback to those who enjoy historicity. There will never ever be an excuse for it that doesn’t belong in the fiction aisle.

I wish, I bet only scenes without any dialogue will be left.

Basically lol. Plus the anglo accents and English language are also a form of SJW for the plebs who can’t read subtitles. Might as well make it a silent film.

>kills himself

>listen to the latest podcast
>writer's on
>"oh man this is gonna be good"
>he starts mentioning how men are worthless
>how women are head and shoulders above men in every way: physical strength, intellect, wit, humor, even cock size
>mentions how the issues here are metaphors for the Trump administration
>hear him jump on the desk, the host clearly panicked
>he starts whooping
>hear things get knocked off the desk and the host scream
>hear frantic pen to paper
>host asks what he's writing
>"i'm putting my chant in the script for next episode"
>host slow claps
>the staff starts clapping
>can hear whoops and claps from outside the studio

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But this woman didn’t exist :^)

>reeeee you made a criticism of my show I better say you hate women like the good HBO cuck I am

Good for you pleb

Chernobyl is not a fucking documentary. Is not trying to be accurate as posible. And its just a fucking woman god damn. Is not like they are trying to insert a fucking non-binary panwhatever. Its a fucking woman

>Is not trying to be accurate as possible
Again, if you listened to the podcast, the creator literally said he wanted it to be as accurate and realistic as possible

Exactly. Instead of being more about historical accuracy (which people who were excited about the show wanted), the show became more about giving us a fantasy story.

It's not a critisism, it's just just poltard shitposting and has nothing to do with the show.

>calling out historical inaccuracies and modern sentimentalities in a time and place where they don’t belong is not criticism because I said so

Uh huh. Do go on.

Yeah, nah, I don't feel like watching a documentary about chernobyl, there are shittones of them and all are boring.
>which people who were excited about the show wanted
I was and I didn't.

Best post ITT

I didn’t say I wanted a documentary. You did. Again, you’re just too pleb to think of a show that can actually mimic the events. Something like Band of Brothers for example.

based, I'm glad you enjoy it.

>Is not like they are trying to insert a fucking non-binary panwhatever. Its a fucking woman
Both are just as bad. There is no real difference.

Haha based bro don’t listen to this poltards maaaan.

Remember. This exposes the bullshit leftist bent of modern feminism. All these leftists claim that capitalism is sexist and opresses women, but this shows that even a leftist "utopia" like the Soviet Union was sexist as hell.

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Its not "intel" she summed up 2 and 2, made an obvious assumption "pumps are blown by the explosion" and added to it the fact that firemen were putting tons of water there. How the dude missed that? Character has no real point other than the first scene, to show that fallout was already present hundreds of kilometers away, why did they needed to include her further than that? Literally a made up female character who comes and saves the day. They could include something less jarring as "the apparently most reasonable soviet female scientist travels from another republic, takes the reigns in her hands, goes into the heart of disaster and prevents the end of the continent". Have nothing against females and the show is pretty decent but when you think about it, this whole thing is pretty dumb. At least she doesnt put the rods in the core herself.

>calling out historical inaccuracies
Yep, it's not critisism, because it's not a documentary, it's a drama, inaccuracies are fine if they are there to make the show work better for the viewer.

>modern sentimentalities in a time and place where they don’t belong
What does it mean? Are you implying women were uneducated in the USSR or what? FYI soviets gave women equal rights far earlier than capitalists did


did you even see the third episode

I dont give a shit what the creator said because in the final product it shows thats not true. The show takes many liberties on what is presenting. And what you have said is a contradiction of its own, if he is trying to be as acurate as possible, why the fuck would he create a character that doesnt exists in real life.

You do realize that your conception of USSR as leftist is how your GOP continues to get you to vote for them right? Fascist dictatorships are facing dictatorships no matter how you spin them.

>if he is trying to be as acurate as possible, why the fuck would he create a character that doesnt exists in real life.
Indeed, he contradicted himself greatly, hence my criticism of him.

the show is fantastic, but it would be so much better if it werent for that make-believe mary sue. Guess the hollywood shlockclowns just cant help themselves.

Hahahahahaha imagine actually liking this show and defending it.

>looks at IMDB
Hahahhahahahahahaha oh no no no no look at the top of his

You said you wanted a 100% historically accurate show because otherwise, even if one single thing was inaccurate, you would cry about it, so it's only logical that you were implying that you want a documentary with a budget, instead of a drama tv-show.

>Again, you’re just too pleb to think of a show that can actually mimic the events
But Chernobyl does mimic the events, are you retarded or what?

Yes of course it mimics the events. There were many strong and brave women during the cleanup of Chernobyl who cut through all the soviet and patriarch lies to save the world. So brave.

This post is also my opinion of the show so far. Glad I don't pay for hbo.

have sex


Can we start posting our ethnicity after posting our opinions? I’m starting to consider a certain tripfag’s theory on who defends this show.

It adds too much magic and foreshadowing to that. Dyatlov and co. denial and politics getting in the way is the good thing, some female no one yet knows riding into restricted zone guarded by the fucking soviet military and getting through them to see men of power to prove them wrong is not, nurse looking at the just started fire and asking old white male about the pills "just in case" with him showing only ignorance is not either.

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Imagine being this stupid.
Skriapel sweaty

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Close your legs occasionally.

feminist revisionist history is a thing apparently, this show is proof

thats a tranny youre talking to. youre better off telling them to dilate their very literal axewounds instead.

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Hope all the music will be released.
Absolute dread kino.

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This quote must be genuine, as it is well known that superimposing text over a screencap is extremely difficult, if not outright impossible.

I thought of this immediately as well

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The first thing the first woman on screen says to her husband is something about the color of the plant fire and warning him not to work that night. Therefore, she was smarter than him.

I never said I liked the GOP. Big government is big government, be it Republican Neo-Cons or Soviet Communists. Horseshoe theory and all that. #RonPaul2012

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Though political compass is better than horseshoe...

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especially for the memes

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mfw reading /pol/ threads on Yea Forums whining about SJW on tv

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You mean the woman who continued to ignore warnings about radiation and exposed her emprgnated womb to deadly radiation?


and the woman who expects her husband not to do his dangerous job even though he knows that he signed up to run towards danger? and the husband who knew more than some of his fellow firefighters that something was wrong as sokn as he got there?

Stop pulling at straws. There is plenty of foolishness to go around for characters of both genders in this show. And plenty of insightful moments too.

now THIS is insecurity

She's initially concerned about the blue light and the possibility of a chemical leak, which her husband dismisses with explanations of shining floodlights and burning tar on the roof of the reactor building.

Also later on:
>knows relatively little about the dangers of ionising radiation like most other civilians
>demands to see her heavily irradiated husband out of grave concern for him
>rejects the opinions of medical staff and acts against her best health interests
>lies about her pregnancy, putting her unborn child at risk
>later falls ill herself and miscarries

Her intuition about her husband putting himself in mortal danger turned out to be correct, but it's not like her knowledge was any more advanced than that of her husband. Love for her husband blinded her self-preservation instincts as she was so determined to be by his side in the hospital.

>implying the greenfags wouldn't happily stab the purplefags in the back in exchange for being accepted by the redfags

This, and that retarded woman who is pregnant and hugs a 15000Rem reactor husband.
The men are clearly the heroes in the series who sacrifice themselves to save everybody.

Fuck this westcuck propaganda shit

Get back to your niggers filming Wakanda-tier shit and don't touch the slavs

Goddamn amerisharts

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its obviously the stupid mans fault for getting irradiated and then instead of accepting the fact that he should die alone, he jeopardizes the life of not only a womyn but also that parasitic thing in her belly that should have been aborted but wasnt due to patriarchy

have sex

Hello faggot troll,
get a life.

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lmao completely blowing out the retards who are still denying the feminist propaganda

Thing is she doesn't do a singe heroic thing in the series. She is basically a knowledgeable secretary. All the tough decisions are made by the men. So that caption is null, because you don't see her coming in there and fixing everything. She gets sent to Moscow so she can Interview some irradiated patients.

they literally CREATED a fictional super smart woman who shows those CIS white men their place with her superior intellect, because in actual reality, no woman like that exists

Not only is it propaganda, its a self own because they admit that the only way women can compete in modern civilization is if they're fabricated lmao

The mini-series is good and has some pretty good memes. It's very cozy and so is /RBMK/ or /kinobyl/ or /fuckingwhatever/ the OP calls the general thread.

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theres 0 women

lmao all the /pol/ virgins will fall for anything now these days

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Also the entire point of the female scientist is she's the stand-in that does the job of the hundreds of other scientists who gave input during the real event. She's not even perfect as she gets her arrested by the KGB because of her grave concern over the mother and is rescued by Legasov's display of compassion (or naivety, however you interpret it).

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Imagine being triggered by the mere existence of vaginas

Sadly its a sign of our times. There is 1 fictional woman in there. But its not that bad. Ok actor and she makes her share of mistakes it seems. Worth a watch!

Even if I was a tranny, I'd still be more manly than you, incel.

Why, afraid of my COCK?

>Explain to me how you can put text over a still image, because it is impossible.

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First episode was an absolute kino, had me gripped from the start. But then the Mary Sue came in and all went to shit (even though even in the first episode there were some small scenes of obvious director-influenced "female empowerment", they were not that noticeable).

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prove it's not real then

I can't find her saying this in any Behind the Scenes video

I am not prepared to explain it at this time.

Imagine being so defense about a shitty TV show you start whiteknighting for a fictional female character