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Other urls found in this thread:

Barfly good

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trailer park boys obviously

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How much are you lads drinking a night? About 14-16 tins a night for me.

A Fifth of Vodka most nights of the week
still haven't died in my sleep but I'll keep you guys posted

Alcohol is for people who can't handle the anti-social life

I dont drink.

Don't be gay

Tree's Lounge

If not drinking is gay then I'm a fucking faggot

Yeah, a fucking massive one too

There's nothing kino about being a drunk. Every sot likes to think they are Bukowski or Hemmingway until they wake up at 4AM shaking, sweating hallucinating and hearing voices.

biggest faggot ever born

I only drink on Fridays because I can't handle the hangover anxiety anymore but I tend to drink a lot when I do

I quit drinking full stop for 6 months. I started again in March but have only been drinking either beer or cider. I drank 15 ciders last night and woke up feeling like absolute shit. I'm 7 down tonight, was planning to get drunk but they're going down pretty slow. Stomach feels full of acid.

Alcohol is so cosy alone playing vidya and watching kinos.

fuck the club scene however - so shit.

You really are.

I really am.

Started having a cheeky scotch as a nightcap. Now it's half a bottle

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based opinion
I only drink at work and and at home, going out is a scam

>barfly, like the adjective

Having some pale ale with dinner while browsing Yea Forums how about you lads

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why'd you mark out the reddit tab user

it had my user name

>eating next to the computer

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I caught it before you deleted your post

I could eat outside my room but my housemates make a pigstye of the house and I'd have to clean that up first
>complaining about peoples dining habbits in an alcoholic topic

hit me up senpai

>eating complete meals
don't think this thread is for you
thats a big yikes user

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I'll be doing all 6 bottles tonight

I cannot understand how normies enjoy clubbing - sweating constantly, getting your nice and shoes wrecked and filthy, music hurting your ears and making it impossible to speak, having to press through a crowd of people every time you want to move, it's horrible.
Worst of all, the gender ratio is always like 2:1 and the women mostly come in with their bfs. So unless you're gigachad, good fucking luck getting laid. Apparently I live in a shit city for nightlife, but I can't imagine the experience is much different elsewhere.

time to unplug the pc and move to a cabin in the woods lamont

>using internet explorer
yeah, i think it's time to kys

watch out for this hard man, lads

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i quit several years ago

have sex already (together)



What a fag, how can you blind yourself with 4channel not on yesterday?

>/r/chapotraphouse on the first page
>these are the people you share your board with

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i think he did it intentionally and also that reddit tab. he likes to push our buttons

So you're a Berniefag who came over to talk about Game of Thrones aren't you Lamont?

i dont use reddit so i dont know what that board is
give me a run down

never watched or read it lol
dirtbag leftwing

leftist faggot podcast, quintessential s*y


>Sir, we got a major break in the case
>We found he runs a subreddit

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is quitting alcohol worth it for a robot? Someone whitepill me

what state are you "quitting" from?
if you're a hopeless addict then yeah you'll probably have to quit it altogether

you will function better but you'll also become gay according to alcoholic anons

Not for me, it gets too close to reality kicking back in without it.

nightcaps never lead to anything good

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Just dont binge drink, reward yourself with a few drinks on the weekend instead

You're a total faggot, get out of my thread.

This, even in 2019 late night Yea Forums and alcohol is a lot of fun if you aren't a literal alcy
Once a month or so with a bottle of something nice

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damn imagine if that said wojack

is baby mad because i posted his reddit name

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Lamont Cranston is a huge faggot

just woke up and had my wake-up chug of vodka

that wasn't me

this is too real

If you fill your free time with something else then yes. If not then the crippling boredom will make you cave.

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>tfw keep waking up

No. I'm OP and telling that redditor to get out of my thread.

go drink some more faggot

Will do. Go be gay somewhere else.

Damn dude alcoholism is no joke. Saying that as a drunk aas fuck depressed sack of shit. I wish it wasnt humorously highlighted in shows because it may inspire others to take up the habit. I just want to kill myself but other people care about me.

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Californication is quality fantasy alcoholic kino. Hank is almost never shown exercising and constantly drinks booze yet is somehow handsome and in great shape.

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I'm the worst kind of alcoholic because I need to drink but I also can't stop once I start. My hand tremors are so bad I have to have a beer and a shot to not seize up but after that I just go nuts and have like 35 drinks a night, talking like $100 bartabs on shit beer and rumplemintz, not to mention how much I spend on cocaine in a real night out. Jesus. I'm a drunk and a junkie. no saving me. So broke all the time. Owe so many people money. Still hold down a job though. Hopefully I can just die in peace soon. Only 1 and a half hours till they start serving booze in my city again, might go to 7/11 and spend my last 3 bucks on a genesee tallboy but Idk. Wish I didnt do coke tonight so I could maybe sleep. I'm sick of only eating once every 3 days and only sleeping 3 hours a day and even then I only sleep from like noon til 3pm.

I thought this was pretty good

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Hey buddy I hope you look for self help, no one here can solve these issues for you but recognizing them is the first step to a soluition. Sorry if I sound too moral.

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It became pathetic halfway though. Throwing his life away for some pussy and booze.

What the hell kind of job are you holding down where you clearly look like absolute shit all the time

I hate cocaine it just makes me feel like death the next day.

Half way? I started season 2 expecting some kind of story to kick in

I still found it enjoyable after season 4 but there is a noticeable decline. The season with Atticus Fetch was especially bad.

Normally I dont go "bruh just smoke weeeed lmao", but for you that might be an actual improvement

Fuck it I'm gonna spend all my money on booze right now and I stole a bump of coke from my friend earlier and folded it into a dollar bill, I'm gonna do that to. I don't care if I sleep. I came to out of a blackout on top of a freight train surrounded by cops last month and got arrested and spent the night in jail. Apparently I was jumping from car to car while it was moving. Wish I remembered that part. I have been fired from 6 jobs in the past 2 years, though 2 were not not drinking related. I need to score soon, have been surviving on gift and loaner coke for a week. Need to have a real night out. Friday's payday baby. I think I have a date then though so I can't go insane... Soon. I've been ran out of every town I've ever lived in, this one's been going on too long now anyway. I can feel the bridges burning. And when they go up man, it's gonna be bad. Nowhere to turn now. Need a smoke, becoming manic for some reason. Listen to this song:

The show lasted a few seasons too many, they should've just wrapped it up in a few episodes after he was cleared of statutory rape

Right, if you've got a date you've spurred me into finding one, thanks for the push I guess?

This. If you live in a place where you can legally buy edibles, I highly recommend these things. You get a nice buzz/body high and they’re really low in calories and sugar.

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Fancyish restaurant, pretty new so none of my coworkers have noticed, they think I am making edgy jokes when I talk about my lifestyle. Like I got beat up and mugged the other night and they were super concerned but when I showed up with a cut after falling down drunk they thought it was funny.

Not if you keep doing it dummy, same as booze.

I get that from my bar buddies a lot but I just never liked it at all man, I even smoke it with them outside the bar sometimes and it ruins me. No fun at all


On the surface being a dirtbag drunk is cool plus hanging out at dive bars every night is cool and cocaine is cool, therefore girls like it. (In my case not that often but still that's how I always get them when I do). But I promise you that shit will not last. The second they realize what I actually am, it all falls apart. Like christian slater in heathers lol.

I'm trying to erase my mind and feel only pleasure, if I'm on weed it's like my mind is still there but trapped in a flesh prison that doesn't work right

I'm jealous as fuck of people who have easy access to edibles like that, over here it's just standard blunts
Probably for the best though, weed leaves me completely tired the next day so I better not do it too often

tfw woken up in the ER twice this year already

3rd time's the charm, keep on chugging

I just want to thank you all for making me not feel as bad over enjoying half a crate of beer on the weekend, I still got a long way to go until rock bottom

I drunk 4 tins last night solo, I don't usually drink alone, but I was depressed. I started a fifth, but poured it out. I'm scared of what I could become.

what's a tin?
t. mutt

It sounds like you've already become a faggot

i dont drink often maybe a 6 pack of 16 oz cans once every couple months i mainly smoke weed

Alchohol has lost it's allure for me. Not only have I done potentially life ruining shit while drunk over the past couple years which I'm sure is only a matter of time before that all comes back and bites me in the ass, I can't really handle it anymore. Made an ass of myself too many times.

Thankfully can't remember most of those times, but certain people love to remind me of them any chance they get. It's not fun anymore.

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Good man, keep it like that

Went six days sober then a friend asked us to a pub. Said I'd have a couple pints but it let to me drinking 4 days straight. I really don't wanna go teetotal but might need to.

Anyway, Wake in Fright is alkie kino.

350ml of 4.2% beer.

kek, what movie is that image from?

I still dont get how people binge, when I drink too much I get insanely sleepy and feel too shit the next to really drink anything

fucking not even 12 ounces of beer like the smallest american beer? and 4 of those are worrying that homo? Jesus fucking christ the absolute state of brits

Lol can a robot drink without getting short circuit?

American education

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I used to get really fucking sloppy with alcohol. Now everytime i drink those bad memories only come up. Stay safe friends

>being Australian
You have my sympathies. I understand why you drink.

What kinda candyass robots do you hang out with?

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>Is a commieshitter/ANTIFAfag redditor
>Thinks he has any right to be here

Nice one faggot.


personal experience, yeah, temporarily if you can. took me two months sober, ended up getting a job. that was over a year and a half ago. now i'm no longer neet, moved out of my parents house, was able to afford a nice gaming pc, and all the stuff i never had. now i drink again, but with purpose, i'm sort of a functioning alcohol. youre a robot, give yourself a reboot.

In Mr. Welles defence, wine can fuck you up just right sometimes

Threads like this make me rather glad I can't palate the taste of basically any alcoholic beverage or drink them without suffering from massive hangovers the next day. The brief period in my teens when I attempted to "become acquainted" with the underlying taste, as is recommended by any well versed alcoholic, was one fraught with disappointment and disbelief.

Not that it's a bad thing for another person to enjoy a moderate beer as a compliment to a healthy, well seasoned and conscientiously sourced meal, mind. But it's far less expensive enjoying water as my sole intake of fluid, with the occasional, perhaps fortnightly treat of a glass of orange juice to soothe my tastebuds after a dinner with friends and family.

So, I'm holding out hope for you guys. I've seen Leaving Las Vegas, in fact, it's one of my favourite films. But drinking yourself to death is no way to go. In fact, there's many far more economical, clean, quick and safe ways to off oneself, that will give far more reliable results in the long run.

I drank 20 cans of Qingdao yesterday, woke up this morning feeling like utter shit. Vomited twice today, and my piss is cloudy and smells god fucking awful. Was tempted to get back on it for some hair of the dog, but once I start I can’t stop so it just turns into a repeating cycle of drinking until I pass out and waking up feeling like death. Any advice to get off it bros? I have a gf and a good job, but just something about getting absolutely shitfaced all the time is appealing to me.

>that first take where he just does nothing
absolute kek
why are you surprised that chinese beer poisoned you pal? try asahi next time

Tins or tinnies are just what we call cans of beer, my non-white friend.

I know this is bait but it's insulting bait leaving Las Vegas sucks, and that's all im gonna stay because in drunk rn

I'd say haavr sex but have a few drinks nigga

As an American I can go to a bar and pay $2 for 12 ounces of beer in a CAN, made of aluminum and not tin. Or I can pay $3 for 16 ounces in a glass. You guys have to pay like $16 for that, not to mention fucking $30 cigarettes you Australian cucks. Besides, liquor is much better, faster, and more efficient in every way

whiter than you, muhammad

2$ for 0.33 liters? lmao

i can literally pay 3 euros for a case of 66cl beer in glass, and 20 euros for an entire carton of untaxed cigs from a moroccan guy's trunk, who will deliver to my house. cry harder american.

2$ will give me 2 half-liter cans of 10% beer over here in NL

How much for a bourbon and soda?

if you keep drinking the next day, it cures the hangover. over here we call it a "repair beer".

Or hair on the dog.

In reference to how dog hair will stick up and eventually fall off if they are suffering from alcohol withdrawal.

Been drinking a lot of beer lately. My job sucks and I need to leave soon. Never go into public accounting.

A pizza or kebab in the morning, plus a solid cup of coffee does the same trick

>In reference to how dog hair will stick up and eventually fall off if they are suffering from alcohol withdrawal.
don't know if you're bullshitting, but i'll choose to believe you.

after I'm done drinking I think I'll go to the 24hr convenience store and get a nice tub of ice cream

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no, it doesn't. introducing more alcohol during a hangover cures the withdrawal aspect of the of the hangover. fatty foods will repair some damage you've done and caffeine will make you feel less shitty but it's not the "same trick".

Wouldn't quit altogether, but only get drunk once a month or less.

No, the redditor is the one I'm telling to get out of the thread

For me, the worst part of drinking is the inevitable craving for fast food

But that's the best part

good luck with that

>character is an ""alcoholic""
>hes ripped or skinny

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Any learned drinker knows that one day, you're going to have to embrace it.

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>one person sends me one message on reddit 2 hours later
oh noes

What are some kino movies to watch while on the piss
One of my favorite drunk memories was getting the house to myself for the night, downing a bottle of vodka on the couch in my jocks while Only Lovers Left Alive was on TV and shitpostng on the Chan's
Tried watching it again while sober and it was boring as hell lol. I like to listen to the soundtrack occasionally while on the piss though.

mmmmmm hmmm hmmm

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$30 for a pack? is this what hell is like

No, the full saying is “Hair of the dog that bit you”

Basically have a little bit of what fucked you up in the first place.


Alcohol is the nectar of the nitwit.

No, no.

The actual proverb was:

>Hair of the dog that looks up

In reference to the fact that alcohol often makes people feel like they can do impossible things

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Used to drink a case a day until I started growing these weird red spots all over my chest, not sure if its cancer or diabetes or what but they just keep growing and my parents cut me off of their health insurance so going to see a doctor isn't even an option for me

Going to my favorite brewery today. Probably going to have 4 pints.

This one is pretty comfy

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Spectacular now
Drinking buddies

Woooow four beers. Better check into rehab pussy

Dogs can look up though

Usually about half a pint of vodka.

I’ve really cut back.


I only drink if I have company on the weekends and even then its not every week. Its why I go towards the expensive stuff, you get to enjoy it way more. I've also gotten tipsy as hell as liquid courage to just outright say what I've felt about girls, cute or ugly.

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the only reason i drink is to reach that state of delirium

Fuck. I drink about a whole bottle (750ml) of whiskey every friday and saturday sometimes even on weekdays. Record is 5 bottles in a week (one for each night)

Is it normal if I drink one premium top-notch craft beer a week?

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Mornington Pale Ale
Where do you hail from partner?

watch The Mighty Angel (2014)
genuine Polish alcohol kino

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There is nothing to be proud of here. Constant drinking can make you insufferable to be around, I've seen it happen to my big bro and my dad. Please stop drinking constantly before it ruins your life. The people you love will grow to no longer want you around.

mostly 1-2 beers or a little less than half a wine bottle which makes for one two glasses of wine basically.

the quantities aren't that big obviously, but it still bothers me how much i crave that slight alcohol buzz as i'm getting older. whenever i have a lot going on with work i want to unwind slightly with the help of beer or wine (even rarer whiskey) - and when i'm off work i want to do the same. it's a completely ridiculous cycle

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Weed is better in every single way. Weed is so good the only warranted negative things you can say about it are peripheral things like weed culture.

Go home Seth. No one likes you here.

Why has nobody mentioned the man that fell to earth?
Also, my name is Joe
And nil by mouth

I drank 15 to 18 beers a night, for about three years. My body develop taste aversion to all beer because I drink so much of it, so now I’ve switched to box wine, and lost 60 pounds. I wasn’t even overweight before but I’m skinny now. I eat one small meal a day, about 300 cal, and I walk around feeling like I’m some kind of god. It’s incredible. My dad has a lot of money and I don’t have any other family, and I’m pretty much the only person he has, so he buys me a whole bunch of liquor and alcohol all the time and I just sit around and drink all day and have fun and go to baseball games. I’ll probably die within five years though but I can live with that believe me.

what's that have to do with anything you retarded wojack-poster?

>I’ll probably die within five years though but I can live with that believe me.
sounds comfy

>alcoholic character
>he has more than $10 to spend on non alcohol and bill related things
>he has friends and family
>shame anxiety and regret arent eating him away
>he isnt mixing whats left in old bottles to hold him over until the liquor store down the street opens in 40 minutes

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I watched my mother die in a hospital bed after 50 years of smoking, and I aint going out that way believe me. I’ll do myself before I die like that.
The way I see it it’s a win-win. I drink the booze, I have a lot of fun, and the booze drastically shortens my life, which sounds pretty nice.

Wake in Fright is the shit, and also impossible to watch without a whole lot of cheap beer

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Drank two of these last night and the high just wasn't worth the money or the time. I used to spend all week looking forward to getting trashed by myself and shitposting/playing vidya all saturday night. Now, quite abruptly, I find that I've grown out of all these things simultaneously.

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Classic. Vintage. Love it brother

Between 3-6 beers a night every night
I need to stop

I’m a cook at a fine dining place and literally all we do is talk about getting fucked up and the consequences of being fucked up. The only difference is the tone; sometimes it’s lighthearted sometimes it’s sad.

It can kinda ruin your mentality because you get used to nonchalantly talking about hard drug usage or heavy drinking and normal people look at you like you’ve grown a third eye

When you drink 15+ beers a night, and your mind/body adjusts to it, you no longer feel the need to further question what the purpose of life is, you simply reach a state of consciousness where you except that things are merely what they are, and you end your search for reason, you give up wondering why we’re here, or why people cling to their horrific live so desperately, because life Is no longer a thing of horrific desperation but rather a unique manifestation of beauty. So drink up.

That actually sounds like a nice life. Unorthodox, sure, but you’re a good son and you’re not hurting anyone. I respect that

this, but unironically

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I try to stay away from alcool but last week I bought a bottle of vodka and a bottle of Jager and some beers for the week and I drank it all in the evening.
The only thing saving me is the monetary cost.

smoke weed

bout to get drunk and watch lost in translation

what are your plans for this lovely evening

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I just drank some 40 years old ethanol so I feel like shit, will probably rince it down with some beer later

The thing that I like most about being drunk all the time, is that things that you like become much better. So all the old movies you have on Blu-ray that you’ve seen 1 million times, suddenly it’s like you’re watching them for the first time. I’ve watched Major League about 200 times while drunk and it’s always great.
Pretty much anything that you like to do somewhat, is 10 times better when you’re drunk. Just sitting on the back porch having a cigarette in the evening is more rewarding than a trip to Disneyland. As long as you’re drunk. I can’t imagine what a drunk trip to Disneyland would be like. My head might explode.

I got up at 9 AM and started drinking wine, I’m heading to the Astros game later, where I will I will drink the beer there until such time as I am fighting drunk. I’ll probably have a Nolan Ryan hotdog, come home and keep drinking and watch the vampire diaries. God bless America.

When I'm drunk I just wander the streets chating with hobos and occasionally having a brawl with punks

I became friends with a fat girl from the bar I go to, she’s not attractive at all but she’s really funny and interesting, and one night we walked out into the street and there was a black hobo with a cane drinking out of a vodka bottle. And we just drank and laughed with him. The birds were chirping at night, which I always remember.

Same. I've been to a few clubs here and there, bars also. Bars at least can be a little more fun since they sometimes have food and the drinks are a little cheaper. Also playing pool is fun. Either way I'd rather be at home where I can watch what I want and do what I want and get as drunk as I want and not worry about getting home.

Limmy's plasterer vines

Yeah I feel hobos are pretty interesting, I smoked some fags with a dude that had the same first name as me, a French gypsy or whatever, that just got beaten to a pulp by the cousins of his wife, who are blacks.

I drink every day, 4-6 drinks and always in the last few hours of my day. Will this do damage eventually?

>britbong humor

Maybe maybe not. Might lead you to drinking more frequently but nobody cares as long as you hold down a job and don’t get violent

>I smoked some fags with a dude

I know we're anonymous, but I still wouldn't be admitting that.

Thanks friend


Well I guess if you ate 4 to 6 slices of cake each night it would do damage too, or 4 to 6 cigarettes. If you want to do it just do it. When you say 4-6 drinks do you mean shots?
I have been drinking much heavier than that, literally, no exaggeration, for about five years, and I haven’t yet had any health issues arise from it. My stomach is more acidic and it’s harder to eat, and being drunk all the time makes it hard to function in polite society. Sometimes I get the sweats and I feel like there’s a warp zone in my soul, baby. Now, like all good things it will eventually catch up to you, but 4 to 6 drinks a night, hell you could do that for decades. If those old guys in Scotland drop dead because they live only on beer and eventually just run out of nutrients, can live to be 70 something, you’re going to be fine.

Literally this desu

I made it 4 days then slipped, I've been drinking for 12 years I'm so tired.

shut the fuck up

based and humanisticpilled


Or adverb, ie: "He ran barfly ran down the street"

Why are you guys medicating yourselves with alcohol? It's not that effective.

I’m a heavy drinker, but I always tell people if you’re drinking to escape something, or because you’re sad, or because you miss her, or because your baby got ran over in the street or something, it’s a bad idea.
Alcohol is for fun times. It’s for watching baseball, movies, hanging out with people you know, listening to music, stuff like that. If you start drinking when you’re sad you’re going to turn into a crazy man and end up on Live PD.

Dude me too. I loved the fucked up dreams

I used to be a 1/5 a day or kill at least a 12 pack doomer

Cost me my gf and my friends
Elevated liver enzyme
Made me fat
Doc said I had to stop

Now I'm just alone and moved to a legal weed state. CBD helped me cold turkey quit or else I'd still be drinking nightly.

Because it used to make the pain go away, of course now it's worse than ever and I'm addicted on top of it. It still helps with my anxiety and I can actually talk to people when I'm drunk but it's rough waking up feeling like shit every day.

I even got into an argument with a schizo Algerian white about the Algerian war, then her daughter called her down and we continued chatting for a couple hours.
Another night I hadn't eaten for like 7 days only living off alcool and some homeless dude I was chatting with offered me a hamburger he had in his backpack and told me the places to get edible food.
I of course didn't take the burger since I didn't need it but it was cool.

The other night I had a dream that a Japanese guy who was about a foot shorter than me, who had pink hair and pink eyebrows, was just touching me with the tip of his finger all over my shoulder and chest and saying something in Japanese that I didn’t understand. I want to take a look inside and try and figure out where that image came from, but I’m a little scared.

I can only usually go about three days without eating if I’m drinking wine. Then it’s almost like the hunger takes over and I have to eat, I don’t have any control over it. Someday I’d like to be able to go seven days, I’d consider it an accomplishment.

half a handle of tito's or more
I black out regularly

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>might be experiencing mild withdrawal symptoms
Strange feel

Hurrrrr, I drink flammable, poisonous liquids! And do it to excess!

Am I cool yet??

I wear a rubber ban on my wrist, so that every time I look at it I remember to have a drink.

Fuck off

You might not like to drink, but I guarantee you do something else equally damaging in excess. It could be anything. It could be cake, other drugs, weed, butt sex, building doll houses, whores, you kill nurses etc.

How else am I supposed to cope with my constant suicidal thoughts?

Used to pound 4 shots before I had to deal with the anxiety of being in public, then cool off with two shots or beer afterwards daily, then kill a fifth with a friend on weekends. Got on Prozac and Gabapentin, now I feel dandy af just drinking my daily three liters of water


Coping alcoholics

who /fuck whiskey/ here
absolutely the worst spirit, fucking piss

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Depends how much you're enjoying your diarrhoea and heart palpitations

I’m most certainly an alcoholic but I’m not coping. I’ve just found that most people have at least one dirty little secret that could destroy them if they go too far with it.

>before I had to deal with the anxiety of being in public
stop fapping 5 times a day and you won't need the alcohol or the pill popping

I'd finish a two liter of Kraken every two weeks but I just stopped cold turkey because it was get too expensive and it was taking more and more liquor to get me drunk

You mean tequila

what the fuck is this

Yes that's the point. We're not trying to sound cool and you're being a little shit. Go away

tequila too but that's why you're supposed to drink it with lemon and salt

whiskey is branded as a classy drink you drink while sitting in your comfy couch, while it tastes like piss from a bufalloo

I thank the Lord for the booze and the nicotine
Can’t sleep, close my eyes and see wicked things

The best part about being drunk is that you often get the drunken giggles, when something strikes you just right. And you laugh so hard that you start coughing and you almost barf. Fun atmosphere.
The worst part is probably the fact that beer is a natural histamine, so sometimes I’ll sneeze 30 times in a row before it stops.

Thinking of watching Wake in Fright or The Lost Weekend and having some beers later.

It numbs me and it makes me want to sleep. And I always want to be sleeping.

Being a drunk in the spring is hell.


Probably going to be Hellraiser 2 for me.
>”And to think, I hesitated!”

I've never altered my fap-habits since high school and was doing great until I was 26, then I randomly started shaking and sweating around strangers/on walks unbearably often. The pill popping is fantastic, and the change in mood helped me get laid/a gf less than three weeks from starting it.

>fuck the club scene however - so shit.
this is what people don't get
casual gathering, night alone is booze time
night out, clubs and raves it's drugs'o'clock
people who go out to bars and clubs to just get drunk are the ones who are truly mundane

thats how ypu spell it?

Hah I love that video. Just the shit he says, and he’s such a lightweight too.

This desu, a good house party is the greatest way to get drunk

I still have to get through these, I've seen the first one and really enjoyed it.

Any movies like this?

there's an implied cocaine use

Hellraiser 2 is the best, but Inferno is really great as well

Maybe 6-8 shots and a couple beers on work nights. About 12-15 shots of whiskey and 3-4 beers on weekends

usually a pint of liqour, either vodka or whiskey
maybe a couple beers if its the weekend/im off the next day. not a crazy alcoholic, but i do like a nice buzz

nothing wrong with weed but it's not the same high. plus stoners are annoying.

No less than 8 or 9 beers every night (6% or higher only, sometimes I toss in a few 11%) or the equivalent of that in whiskey.

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existential kino

Stopped drinking for health concerns and I made a complete ass out of myself last time I got hammered

I'm now a coke addict. It's unbelievably expensive but I make do

essential Yea Forumscore

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I'd rather get drunk than do MDMA.

When you feel that way about weed, and you realize people are different, you'll understand.

It’s enjoyable... but you’re sedating yourself. Sorry for the sermon, but I’m really trying to help you out from experience. You're going to wake up one day and wonder where the years went.

That said, the club scene can fuck itself. There are a ton of options besides drink yourself to an early grave and yuppie night clubs.

Yeah but what would you have done with those years if you hadn’t been drinking? Worked more? Been in bad relationships? Had a couple children that you don’t like? Prayed to the Jewish God more? Who gives a shit. Do whatever makes you happy.

Honestly I have no idea how people can drink so much. After a night or two of hard drinking I feel so fucked I dont want to touch a bottle for at least a month
But I knew this guy in college who was so drunk at all times that we could fuck with him and he'd forget about it the next day but I've got to know how the fuck can you live like that?

I'll probably just marathon them all at some point even the bad ones

You guys need CHRIST.

I like weed and smoking but I just sit home and do nothing new when I smoke. And I don't remember shit and can watch a movie but not remember the experience well. It makes me feel super passive in life. Also I eat like a pig

I’m sitting here drinking wine and watching vampire diaries about to leave for the baseball game, and I heard my neighbor outside just giving the business to his son. Just screaming at him, the kid was bawling, all because he dropped some trash on the ground. Jesus Christ that guy needs a drink.

Report him to child services.


I mean I don’t understand how people can drink soda after soda. It’s awful and I feel terrible if I drink even one Coke. But people do it. Everybody just has different body chemistry. Drinking to me is easy as pie, it’s like an old man slipping into a warm bath. I do it every single day heavily. I couldn’t imagine not doing it, and living this mundane life sober. I’d probably just shoot myself.

They are indeed all worth watching in their own way. Also you see alot of stars in them, that at the time were not famous, but have since become famous. Like the girl that plays decks in Star Trek Deep Space 9, and that Irish guy from Oz and John Wick.

>Do what makes you happy
I’m saying, tricking your mind into happiness with booze isn’t the solution. Im not a teetotaler either, I still enjoy the drink now and then... but ya. I’d say a healthy church life and some brat kids will developed you as a person.

Say “fuck it, everything blows” all you want. Life is going to be one long self fulfilling prophecy with that attitude.

>tfw making Kraft dinner while waiting for the edibles to kick in before walking to the liquor store

What kino should I watch when I get home?

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Last night I let him and his hot wife and his two children into my basement because there was a tornado nearby. They didn’t seem that bad really, I’ve never heard him act that way before. But he was hot. The kid’s not old at all, he’s probably like 6-7?
I don’t think some people realize that when you’re a kid you retain everything that happens to you, you soak everything up like a sponge, and when someone is mean to you especially when it’s your parents, you don’t ever forget it. If I wasn’t so drunk I might go fight the guy. Not really

Hey that might be true for some people, but I’m the guy who just heard his neighbor who has a hot wife and two kids and goes to church and owns a business screaming his head off at the boy, and he just never seems happy, the neighbor I mean. I feel like I’m a lot happier than he is at least. And he has everything that you’re supposed to have. It’s a great ideal all that you’re talking about but I rarely see real life live up to that ideal.

The entire extended Lord of the Rings trilogy

I smoke marijuana, fuck yeah. I'm also 6'3 and scrawny cut, have a huge dick, money in the bank, and have no vices other.

I am also nearly 4.5 years sober from 12 years of drinking straight liquor every single night, and for that reason have zero qualm about talking shit to alchies. I didn't get arrested or hurt someone, get into trouble, or require anything else to force upon me a reckoning. I quit cold turkey, lived in the gym while my body and mind went through detox for a good year plus, and never once attended an AA meeting (as a participant, tho I do accompany someone close to me as they attend meetings just to show my love and support to them).


What it took to quit was a realization that for all the justified reasons I had to want to escape when I started drinking, and for all the reasons I was drinking at the end being valid, none of that meant it was good. I had every reason but it never was going to be an answer to my questions nor a solution to my challenges. I stopped for 35 days not knowing what I was doing, only that I needed to stop and contemplate. Then I drank one night with a friend and upon waking the next morning it was obvious that I was at a crossroads. Either I continue to drink and that's it for me or I quit and reclaim my life, and never upon fucking ever even entertain the thought of taking another sip for all my days.

The choice was clear and my life has been improved to a degree I would have thought impossible when I was pickled, even though sobriety itself has solved none of my problems. But it does allow me the strength of mind, body, and spirit to fight the battles I could not before. Hell, mornings when I wake up feeling poorly, all I have to do is imagine what a nightmare I would be living in had I drank the night before. I got vertigo for the first time last year, lasted a few weeks, and had I been drinking the night before I woke up dizzy, I have to imagine I'd have been rushed to the hospital in critical condition.

And all of that is to do with the perspective and wisdom sobriety bestows. Sobriety is the greatest decision any alcoholic can make and regardless of how weak a little twat many of you clearly are, if you can manage to fight the agony of withdrawal and clean yourself up, a true fucking man will have been made out of you. This shit is a life-or-death crucible that will forge something and someone far greater and more worthwhile than you started as.

Are you an astronaut and a lion tamer too, Mr. President?

I'm not medicating anything, I just like alcohol

I hope that's a copy pasta because nobody's reading your blog dude


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Tell me more about that hot wife of his.

Oh, you're still alive?

One (1) beer on Saturday night.

His wife probably talked about how cute the neighbor was and he took it out on the kid
Cuck him

Well her first name is Natasha, but she doesn’t go by that name. She’s about mid 30s wears a lot of yoga pants, exercises all the time, she’s a real pushover with the children, she likes to garden, she only works one or two days a week I think she does nails. She’s the only reason I let them into my basement in the first place, cause I didn’t want that ass to get blown away by the tornado.

shut the fuck up lmao

>This guy is a real piece of shit
>If I wasn't lusting for my neighbors wife I'd have left them to die lool

Very interesting.

Ahhh, one of the weak little cunts :3

Keep getting raped into the ground by life, friend!

kek of course I’d let him in anyway and the children, I wouldn’t let them die. I was just talking out my ass lol.

I'm on 7-10 "standard drinks" per night, usually a mix of 4 shots of vodka+3-6 cans of beer

You're from the UK, aren't you? Anyhow, I kind of went off spirits and mixers except in the club and do cider with a decent beer at the end for pre drinks stuff. Thinking of just having some cider tonight. Not sure. Want to get drunk but I'm doing a low calorie high protein thing to encourage muscle growth and fat loss, and unfortunately there's calories in that shit.

Did you need to build up a tolerance or could you do it from the start

3 liters of cider at best, 5 or 6 at worst.

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I had like 8-10 drinks every night for the past month but I stopped this weekend because I got a nice new laptop and I just don't feel like going to the store anymore. I've come to the conclusion I drink entirely because of boredom

UK, right? Hard for me to imagine Burgers, frogs, etc. necking down cider to get drunk.

I started drinking 12 packs of 3.2% light beer, and after 12 I could still function, I could walk around and stuff but I was clearly drunk. Then I built up somewhat of a tolerance to where it took about 18 to 20 cans of 4% beer to get me properly drunk.
Now I’ve switched to boxes of wine so I don’t know exactly how much I drink, I just sip it slowly throughout the day and go to sleep hammered and wake up and start again.
I drink a lot of water, I take an over-the-counter Nexium which is acid medicine and a gasx pill. And I eat one very small meal a day usually under 400 calories. And I don’t feel particularly bad except maybe right when I wake up. Everything has a visual trails behind it. If I move my hand there’s like an after image that my hand leaves right when I wake up. But once I start drinking that goes away. In the past I’ve drank one Ensure a day and I always take a multivitamin, to make sure that I don’t die of some kind of iron deficiency or something.

*tsssk* ahh. the nectar of the gods.

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These threads always cheer me up, I feel like a fuck up until I read about your retarded habits.

That’s not a Guinness

This guy likes his Corona with a little bit of salt

It's okay. Wish the percent was upped.

Kino ale.

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does alcoholism imply physical addiction to alcohol (with potentially dangerous withdrawal symptoms etc), as opposed to just wanting to be drunk more often than is probably recommendable to living a functional life?

Some of my worst teenage debauchery was fueled by that and Gulden Draak, haven't had it since.

Start of some Strongbow shit and finish off with a Hobgoblin and pic related before the clubs.

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Yeah, he needs a drink to get his nerves up to just beat his kids in private like a normal person, rather than just being a stern disciplinarian.

Really alcoholism is either a physical or mental dependent on the effects of alcohol. They kind of go hand-in-hand I assume. AA has a definition of alcoholism with certain criteria on their site, I don’t know how full of shit they are though.
I always felt that an alcoholic was someone who drinks to excess and it harms their lives. It cost them relationships, jobs, money, health etc. But being an alcoholic isn’t necessarily bad, it kind of turns me into a hobbit, I just want to sit around and smoke and watch movies and hang out and eat food.

What's wrong with me?

>try getting drunk to see what it's like
>get super thirsty
>have to constantly go to the toilet because of all the additional water I am drinking on top of the alcohol
>after a few hours get a headache, nausea and urge to go to the toilet for #2 and the effects of being drunk disappear
>feel like shit the other day

That's what kept me from drinking alcohol ever since.

I don’t think he beats the children, he was just really mad. I mean I haven’t been that mad at someone in as long as I can remember, and if I had a child I don’t see how I could talk to them that way. But I only care because it was right outside my window. It’s none of my business, he can scream at his kids if he wants I guess. I sure as hell ain’t having any with this whiskey dick.

Islay scotch is best invention man ever made

You’re what we call in the drinking community, a pussy

Quit drinking for the millionth time 18 days ago. Was on the equivalent of 2-3 bottles of wine a night (but in the form of Polish lager). Wish me luck lads.

No one likes a quitter

And the entire rest of the world views the "drinking community" as cooked trash.

No, you're a freak

you didn't drink enough water

a lot of alkies are skinny because thet can't afford to eat