Shitty movies your girlfriend makes me watch

shitty movies your girlfriend makes me watch

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Haha imagine having a girlfriend

Before trilogy, not shitty but kino

Eternal Sunshine is kino though, even I could appreciate it and i've never been in a relationship

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>the bull still has to put up with this bullshit

This turd.

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>things contrarians say
this is a patrician movie

No other film captures what dreaming is like more than this, and I love it just for that.

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It's really terrible and only for girls. I've had to see it five times and it was worse each time.


Shit taste

Eternal sunshine is pretty gr8
8/10 movie

I agree. And I love Gondrys music video direction, but this film is tedious. I fell asleep towards the end. Still got laid though

I'm a virgin and I find it great

nolan movies

just finished watching this 5 mins ago. kinda retarded that they kept kirsten's character around after they erased her memory

pleb opinion, I bet you didn't understand the ending

You mean
>shitty movies Yea Forums recommends you watch which you fall asleep to

dear john and harry potter

The ending SHOULD have been him talking out of his ass and she turns out to be finkle einhorn

My girlfriend makes you watch?