What did Wes Anderson mean by this?
What did Wes Anderson mean by this?
Have sex
I'm 6'4 and I don't understand what Wes Anderson meant and I'm 6'4
Is this a /fit/ meme?
I bet you enjoy the movies of Wes Anderson
the only good Wes Anderson movie because hes fucking awful at dialogue but it works with kids because they are awkward so it seems realistic
she was right they did grow
>I think they're gonna grow more
This movie was so sweet. It actually made me cry. I immediately asked out a girl I liked immediately after viewing it because I believed in love again. We had a few dates but I ended up fucking it up while drunk and now she's just apathetic to me. I'm so lonely and jaded now.
No one asked for your blog post you fucking dickhead
You know what to do.
if he's 6'4 and he didn't get it then we have no chance
Kara? My goodness, you've grown.
what did you do?
I can't watch this movie without being sad that I missed out on young love
young love is pretty sweet
I should've asked someone out