Ticket for one please

>ticket for one please

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>Two tickets for me and my dad, please.

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>go to theatre and ask a ticket for one
>roastie cashier gives me a weird look
>asks me to show ID and she takes a picture of it
>as I walk away I hear her behind my back thelling the security guy to keep an eye on me

Never set foot in a movie theatre again since.

I hope this is made up


I did that recently. We saw Endgame

Same. Maybe we are the same person

>ticket for one please

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maybe stop looking like an incel theatre shooter?

>Going solo to the kinoplex
>buy 2 tickets online
>sneak in anyway in to avoid judgmental looks
>put coat on seat next to me
>constantly look to the door or at my phone muttering to make it seem somebody else is coming
>relax once the movie starts

I watched the shape of water alone and i felt like absolute shit. I didn't knew it was about a fucking fishguy finding love.

>torrent for one please

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ticket for two please. m-my ddate is j-just running late.

I've been a huge Ryan "The Goose" Gosling fan since Drive, and so I knew I had to see BR2049 as soon as the crowd died down, which thankfully was about instantly.

I showed up at 1:45 PM on a Tuesday, and waddled (I have a disability, fuck you) up to the front of the line, where this teenage fuckface employee is staring at me like I'm something gooey he found on the bottom of his shoe.

He asks me what I'm doing here, and I say "I'd like one ticket to see Ryan Gosling's new movie, Blade Runner 2049, in standard" just like I practiced. Only I noticed his girlfriend was there, smirking at me, and I started panicking and said "I want one ticket to see The Goose in 3D."

Then I started hyperventilating and tried to correct myself, but I forgot the name of the movie, and so I just kept saying "The Goose" or "the Goose's film" while the teenager and his fuckface girlfriend are snickering at me. Finally I just pointed at the poster for Blade Runner and said "That," and they gave me the ticket. While I waddled away, I heard the girlfriend stop laughing and lean in and whisper "He's scaring me" to the employee, loud enough that I could hear it across the empty theater.

I could barely enjoy the movie after that. It took me a whole hour to stop crying and shaking. When my tears dried and I'd cleaned off my glasses I saw that I accidentally bought the 3D ticket, the employee hadn't given me my 3D glasses, and that the whole movie was a blurry mess. Now every time someone on Yea Forums posts about BR2049, I have legit fucking trauma flashbacks. Fuck you all.

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Could you even make out based Ana’s nips or was it too blurry?

>ticket for 2 please.

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I hope this is real

Lmao imagine being a dumb burger and caring about this.

>find crappy stream of john wick 3
>gf is out of town
>could go to theatre by myself and enjoy movie
>not worried at all about going alone
>but don't want to sit in theatre for 2 hours
>watch shit stream from home
>pause movie for pee and snack breaks
>kinda disappointed by movie but it had keanu and the guys from the Raid
>want to mail them the price of a ticket just for their troubles

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>go to see Drive on its premier
>janny opens the room
>"You guys can come in now"
>"Oh it's only you"

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user, you are too self-conscious. Going to cinema alone and preferably in the morning is the best thing, no one will disturb you. Also stop overthinking what does some cashier think about you - they forget about you literally a couple of minutes after you buy a ticket.

Morning is the best, but only if you can get past the cinema jester. Last time he got me and pulled my pants down while I was in line getting popcorn and everyone laughed at me. It was absolutely humiliating.

>Let me guess...you want the single seat in the double seated row at the side of the theater?
>H-how could y-you tell?

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>go to theatre and ask a ticket for one
>roastie cashier gives me a weird look
>asks me to show ID and she takes a picture of me
>security guy whispers "YO, THIS NIGGA BOUTTA DABBED ON"
>as I walk away I hear her behind my back thelling the security guy "He cute"

why yes I would indeed like a ticket for one, how could you tell?

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I don't get it. He's so cute. Would get ez girls if he tried.

He's tired of the game. If the only difference between getting a girl and not getting a girl is to be like a peacock and do some wierd mating dance, then I don't want to play either. Too shallow and disheartening.

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