What's the movie equivalent of a shoegaze song...

What's the movie equivalent of a shoegaze song? I want something ethereal and trippy that makes me cry because i never had teenage love.

Attached: Rachel Goswell.jpg (770x714, 73K)

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Lost in Translation. Kevin Shields even did the soundtrack.

Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind

rachel goswell is mommy tier

Damn, I was going to say this. City Girl is a great song.

She gave birth to a kid with CHARGE syndrome. Cursed genetics, dont breed.

>muh teenage love
Just fuck a 16 year old and be done with it you autist.

just watch the opening of friday night lights. used to be my bake off ritual

i wish it were that easy senpai

>Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind
Isn't that a shitty comedy?
Also best shuGhazi coming through

Wait wait wait
>Bake off ritual

How often did you find yourself in a bake off user?

Eternal Sunshine is absolute post breakup soul crushing kino

>I want something ethereal and trippy that makes me cry because i never had teenage love.
Bridge to Terabithia

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Nah fuck you, i know how that ends

humanity has travelled to space, your petty ambitions are nothing

true, im gonna go have sex with a big titted legal teen now

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if you’re crying over “teenage love” you’re a handicapped fucking retard with the emotional depth of a spoon.

>made by Sofia Coppola

>pleb genre
>pleb film

>that makes me cry because i never had teenage love.
get over yorself pussy ass nigga

Mumblecore crap

Shoegaze is the most boring fucking genre, so probably transformers.

>tfw had sex with a 16 year old heroin addict
>tfw she passed out halfway through because of the smack
felt amazing though

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i live in Russia, this is common practice

Nah, they're more like Eraserhead. Boring and pretentious but no one is brave enough to admit it.

do you guys have trannies in russia?
that country has very high suicide rates and trannies always have a foot in the graveyad...
idk i was just thinking about that yesterday

You are better off without teenage love. Teenagers are stupid and love is serious commitment so you can probably see how thats a bad combination.

>Isn't that a shitty comedy?

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I tried to watch eternal sunshine of a spotless mind but I couldn't stand the female. As soon as she opened her mouth I hated her.

>teenage love is stupid lol
>btw I've been kissed, had sex, and am on my third serious relationship

normalfags sincerely need not apply

Teenage love is a disaster. Teenagers are selfish retards.

It’s a carefree love that’s essential to core social development. There will never be another time in life for love like it.

Iv you have never kissed a girl you are probably better off than most that have.

Someone never had a teenage girlfriend. The fucking drama and inevitable breakup. Tearing your retarded teenage heart in half over nothing. God I hate teenagers. My teenage self included.

I find that Mysterious Skin has a very ethereal feel to it, also slowdive, ride and Cocteau twins are on the soundtrack

enjoy your aids

>It’s a carefree love
teenage life is never carefree

Believe it or not you’ll miss it and it only gets worse.

Na. I'm on track for everything life promises. Just have to avoid getting murdered or cancer. Let's see what happens.

If I could go back in time to my teenage self I would advise him to just slap the shit out of teenage women and dump them.

who dis

play Life is Strange

that's more midwest emo than shoegaze

compared to adult life and relationships it very much is carefree.
The depth of teenage love is "he/she is cute", you flirt with them in class and then ask them to prom. That's about it. No commitments, no compromise, no nothing.

>i live in NSAland, this is common practice

That's weird, because esotsm is the only thing I can watch with Kate Winslet in.

lost river

there's probably nothing else to do in russia except that and prostitution

Yeah, because everyone posting on 4channel actual turned up to the prom, lmfao.

What does tv think about this movie? Feels like something I've seen a hundreds times before. I can't figure out how dishonest it is. Try hard movie from a film school numale or actual kino?

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The people logging shit only care if you steal their money or threaten the status quo. They dont care if we murder each other.


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Blue Valentine
Like Crazy
Take This Waltz

Yes this looks like teenage love. Meaningless, overly emotional and boring when looked back at with a critical eye.


yeah no shit

She looks like I couldn't be in the same room as her without wanting to kill her.

She looks like 90% of her snap stories is lip syncing shitty ass rap

it's shitty if you expect a comedy, I'll give you that.

that's derivative garbage

you might try wings of desire, and mood indigo

you mean rape, right

this. not played the sequels but the original was kino in game format. almost jerked a tear at the end

Shoegaze is the most onions genre ever conceived. It's the Mulholland Drive of music.

Says the fresh off the boat redditor who can't even get around a word filter.
Go back.


Dazed and Confused

Then what is it?

Strike a nerve friend? Go put on some MBV and crywank about "muh feels".

absolutely cringe if u think shoegaze is pleb genre,film is shit 100% though

Wristcutters: A love story
Science of Sleep

>gets called out for being an obvious fetusfag
>D-did I strike a nerve?
No one wants you here.

>As a result, males with CHARGE syndrome are often born with an unusually small penis (micropenis) and undescended testes (cryptorchidism)

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Lost in Translation is a good choice. Also if you like shoegaze you should listen to this EP youtu.be/caruzKm1-xY