kinos with this feel?
Kinos with this feel?
Other urls found in this thread:
>mouse hat
literally Danys storyline in GoT
that smells like a totally made up reply
why would a fat literally who fuck who was retarded enough to sign up for the army have a bluecheck?
american sniper
If you actually believe this guy ever served I a bridge to sell you
>21st century America
>voluntarily joining the military and unironically believing it's a patriotic/heroic thing to do
Serves him right, he probably watched too many movies/shows as a kid about the Civil War or WW2, and thought he'd be just like the guys back then
if this guy actually went over there and saw these goatfucking inbreds blowing up his buddies, i highly doubt he would be crying the blues about torture
depends on "served"
doubt he saw much combat but the army offers lots of jobs.
It is just like the guys back then
These brave men are about to kill and die to ensure there will be a world where someday their grandsons can cut their dicks off and their granddaughters can be fat single mothers of five black kids, how much pride should they really have?
>pig faced retard had a bad time in the army
Surprised a poltard hasn't made a tweet like "serving aboard the USS Liberty off the coast of Egypt in 1967 taught me a lot about our greatest ally".
>five years in the army
>he uncovered some revelation about intelligence so high level it forms the basis of invading a country
why didn't he go to the papers or something?
He's right about everything. God, I hated the army.
Semper Fi nonetheless. God bless New Zealand.
>guarded some hajjis at Guantanamo
>never actually saw combat
>never posed with tortured hajjis whilst smiling or giving the ol' thumbs up
>was likely the butt of jokes for being such a colossal buzzkill faggot
>that guy never served i offer no proof that he didn't just trust me guys because im redpilled as fuck
I offered as much proof he did as he did he didn't.
He was a guard at Guantanamo. Hardly makes him a "veteran"
yeah man whats up with that
>It took 5 years in the army to figure out what the MSM and Hollywood have been saying since 2008
Why are jarheads such retards?
no user, they killed and died for your right to shitpost about how bad everything is now because 0.05% of the population is cutting their dicks off
It's a backwards G idiot
A post-WW2 world where Western Civ forms an alliance with the Muslim world against (((them))) would've been kino, but no, ragheads have to be huge fucking jerkoffs about everything.
50,000 men laid their lives down in a single day to give freedom to niggers
Boy they sure have paid us back though
you'd think you'd know your history better as a white man but i guess not
do you remember who brought blacks to america in the first place?
Yeah jews
The Jews
african and arab slave traders
>falling for the 'false intel' meme
muslim vs (((them)))
god i wish
jews that bought them from other blacks
t. jew
It's true. You see the guy in the pic? My grandpa. Served a couple of tours in Normandy. Came back with half a leg. Still managed to provide for my grandma and the family and secure us our future.
Semper Fi brother.
rent free
not an argument
>africans and arabs brought blacks to America
Take a break from the internet buddy
How is this controversial?
Sorry for your loss mate.
Semper Fi!!
yeah it's just the truth
It's only controversial with neo-con boomers who worship the military. Young people today, both on the left and right, see it for what it is.
torture is okay but false intel is no good, how can i ensure i'm getting the right intel if i can't cut some muslim faggots left nut off?
You know what I really hate lately (or the last couple of years really), is the whole
>"the common soldiers aren't to blame, they just got cought up in the big military complex, be mad at the government, not soldiers"
I mean Fuck off. These people, adults, made a conscious decision to travel to another country where they knew they would have to kill people. They are absolutely horrible human beings and not hero's at all. If you travel to another country with a gun and your intent is to hurt the people there you deserve everything you get, no matter how delusional you are.
Only time war is ok is to stop genocides or self defence. Fuck these people.
feeling threatened by anything traditionally masculine?
Why? Is it a feeling of inadequacy?
you sound like a homo you have to take from other people before they can take from you.
>Only time war is ok is to stop genocides
Fuck off kike
idk but he has a wikipedia page too
I'm not? Guy on the left is me. I was honorably discharged last month.
>literally lied to invade Iraq
>literally lied to invade Afghanistan
>literally lied to bomb Libya
>literally lied to fund ISIS in Syria
>people still believe in them
where's my bridge?
What do you know about war? They’ll tell you it’s about patriotism, democracy, or some shit about the other guy hating our freedom. But you wanna know what it’s really about? What do you see? A kid from Arkansas doing his patriotic duty to defend his country? I see a helmet, fire-retardant gloves, body armor and an M16. I see seventeen thousand five hundred dollars. That’s what it costs to outfit one American soldier. Over two million soldiers fought in Iraq and Afghanistan. It cost the American taxpayer $4.5 billion each year just to pay the air conditioning bills for those wars. And that’s what war is really about. War is an economy. Anybody who tells you otherwise is either in on it or stupid.
I doubt pic on the left is actually a real soldier but if he is, how does he have so much free time to lift?
Just like Saddams WMDs
He's obviously not. I've been pulling your leg this whole time, you just caught the bait.
I have respect for anyone who served during WW2, but shit started getting sour around Vietnam and the modern military is just a joke.
Literally no reason to join other than some eventual privileges as a civilian. And believe me when I say I've thought about it.
they were fighting to preserve anglo-american hegemony
Am I supposed to care about some camel fuckers in the desert? We need their oil, we kill them. If you have a problem with that, move to some faggy country like Canada.
It has nothing to do with oil you absolutely colossal retard. The only country over there we get oil from is Saudi Arabia, and even then we import more oil from Canada than we do from SA.
Good goy. Serve and die for israel
>destabilizing the Middle East has nothing to do with oil
Lol nice one, Bernie bro
You're right it doesn't.
>This chart proves it tee hee xD
Wow, awesome!