

Attached: C2CA5D22-65D9-466E-AA1A-FB5CBD8EDD37.jpg (890x607, 62K)

But I fuck my gf (female) all the time

What's your excuse?

>gf (female)
fuck off nazi

/pol/tards btfo eternally


Attached: have sex posters.png (408x454, 262K)

Unequivocally based.

Yea Forums BTFO


This is the guy who posts "have sex" and "incel" in damn near every thread.

Attached: '.jpg (837x1024, 203K)

>these are the people telling you to dilate
Made me think desu.

Attached: maxresdefault.jpg (1280x720, 72K)

Have sex.

>/pol/tards btfo eternally

Attached: tranny incels.png (500x594, 406K)

Anyone offering?

Attached: have_sex.png (795x558, 44K)

/pol/tards btfo eternally

died doing what she loved. Having sex.

trannies btfo eternally

Attached: tranny incel.png (1081x960, 331K)

Have sex.

Hard to imagine those same trannies have been telling me to dilate year round. Crazy world we're living in.

Attached: welcomeincel.jpg (2931x1136, 1.29M)

The elderly shouldn't have sex It's dangerous


Attached: 19-fertility-table3.w710.h473.2x[1].jpg (1420x946, 100K)

One tranny who tried to use our (real men)'s tactic.
She was dishonorably discharged shortly thereafter. Initiate in sex.

sweetie you gotta dilate much more than a year

Attached: tranny dilation schedule.jpg (1269x1927, 1.4M)

>muh graphs
have sex incel

Dilate tranny. And have sex.

Attached: Untitled.jpg (497x497, 68K)

>BTFO by facts
have sex s󠀀oy󠀀boy

Attached: soyboy feminist.jpg (720x480, 37K)

>BTFO by facts

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I thought it was common knowledge that 99% of trannies are too mentally ill and ugly to have sex. Real life isn't Yea Forums and porn.


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based conservaCHADS

Attached: left v right.jpg (785x487, 64K)

It's true. But most incels still have the chance to engage in sexual activity. Have sex while you're still under 50.

>>BTFO by facts
have sex s󠀀oy󠀀boy

Attached: fashbasher soyboy.jpg (1242x2208, 223K)