What does Yea Forums think of 2 Broke Girls?

What does Yea Forums think of 2 Broke Girls?

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Wait a sec that show still exists?

More like 2 Khazar Milkers.

I think of milk and bad show

>American “humor”

imagine waking up to those each morning
my cup runneth over

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Haha get it because they look good


it was popular in China for some reason

Reminded that it exists.

I thought China didnt allow degeneracy

it was all downhill after they allowed Baywatch to be broadcast 20 years ago

Here's my episode pitch
>maxine hits it big when she accidentally invents a lotion that allows women to produce milk all year round in rubbed on their tits every day
>quits her job and moves away leaving caroline alone
>caroline becomes depressed and starts over eating greasy fatty foods
>a couple years later maxine comes back to town to visit her old friend
>founds out she's now fat, homeless, and incontinent
>offers to bring caroline to her private island to live with her and set her up with a job at her wet nursing aid company
>caroline now lives as an adult baby who helps wet nurses who's breasts are engorged and constantly leaking from maxine's milk cream learn to breastfeed
>every episode ends with caroline shitting herself and begging for more milk while maxine watches through a half-silvered mirror and masturbates
What does Yea Forums think?

Woopsie! Last meme arrow line should start with "every episode from then on"

caroline is hotter desu

>Guest star: Christina Hendricks

>as maxine's secretary
>over the course of the season she slowly gather's proof maxine is embezzling
>eventually confronts her and uses it to blackmail her into marrying her and giving her complete control over her finances
>maxine is now just a puppet for the compant and they legally adopt caroline
>next season is no longer about caroline's humilation at the hands a sadistic big tiddies ceo
>now it's about maxine's humiliation as her now sedentary lifestyle turns her into an incontinent slob like caroline
>christina divorces her and takes everything
>maxine begs christina to adopt her too
>name of the show changes to "two broken girls"
>every episode is mommy christina hendricks putting them through some sort of sexy and degrading scenerio and then wrapping up the episode with a nice comfy diapering and breast feeding

>and then wrapping up the episode with a nice comfy diapering and breast feeding

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It ended last year I think.

Girls like that could always make a fortune escorting

>Kat will never be your big tittied wife letting you nurse from her every night in bed

Fairly certain that the show has joked about the girls basically being one step away from doing cam porn.

I thought Asians were lactose intolerant?

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I tried 1 or 2 episodes and thought it sucked. Either it was bad writing, they are both horrible actresses or a mix of the two.

haha what if kat was your milk maid sex slave and had to obey your every command what a funny sitcom that would be haha

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I actually prefer the blonde.
I love her tiny tits and long sexy legs. I love her face more


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Her arse is the best bit about her.

And I liked the show, but Sophie was an annoying as fuck character.

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she can never wear cleavage like that on the MCU

I think beth is hotter than kat

Based gib poster


It would be too distracting. Imagine her bouncing around every scene.

wood fuck and suck

>2 Broke Girls
Is that what kat dennings calls her tits?

did they ever have an episode where they had a threesome?

Kat Demming's milkers are legit the only appeal of this show. The acting and writing are so ungodly awful that if you ever happen to pay attention it really makes the show unwatchable.

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what a stupid show
stupid premise
literally only reason anyone would watch it is tits

and I can get tits online without the 28 minutes of shit americlapian """"""humor"""""""

Bitch literally has nothing to offer except her tits

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Post the picure of her upclose and you can see the imprint from when she hit the wall like curdled cheese

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breasts ah i mean boobs! help!

The one at the awards ceremony

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I liked the idea of poverty as a driving force. Too bad Americans are allergic to actually showing it.

Kat D is pretty cute in Daydream Nation and Suburban Gothic.

I like the blonde one

Am I the only one here to liked the blonde more? Katt's breasts are too big imho

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Read the thread. Every other post is about liking the blonde one.

>Katt's breasts are too big imho
too small* fixed that for you friendo

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it was great when big titties fucked that half black half jew guy that lived in a dumpster

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This has to be shopped.

I think it's a head swap.

It is. The body isn't hers, it's some Russian model's called Tanya Song

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those stretchmarks. christ

worst "acting" i have ever seen. I thought it was a CW show until a month ago

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Seeing the way they hang you can tell her body shifted. She probably gained a lot of weight then lost it, keeping the fat tits. Not a problem imho

A good fap session

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>taking perfectly good tits and ruining them with your balloon tit fetish
I wish I could line all you degenerate fucks up against a wall and rid the world of your idiocy once and for all.

Your impotent power fantasies are very interesting.

Kill yourself, balloonfucker.

How do I get Kat Dennings as a gf lads?

I've jerked off to it many times

Not Khazar

Check out The Florida Project if you haven't already.

I'm putting together a team. A show starring nothing but big Jewish tit cows. So far I have Kat Dennings, Ilana Glazer, and Rachel Bloom. I'll sell it as a sex comedy so it'll be hailed as progressive. The elevator pitch is: Two over protective jewesses (Glazer and Bloom) go live with their cousin (Denning). They don't know that they're curvaceous buxom women so Denning is going to show them how to have fun and discover their repressed sexuality. The working title is Kosher Milk

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get milana as well

She can be their neighbor

what about eva green

Literally the only reason I liked Thor 2. Kat Dennings is my ideal woman.

>breasts are too big
what is this strange and impossible concept

Never saw it, no plans to, but no attractive girl is ever broke. False premise.

take your meds

Have children.

I'm keeping it simple for season one if I get a second season I'll bring in more. Jennifer Connelly is my dream cameo

Right is objectively better than left

Women make too much money, if anything. Women have no agency, they need men for direction and job creation.

you ever been to Santa Monica?

is big tiddy jew gf better than big tiddy goth gf

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>no user sacrificed himself to post those titties yet
Disappointment, expected more from you guys.

>one of the girls fucks some random chad
>crack a joke about their pussy being wrecked
>some jewish goat farmer makes whacky noises
>gay ching chong makes a joke about their big tits or fat asses
>talk about how stinky their vaginas are or how many times they queefed the day
>ukranian bitch walks in and says she needs to zuck zome deeeck honey yas gurl slayyyy!
>more talk about how wet their vaginas are, calling them slip n slides and shit
>old nigga man talks about how good it was living under jim crow
>they sell a cupcake at the end of the episode
>current bank account: $2.31

Saved you all the trouble.

false question: big tiddy goth jew gf is the best

>you ever been to Santa Monica?
Not since the '80s. My point stands regardless of anything you say; attractive women do not "work".

Plot Twist: they're all actually sisters and their father is played by Lady SinAGaga

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if you watch this for the comedy and not the tits, then you're gay and have shit taste.

ranch me

hmmm post some proofs

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>bringing drag shit into my milkies show
Fuck that



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poor little chestlet, there's no shame in huge boobs

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I wish jewtits had 2 broke brastraps

it's a tv show, almost every tv show has a white girl fucking a black guy.

>wanting to see a manly looking man fuck his bigg titted daughters instead of a feminine looking man
Are you gay?

no one ever posts the blonde girl in these threads baka

tanya song is for maximum milker patricians ONLY

She kinda reminds me of minxy in that webm.

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man when did she get so fat? Did she eat all the food on set?

This show is Yuri my nigga. You're bringing cock into it


she had a japanese gravure video

I don't think so.

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How are they going to get impregnated with the right seed to produce more khazar khows if their dad isn't involved? If they don't have daughters the YurIsrael clan dies with them. Don't deny future generations the chance to watch the longest running lesbian sitcom

Fund my trip to Holly jew and I'll make it a reality

I've got about tree fiddy

Sperm donation. Denning is straight but Glazer and Bloom are going to munch carpet. Maybe make them bi

Damn it monster! Leave my thread alone

mommy milky please be hasty

Sperm donation isn't kosher. If the sperm leaves a penis and goes into anything that isn't a fertile vagina then you've "spilt your seed". Would Ben Shapiro just hand his sister a cup of his sperm? No, because G-d forbids it!

giv big tiddy goth mommy gf pls

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direct deposit donations are a thing

The whole point of the show is kosher girls turning naughty. They won't realize they're lesbians until the end of season one or two. So you can get your fill of cocks you fag. Also, if I can get her, Ben Shapiro's sister will be their Flanders. A good Jewish girl who always one ups then

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I'd go full chuck on them if you not what I'm mean
>formerly sneed

Ah, so that's why she's not in much these days.

the tits that could defeat the infinity gauntlet.
>thanos jerks himself to death staring at her milkers.
>she knocks out capt marvel with her melons
>galactus is hungry for milkies mommy!! mommy giv galactus milkies!!
she big breasteDDly saves the universe.

Judaism was built for Jewesses to be whores. The only sperm donation they get is from gentile men behind their spineless Jew husband's back. And as long as the baby pops out of her womb it's Jewish

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I love jewbs

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Amaxing, but only when muted

brb calling uncle Moishe, we'll make this happen

I want moses to lead me to the land of milkies and honey

Waste of prime Kat not having a bra or bikini scene. Every sitcom has one for every character.

fucking lizard

TV shows are the real reason why people act like total idiots toward you and everyone else in public. Find a person who doesn't watch TV and you've found sanity. The reason for this is because TV is filled with evil agendas and messages meant to undermine everything you hold dear.

I-is that a fucking Terminator?

You've never read the old testament. Judaism doesn't allow women to do anything but obey their husbands. Even giving birth to a girl is considered a sin


people still watch tv? lol

Bartenders, all of them in my city, do. It's cruel having mostly NPC bartenders. I've met a few actual humans, but eh, just saying how I relate to the greater problem. Just take notice that people who watch TV (within the past 20 years) and those that don't are radically different in their world views. Worse, the very people who never go outside or hardly ever are now influencing the real world the most through social media. Heh, "social".

How'd it end?

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post pics of the other blond jew


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post nude with spoiler plz

Thank you Ms. Skeletal

WTF she has nudes?

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every white girl in hollywood has nudes...ask my good fren Harvey for the link

Yeah that's probably true. But I don't hab dem

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There's no way the show wasn't originally pitches as '2 Broke Ass Hoes'.

oh my... she made me pp move twice

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It can't all be men in dresses and fart jokes, user. Can't really blame you though a funny tweet over there would probably land a writer in prison.

Kat's huge bouncing boobs make me want to fuck her brains out.

I enjoyed watching it for what it was. It was nice to come home after a long day at work, switch off and watch a mindless comedy that is occasionally funny. The complete opposite of pretentious comedies like how I met your mother which go out of their way to try and be clever by referencing jokes that happened 4 seasons ago and things that will happen in 2 seasons

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more like FAT Dennings
please post more

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it would have been the top ranked show for a decade if it focused on Caroline’s soles

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Full lips and full tits.

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About the most masturbatory show on network TV in the last 20 years or so

>Judaism doesn't allow women to do anything but obey their husbands. Even giving birth to a girl is considered a sin
wtf i hate /pol/ now

>you will never be inside kat dennings

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She’s really beautiful

I can't find the blonde's nudes

Obviously I have fantasized that I was rich and the broke 7.5/10 brunette became my three hole fleshlight for cash. But we both knew she would hit the wall someday and I would need a future mommy with at least a college degree

Its a Pedro-808

do you think she ever sucked on kat dennings huge tits? you know, as a joke?

and full bush

eww no user why would a girl want to do that to another girl's boobs? well maybe as a joke and what if kat was lactating and beth drank some of her milk? haha what a comedic situation to be in!

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She's thin?! I always assumed she was chubby. God damn she's crazy hot.

You now remember/learn about Kat’s extremely 2000s blog

She is, she just has very good body proportions.

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Got bored and started writing the pitch I mentioned here pastebin.com/XTadaeft

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She had a very mild nip slip in a shitty low budget horror film.


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Formerly chuck



Nice so far user, I'm glad you didn't get too lewd yet, good slow build.

Will this theoretically be for network TV or cable? Wanna know how lewd you'll get with it. Either way, hope you write more!

i think i like her because she understands the absurdity of attracting attention with two glands

Will you watch the upcoming VR adaption?

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When writing I had NBC in mind because it seems like something they'd pick up also that way I can add subtle fetishes like Dan "the man" Schneider. But hopefully FX or even Comedy Central would take it so I can be more overt.I want to get really sexual. For example: when Ilana and Rachel move in with Kat Ilana is going to steal some of Kat's underwear and masturbate with it.

really wish you guys would stop posting pics of my wife

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In awe, lads

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Do Ben Shapiro and his sister guest star as the wacky next door neighbors?

seeIsn't his sister a struggling actress or does something in theater?

It was interesting that the blonde was in a bikini in the show and skimpy clothing and showed belly.
And the. Brunette showed cleavage, but never showed more. Never wore revealing clothes

go away bikinifag nobody likes you

can winona be the cool wine aunt?

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If they sold something that would allow you to smell it as you watch

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I planned for Winona and Jennifer to be the last generation of Jewesses who are still the hottest shit in town. Kat sees them as competition and the two don't even notice her.

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Oh damn now that sounds amazing, I'd love for you to write that scene. This whole idea of a Khazar Milkers Comedy is great, please keep it up!

Would Sarah Silverman work into the plot at all?

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I've got nothing but time now so I'll keep writing. If the thread is still alive later tonight I'll post the link to the finished pilot
Thought about her or ScarJo being Ilana's first lesbian experience

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Perhaps Sarah could be Ilana's old high school teacher that she later meets in a bar or whatever and ends up perverting her?

A tissue and regret.

I just want Kat to be in a good show so I can look at her more

It didn't, it was cancelled before they wrote a proper ending so it kinda just ends on a generic note sadly. I think Caroline got engaged maybe? Can't really remember

That could work. I forget how old Sarah is sometimes.
>Ilana is hugging the wall at a bar that Kat dragged her to
>Kat's off sucking cock in the bathroom or wherever
>Sarah approaches her and they catch up over drinks
>they're both tipsy by the time the night is over
>Sarah walks her home
>Ilana blurts out that she thought she was hot
>she tries to gloss over what she just said but Sarah kisses her then says good night

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Sarah "you're being ridiculous" Silverman has the body of a NFL quarterback. Pure fridge.

berry gut show

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I think dumb thot pusy


I don't want to influence your story too much, but that really does sound amazing. Fits good with Sarah's milfy persona too.

Also this may be an obvious question, but I assume that when Kat (and the others) go to grab some cock, they're obsessed with goy cock, right?

>tfw no big tittied jew gf to roleplay "concentration camp" where the first on to cum gets gassed by braps.
Why even live?

Yeah, I wanted them to compete in a Tit Off. Every girl tries to see how many guys she can get with just her tits alone. The rules are you have to seduce him primarily with your cleavage, he has to invite you to his place and then only get him off with a tit job. Girl who has the most guys by the end of the week wins.

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>tit off

Gonna be a cringe from me dog

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Okay well damn, that sounds like a winner of an episode. I'd ask who wins but I'd rather find out myself when you're done writing. God speed, user!

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I can't imagine a better show to represent our culture so perfectly.

Will you be including any chestlet bullying btw? Esp goy chestlet bullying

The way they tally points is by taking selfies
>not knowing about tit offs
Whenever there's a Khazar milkers thread i'll try to post it there

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You're fucking gay mate lmaoooo

I lasted about 30 seconds. Then I cleaned up my cum and switched the tv off.

Where is blondie from? I've seen her before somewhere.



I've got a female friend that's just like Kat. But another friend is majorly in love with her. I really want to get with her though. It's the worst, anons!

dating and fucking are not the same thing, if she's up for it you can just bang her and then let your friend get together with her.

I know this feel. I once worked with a big titted Kat lookalike and a tall blonde Chad stole her away in the two weeks she was single. By the time I found out she had broken up with the ex, he had already swooped in.

The thing is we're all friends but he doesn't ever tell her that he loves her and I just want those tits, user! She started working out so she's like a slim Kat with the small waist.


Holyshit, damn good casting.

Virgins love the fantasy of a girl with big tits until they fuck and date one. Under boob sweat...

well first of all you can test the waters, if the girl is open to a quickie just go for it. what your friend doesn't know won't hurt him

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I guess being a non-virgin also makes you a queer.

I think they look like a couple of hookers.

>Yes....coming along quite nicely indeed

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>get outta town
>The crowd starts screaming incoherently as the Cuck King disrobes, shaking involuntarily.
The crest of the audience swells as the chant spreads throughout the back corners of the room. The Cuck King is now on the floor in convolutions, fully nude. He shoves his finger down his throat in order to vomit profusely upon his erect member. The crowd cheers on.
>Kat Dennings emerges from backstage, fully naked and covered in felt-tipped swastikas


>The droning sounds of timpani begin to fill the room. The crowd erupts in a chorus of HAVA NAGILA, HAVA NAGILA.
>two 6"5 Bavarian Bruders emerge from backstage, pin Dennings to the ground and enter her mouth and uterus with their 15 inch phalluses.


>The timpani drums accelerate in pace, as Ariel Winters and Angelina Jolie rush out from backstage, armed with scimitars, enthusiastically slicing and dicing through the bodies of unworthy Teutonic Titlets


>Louis screams this in between coughing up flakes of vomit, the "cock" of the Cuck King is now unrecognisable by even his most intimate of interns
>He swerves his hips towards the audience, giving everybody a good look of the mess he has made

>The audience cheers in response

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Yulia Nova is the sauce

>Angela White as Kat
good casting. Does she try and do an American accent or just speaks with her Aussie accent?

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Why are these women dolled up like whores?
A pox on thee vile temptresses.

Based China just wanted to have a lil' R rated comedy fun with a movie so litty that people were peeing their pants.

Maybe we have a crossover episode with my show
if I had enough hit movies that I could get anything I wanted made and never needed to care about money again I would make dumb shit purely for myself too. "The girl whos breasts never stopped growing" probably.
>she gets bullied as early teen
>all the boys then want her at late teen
>has the realization that they only care about tits and not her
>as a 20 something she goes into fetish modeling and almost into full porn
>wants to get them reduced but knowing they will keep growing she has to choose between gigantic or having nothing
>keeps and timeskip to 30 where she runs a fashion agency catered to giant titty women
>is in a relationship with the doctor she has been seeing about her tits for years
>doctor researching her condition all this time discovers the key to natural breast enlargement
>they build an empire on this and all women of the world now have whatever size tits they want
>now 40 with immobile size breasts in a mansion setting being served by dozens of busty handmaidens
>one servant brings her an old dusty box and displays the contents
>its her first few bras
>tells everyone to leave, drapes one on her chest then has some nostalgia look back on life nonsense
>the end
>why did I write all this shit?

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Jokes were absolute cringe.

>thread about jewish milkers
>no ScarJo

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What are you , a pedo?

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Has Dennings been cast in anything recently?

yulia nova is such a treasure.

good lord Sarah looks like THAT? shes dangerously close to post wall here, in fact shes sitting right on top here. but still she hot


She's a jewish woman in Hollywood. She's got enough baby blood to keep her young for a while

Oh shit checked and based


Fished this up a little. May write more when I get bored some more

Sounds like tit kino

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fuck off Hillary shill

no one likes that stupid curly fat jew
shes not even attractive, her tits are garbage and only look good with pushup\compression

>not liking low hangers
shit taste

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no, just not hers
shes ugly on the outside, and on the inside

go back to san fran

I won't deny that but those milkers are nice. Also you should know NYC is jew central. If you're going to hate kikes at least know where they roam

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her face and hair is so revolting

Why are you looking up there fag?

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gross waist
stop posting her

post only kat, dumb libtard

>My Maxfu is an evil kikess who wants to destroy me

All around me are familiar faces

Do you think Kat is any different? They're all spoiled jew women. Post Kat if you want

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Saving thread from the afro'd mystery mutt meat

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nice I'm gonna remember this one

I really wanted to see them get rich, realize they are in love with each other and get married. Those two going on some dyke love boat honeymoon at the end would have been sitcom kino.



>thread is STILL going

Based Jewish tricks allowing thread to stay up

Walking Dead.

All I see if four tits that need a good feeling and suckin you know what I’m saying huh? Hahaha




I know exactly what you're saying, while I'm sitting here literally dry humping my desk in sexual frustration.

>broke girls
A wet pussy and dry purse don’t match

Solid 9s, maybe 10s


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Besides the milkers, what was up with that tally at the end of each episode? Did they finally get rich at the end?



7s on the best of days.

that was their fund so they could pay me to fuck and impregnate both of them.

My ex got me to watch the first season.

After watching three episodes I told her that I dont think it is funny whatsoever and that it was basically promoting degeneracy.

Oh, OK.........

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good lord what is that from

Max gasped. “What, is this how you treat all girls as soon as you see their boobs?”

“Is numbing agent. Will keep you from screaming while I grill your hooters. Now take a seat at stool, sugartits.”

There was a small wooden stool in front of the griddle, and from the heat in the room, she could tell the griddle was already on. The painkiller or whatever he’d given her was starting to take effect. She wasn’t numb, just… dull. Max sat down on the stool, and her boobs plopped unceremoniously onto the grill with a smack. It burned like hell at first, and she yelped, but the sensation rapidly began to soften until it was just a slightly uncomfortable heat.

Her beautiful breasts rapidly began to sizzle and steam. Oleg made good use of the spatula, sliding it under her boobs occasionally to prevent sticking. It was an odd experience for Max. She was sweating profusely, despite only feeling mild warmth.

“Where’d you get that stuff in the needle Oleg?”

“Specialty shop.”

“Who ran it? Charles Manson? Why would you even need stuff like that?”

“Special occasions, like now, when you are even hotter than usual.”

“Ooohh, stop it you!” Max gave him a playful shove. The drugs were making her a little loopy, to the point where the situation wasn’t bothering her at all. Her movement caused her breasts to shift slightly on the stove.

“Do not move, baby, or your knockers will not cook evenly.”

“Whoops, sorry!” She giggled. “Wouldn’t want em undercooked.” Pretty much everything was funny to Max at this point.

Her boobs had gone a light pink, which brought a fresh wave of giggles. Max took on a snooty air. “Oh yes darlink, pink is sooooo in this season. Anyone who’s anyone in in the burger industry is going wiz pink.” She looked at Oleg. “Get it? Cause they’re PINK?”

Oleg, whistling contentedly, had picked up two slices of American cheese that had been set aside and, one at a time, plopped them both

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is she heavily pregnant here or something?


you should see the trailer youtube.com/watch?v=xuUYdMe9-SI

>heavily pregnant

>How heavy pregnant are you?
>excuse my wife's heavy pregnancy.
>emergency! Coming through heavy pregnant!

Alba getting thicc?

yeah she's the handsoap

How in the FUCK are her milkers so big now, god I want to suck them.


ok now this is kino