imagine being an Asian male lmao
Imagine being an Asian male lmao
Attractive and tall white guy here. Cucking is nigger tier
>imagine being a whiteoid and having to pick on literal bugs
kek this is the guy who fucked a chinese girl live on nosleeptv stream
Is there a more pathetic creature than the Asian male?
More attractive and taller white guy here. Just fucked this guys gf and mom ama.
imagine being a white male
>Cucking is nigger tier
not cucking is beta tier. maybe look at some ways to increase your t levels
He still has a better chance of fucking her than even tall guys of other races. Objectively speaking
Be careful user. Rile up r/asianmasculinity too much and they will flood the board with blacked again
>imagine being a disgusting gook incest
Hot people cucking is babby tier.
I would know, cause I'm an ugly old bastard and I fucked your gf and mom as well.
absolutely brutal
shit the girls aren't looking too good
probably not
I like fucking blacks and asians but I would probably only marry a white girl. This is fucked up though cause they age the worst. I just wouldn't want kids that don't even look like me.
>t. r/asianmasculinity
This just proves, white or black, asian or western, women are just whores. Fuck women. An asian man will be a friend before a woman ever will.
>Going to a loud place filled with flashy lights late at night filled with drunk strangers
Why do people like to do this?
>I just wouldn't want kids that don't even look like me.
Most people don't, which is why this fetish is terrible.
Pick one and only one.
This. I'll never understand clubbing.
what exactly is going on here?
lmao at all these asians being with camwhores and prostitutes
have sex
they met those broads and made out with em like 15 minutes later, in Bugtopia it's not hard to do
Look at the skin-tone on the hand holding the woman. This pic shopped.
The original is a black man and someone removed him and added an asian.
I would settle for breeding with a korean or jap. I just don't think I could marry a white woman unless she was like top 1% genetically and that just isn't going to happen for me. It's crazy how many white girls I see on dating apps that are 27 and look 45
look at how many thot circles things she has.
nice trap what a lucky guy
it's fun when you're attractive and high on coke
To have fun
Have sex
It's a mating ritual for normies