Was He A Communist?


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the only person he ever related to was Alexander,the great was does that tell you?

He's queer?

It doesn't matter what he is, because no matter what he can shape society and it will always be beneficial

cuz he told you not to play 3ds in public? yeah sure practically Stalin over there



Alexander was a commie, though. He wanted a multicultural, melting pot in his kingdom where greeks fuck barbarians and they all live happily ever after.

So yes?

A fudge packer

Ofc would the smartest man on earth be a communist, what a dumb question.


Veidt? Why would he be a communist?

Of course he was, he was the most intelligent person on earth

Yes. He killed millions.

I thought commies were pro-weed? At least the college ones are.

He'd join the USSR if he was a communist


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saw marx solo an enormous blunt once
i asked for a hit but he told me to piss off

He was a utilitarian but I wouldn't say he was a commie. He was also a capitalist since he was the head of a multinational corporation (Veidt industries). His action figures were probably made by kids in some asian hell hole.

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Third way NWO monarchist.

>He wanted a multicultural, melting pot in his kingdom
Mulitculturalism and individualism is a threat to communism though. For communism to work, every person in society has to be just like the next person and on board with whatever the state says and do. Can't go around having different religions and cultures within the communist utopia.

The movie version makes more sense than the squid
Prove me wrong, you can't

I agree.

>For communism to work
Oh you

He was a Neoreactionary

Alexander was a monarchist and an imperialist. Commies preferred nations to have their own commie revolution, and only invaded when they wanted national resources.

I bet you think the Roman Empire was commie because of multiculturalism.

>weed smoking activity
it gets me every time

yes you can you just need to make sure to not put moralfags in charge

>I bet you think the Roman Empire was commie because of multiculturalism.
The Roman Empire never advocated for multiculturalism until it's later years and it was subsequently destroyed because of it. As for Alexander just because he was a monarch doesn't discount the fact he was a communist in all but name. Commies are also heavily imperialistic. Stalin, Lenin and all that other shit all wanted to start a global workers revolution, etc. Modern day commies are also heavily imperialistic and would gladly invade a country in order to instill their values on it.

why did he hate weed so much bros?


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You're a fucking idiot.

Why is he so uggo? I thought he was supposed to be a handsome Chad in the comic
>has his possible pornography folder in the same place he keeps his important business/science shit

Communism by definition cannot exist alongside the commodity form nor the state

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He was just a megalomaniac criminal psychopath.

Rorschach was of course the hero of the movie. I know that people who've read the graphic novel say "no, Rorschach isn't meant to be a hero, he's meant to be a psychopath as well - the whole point of the comic is that ALL superheroes would be egotistical psychopaths if they were to actually exist in the real world".

But I haven't read the comic. I have watched the movie though. And in the movie, Rorschach is absolutely the hero, the one you're rooting for. He's the only one with a moral backbone, while all the rest are fucking cowards.

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Every self-described communist country ever had a repressive and murderous state.

The absurd "ideal" of communism to reach a stateless society is so fucking laughable. There's a reason it's never happened. Because it is fucking idiocy. It's like suggesting that pigs can fly.

Go back to leftypol, you fucking weirdo.

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>I havent read the graphic novel

What the fuck user, read that shit. I liked the movie but the graphic novel is exceptional, it's so fucking good that I was allowed to do my senior year book report for english class on it.

It does. And probably makes it a better story than comic, for a movie. But I like the comic version.

I meant to when I was younger but never got round to it. What did you think of the movie? I know that many people who read the comic think that the movie completely missed the point of the comic due to the reasons I mentioned, e.g. displaying Rorschach too sympathetically, and making the superheroes seem too badass, when they're meant to be shown as psychopathic and egotistical weirdos.

Utilitarian capitalist business boi, get united democratic capitalist world w/ giant squid alien for world peace

So wanting to turn your empire into a multicultural brothel, worshipping foreign culture, marrying your soldiers forcefully to barbarians is not communism? Okay, good to know.

The movie is almost a direct panel to panel adaptation of the comic, pretty much only the ending is different. The comic's ending wouldnt have worked in a movie though. Personally I think all of the charactwrs where portrayed exactly the same, the comic has a bit more going on with a whole side story that ties into the ending, I won't spoil anything though.

My opinion is irrelevant though, just read it and decide for yourself.

>the graphic novel is exceptional
Stop lying. Its boring trash compared to the movie. The book is only bearable if a person speed reads it very quickly.

>Every self-described communist country
Which one is that?

I did.
Its trash compared to the movie.

I don't get it

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It's funny autism
He's the guy who created the Virgin Walk completely sincerely

>did he want to abolish commodity production?

i dont know but he should stop cutting female hands

Fair enough. Yeah maybe I should read the comic. I did think the movie was pretty cool.


How can you be this ignorant of world history?

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he loved huge dicks?

USSR, for example,self-described itself as 'developed socialism'. They only promised communism in the future. So once again, who ever claimed that they achieved communism?

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Actually he’s more of Ramsay the 2nd

>has his possible pornography folder in the same place he keeps his important business/science shit
You don't?

Their parents' fault for giving birth to them into a hell of poverty.
The capitalist man had the courtesy to give them a job.

Why was his name Ozymandias if he admired Alexander?

What? He was in prison at the time it was created.

No, he was a Gommunist.

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no, some kind of hypocritical pacifist globalist

>a completely irrelevant post because he's a butt-flustered lefty

The parties of these countries call themselves communist parties you moronic lefty fuck. NOBODY GIVES A FUCK ABOUT YOUR ABSURD DEFINITION OF THE STAGES OF SOCIALISM AND/OR COMMUNISM, YOU DENSE CUNT!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Brainlets detected.

>call themselves communist parties
Yes, because they declared communism as their goal, not because they achieved it.
That's because of your poor education on the subject. And I wonder why do you even bother to discuss something that you have no idea about?

>ruling party calling themselves communist party but they are not communist

Americans really have no idea what communist was.
Fucking retard

Ruling party goals and idiology =/= Country.

>but they are not communist
What? That's not what I said. Once again, they are communists because they claim that they want to build that perfect utopia called communism. Obviously, they couldn't do that, so they started to act like they had some plan and soon (in 20, 30, 100 years) they will achieve paradise. What's so hard to understand?

You are talking to people that believes communism is defined by how much you like niggers.

>implying americans have any idea about anything