Is there a more based currently active actor than Leo?

Is there a more based currently active actor than Leo?
>has one of the best portfolios, period
>didn’t buy into the capeshit meme
>didn’t buy into the streaming meme
>only movies he does is with legendary directors
>his most popular roles are in movies from times when blacks weren’t allowed on the same bus as whites and normies seem to love that
>only time he has blacks for co-stars is when he owns them
>oldest he’s ever dated is 25
>has been in the spotlight since he was a teen and hasn’t been justed
>so used to getting supermodel pussy that he listens to music and vapes while getting sucked off
>knows that his status and babyface are more than enough for these hoes, doesn’t waste his life exercising
The mere thought that this legend might die in my lifetime brings a tear to my eye.

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Other urls found in this thread:

>shills for climate change propaganda
>still flies private jets and yaughts constantly

So based he just brazenly goes against his supposed ideals. And nobody in hollywood has the balls to call him out on it. He even funded a propaganda rap song about global warming where they pause to talk about how great he is.

>cruises around in a colossal yacht and then tells people they need to take action against climate change

Go to bed, Leo

what's the name of his yacht again?

dont forget about:

>doesn't even try to put in any effort in bed, its been unironically reported he tends to simply lie on his back, puts on isolating headphones and chills to his music while the roastie nr 34235234 has to ride him and do all the work without him even looking at her

mediocre actor but when you put it like that yeah he is pretty based.

okay in his defense that IS pretty fucking based

Normal people are the ones that have to change their life style.
1 private jet is always going to be less polluting than billions of faggots using cars or other shit.

You’re trying to tell me this isn’t just another act of basedness from Leo?

wtf I love Leo now

yeah epic hypocrite style. based af!!

1 private jet constantly flying around the world is always going to be more polluting than no doing it

It's hypocrisy, and shows he doesn't believe in his own bullshit.

he gay

Leos based


>That hairline
Looks pretty cool

he's a shitty hack actor if you think he even has a good portfolio you're a pleb it's average at best

>tfw got the same hairline at 21

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>born with god-tier genetics
>doesn't spread his genes by seeding aryan women

he needs to learn from mel gibson, who has 9 children.

Name 5 actors active today with better portfolios


>roasties are jealous of newborn girls


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sad but basedpilled

That's because he's in the closet


What does he listen to with those noise cancelling headphones?


Mediocre actor coasting on his good looks from when he was a teen, his face ballooned up a long time ago and is an ugo but people pretend he's still attractive because he's rich and "but muhh Titanic"

He may become a president one day, libtard talking but right wing soul.

>Mel "gib me sons" Gibson

Cunny Splitter

all along the western front

I unironically used to go there a year or so on the regular. Once the capeshitters and normies found out about it, the quality of the sub dropped rapidly. Then anybody that called out that manchild films werent worthy of discussion was met with apprehension and hurr muh critique of avengers xd . Cant have anything nice.

It was the last MGMT album apparently

Perhaps brad Pitt.
I mean Brad has a better portfolio ( Fight Club, Twelve Monkeys, The Assassination Of Jesse James by the Coward Robert Ford, Se7en, Snatch, Burn After Reading,)
He’s worked with Fincher, Guy Ritchie and the Coens.
But to me they’re both extremely based

literally in the op, retard

Well, he is based

>That's because he's in the closet
unironically this
he's gay

Based. Only other actor I thought of but his whole marriage to Angelina and the way it ended was pretty unbased imo


>shills for climate change propaganda
Is he honestly trying to minimise damage done by industrial pollutants and working for betterment of mother nature gosh screw that guy

I was being serious, user. It looks cool. Absolutely no one would think Leo's receding unless they're hairline obsessed like us
NW2-3 is perfectly fine if you keep a bit of length and style it.

>over 70% of emissions come from a handful of corporations
>duude stop driving to work you're killing the planet XD

>He even funded a propaganda rap song about global warming where they pause to talk about how great he is

Yeah, Keanu.

Imagine being a middle-aged roastie butthurt that an attractive, rich, famous actor passes over in favor of younger, more beautiful women. They absolutely seethe when guys like Leo choose to date younger rather than settling for old hags.

lead by example or fuck off


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>>over 70% of emissions come from a handful of corporations
citation needed

Based Viper

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Lmao. A couple of corporations make up the majority of pollution. Normal people cannot and will not be able to stop climate change.

Oh for fuck's sake it looks fine, stop worrying about it. That's a totally normal hairline to have and you shouldn't worry. I'm saying this as someone who isn't even at that point yet.

Jesus can you even read? This is in the OP
>so used to getting supermodel pussy that he listens to music and vapes while getting sucked off


This is fucking retarded, are you seriously implying that the car economy is good?

>le ebil corporations pollute everything just for the sake of polluting
How dense are you? Pollution comes from producing goods that your fat arse consumes. Stop consuming shit you don't need.

>dude just stop using cars lol
>instead use the non-existent public transport that the motor industry has completely destroyed to make sure you have to buy their cars

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Stop saying portfolio


Brian Peck, former actor and co-star of Return of the Living Dead (Scuz), is friends with Bryan Singer.

In 2002 I got X-Men on DVD and at the time I didn't understand why Peck shared a commentary with Singer and was not only at the Ellis Island Premiere, seen in the DVD extras, but also cameoed as "hot dog vendor", in the scene when Senator Kelly walks out of the ocean, with Stan Lee next to him.

Peck acted as a childrens "acting coach" and was rumored to have been feeding young boys to Singer amongst others. Peck did time for molesting a young boy.

I use to give Singer the benefit of the doubt but not anymore. He's a pedo.

Below is a video of a young LEONARDO DICAPRIO on the set of Growing Pains with BRIAN PECK who was his stand-in.

Interesting that Leo hasn't commented on any of this. I guess getting fame and fortune was worth having his teen twink ass plowed!!!FACT!!!

Also claims to be vegetarian yet is always fat as fuck!!!FACT!!!

It's pretty easy to be a fat vegetarian

>Perhaps brad Pitt.

Watching the Once Upon a Time In Hollywood trailer, Pitt makes DiCaprio look like a little kid play acting. Brad inhabits and BECOMES the part he's playing while Leo seems to be trying really, really hard to act and it shows!!!FACT!!!

>the problem won't solve itself so I would rather not try to fix it
manchild mentality

Wow, he basically raped that poor girl.

Dude kinda seems like the last bastion of "traditional" Hollywood male actors. Like from the 50s and 60s if you know what I mean. Lives that bachelor lifestyle, lives it up, gives no fucks. Leo is based.

>A 45 year old millionare A-lister has private yacht parties with college girls just to throw off the fact that he's gay

this makes zero fucking sense. He'd be inviting twink bussy if anything.

>had been one of the most attractive child/teen actors of all times
>in pedowood

yeah it goes without saying that leo's been passed around like the town bicycle


>>Was homosexually abused when he was very young
>> Muh climate change

I'm conflicted. He is based (movies he was in, current lifestyle) but those are 2 big points

>non-existent public transport
What shit hole country do you live in?

There are third world countries with a better public infrastructure than the US

>piling into a cramped space with a couple hundred other insects
no thanks

Why isn't there a concentrated effort to campaign in the places that do the most polluting?


This is how you sound douchebag

The USA IS a third world country, friend

Me at 23. It looks fine bro no one gives a shit believe me.

No there really isn't. I can uber anywhere and the car will be here in 2 minutes.


Get the fuck over it you stupid fucking roasties. Christ. If they were under 25 they wouldn't be saying shit. Fucking hypocrites.

gay joi

>Uber = Public transport
Americant's everybody..

Should we tell him?

Don't forget that despite all this he has yet to be #metooed.

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This. Car makers and airline companies stopped America from building proper high speed railways which is much more efficient and use less fossil fuels.

>says nigger in Django and you JUST KNOW he means it

he's a chad
>take action against climate change peasants, because I won't.

He is a sub par actor for sure. Gangs of New York is a good example of how wooden his acting even when he is on too of his game. I don't watch his movies unless I have too. I've have managed to never see Titanic which has been nice.

>how wooden his acting is even when he is on top of his game


But my one car is far less polluting than his private jet. Comparing one to many is retarded. Point is, he's a hypocrite

>This popular, raised in stardom, immensely successful, rich and attractive actor couldn’t POSSIBLY actually be having so much sex with such hot women! It makes no sense! Surely it’s all a ruse and he’s actually a closet gay who was fucked by Hollywood pederasts throughout his childhood. Yep. That sounds about right.
I know the words incel and have sex get thrown around a lot but some people ITT have never been laid and it shows.

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>posts dumb opinion
>!!!FACT!!! xD

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>high speed railways which is much more efficient
>in America, which is the 3rd largest country in the world
Zoomers everyone

>hasn’t been justed

>A couple of corporations make up the majority of pollution.
Actually the majority of carbon dioxide comes from the oceans being heated up by the sun. Humans have very little, if any, effect on the atmosphere.

Unless you’re talking about his investments, you mean “résumé” you fucking morons.

play ticket to ride

Alex Jones itt everyone

And all he had to do for it was be born with the correct genes.
How is it even fair.

Who gives a fuck? All actors and actresses are annoying, liberal preachy fucks with little to no knowledge on the actual agendas they push - this is a known fact. You have to separate the artist from the art and appreciate them for the roles they've played that have affected you as a viewer in a positive way and just ignore the obnoxious hacks they all tend to be off screen.

Read the post again.

>He is a sub par actor
>I don't watch his movies
okey retard

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walk the walk motherfucker

fucking based

the sounds of men grunting mixed with ball slaps

The 15 biggest ships in the world pollute more than all the cars in the world, they hardly contribute to pollution.

I went and posted there quite a bit back in 2013-15. Quality has gone downhill significantly since.

In many ways 2014 seemed to be a peak of quality internet culture, before trans/LGBT mainstream, capeshit, meme culture, etc.

Incredibly based


I think this settles the Brad vs Leo debate. Find a pic of Leo where he's half as cool as this

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Isn't that basically masturbation at that point? What's the point of having sex when you're not looking at, touching or in any way interacting with the woman? He's just getting a sensation on his dick and that's it. I'm jealous but it does sound pretty gay. Why not grab the tits or ass or anything at all?

most of the country doesn't live in your faggoty metropolitan areas where some basedboy in a yaris will pick you up in 2 mins

I think this settles the Jeff vs Brad debate. Find a pic of Brad where he's half as cool as this

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When you get sucked don't you like just closing your eyes and enjoy ?
It's the same but with a pussy instead of a mouth.

It looks way different but it's the same, he's just thinking about his pleasure and doesn't give a fuck about the dumb roastie.
Think about it logically.

It's different. When you're getting sucked there isn't much that you can do but even then it's way hotter for me to look at her sucking my dick than closing my eyes. For fucking it's completely different because again it's hotter for me to dominate her and fuck her than to just lay there like a fish. Although I guess if I were tired then yeah

>Leonardo DiCaprio “is selfish, lazy and downright rude,” says a source whose BFF bedded the 41-year-old Oscar winner. “She told me that during the act, Leo put on headphones and even started vaping! Then he signaled her to keep going while he just laid back and zoned out.”

>The woman was so confused by the situation that she just carried on, embarrassed and hoping for things to change. But Leo continues to lie there, listening to MGMT, while his “date” was left wondering what was in this for her.

>“Leo knows women are mesmerized by his stardom, so he obviously doesn’t care at all whether they’re satisfied or not,” says another insider. “He can sleep with almost any woman he wants without even trying, so it’s no surprise he doesn’t try in bed either.”

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Men utterly and eternally BTFO.

based vapebro. wonder what flavour he's got

>climate change propaganda

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holy shit that webm,

Guess based is synonymous with fucking retarded these days

It's what being shunned by the oscar crowd does for you as an actor. Freedom.

mine's worse that kek

>cargo pants
>old man's hat

That isn’t even enjoyable. Stupid zoomers thinking that’s based.

based Leo

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>be me
>working in Alberta’s oil sands
>this faggot decided to come visit the oil sands and shill climate control
>faggot comes to our work area on the tour
>I yell that he’s a hypocritical piece of shit and tell him to fuck off back to America
>other guys join in and tell him to fuck outta here with his private jet
>he ignores us and proceeds to virgin walk away at a fast pace
>we all get verbal warnings but it was worth it.

Fuck that guy.

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it's propaganda regardless of whether cc is real or not

He named her HMS. Yaught

>the impotent rage of the slaves

>Flies away
Of course Yea Forums thinks whiny cuckolding is Chad

sex is mostly mentally anyways. all these roasties in this thread in denial that they wouldn't turn off the light if they ever have sex.
I bet based leo is thinking of some 10/10 qt

>>working in Alberta’s oil sands
>tfw was gonna do that
>tfw just decided to stay in bc and be a neet

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I only fuck with the lights on in front of my mirror

Based & DiCaprioPilled

You're never gonna fuck him, why are you hating?

>Women get upset when single men date younger women in a consensual realtionship.
>Women expect all men to date within their age groups.
>Yes, because a successful, handsome, playboy should be tied down by an ancient woman with a face like crumbled saran wrap and an old dried up pussy.
>Women screech and whine to their graves how men are pedophiles because they are 50 and are dating someone 25.
>Yet when the roles are reversed, women celebrate that it's empowering.

ive never been a fan of Leo, he's a mediocre actor and lacks "class" of the big guns.

>Virgin walked away
Based oil field workers.

This is what he listened to.

feminist retards:
>her body her choice!
also feminist retards:
>omg that wage gap tho!?

I have this large mirror beside my bed so it is really easy to peak over and check out the girl from different angles.

Dicraprio fags absolutely btfo

Based and redpilled

>I fucking wish I was Leo
>Rich as fuck
>A great film resume under his belt
>But most of all
>Shitting on thots
>Literally everyone woman in the world would kill their first born just to fuck you.
>They all that they can, work harder than they ever have in their life in the hopes that you will wife them.
>And what do you do?
>Not even Smash and Pass, you make them pleasure you while you enjoy your own existance with some music, food, and a good smoke.
>They don't even get treated like human beings, they are just eye candy for you and a means to get your nut off.
>It makes my dick diamonds just picturing it, having some super model bitch with massive tits squirting her milk in my bowl of Cheerios as she wears the cow costume I told her to wear.
>While I eat, I picture fondly all the past girls I had at their homes, sobbing still that all their attempts to lock me down failed. And that in the end, all they are is just a series of holes for my dick.

why would they call him on it, hollywood itself is one big propaganda machine lmao. they literally get paid to tell lies

Are chicks really that butthurt at Leo for being based, damn I'd imagine at least the female anons would like him

roasties are upset because hes proof that older men dont have to settle for old, used up post-wall hoes like themselves. they are literally just seething and beta males agree because beta.

>"The Embrace of Neptune and Terra" - Titian, ca 1571

There's still time to engage in true labor, leafbro. At least give it a try, for Stan-sama.

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Women don't understand that their value is constantly decreasing over time while mens are blooming.
Women when they are young want that older, maturer, well off "daddy" figure to take care of them. While all men want is someone good looking, and who will treat them like a god, which most times is younger women. All these women trashing these older men for dating younger women don't want to admit that when they were the same age of these girls that they were trying to get some of that Daddy Dick as well. But now that they are old, their looks gone, their value decreased and still no ring on their finger, they are envious of these young women who made it.
So what do these old bats do? They blame the men like all women do. It's not womens fault that they keep their standards so high, no, it's mens fault for wanting to date good looking girls!

>starts the video off about the ice caps melting for climate change, knowing full well that even NASA says it's wrong
He's grabbing that normie money so he can buy more shit. He also funded the Stanisław Szukalski film and isn't a cuck that thinks he was a Nazi, like his father does.

Well he's a rich actor what do they expect?
Superstars always have hot chicks, it's just the way it is

pretty much, thats how it goes for any man with money. women with money do the same shit even. this is fake moral outrage.
i disagree with it because it's a degenerate lifestyle, other than that the age gap is a part of history

Fpbp, figures nobody on a board that worships child raping jews agrees


Yes. Those are the clothes of a man that crushes tons of gash. And what boy clothes do you wear?

But the oceans also replenish the O2 they take in cause of all the plants and their photosintin is.

imagine being upset at someone telling you cant ruin the enviroment

imagine being upset at someone because you're a propagandized retard who think we have a significant impact on the environment despite climate trends showing the same development for the past few thousand years and doomsday predictions never coming true

usually this for most week days, sort of buisness casual for my line of work

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>oldest he’s ever dated is 25
he doesn't date these women

he's paid/forced/etc to hang around them in public so these whores can advertise themselves. become more popular. nothing more popular than fucking leo

in reality leo fucks some new 13 year poon every other night, or is a raging homo and does the same with boys.

You must be a pretty big guy.

even if we ignore the whole co2 shit oil sands are incredibly destructive to the enviroment.

might as well work in a coal mine

you must have a lot of friends

it's called Camp.

how much does it cost you?
>let's say per month

notice how china gets away with all kinds of environmentally dangerous shit, most recently they were caught using chemicals that supposedly deplete the ozone layer.
nobody does anything. if they were poisoning the earth as we're being told by the climate industry, we'd be bombing the shit out of them presently.

why are the roasties suddenly going after him?
did he do something to displease his jewish masters?

no, it's just fake outrage. shilling for global warming is part of being a good goy

lmao, as if you could bomb china

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he's vaper. All vapers are gay, this is common knowledge.

Yeah, but what about the boat's name?

Is this the chick from the story or something?

rumored to be

imagine attacking the major energy companies and oil field workers instead of the proles that actually create demand for fossil fuels

same user


And the truly funny thing is, they'd be screaming their heads off about 'slut shaming' if someone wrote an article critical of a an actresses sex life.

how many times has he fucked?

he probably fucks almost every woman he wants.

Dude, youre on a computer. Spell check your shit, you lazy fuck.

>itaste MVP battery
holy fucking shit, he's just like me

No, the Carbon isotopes responsible for most of the increase are from fossil sources, meaning tar, coal, oil, natural gas, natural gas liquids, etc.

A loop of the Warwick Davis pasta read by Ian McKellen

most decent and redpilled comment on the thread

>>only time he has blacks for co-stars is when he owns them
based leo

He would only get even more publicity and money if he were gay

He’s also extremely based

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The real heroes of western civilization. Keep being based user

>woman needs to take initiative for once
>h-he's lazy!!

u mad jelly

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>ywn be hanging out and laughing with Leo as he shows you desperate 10/10 models sending him nudes 24/7

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bet you think you're in charge

He's one of the more based, but let me just address a few of these

>his most popular roles are in movies from times when blacks weren’t allowed on the same bus as whites

wolf of wallstreet, the departed beg to differ

>oldest he’s ever dated is 25
>so used to getting supermodel pussy that he listens to music and vapes while getting sucked off
>knows that his status and babyface are more than enough for these hoes, doesn’t waste his life exercising

His team arranges beards, dude's gay. If you've ever been around a model for more than 10 minutes you'll know how boring they are. Not much hotter than a normal hot chick/actress either

>has been in the spotlight since he was a teen and hasn’t been justed

Dude got fat before or after the revenant, it was all over the internet. But you seem to preemptively counter it with:

>knows that his status and babyface are more than enough for these hoes, doesn’t waste his life exercising

All that said, I'm a fan and I do think he's based, although he does hypocritical shit all the time.

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This, I don't know how people get tricked into thinking he's straight with the model show. It's sadly transparent. If you think he isn't fucking Lukas Haas and Tobey, then I don't know what to tell you, you willfully want to ignore that you have to be in the closet as an A list actor.

Why are you hating lmao, be merry of his excess

If he's gay he'd be more based because he's using all those hot chicks as Penis Cozies

Miss me with that french shit

I hope it’s true, that’s fuckin funny

I'm not hating, Leo is one of my favorite modern actors. Just some things that were wrong in op. Also Leo's gay, I don't care, but the whole roastie equalizer meme is kind of moot when you realize he's playing 'house' for the press.

>tfw legit started doing this with my gf and checking myself out in the mirror most of the time like bateman


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I guess having it at 40 ain't so bad then. Too bad I wasted my better years.


The man oozes class and charisma but I feel like he hasn't been attractive since he starred in Titanic.

Am I in denial?

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>Leo's gay,
i keep seeing this all over the thread but i have yet to see proof

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Could be a power trip. Who the fuck knows, let him have his thing

When you have his status, you can just have sex like that each time you want to masturbate with the same effort

No, thanks I want him fired, imprisoned and gangraped in prison till the end of his life.

I mean..

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No, female and male would even watch his movies if he ever to come out. For example everybody knows that Tom Hanks is a gay child fucker, but we still behave like he is not a sodomite.

I literally see better men on an average basis. It's the round face, it ruins him for me.

He didn't have it so bad during Titanic and Romeo.

Maybe I’m just a faggot but I still find him really handsome

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I had sex to the Titanic soundtrack once. Would reccomend/10

>being unapologetic hypocritic and getting away with it is not based
sure smells like reddit in here

Very handsome, but I don't think he could coast on it alone if he didn't have great acting chops too.

>most of the country doesn't live in your faggoty metropolitan areas
I mean that's empirically wrong lol.

>things that never happened

Yeah wow its almost like in order to avoid war countries have to respect one another's sovereignty.

Am I supposed supposed to equivelate Leo doing an anti-pollution campaign with the world not bombing china to prevent them from polluting.
