Should I give The Wire another chance? About two years ago I tried to watch but I found boring as hell

Should I give The Wire another chance? About two years ago I tried to watch but I found boring as hell

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How far did you get in to it? If you quit after 1 episode I can understand. If you got halfway thru S1 and quit then you're just a pleb and should go watch paint dry.

Nah there probably is Fast and Furious 11 and Transformers 7 for your enjoyment

3 episodes in maybe, I don't remember

I enjoyed other HBO series on the same vein like Sopranos and Six Feet Under but for some reason The Wire didn't clicked with me

You're right on the pleb borderline. I'd say give it another shot. Also I would not say Sopranos is in the "same vein" as the Wire and certainly SFU is not

>The Wire didn't clicked with me
Any reason for this?

i tried 3 times over the years, i never made it through the pilot. fuck this shit.

Make it stop! Nobody ever shuts up about this show. It's good, but the "young, socially-conscious white liberal" set talks about it like it's The Word of God. It's funny, as they're the exact sort of people David Simon shit-talks in his books (Homicide: A Year On The Killing Streets in particular). The other vocal fan group is the people who just to watch low-rent blacks sell drugs and shoot at each other -- I find this type less objectionable, as the show basically entices everyone to be an Omar fan on some level.

What's weird about this series is its 'consistent inconsistency.' An episode can be 90% unrelieved crap, then surprise you with an amazing scene or bit of dialogue. The best parts of this series are the ones most informed by the creator's personal experience: The patrols searching for Kima after she gets shot. The district social worker absolutely failing at trying to reach a hardened 18-22 y/o gang member. McNulty's "wake" by his fellow cops after leaving the police department.

I'd recommend watching enough to get the gist of the story, but skipping the parts that you feel drag too much. The shots the editors pick in the following scenes (minus the last one, which is just a monologue) are what convinced me to bear with the series as a whole:

Only reason I watched it was because I had 3 months of unemployment between army and getting a job. If I hadn't had the time I probably would've stopped watching after a while, not because it's shit, but because I probably would've forgot about it and then suddenly I don't remember what's going on or I don't even remember where I left off and then it becomes even more boring to have to repeat something I've already watched.

I did this same thing when I watched it. Get past the first few and it really begins to move, don't worry. you probably won't stop again until
around 3rd season.

Not interesting enough to be a good drama, not realistic enough to be an intriguing cop show. Atypical pre 2005 shit tv.

The Shield is superior.


>shit tier production
>shaky cam all the time

Sorry, but I just could't get past this.

S1 gets interesting on its last 3-4 eps

S2 is a coin toss, some love it some hate it, personally the 1st time i saw it i hated it but its 10x times better on a rewatch cause u know the characters

S3 is where you get hooked

S4 is where youre addicted

S5 is where youre kinda let down but still want to see how everyone ends

So yeah its awesome, dont give up itll be worth it

You don't "get past" it. The production and shaky cam are great.

I tried watching it two or three times in the past, got about three episodes in and got distracted by something else and never carried on. I thought it was good it just didn't grab me.

Started it again about a month ago and watched the first three seasons in about two weeks, loved it, need to start season 4 soon.

>3 episodes in maybe
Watch the full first season, then decide
I also tried the wire for couple of episodes and it didn't click with me so I ditched it since I had a lot of other shit to watch, but eventually I gave it another shot and it's pretty good

If only the show in its entirety could have been as good as Season 4. It was the only season in which the writers' criticism of institutions worked well for me. I find it awkward and contrived in almost every other season, with maybe one or two exceptions.
^ This is a perfect example. It's great writing and acting, but it has no thematic subtlety. He's pretty much openly telling the whole brass to be as unethical as possible. He should be couching it in the kind of doublespeak that lots of success bureaucrats and admin people get good at. It beats the audience over the head with a message, almost as egregiously as stuff like Margin Call and The Big Short does. not good

By far the best show I've watched, but also pretty boring at times. Also every character is unlikable.

>He should be couching it in the kind of doublespeak that lots of success bureaucrats and admin people get good at.
They are cops. You don't speak doublespeak to cops, they get confused.

The Wire was everything Game of Thrones should have been.
>drama based on institutions interacting with each other in the context of a larger society
>characters are windows into a world, not necessarily there for the audience to sympathize with (compare Snoop with Arya or Brienne)
>protagonists dwell in moral grey areas, driving home the themes and philosophy of the show (McNulty is a piece of shit but we stick with him anyway; basically Tyrion without the deformity)
Unfortunately, Game of Thrones was written by idiots, but fortunately, The Wire was written by intelligent big-L Liberals.

You're probably right. Almost everybody in that room is supposed to be a careerist, though, not a 'good cop.' At least half are consistently portrayed as sharp amateur politicians with flexible morals.

mcnulty was a piece of shit but he tried to to the right thing

I didn't 'get it' for like 4 episodes but then i ended up absolutely loving it

I think it's really worth persevering based on its reputation.

The other thing is that the premise and the setup isn't all the show has. It builds and builds the entire time. Whereas most shows are basically 10 minutes that repeat endlessly. So you either like them or you don't immediately but The Wire has real depth so takes a while to get into.

and the style is kind of difficult at first, because it is quite dated. It's a real hardcore television as a writers medium type show. And all of the production is very workmanlike. Sopranos is like that too, but less so.
But the shots and the way it's made is very economical. It's not bad it's just a bit jarring.

>At least half are consistently portrayed as sharp amateur politicians with flexible morals.
Then there is hardly any reason to sugarcoat it and neither Rawls nor Burrell say anything that would implicate them. It's not a public meeting, Burrell and Rawls are not there to get their point across while somebody is watching, it's a simple declaration of what the orders are.

>every character is unlikable
bodie, danielz, jay and prez are my niggaz

Alright, you've convinced me. I retract my statement about the necessity of doublespeak and my claim that not including it works against the quality of the show

Only if you think that the cops were the good guys and you buy into the idealized notion of what a police department is supposed to do.

I know when I first started watching it, it took me a few episodes before it really got to me. I remember watching one episode here, then able to go a few days or a week before I watched another one. Then at somepoint through the first season I got hooked and was watching it daily until I finished the series.

I think part of the hump that people have to get past is that there is a huge cast of characters with many different positions and it takes a while to get acclimated to exactly who everyone is.

I only really got into it by the end of S1, then S2 I wasn't really sure up until the end and realised I loved it

>every character is unlikable.

Attached: sheeeeeeeeeeeet.jpg (500x406, 38K)

>Get on with it, motherfucker!

>imagine changing your mind on the internet

Good summary except that it's too hard on S1 which gets you hooked at around episode 4 or 5.

How much is CIA in this show? He's the only reason I'm interested in starting

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only in the last few seasons

He shows up somewhere around Season 3 iirc and sticks around till the last season

He's in it quite a bit from S3 onwards

most 'literally why' character in the whole series. what the hell were they thinking?

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at least he isnt a fag like omar

he's an accurate portrayal of new york ex thugs turned into nation of islam soldiers
he looked outlandish on purpose. organized man in a chaotic place

>muh nigga with a library card
>muh bullets of muh own design
>muh Harpers
>muh Fruit of Islam
They hyped up this urkel looking fag as a force of nature the whole season but literally the only things he does is shoot some guy in the arm with rat shot, get conned by his boss and then get btfo by omar. Shittiest character in the series, and that includes David Simons insufferable self-insert love letter to himself in s5.

But season 1 and 2 were the good ones, 3 was the start of it going downhill

Imagine being such an ADHD ridden mong

yes the wire deserves it rank - top 10, but is honestly difficult to become invested in - not until you become familiar and aware of all the central characters. Can someone do a thread for sorpranos, tried it for 1 season but gave up, the italian, mafia thing didn't click with me, perhaps because of its lack of action and intensity or just because im too young as a viewer to understand its subtlety and significance #first post