This wasn't kino but it certainly was entertaining

This wasn't kino but it certainly was entertaining.
Also dat ending.. I dont think they'll do anything with it but could you imagine a universe around this

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Other urls found in this thread:

Can you imagine just leaving shit alone instead of sucking it's titty dry?

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based reply, but a faggy twitternigger post overall.

Why does he wear the mask?

I'm being serious - why? What difference could it make for him if people know who he is?

So in 12 years they never needed to provide his birth certificate?

Was the dad retarded
>let me shoot him and see what happens

Because superman doesn't wear a mask and he is the exact opposite

Because its scary and red (evil color).

The boy is incredibly handsome.

>it but could you imagine a universe around this
Isnt pretty much game over for earth?I mean evil superman is already bad anough but the other super people the youtuber are talking about doesnt look Nice either...

What would an evil aquaman even do. Sounds kinda lame desu

what's the ending? will never see a movie produced by that pedo James Gunn

I wanted to bitch slap this kid.

t. James Gunn

His parents try to kill him after they find out he’s a murderer (he killed his uncle and the mom of the girl he likes) and he kills them and then starts causing accidents around the country to begin his world domination.

I want to eat his ass.

So he can melt your face or punch a home through your torso?

Bad guy wins. After his murdering spree and killing his mom and dad he brings down a passenger plane. The movie cuts to credits. Shows a couple of scenes of destruction and then there is a YouTube conspiracy theorist talking about him and a weird half sea creature half man wreaking havoc, and a witch woman strangling people with a rope.

>starts causing accidents around the country to begin his world domination.

>movie only had a 6 million dollar budget
Holy kek

> punch a home through your torso
I want to see that desu

What he does to Badger from Breaking Bad is pretty sick

He's not the bad guy. He's just taking advantagr of the fact that he is genetically superior to every human and he should rule. Nothing wrong with superiority. Humans needed to know their place

Except the ship pretty much mind controled hin to be evil.
Now Go back to the 90s Kiddo nobody cares about edgelord faggotry

>becomes sociopathic little asshole
>kills chickens for no reason
>kills mom of his crush for no reason and rips open her stomach because he has a guro kink
>kills uncle for no reason
>threatens aunt not to talk to police
>designs super villain costume and wears it while doing evil
>not bad guy

I wanted the mom to cut him open with that kryptonite shard. Would have made for more compelling drama since she defended his behavior up until the end.

Implying you wouldn't do the exact same things as him if you had those powers

>being this edgy

>t. Brandon

I would be a hero so I could get pussy

yeah i wouldn't kill my family

i figure i'd go fly and have fun and shit
also super-sex. hell yeah, loads of super-sex.

Maybe he's actually smart enough not to reveal himself and actually takes his time with things to test his powers and see how humans react.
That's why he also covered his tracks at the end.

I would do with niggers and jews soo its a good thing

>wanting to commit genocide
Seek help

first time in /pol/ ?

Do I have to state the obvious?
It looks cool. He's a kid. He likes looking cool. That's it.

I said it in a previous thread but this movie would easily have elevated to a 9/10 if it ended with a hero showing up and kicking his shit in or at the very least him getting into a fight with someone else with powers instead of just Edgy Superman.

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I liked it but the problem with those movies is that they never have the balls to really do anything with it.

>Little kids killed a few poeple.
ok nice.. then what?

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I have *always* thought this gif was of Levar Burton. How could I have never noticed that it wasn't before??

So unironic question here.
DC can't sue for them stealing superman at all? I guess in hindsight it's different. But if they had a notaquaman and notwonderwoman then DC would definitely sue right?

As said that should have been the route the film went like said hero didn't have to even win against BB but the idea evil Superman stops being entertaining when you realize there's nothing a normal person can do against him and the one kryptonite he had gets removed from the movie

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> We've never seen him bleed! He's never been hurt!!
> I'll shoot him in the head, surely that will work.

He's never been cut in his life and they didn't know his exact powers.

Nope. It's totally legal

What was the ending?

Its not the same character so they're fine. It's inspired by it but ultimately a different thing

I would think they were able to sue if they had a brightburn evil league

Maybe DC had a deal with James Gunn?

i do not go on 4ch*n

hmmm; I would do it like this:
At the end of this movie they could have hinted at a alien invasion...
In the sequel, the best boy homies are coming but he doesn't want to give the planet away so he fights them, Not for good reasons just because he want to be king of the world.

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Drowning is a horrible way to die. So is getting eaten alive.

That’s pretty spooky.

They tried, it failed horribly.

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5/7 aint bad

I'm building a team

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>Alex is right.
yes we know.

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>alex jones

Just a psychological blanket. When he murders he puts it on. Probably how a serial killer only feels themselves when they put on a fucked up mask to represent their fucked up image of themselves.

Who will defend us from the filthy Xenos?

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Tsunamis in asia. He could murder millions in one go if he wanted.

I'm not an edgy sociopathic incel so no.

Id live a normal life and do some superheroics in the side. For fun.

What're the images showing?

More like 4/7

>in asia
he could save the world too


There's an Alex Jones character in Bright Burn

>16yo american girl

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If DC died every character that ripped off Superman they’d be in legal battles til the end of the millennium

More like 2/7

What's the bottom middle image, looks kinda like a grey

Good rating. I say 4 since Im partial to Man of Steel and Wonder Woman

I'd honestly just rob a lot of banks and spend money on useless shit.

is there a different cam out yet, or any source of the end credit scenes? the leak from 3 weeks ago only has 10 seconds of the end credits, doesnt include the mock youtube stuff about the other super villains

hes not immortal, the metal on his ship was able to cut him. id guess he realizes this. even if he destroyed the ship or hid it in the ocean or something, maybe he understands now that there might be something that other people/military/whatever could to do him to harm or kill him


they mention a not- aquaman and a not-wonder woman in that cutscene who are evil. If they commit to the motif of evil justice league there would be an evil batman and an evil flash

whats the source of this? those scenes are not in the leaked cam

post credits scene, you can also find it on youtube

If not-aquaman is a fish creature and not-wonder woman is described as witch woman then what are not-batman and not-flash? A vampire and a failed super speed experiment?

it could be ok,like this animated movie where zod has a son with lara and he is the one who comes to earth,this movie was edgy as fuck.

They could make him a vampire or they could just make him be flat out Ra's al ghul, a centuries old human with a warped sense of justice. Vampire is probably the easier/dumber answer from a writers point so they'll go with that.
Flash, failed speed experiment or just "reverse flash"
frankly if they make all the good guys have evil versions it'll be interesting to see what the good versions of the villains will be like, if it goes that far

why vampire? isnt batmans thing that he has training from super ninjas, and hes rich?

Someone at some point in one of these threads mentioned how having the power to fly to the core of the earth and ruin the planet was scarier than anything in the actual movie, and I thought that was neat. That's scarier than airplanes and Las Vegas hotels

yeah, I didn't want it to end with total annihilation, but I wanted to see some kind of extermination happening.

This, being a full time hero would be really taxing and you couldn’t enjoy life on your own terms really.

What is there to gain from that exactly?

It should have ended with a Lex Luthor anti-hero type vowing to do whatever it takes to defeat him, for the sake of humanity.

Attached: lex-luthor.jpg (480x360, 45K)

that's what the post credits scene does, except they made lex luthor (bald guy) into a crazy alex jones online conspiracy type. He promised to take them down I think.

the scene is on youtube now. just says that people need to get their shit together and do something about it or theyre in trouble

That's gay. They should've had him as a morally questionable anti-hero, who makes such drastic moves to try and defeat Brightburn that the audience sometimes feels like he's a villain. But then Brightburn does something so horrific, that everything the Lex character does seems justified, even if it was awful.

For example, luring BB into killing the population of an entire town, just so he can catch him on camera and gauge what his powers/limitations may be.

one problem is 70 percent of the kills are in trailers which sucked cus I watched them alot

it was boring predictive bullshit

Sadly, reverse flash doesn't work without the flash

that's true... maybe if it's a story where RF goes back in time, kills barry and takes his place for all purposes in the timeline, and without losing his powers? Wouldn't be a very interesting story after the takes over though, I assume.
we'll see

It was a compelling movie. I've been recommending it to people. Although I dont think they'll expand on the universe. I dont see how they could improve upon it with a second movie.

Now let make a good version of famous villains, How would that work out?

BlessingDay - a monster from brightburns planet that stops their kind from taking over planets


It was a boring piece of shit. A PG13 spook slog about a deviantart OC that gave nothing back to the audience but cringe and boredom.

He basically becomes Sheev

Evil Batman shouldn't be a vampire, we already have Man-Bat for that.

Instead, take the Batman Mythos as it literally is: A mentally ill psychopath with literally all the world's resources at his disposal going out and beating the shit out of people. Hell, you could adapt the no-kill rule to a horror context as well, he purposefully leaves his victims alive and wholly unable to communicate.

In essence, American Psycho with fun gadgets.

Confirmed having not actually watched the movie

Is this like that found-pottage film expect without phoned-wattage?

Finally I can get that moon knight adaptation.

I watched it, theres no gore until the sheriff exploded when rammed and that was half a second glimpse

Nothing happens in the movie for 30 minutes. Its treated as spooky boo omg the nun is there with glowing eyes im scared bullshit but we know is just a fortnite player masturbating

>theres no gore until the sheriff exploded
>completely forgets the steering wheel decapitation
>forgets the waitress getting her eye glassed
>forgets the chickens
Come on, give the movie a little credit.

The eye was just a bit bloodied, the chickens were just laying there and no, i actually dont remember any decapitations, probably it was such a fast and obscured cut they didnt even wanted it to be there

Its a boring piece of shit. Doesnt deliver on premise and doesnt even deliver as a slasher gore movie. Has weak ass story and a shit pacing. Liz Banks still fine tho.

He's going for the good old days after 911

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Waste of fantastic quads

sorta. its literally evil superman. comes down in a small ship as a baby, family finds him and adopts him. theres some weird sexual frustration stuff going on with the kid too

that guys jaw getting ripped off in a car accident was not gore? how about the kid melting his faces head with his laser beams?
doesnt the kid also taste the blood from his uncle after his jaw falls off?

>probably it was such a fast and obscured cut they didnt even wanted it to be there
so confirmed for not having seen the movie, ok, just hush noone cares about your childish one sentence review

>Screaming Woman
>Crimson Bolt
Who is the other one?

>this people

The jaw was covered by his hand perfectly fine to not show anything. The laser beams when kills his dad dont show really his face. OHH HE TASTED BLOOD SO EVIL AND GRUESOME well get a girlfriend youll do that often

But its not the fact that its not even gory even though its implied it should be, its more about the movie being slow, boring, predictable and doesnt explore character besides "that kid aint right i tell ya"

Weak and pansy movie for edgelords without actual edge

movie wasnt great yeah, but i dont agree with you on the gore. his father getting his head melted maybe, but the jaw thing was disgusting. so was the eyeball stuff

Hellboy 2019 did better edge than the premised edgemovie of the year

Sad times we live in. You want to do a controversial movie but also want the 13 year old audience and probably the chinese market

I mean, it was a bad movie, but at least got some slasher fan off right? Nope not even that

Really think it was going to be an actual bloodfest but got pansied and cut it out because the marketing or being a kid is too much

martian manslayer?

>billionaire and undercover criminal researches brightburn
>finds mysterious ship made from otherworldly metal in storage at the police department
>makes suit and weapons
>goes to fight brightburn but they ultimately team up
>directed by Zach Snyder

>reverse flash
A guy with super slowness? That doesn't sound like a very useful power.

If that were the case why is he leaving his initials at the scene of each of his crimes besides the script needing a way for the stupid characters to piece everything together

I don't really wanna see "evil Justice League", but I do want to see what his life cycle will be. His fascination with women and anatomy makes me wonder what it'll be like when he mates

id just rob banks and have sex

Order should have been:

Man of Steel -> Batman V superman -> WW -> Aquaman -> Justice League -> Shazam -> SS

The biggest problem(IMO) is that they're in a weird spot where its trying to be connected but fails at being consistent.

Its a representation of the true physiology of his species

I unironically would just rob some major bank for a few millions and just go the chill life in some low cost country with good internet and do nothing else ever again.

Confirmed for watching camrip on 15 inch MacBook. There's long cloesups of the waitress pulling glass out of her eye and we see badger's jaw fall off his head

His attacks are confined to his hometown.

I remember not needing mine until I was getting my drivers license. My parents didn't even have it we had to go have another one made.

t. Saitama

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Six meteor landings. Whatever "not Batman" would be, he would have landed on Earth when Brandon did

One of this meteor could kill Batman's parents.

>The boy is incredibly handsome.


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Havn't seen it, why is he evil? From what I've seen he's just evil because the plot calls for it.

Basically he's literally the reverse of superman where the ship he comes on instructs him to dominate and shit unlike Jor-El who tells Kal to be a hero. Basically he's like Omni-Man but instead just cuts right to the meat instead of pretending to be good

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i'd probably just give the UN a direct line to me and tell them 'call me when there's an existential threat to mankind that you can solve with a flying brick'

Can you spoil it for me?