Being informed exclusively by Hollywood epics

>being informed exclusively by Hollywood epics

Certainly you know more about human history than these two and vietshit rice farmers...right?

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Other urls found in this thread:

Thats not true! I also like WWI

Don't forget medieval Europe.

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For me, it's the Vietnam War, for that war was indeed the most kino war.

Well if you watched the History channel before it went reality tv these are the two things you got

And that's a good thing.

Those are the cool histories though

>historical periods women will never understand

I’ve never met a woman who’s interested in history.

19th century was a pretty interesting time

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I've never met a woman who says she's a history buff. I don't think I've ever met a woman who cares about history at all.

I like medieval Japan lol

why do faggots try to adopt everything

>that guy who thinks hes a ww2 expert because he watched a few youtube videos and plays hearts of iron 4
if you're reading this i hope you die

Is there some other form of history, you wretched woman?

WWII is definitely the mediocre american's go to period for national pride.

I'm a history buff of Japanese samurai actually

theres over 1000 years worth of roman history

Hollywood won't even make WWII or Rome epics any more

>medieval japan
>not Edo period

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That's why they call it HIS Story am I right?

>when someone tells you they study African history

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For me it's ancient Greece

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/his/ in a nutshell.

Sengoku period is more kino. Edo period is quite boring actually.

My favourite classical history text is Empire of Dust actually.

i'm not sure i've ever met a man who says he's a "film buff" without those films either being boats or hero saves the president

WW1 best WW

Lol stop

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For me, it’s the China Traders

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There will never be another man as great as Napoleon.

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I'm a history buff of the renaissance period in Europe tho

For me? It's the Americas before europeans influenced it.

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Half of /his/ threads revolve around ww2

We should have a movie or tv show about Byzantine history. That period is pretty underappreciated by pop culture.

I've never met a single """""history buff"""" without that history being events involving humans within the last 10,000 years or so. Checkmate.

Good thing I like reading about Imperial Russia and Colonial America and therefore have tons of sex

>yeah im a history buff, i love [insert war here]

Joke's on you, I know random facts and fun facts about the last 5000 years, with huuuuuge gaps in between. However half the time I forget half of it and just sort of make shit up. Luckily I'm not friends with anyone who actually studied history.

>yes i religiously listen to Hardcore History how did you know

Western European History from Antiquity to Age of Discovery is most based period

for me, it's the mongol empire.
god I wish i was related to gemghis khan. the greatest man to ever live.

>not medieval europe, samurai and vikings and greece
Dumb retard

But I don't care about WWII. I like Ancient Greece, Egypt, Rome, Mesopotamia, Medieval Europe, the Reinaissance, that stuff. However, I know very little since I don't know what books to read (I took the other path and all my time is numbers and such). Does anyone have any good recs on the above subjects? The Napoleonic Wars are interesting to me too. Also Pirates and Byzantium.
Is that a good youtube chanel or something?

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I'm partial to the Meiji period myself

>Three Kingdoms China
>Sengoku Japan
>The Crusades
>Roman Empire
>World Wars

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History is toxic masculinity. We need to cancel that shit.

In fact, I rarely talk to women, tbqh.

Why did they order them by height

Ethiopia, Mali and North Africa have great history, you're just ignoring it because of muh predudice

Where my /mesoamerica/ bros at?

My specialty is the history of precolonial governance in Africa.
My thesis was the easiest four pages I ever had to write.

Sumerian chad coming through

>I'm not sure I've ever met a man

Fixed for the fucking dyke whore

what's his is history
what's missed is mystery

I'm not sure I've ever met a lesbian who wasn't seething with jealousy toward men.

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Fuck Metternich and fuck the Austrian Empire

I've met women that cared about herstory.

Have you ever met a woman that had any kind of keen and deep interest in a niche subject area?

>Being this ignorant
he obv means someone who studys subsaharan niggeroligy.
>inb4 We wuz egyptianzz.

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>"Of course we do rapresent XV, XVI and XVII centuries, it was pretty obvious "

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>Human history
>niche subject

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That's a pretty good list

Just reading books is considered an anomaly, user.

lol dumb bitch my thesis on the achaemenid empire haha

Alright, that's one down. What about the rest?

Most women have an interest in psychology

For me it's ancient Sumerian and the Annunaki

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Why is she only hanging around white guys? Racist.

i am already dead inside user

They only like gay stupid shit like astrology

dumb bitch, i worship napoleon

Which Napoleon?

That's funny because it's true lmao

My cousin goes nuts for ancient SEA kingdoms, like Burma and shit

>she doesn't know about the finno-korean hyperwar.
Why do we consider women human?

>it's a /poltv/ gets triggered by a literal who's tweet episode

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What's wrong with being interested in ancient rome? It was pretty based.

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if by great you mean despicable, yes

has he ever seen a ruby the size of a tangerine

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I meant like a niche part of human history brainlet.
Maybe if they are doing a psychology course, otherwise this isn't true at all.

The anglometer reads 15000 bongs from this post.

Man I used to have a whole set of books with this kind of stuff in it that got lost in a move, feels bad man.

Sorry that was a typo. I meant to say Nobunaga.

1st of course. 3rd was a loser

spotted the pathetic anglo lmao.
read about the 100 days and weep, you pathetic nigger - when a divine man singlehandedly conquered France without firing a single shot

it's crazy how little most people know about the eurasian steppe when it has been responsible for so much of mankind's development, be it metallurgy or horse husbandry or trading caravans.

>horse husbandry
don't tell me they're makin the animals gay nowadays

>tfw someone tells you they're a goth and you ask "which goth, visigoth or ostrogoth?"

I've known plenty of weeaboo and gamer girls who actually cared about weebshit and games. Lots of music buffs too. They only exist in real life though, not on Twitter/Faceberg/instakike.

If someone makes a post on public social media broadcasting how much they love something you can rest assured they don't give a shit and just want attention.

For me, it’s Russian history 1900-1924


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Prehistory > History

For me it's renissceannce italy and mongolia

Sorry I'd study the history of the Ngubu kingdoms but they never wrote anything down.

>complains about men being interested in history
>turns around and talks about serial killers all day
Women are trash

i feel like most Buffians are civil war fans (though thats probably just in America...not sure where this person is from)

>for that war was indeed the most kino war.
More like an extermination that got out of hand. The Soviet-Afghan war, now that's some kino

because that's how it's done in the army

>This set the stage for the last conflict in the Napoleonic Wars, the defeat of Napoleon at the Battle of Waterloo, the second restoration of the French kingdom, and the permanent exile of Napoleon to the distant island of Saint Helena, where he died in May 1821.
good thing we already know how it ends, yank

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and then immediately lost it all again

My favorites are the westernization of East Asia and the bronze age civilizations, especially in Mesopotamia.

Not that I'm hugely well informed about either, just the ones I tend to gravitate towards when I read the occasional history book or watch a lecture.

I definitely see WW2 stuff the most when it comes to popular history shit. The History Channel is basically 90% "Hitler's Secret X" stuff these days, that and stolen Discovery shows.

If a girl is into "history" it's always fucking Egypt and even then it's just about the Gods

Good points but the Goths are from Sweden originally and then Germany/Poland before migrating away from the Huns, who were from the steppe

and other than my gf, ive never met a girl who has even looked up a wikipedia article for the cliff notes version of a historical event, let alone read a history book for fun.

luckily, i dont let my limited personal experiences dictate my view of an entire gender of billions of people.

Better than sjw revisionist shit. I wish I knew a qt into hieroglyphics

i'm not sure i've ever met a woman who says she's a "history buff"

visigoths lived in western europe

There has never been an accurate film produced about classical antiquity. From Gladiator to Spartacus, every film is so far far off tat it may as well be modern mythology.

ah i see a man of culture

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Lumping classical Rome into WW2 autism is not fair.

i've never heard a girl claiming to be an anything buff, but if they did, their area of knowledge would be more narrow.
plus, it'd be impossible to be a "buff" across all history. i don't want to be a buff on chinese history or african history. the country was shit until white people gave them access to not shit.

You mean Jason and the Argonauts wasn't a documentary?

>let's conquer europe for no reason BASED
he was basically muhammad but not kebab

Most people aren't even well informed in the vietnam war.
If you ask the average Murrican they'll tell you North Vietnam beat the US which is completely false and ignorant of the factors that led to the US pulling out of 'Nam

>which is completely false

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>trying to dab on ancient china
they were equivalent to Rome with their level of innovation, philosophy and civilisation

They want that big Anubis cock

>which is completely false and ignorant of the factors

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Why is the capital of South Vietnam now named after the leader of North Vietnam?

They might have "originated" in Sweden at one point, same like the Vandals(maybe), but I think to call them Swedish is a bit disingenuous and more just wish fulfillment of the romantic nationalists.

>this entire post

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>Bruh, lets use paper for windows. I hope it doesn't rain!

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I'm interested in finnish history as well

I like the juxtaposition of old and new, and although modern Japan is still a bit like that, I think it really peaked with the Meiji era when they moved from a feudal, almost medieval society to a modern one in a single person's lifetime. Like this woodblock painting depicting the Russo-Japanese war.

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Yeah both are from Sweden, and I didn't call them Swedish

American Revolution and Civil War are two of particular interest for me. Also, biblical chronology.

>WW1 best WW

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If you don't prefer WW2 at 15 you have no heart.

If you don't prefer WW1 at 25 you have no brain.

My point is more that that development happened after they lost their pre-Swedish identity and were a complete different people.

Hollywood hasn't done anything worthy of the term epic since lotr, if im being generous with the term.

Russian Empire is kino, right?

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Greek, Chinese, Russian as well, but those are all interesting histories as well because there is so much information about them to learn and so much happened and was written about, that is why people are interested in those kinds of histories. I don't know why WWII would be a comparable history to the entire Roman empire though, they could have just been watching a lot of the history channel if they only know WWII.

I only care about genetic history now. Whiteoids destroyed the beautiful original European civilization by spreading the plague, raping innocent women and killing children. Of course we will never get a film about this tragic event because whitoids dominate the industry.

>I don't know why WWII would be a comparable history to the entire Roman empire though,
Probably has something to do with the scope of the conflict

>>By 4300–4200 BCE Old Europe was at its peak. The Varna cemetery in eastern Bulgaria had the most ostentatious funerals in the world, richer than anything of the same age in the Near East. Among the 281 graves at Varna, 61 (22%) contained more than three thousand golden objects together weighing 6 kg (13.2 lb). Two thousand of these were found in just four graves (1, 4, 36, and 43). Grave 43, an adult male, had golden beads, armrings, and rings totaling 1,516 grams (3.37 lb), including a copper axe-adze with a gold-sheathed handle.1 Golden ornaments have also been found in tell settlements in the lower Danube valley, at Gumelniţa, Vidra, and at Hotnitsa (a 310-gm cache of golden ornaments). A few men in these communities played prominent social roles as chiefs or clan leaders, symbolized by the public display of shining gold ornaments and cast copper weapons.

>>Thousands of settlements with broadly similar ceramics, houses, and female figurines were occupied between about 4500 and 4100 BCE in eastern Bulgaria (Varna), the upland plains of Balkan Thrace (KaranovoVI), the upper part of the Lower Danube valley in western Bulgaria and Romania (Krivodol-Sălcuta), and the broad riverine plains of the lower Danube valley (Gumelniţa) (figure 11.1). Beautifully painted ceramic vessels, some almost 1 m tall and fired at temperatures of over 800˚C, lined the walls of their two-storied houses. Conventions in ceramic design and ritual were shared over large regions. The crafts of metallurgy, ceramics, and even flint working became so refined that they must have required master craft specialists who were patronized and supported by chiefs.

>that guy who plays HOI4 exclusively as the nazis and watched man in the high castle so now he's into eugenics and hates jews


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>Spring and autumn China

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>Between about 4200 and 3900 BCE more than six hundred tell settlements of the Gumelniţa, Karanovo VI, and Varna cultures were burned and abandoned in the lower Danube valley and eastern Bulgaria. Some of their residents dispersed temporarily into smaller villages like the Gumelniţa B1 hamlet of Jilava, southwest of Bucharest, with just five to six houses and a single-level cultural deposit. But Jilava was burned, apparently suddenly, leaving behind whole pots and many other artifacts.6 People scattered and became much more mobile, depending for their food on herds of sheep and cattle rather than fixed fields of grain.
>The cultures that appeared after about 3800 BCE did not regularly use female figurines in domestic rituals, no longer wore copper spiral bracelets or Spondylus-shell ornaments, made relatively plain pottery in a limited number of shapes, did not live on tells, and depended more on stockbreeding. Metallurgy, mining, and ceramic technology declined sharply in both volume and technical skill, and ceramics and metal objects changed markedly in style. The copper mines in the Balkans abruptly ceased production; copper-using cultures in central Europe and the Carpathians switched to Transylvanian and Hungarian ores about 4000 BCE, at the beginning of the Bodrogkeresztur culture in Hungary

I would say Americans tend to be more into the Civil War. To the point everything that has ever happened anywhere gets compared to Gettysburg, Shiloh or Antietam.

I am really interested in Roman history but then Romans founded the place I grew up in, so it is local history to some extent, albeit distantly removed.

What she is really moaning about is "the valorisation" of the history of great empires and kings etc. Female historians tend to go vertical rather than horizontal; the history of servants, the history of pregnancy, the history of medicine that kind of thing. In the UK they took over the syllabus and boys stopped studying history more or less overnight as a result. I think Gove might have corrected it of late.


>“We are faced with the complete replacement of a culture,” the foremost expert on Eneolithic metallurgy E. N. Chernykh said. It was “a catastrophe of colossal scope … a complete cultural caesura,” according to the Bulgarian archaeologist H. Todorova.9

>At Hotnitsa on the Danube in north-central Bulgaria the burned houses of the final Eneolithic occupation contained human skeletons, interpreted as massacred inhabitants. The final Eneolithic destruction level at Yunatsite on the Balkan upland plain contained forty-six human skeletons. It looks like the tell towns of Old Europe fell to warfare, and, somehow, immigrants from the steppes were involved. But the primary causes of the crisis could have included climate change and related agricultural failures, or soil erosion and environmental degradation accumulated from centuries of intensive farming, or internecine warfare over declining timber and copper resources, or a combination of all these.10

>In the Balkans, a well-cultivated, densely populated landscape occupied since the earliest Neolithic, no permanent settlements can be dated between 3800 and 3300 BCE. People probably still lived there, but herds of sheep grazed on the abandoned tells.

Will whitoids pay for their crimes?

I wonder what happened in pre-Colonial Africa and the Americas besides "there were a bunch of tribal wars"

You guys should have written stuff down.

Bantoids raped everything South of the equator.

People didn't write stuff down until they had beasts of burden that made trading a worthwhile proposition. That's the americas' excuse at least.

My sides

Do you exclusively associate with high school drop outs? Most people I meet that are informed on any part of history that isn't the brain dead high school shit are women, excluding people in the local history faculties.

I read history at Oxford and the course was split about 50-50. It's one of the most consistently gender balanced courses at all levels of the discipline.

If they were so advanced why did they get slaughtered by brutes? Lmao

Whats wrong with the Roman empire

Scholars of horn African history get loads of pussy

Art History and it's always Impressionism.

There's nothing wrong with eugenics desu


This is objectively correct

>for no reason
Ah yes the peaceful Europe that simply wanted to peacefully wipe France off the map
Fuck off nigger.

holy kek aussies dethroned

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Horses, plague or the fact that the brutes were 10 cm taller.

She may be retarded, historically illiterate, and an insufferable dumb pseud but she's right on that account
I've never seen anyone claiming to be a history buff that wasn't a retarded pseud.

History doesn't require formal education, most history autodidacts are men I would assume.

haha that's why they needed all that faggy jewelry

They knew bitches weren't shit and that it's not gay sex and long as you're on top, the two facts women worry about men finding out more than anything

Most autodidacts are men in general

I dated a girl with a bachelors in American History but I find that subject boring so we never talked about it much.
We had like one conversation on the scramble for africa and one on early post mandate Israel (because Exodus was on mad men kek) in the like year and some change we were seeing each other.


>meet qt American girl
>talk to her about where she is from
>she is from Philly
>read the federalist papers twice
>loves the 1812 war
>knows the Gettysburg address down pat
>has photos of the liberty bell and tells me of how she went to Temple and tutored English and history
>loved growing up in Philly and all the history there

She taught me a lot. Kinda intimidating

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They are the reason why Europe did not develop an early civilization. Before 4000 BC South East Europe had advanced metallurgy, big houses, big settlements (50-200 houses, sometimes more), beautiful pottery.

After this time period it all disappeared and all we got were villages with 10 houses max.

>Peak civilization couldn't domesticate horses and lost to 'brutes' who could
Damn unlucky I guess

Yeah true, the most knowledge I've seen an average woman pick up on their own usually relates to some form of cosmetics

If a woman ever brain-mogs you on a particular subject just bring up the 10-15 other subjects you SHOULD have more information about than her.

insecure lmao

>mfw manlets haven't learned for over 5000 years

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Nah she's cute and I don't care enough about mgtow shit I'm not an incel. She hates boomers so that was fun to laugh about.

Have sex incel

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Never understood these arguments honestly, you're talking about an isolated group who used their advanced metallurgy to make jewelry, they would have been overrun by some other group at some point if it wasn't for whitey

You guys are right women find it really attractive when they're dating a guy dumber than them

What a buffoon you are

This is a christian dad joke not a lol woman? joke

>everyone I talk to I'm trying to fuck

Geeze she's my sister's friend. No wonder you're an incel.

>couldn't domesticate horses
It's hard to domesticate horses if they are extinct. Horses generally survived only on the Eurasian steppes.

Indus Valley, Iran, Babylonia, Egypt, Oxus... all advanced civilizations got later conquered or destroyed by descendants of those brutes. Nomads are just stronger than settled people. Today nearly all of Eurasia speak languages of various nomads and languages of creators of first civilizations are all extinct.

Met a guy who did a PhD in ancient coins at a job interview and he was applying for the same job and I only had a degree, he was a turbo sperg and could only talk about coins and you guessed it roman coins

>tfw no Victorian royal GF to rule the country with
I want to go back..

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They weren't really isolated. All of the Balkan region was connected and some of their products reached even North Europe.

If you want a very isolated highly advanced culture that was completely annihilated then Israeli Ghassulians are a good example. They were by far the best metallurgists in copper age world and their culture was entirely replaced.

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for me it's mostly wh40k lore

my speciality is the first crusade, particularly the peasents crusade

>It's hard to domesticate horses if they are extinct. Horses generally survived only on the Eurasian steppes.

Wrong for various reasons, mostly pic related but also the fact that any early human group would have been exposed to some variant of early horses, this includes african's who never domesticated the zebra either.

>Today nearly all of Eurasia speak languages of various nomads and languages of creators of first civilizations are all extinct.

Yeah because the original creators were btfo by whitey, yeah most of Europe still speaks descendant languages of their original civilizations.

>He talks to women not wanting to fuck them
Cringe, but I guess it makes sense because you've actually learned from speaking to a woman. How does the left side of the bell curve feel?

They were isolated from large scale conflict evidently.

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They're not actually interested in history, they're just dumb roasties filling easy credits so they can fuck college Chads

Acquire coitus

The Donald

Just stating facts dirty femcel

>btfo by whitey
I'm talking about Arabs and Turks, who also replaced languages of more advanced civilizations.

And why are you posting this picture? Horses were domesticated quite late and there were no horses in the Middle East, Anatolia or South Europe in the Neolithic (when people who domesticated all other animals came there). It's like saying, while people didn't domesticate zebras before they moved out of Africa.

>They were isolated from large scale conflict evidently.
I don't think you realize what you're talking about. What large scale conflict? Most of the world was in the stone age? Sumerians weren't even a thing yet.

What kind of a person types this shit without stopping even for a second to think what the fuck they're saying

*dabs on dead GIs*

Same. Again. Acquire coitus

>how she went to Temple and tutored English and history
Know what a jewish girl says on her wedding night?
That's the last blowjob I'll ever give!!!

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I meant Temple University she is Jewish tho and loves A Christmas Story

Oxford isn't some bumfuck Alabama community college. It doesn't have credits or affirmative action. In the UK you don't study anything not related to your chosen course, you pick a subject and study it. It's one of the Top 5 universities in the world and one of the hardest to get in to, with 20+ applicants for every place. I can assure you they weren't there by accident.

Hey, I'm an History Buff and I can offer a proper opinion on every British king since William the Conqueror. And I'm not even British

And carefully explain why France is too big to exist and is responsible for everything bad in the Western civilization

Richard III did nothing wrong.

In my first post I was responding to some mutt crying about whitey ruining peak civilization so I assumed you were also talking about that.

Posting this picture because there were lots of horses in the world so saying that one group had horses and the other didn't is the equivalent of saying on group was retarded and the other wasn't.

>and there were no horses in the Middle East, Anatolia or South Europe in the Neolithic
Literally any source for this? I've seen horse migration maps which show them entering northern Europe around 10 million years ago and southern migrations wouldn't have been improbable in the following 9.9 million years.

>Oxford doesn't have affirmative action

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>my expertise in history you ask?
>international relations in Europe from 1848 to the 1920 crisis

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/his/ in a nutshell


JFC have sex

>the virgin WW2 and Roman Empire
>the CHAD WW1 and Roman Republic

By the time when people started domesticating animals horses survived only in Iberia, Siberia and Western steppes.
>and southern migrations wouldn't have been improbable in the following 9.9 million years
Most horses were hunted to extinction. Today wild horses don't exist anymore, turned out that even the Przewalski's horse is a feral domesticated horse.


Post-colonialism Africa is actually a beautiful nightmare of coups, ethnic struggles and wars that got out of hand.

Nigerian and Congolese history alone are fascinating.

Its just a fact. If these colleges were actually admitted based on merit there wouldn't be any women there. Its just a scam to steal government money

>t. Optimate

You posted the wrong picture user.

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Plantagenets a shit

>tfw reading a summary of the rwandan genocide and finding out that it led directly led to the deadliest war since ww2

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The hunting to extinction happened in North America roughly 10,000 years ago, we're talking about southern Europe and the ME here. This isn't to say that other groups didn't hunt horses to near extinction but that would make them part of the retard group. Also wild horses still exist.

Based. Tudor is the best Dynasty

It's not that great

>Guys, ghosts!

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Nothing but respect for my emperor

I'm working on a PhD in History, so I dearly hope so, or else the last 10 years and $200,000 was for nothing.

>Oxford isn't some bumfuck Alabama community college
No, it's worse.

>Also wild horses still exist.
Not true wild horses. All the "wild" horses today are descended from domesticated ones.

>tfw too predudiced to care about mud huts

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>the virgin WW2 and Roman Empire
>the CHAD WW1 and Roman Republic
>the THAD Napoleonic Wars and REGNVM ROMANVM

>knowing nothing about the Peloponnesian War

workless shits

>woman says she’s a history buff
>literally only cares about art history and women’s history
>makes up things women did in history to make women seem relevant
>hates discussing any wars because talking about thousands of men dying horribly doesn’t jive well with the “all men were/are privileged” narrative
Literally every time.

bbg (based bonbi guy)

I mean, sure? That's a pretty selective use of the term wild in my opinion, but I can see the distinction.

You don't know any women incel stfu

If you weren't retarded you'd know someone else built pyramids before the Egyptians.

I take history courses in uni and the classes are split down the middle and every woman (including the professors) are like that. Wanna try again?

>listening to a radio podcast about history
>it's about queen Zenobia
>first half hour is OK, clench my buttcheeks to get through the "muh powerful woman" parts, all in all it's still pretty informative
>Suddenly some old cunt starts talking
>as much as the previous hosts were talking about the geopolitics of Syria at the time, she does a complete 360 turn
>keeps rambling about how "beautiful, intelligent, and atheltic" Zenobia was
>Discussion devolves into an argument on whether or not it was normal for women at the time to ride stallions
>one direct quote, shit you not: "Well, I mean, she got to be engaged to a powerful roman statesman", I think it's safe to assume she was beautiful, intelligent and atheltic"
>Rest of the podcast turns to shit
Fuck this, I'm going back to Kings and Generals.

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Here's an interesting one: anyone else interested in how Hollywood tells history? It's the focus of my PhD, how historical narratives are adapted to screen and what kind of histories they are trying to tell, be it glorifying aspects of the past like Saving Private Ryan and how it tells WWII, or revisionist histories like Mary Queen of Scots and how that movie made Mary into a modern feminist icon.

>History buff being interested in interesting parts of history
What the fuck

>Kushite Kangdom: 8th c. BC
>Egyptian Pyramids: 15th c BC
That's not even mentioning the Mastabas, which were built prior to that. Nice try faggot, but you are actually talking to people who know their shit. Go back to your hugbox threads on /his/, you worthless cunt.

I don't have too. Incredibly creepy hovering incel. Aussie to boot. Kys.

I like the turn of the 20th century period, right before the world wars. It was basically the height of Western civilization in terms of global dominance.

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preach nigga, it waz da kangz
they levitated the bricks with mind magic and sheet, nigga

>ywn get drunk on absinthe with your slacker artist friends in a lewd cabaret in Paris after watching an automobile show on a Saturday


hey bitch I got two rivers for you

s m h dum bitch probably can’t even read cunnyform
poke my blunted stylus inta that wet clay I tell you what bake that bitch like a motherfucker
bitch ima do you like enkidu the wild man till you bitin them sheets sayn UR UR URRRRR GIMME SUMERRRRRR
bitch I ain fuck around im legit like Hammurabi, stick it far like Ishtar, when we done y’all gon look down tween ya legs and say damn son thas a mesapotamia

but if you done getcha babylon bitch consida me gone

That sounds like something you could do today.

For me, it's Central European history from the 14th to 18th century

Not while wearing one of those baller top hats I couldn't

Truly the last one

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napoleon dragged french soldiers through african shitholes, let them die, and replaced them with niggers and arabs

With your pharmacy prescribed amphetamines too

Who else here is unironically fascinated by contemporary middle eastern politics?

I actually quite enjoy pre-colonial African history.

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for me its the crusades, but only the ones /ourlads/ win

>singlehandedly conquered France without firing a single shot
That's not difficult user.

the 4th?

So, just that one, then?

>how to spot historylets


>How to spot frogs

so one of them

Being friends with women is literally the easiest way to get laid


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>when he says he's into Three Kingdoms China, but all he's done to "study" it is watch Three Kingdoms (2010) and Red Cliff (John Woo) along with playing a couple of videogames

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The thing that triggers me most is most 3k media go up to the Zhuge liang dying and it ends there.

Like they completely gloss over the sima clan establishing Jin and running over everyone else due to them sucking ass.

>not counting the fourth where we jack it in to fuck the byzantines
>not counting the mad lads minor crusaders where they grab a bit of treasure then fuck off sharpish
nah give our boys some credit

>clings to problematic and flawed measures of intelligence in a populace
Keep worrying about your curves m8 that's the only curves you will be on. Impressive autism about horses too. I know a horse girl I could put in a good word.

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>Have female friends
>Go to parties with them
>Other girls see the positive attention she gives you
>They are now more open to you
read a book and for the love of god have sex

I'm not sure I've met a woman who says she's a history buff without it being recent fake history

Does 2010 have enough Sima Yi to satisfy you, or is it still missing too much?

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>live in european colony
>history majors are most familiar with euro events


>"The wheel was barely used, with the exception of the Horn of Africa, in Sub-Saharan Africa well into the 19th century but this changed with the arrival of the Europeans."
>"Various Southern African Bushmen tribes have not discovered fire to this very day".
It's all so tiresome.

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>t. wishful thinking
Showing up at a party with nothing but female friends is the safest way to be branded as a faggot by both the male and female participants.

>meet a guy
>try to bond over War & Peace
>ask him if he's seen the War & Peace miniseries from the BBC
>he thinks I mean the 2016 BBC miniseries and not the 1972 BBC miniseries with Anthony Hopkins

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They're both classic in their own way

>lesbian mothman has trouble meeting interesting, well read people

>not the 60s soviet film series
stupid thot

If everyone there is 15 or sub 100 iq sure. You could also try looking like a man.

>wow... hes literally me

>he thinks Oxford is full of 'le epic geniuses'

My mum went to Oxford and her life is a joke lmao she has a NEET for a son and I make sure to remind her what a failure she is every day.

>Oxford doesn't have affirmative action

And females are only interested in the hololcaust and negros were kangz

well fuck, if only I had thought about that before


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based karmic retribution failure user

You don't have friends or go to parties. How would you know anything? Clubs and bars literally prioritize the hypergamy dynamic so you are high value if you are actually let in. Girls are programmed for this dynamic when you go out.

>guy doesn't even know about the Soviet War and Peace film series by Sergei Bondarchuk
>he keeps talking about Bondarchuk's Waterloo instead

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>"Yeah, I'm a total history buff!"
>"I just love the French Revolution, it's so cool!"
>"I wish I could go back in time and meet Oscar François de Jarjayes!"

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I knew you had never gone to a club after the second buzzword you used. But you do you, faggot

>white guy says he’s a huge history buff
>he doesn’t say his main focus is the suffragette movement, instead says something about beezanteens or something
Fucking stupid white guys. Why do they hate women? The suffragette movement is easily the most fascinating, relevant and morally superior movement in history but literally NO white guys care about it because they hate women.

I know it makes me a mega pleb but I find history so dull.
I don't know if it's my shit tier imagination or my highschool history lessons just watching some brummy cunt write on a blackboard.
Some of my friends are really into anything with a military/war aesthetic and I don't get the appeal.

Anyone remember a moment in their life that really sold them on history?
I would like to try and broaden my interests but don't know how to get into it.

>Gets their history spoonfed to them by a miniseries and attempts to claim any level of superiority
Yikes from me diggity dawg

>What kind of a person types this shit without stopping even for a second to think what the fuck they're saying
The kind of person who is y-chromosome deficient.

Well obviously I'm not going to talk about books on Yea Forums. I'm going to shitpost about movies and TV shows like we're supposed to. Get off your high horse.

>have female friends
>we are at 'capacity'
>you girls are okay tho not you dudes no sausagefest
>he with you girls?
>okay ur good
>get into venue where 80 20 is actually really enforced
>thanks frens
I had to spell that out for you incel. Keep learning cool history facts tho

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Are you me?

Most people learn history as a periphery, you pick up on history from learning about philosophy, politics, genetics, and probably a quite a few more areas.


Nah, it was Company of Heroes.

>not being able to appreciate both history and the multiple adaptations on War and Peace, each with their own strengths and weaknesses

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That doesn't mean they're interested. Most likely they do it because the English majors are full and they don't possess the quant skills to do STEM or even economics.

Speaking of STEM I see a shit lot of Asians do engineering and yet when they graduate most of them move to work at a bank or some other business matter that doesn't need any use of engineering. What you major in doesn't mean you really are interested in it.

I focused my studies around the 20th Century - mainly postwar material, I wasn't much of a WWII-boo

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>he's still hung up on the "you need to be accompanied by girls to enter a club"
>t. countryside mutt that only goes into the city on weekends
If you are well dressed and not completely shitfaced by the time you reach the entrance there is no trouble in entering a club even if you are a bunch of dudes. Alternatively what the bouncer will do is ask you questions about who is mixing that day and if you know a slither of shit you'll be able to answer and they'll let you in. I get that your only experience with these things is hearsay and cliches but real life isn't a 2000s sitcoms, faggot, try going out more. Or maybe don't look like a smelly faggot and you'll be good.

>where the 80/20 is actually enforced
But you're clearly a homosexual so why would you want this?
Did I say I didn't appreciate it? No, but it's quite literally the easiest way to spot a pleb.

russian history is pretty fucking epic

>ctrl F
>bronze age
my nigga

Ancient North Africa is in the eurosphere of history so nobody is to prejudiced to talk about that

late antiquity and byzantine empire here

for me.. it's the normans

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>says I'm still hung up
>projects and types paragraph with asspain FAGGOT FAGGOT
Places here are actually discerning and packed. And girls like to move venues. Stay mad incel
I wish. Gay clubs are banging and relatively cheaper.

>trying to bond over War and Peace
And when did I say that you should be using "miniseries" to spoonfeed you real history? None of the posts you quoted even implied that.

>muh projecting FAGGOT FAGGOT
>Gay clubs are banging and relatively cheaper.
God damn it, user

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stopped reading

Early Islamic history is anti-kino. Don't fall for it.
>set during the rise of Mohammad but they're not allowed to show Mohammad
>ostensibly about Omar's leadership of the Muslims, but he spends 1/3rd of the show fighting against the Muslims
>10 episodes of "I must force myself to fight those honorable Muslims because I am bound to my dishonorable allies!"

Happy Ramadan, lads.

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that explains it

>never domesticated the zebra

Because they sucked as an animal to domesticate. They had a herd mentality with no one zebra being the head unlike horses that lived in family units. So take over the lead male horse and you control the whole unit.

>not enjoying all of history
That said, there's nothing wrong with people focusing on certain periods, and acting like enjoying learning about 2 of the most major periods in world history is bad is retarded

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>Fahrenheit 451 is alt-right

wtf? the whole story is about all media being controlled and the government telling us what to think and feel.

Quite literally false on every point


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In all honesty I would make a cute twink. Love pussy too much tho. If she knows a bit of history even better

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I don't think that's true

Don't think too much about it, these are the same people who think the okay-hand sign is an alt right hate gesture

tamed =/= domesticated

that's clearly a horse with a zebra hide on it.

I like the American colonization too.True story of Conquest of New spain Is a amazing book.

If alt-right/neo-nazi types insist on throwing up the Okay when they do their shit, should we not point out that it's been co-opted?

Symbols get co-opted all the time. 100 years ago, the swastika used to be a symbol of peace.

But there's a lot of people who are SO INTO WW2 HOLY SHIT but actually don't know anything outside of songs by Sabaton and cawodooty.
Never met a roman history nerd tho.

the process of taming an animal and keeping it as a pet or on a farm.

I know what you think though, you think that selective breeding is a key part of domestication, it's not. Domestication leads to selective breeding because it's much easier to breed certain pre-domesticated animals. Either way, you're a retard.

Do we tell him?

>There are people posting in this thread RIGHT NOW who read Guns, Germs, and Steel and actually thought anything said in it was true

>ask you questions about who is mixing that day
What kind of sphinx 3 riddle secret password world do you live in? And Enid Blyton story? Have sex

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We're past bump limit. You can get away with saying whatever edgy thing you feel like saying, and the mods won't touch you because the thread will archive before they see it.

Please do.

it's common practice, what the fuck

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>Why yes, I am an avid connoisseur of Japanese film history, how can you tell?

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Rashomon, Seven Samurai, Yojimbo... the list could go on!

I'd laugh, but my department head rattled off his Kurosawa rankings the first time we talked.

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He listed Ikiru at the top, right?


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Throne of Blood, actually (he's a big Shakespeareboo)

The best Kurosawa movie is Dersu Uzala

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That would be Anne Frank pregnant from a confederate soldier.