Guess the movie

Let's start with a hard one

>released after 2010
>no forced diversity
>kinda sexist but passes the bechdel test
>despite all of that universally acclaimed albeit no academy awards

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Easy, Black Panther.

black panther won awards, close but no cigar

fury road?

>no academy awards

good guess, but no

maybe another hint? but dont make it too obvious

gone girl also comes to mind

probably, I've never seen gone girl

hint: it features a bigish cast

welp, it was Wolf of Wall Street

>Fairly obscure movie made by a very famous director
>Plebs will say it's boring as shit


It's an older movie. Pre-90's

Barry Lyndon

By obscure I mean even the zoomers on here have never heard of it.

THX 1138

No but same year.

Duel ?


Where's my reward motherfucker ?

I'll come by to your room tonight ;)

No !

Here's another one : a movie without dialogue with interracial porn.

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bunny boy gets fucking murdered by 2 cowboys