What was the fucking point?

What was the fucking point?

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kill yourself GOTnigger

this post is based

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>kill yourself GOTnigger

>this post is based
>calling yourself based

The show sucks but Martin ruined his own creation when he made them nothing but a byproduct of the Children's fuckery.

double dubs

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>create expectations
>subvert them

It’s called smart creativity

blessed FUCK GoT


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>"what if we built this up over 7 seasons and then she shit on it to subvert expectations?"
>"yeah that's much easier than writing a good ending"

blessed thread

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So in the books the White Walkers are basically sidhe, right? Why did dumb and dumber turned them into undead-like niggers?


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gotta have to wait and read the books to find out ;)

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Literally because of the success of the walking dead. They wanted the zombie audience.

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Zombies were pretty popular, the wights in episode 1 seemed much more adept at killing as well. Then they didn't really know what to do with them, so just had them being mindless zombies.

Perfect webm for a blessed thread

wait, what movie is this? bale is in bateman shape here, but i don't remember this scene being in AP

Equilibrium gun-fu kino


what'd they mean by this?

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They’re basically mythical creatures that nobody is truly sure they saw them but knows the fear and dread they feel around them is real

based based poster

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