Listen. Blacks are going to number 5 billion people by 2050...

Listen. Blacks are going to number 5 billion people by 2050. We need you to at the very least accept them as your equals, and we are going to keep putting them in movies until you do. Monolithic whiteness simply cannot coexist with a world of 5 billion blacks. It simply cannot.

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Other urls found in this thread:

I'll consider this once they stop looking/behaving like monkeys

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>thinking the shithole of Africa is actually going to reach those projections before it collapses in on itself
yeah okay Chaim

Davis man here.

Poltards think we are trying to wipe our whites when we are literally just trying to prevent a race war.

It was 80 million in 1900. No one thought it would be 1 billion today.

>Goes from 80 to 1.3bil in less than 100 years

And we're supposed to think they're human beings and not animals?

It's going to be a race to starvation with climate change fucking up many traditional farmlands.

>humans aren't animals

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You might want to look up what that means

ebola and aids will take care of them

Most of those will be in Africa

Wh*toids will open their borders like the wimps they are

>Takes the word human and animal for granted and not what animal symbolizes

>Not a strawman

go away you autistic nigger

That literally isn't a strawman. A strawman is creating a position to argue against, instead of arguing against something somebody actually said
Have sex with a book

Davos* man

Guess we'll just have to purge a couple billions niggers then.

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A Strawman can be a overdone simplification of your opponents argument which is just what you did. Nigger

What I did was pedantry or what we in business refer to as light trolling


You can prevent a racewar by not flooding western countries with billions and billions of niggers

>tfw I refused all invites to see this movie out of principle

Feels good, will pirate it when a decent bluray rip comes out.

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>prevent a race war
>by flooding a country with people that have a higher propensity for violence and murder and are taught that they were oppressed by the populace of their host country and are morally justified in fighting back against them
what could go wrong?

There's nothing wrong with this. Black people are incapable of engaging in anti-social behavior without white people as a catalyst. Once white people are a powerless minority, black people's average IQ and standardized test scores are going to rise to the level of east Asians and there will be peace on Earth.

user, I don't think you realize, the race war is already here, just look at race issues today compared to 20 years ago. Also Obongo and your democratic friends were pretty much the cause for it.

What will the world look like in 2050? How can Africa sustain a population like that? Surely they’ll try and push into Europe and Asia? What would happen then? Millions of deaths?

Keep brownwashing shit all you want. I'll keep not spending any money on it. And if that means never seeing new movies I'll still go to my grave with a smile. You wont get one penny from me.

>absolute state of the US of A
get it together lads, you're making a fool of yourselves

We'll send more aid money to them and keep import more aids monkeys back home. 5 billions is fucking easy goal.

The end game of neoliberal capital seems to be to replicate what it has done to California on a nation wide scale. Crumbling infrastructure, white minority, third world slums filled with homeless people, rich white liberals living behind all white gated communities who profess a love for diversity.
Modern liberalism is reactionary and irrational. there is no point in engaging with liberals. The modern liberal is placated by capital with ideas of self esteem boosting multicultural representation in entertainment while in real life a multicultural array of homeless walk the crumbling streets. I doubt that global industrial civilization has more than a hundred years or so left before a mixture of climate change, general ecological overshoot, pollution and it's continued impact on global animal health, soil degradation, oil, clean water, and mineral scarcity, the continued ramping up of the 6th great extinction event, et al. break down supply lines and contribute to famines which lead to regional conflicts in places that will be essentially uninhabitable within a couple generations.

Its cute that even as a mentally ill troll you think the future is going to be the jetsons with niggers.

No. Its going to be more like this

The absolute fucking best thing a western country should do right now is lock up their border, change their immigration laws dramatically. And shoot anyone trying to come in.

You realize in the mass chaos there will be the rise of fascism right? Like real fascism, not this stupid shit libtards whine about where you say the word nigger. You realize when there is no food or water and the goverment refuses to prevent the niggers from crossing in its going to be spring time for hitler right?

You realize we are living in the end times and the only thing we ask, the only thing we ask, is that we have some kino movies with no niggers in them. Is it that hard?

Good thing you're right. Can you imagine what will happen if you aren't? Haha

20,000 have already died crossing the Mediterranean.

Soon to be the absolute state of EU, if not already is

Sadly, reality is more like this.

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Foreign AID to africa is responsible for dramatically increasing the black population there

Try 5 million, after we are through with you.

>implying Chinks will allow that to happen

Why do brainlet leftists constantly use this meaningless word.

There's nothing liberal about extreme corporate STATISM.

>Monolithic whiteness simply cannot coexist with a world of 5 billion blacks.

Then the world shouldn't exist either.

yes there is

>government banking is a free market because I'm retarded

nah man, the chinks are walking blindly into the largest economic collapse the world has ever seen.
I give em 10-20 years.

I forgot I posted that. I have no idea what I'm talking about.

Your expert opinion is highly valued

>5 billion blacks.

And all of civilization will collapse.

>refusing to see a children's movie out of principle
how pathetic

Sadly Africa is not the only place where blacks live

You are trying to prevent a race war by wiping out whites.

It is liberlism. We are ruled over by neoliberal capitlist.

Pol are the good guys, trump was the good guy.

Look, we have to be mean, it has to happen. We have to tell them to go back. Because in the future when the only fresh water left is owned by billionaires and corporations maybe, just maybe, reducing the nation into a bunch of different factions and tribes that all hate each other wasnt a good idea you fucking liberal piece of shit

I care about my country and people. And as far as im concerend the other people in other nations can fucking die.

Have sex you fucking loser, "your people" don't give a fuck about you. I'm assuming you're white so I say as a white guy, go fuck yourself.
inb4 you call me a Jew. We are never going back to white nationalism, accept it or die. Get it through your skull if you don't want a bullet through there instead.

>5 billion blacks


maybe if Europe and the US kept pouring aid in but the Chinks are taking their chunk of Africa now

If you think we have problems with the blacks you should hear how the Chinks talk about them

If the belt and road really gets to something resembling finished and china sinks in fangs fully into Africa then black fertility rates are going to "mysteriously" start dropping ASAP

>It is liberlism. We are ruled over by neoliberal capitlist.
No, we're not you bootlicking leftist shill.

How is central banking domination, massive government spending, corporate/state collusion, taxation, regulation "liberal" at all?

The term neoliberal makes no sense.

>I care about my country and people.
If you did you would support abolishing central banking and banning leftist/socialist political parties for good.

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Not him. Do you know where the word neoliberal comes from? Its analogous to neoconservative. Just like how neocons are liberals pretending to be conservative, neolibs are conservatives pretending to be liberals

You think you're so smart but you're actually just naive, and too proud to admit it

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I dont much care for jews

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Y'know what?! You guys SUCK!

I think huge civil wars will take place in western countries in the next 50 years


Losers with no achievements but being born white.

wow such argument, i have changed my mind, let them in, open borders for everyone

Ryan Reynolds is the most overrated dude in Hollywood. I don't hate the guy or anything, but his acting is woeful, and Deadpool is literally a movie for teenagers who like jokes about dicks, farts and shit like that. I can't believe people think it's actually a quality movie.

Kafka trap catharsis for someone overly impressed with their 110 IQ

I have an idea: How about we close our borders and stop sending retarded aid to Africa and see how they solve their own problems instead?

That's cool, but larpers like you are a tiny tiny minority. You're real tough on the internet with your talk of white ethnostates and the BLACKED Sun, but in real life you will be replaced and we WILL silence you.

That sounds fascist, mate. You sure you're working for the good guys?

why are you talking like you aren't getting replaced too? you think your community is safe from the brown horde?

Good goy...Just consume our crap and be Glad

They don't though?
You being a retard doesn't make that true.

it's funny you assume people on the internet are white if they hate black people and want a secure border

>refuse to see a movie because black protagonist
Imagine being this much of a cuck.

>. Can you imagine what will happen if you aren't?
Yep thankfully he isn't wrong and is totally right.


It's the same with communists actually - they think they're exempted from having all their property seized by the state. Cue surprised pikachu face.

>muh civilization will collapse
Kill yourself you monkey.

But being fuck is literally doing the oposite.

Yes because only white people can be so dumb.

I dont understand what to "do" if America and Europe are both becoming brown countries. Im half brown and just dont wan to be among my own kind.

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Every state is somewhat fascist. It's a broad label.
Brown horde? They're human beings with feelings and friends and families. Oh I forgot, you pathetic fucks only see pale shut-ins such as yourselves as fellow humans. To answer your question, no I don't give a fuck. I prefer the brown horde to intolerant retards obsessed with their race like you.

Keep crying bitch nigga your kind is cancer

if you believe that you must be as stupid as you look

I'm sure I'm on the side of good when the other side is talking about ethnostates and genocide as their goal.

It's way cringier to be obsessed with muh glorious white ethnostate.

t. retarded wh*toid
Kill yourself

>mfw the world would be advanced by a few decades in terms of technology if everybody were as smart and industrious as the white race

white man's burden

You fags are a minority of a minority. I wouldn't bet on any ethnostates popping up soon.

have sex

there will be an ethnostate when the whole world is brown, you moron

>>mfw the world would be advanced by a few decades in terms of technology if everybody were as smart and industrious as the Jew

Go back to /pol/ faggots

Stop being weak. The white nationalist fags on the internet will never get anywhere in life. Stop grovelling to them for their approval. I'm white and give no fucks about muh racial purity

Vacuous caricature

Yeah...DNA doesn't work like that. Arabs and Indians and even Serbs come in all shades from Aryan to chocolate.

omg you're such a good person, saving the world one post at a time

the intelligence of asians, jews and white are all good

but white people have the best soul, mind and culture

if chinks weren't soulless animals then they would be a good leader of the world, same thing with jews, if they weren't parasitic, moneygoblins they might be good too, but they are too evil

I wasn't referring to the state. I'm saying that YOU are a fascist, probably on par with the nazis and Hitler himself, or perhaps Stalin.

Please go back to r*ddit

Tell me what DNA is going to do with 5 billion blacks in the world.

Yeah we get It you are a idiot.The only good thing in this mess is knowing that retards like you getting fucked when the monkeys take over

>the intelligence of asians, jews and white are all good
No whites are too inferior to Jews/asians in intelligence
>but white people have the best soul, mind and culture
>white people
Shut up retard
>, but they are too evil
>muh ebil jews
Have sex incel.

>my country and people
The US isn’t even “your country” unless you’re a full-blooded WASP.

OMG you're so based
I'm sure posting in an anonymous chinese message board will help us in achieving our white ethnostate and stopping white genocide.

i'm not wrong, schlomo

asians are soulless animals, jews are subversive parasites

Lol nigger

The US was at its best when it was a de facto Anglo-Saxon ethnostate
Shut up Pajeet
This is the post of someone who got BTFO

>The US was at its best when it was a de facto Anglo-Saxon ethnostate
>things that never existed

i didn't advocate seeing it you're just retarded if your reasoning for not wanting to see some shitty pokemon children's movie are because of muh principles.

Stay mad cuck.

>i'm not wrong, schlomo
You're white
You're wrong by default

>Europe has always been 20% Subsaharan African! Professor Shekelkike told me so

Where the hell are you getting this idea that the west is getting flooded with blacks? Blacks are like 10% of the US population and they have below replacement level birth rates. Yeah there’s a lot of Hispanics coming in but Hispanics are a whole world different from blacks.

>Replying to this many posts at once
You sure you're not the one who's getting BTFO here, sport? A little steamed perhaps?

Yes goy...fuck principles.

>your principles are staying home from seeing a children's movie while posting on Yea Forums
again, pathetic

This but unironically.

What does it feel living in a country with blacks? I'm asian by the way.

This post illustrates perfectly why white nationalism doesn’t work. It’s inevitably going to purity spiral into WASP nationalism once you realize that not all white ethnicities are equal.

By not being American. Crossing the Mediterranean is becoming as easy as hopping the Rio Grande, ever increasing millions are doing it. It's most blatant right now in France which has frankly already become blacker than the US.

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It's hard to relax
t.South African

Literally to back to r*ddit
A constant nuisance and the death of comfiness

You didn’t answer my question.

The only purity spiraling is from (You), disingenuously

Or we can just keep having whites to preemptively please the future white minority.

>Literally to back to r*ddit
Yea Forums is a proud reddit colony you retarded newfag.

I am talking about more like in general...mostly Europe.
T.guy that travel to France in 2010 and 2016 and Saw How worse the same places i visit is getting with niggers

quantity =/= quality

Well that’s your problem, not ours.

It doesn't deserve an answer

>if not already is
it is

Yes goy the prínciples that are against our profits are bad,good goy!

not all brown ethnicities are equal either, moron.

That post literally said that the US was best as an Anglo ethnostate. If you spend enough time on online white nationalist communities you’ll see a helluva lot of unironic anti-Slav and anti-Med posting. Especially since those two groups came to the US a lot later. I’m just warning you of the dangers of this faulty “white people are all interchangeable” mentality.

Hispanics aren’t fucking black, dude.

I’m sure one single guy not paying for their movie is making those Jewish billionaire directors quake in their boots right now.

Lol faggot mad that his fantasy will never be realized. Keep dreaming of your ethnostate bro

Wrong. The number of black people are only going to go down in the coming years as more and more black women are choosing white men.

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95% D&C, regardless, you are still a stupid cuck betraying your in-group to indulge your own vanity
They're not white either, but more importantly there are going to approximately 50 trillion niggers trying to get into Europe and America in the next few decades, and I would like for the place I live to not become shitty cyberpunk Africa

based chad dabbing on cucks

This is, notably, exactly what happened in OP's example of Detective Pikachu. The protagonist isn't just black, he's mixed with a white dad.

When did we allow Hollywood to be the world's culture factory? It is time to return to the theatre and leave the filmjew be.

What does that have to do with anything? Just because glaring differences exist between races doesn’t mean they don’t exist within races as well. Different European ethnoreligious groups have a long history of not getting along with one another.

It means your utopia where rich Jews rule over a homogeneous brown mass is never going to come true, faggot.

is WB even aware that Justice Smith is the only reason why sure-fire hit like Pokemon flopped hard? whose idea it was to cast him? The movie had everything going for it except this guy and forced BMWF romance. and it tanked because of it.

Zendaya and Meghan Markle irelesly promote this .

You’re not my fucking in-group. Believe it or not you can have other identities that aren’t 100% based on your vague European ancestry.


I never claimed I wanted that, but okay.

I don't know who those are, all I know is black women are the future.

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*everyone else behaves ethnocentrically and achieves a competitive advantage over you* pssh nothin personnel

based wh*te boy

>They don't though?
LOL maybe not in your Jew movies. In real life they do

what about the wmbf romance that made him?

Burger cope. Chinks are actually smart, they are already shifting low wage production to Africa.

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As an Italian-American let me just say that Anglos and Germanics aren’t “my people” and share little to no common ethnic interests with me. So if you’re trying to unite us all or something then good fucking luck.

>muh black billions

Not happening.

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Pry yourself off of /pol/ and take a walk outside sometime.

Fuckin idiot

The biggest racists are the people who had the misfortune of growing up around niggers. t. Philadelphia

>The biggest racists are the people who had the misfortune of growing up around niggers
Nope the biggest racists are limp wrested fags like you who have never met a black person in their life.

Did you not befriend a single black person growing up? If you faced problems it’s probably just because you were a racial minority in a majority black area, not because of the black people themselves.

>Nope the biggest racists are limp wrested fags like you
Can confirm I hate niggers and have never met a single one of them in my life.

Well I hate niggers and I live in Chicago.

>Nope the biggest racists are limp wrested fags like you who have never met a black person in their life.
Hahahaha holy shit imagine actually believing this when all the most passionate antiracists congregate in Maine and Vermont

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And yet you're identified as "white" in any major city instantly by everyone and everyone's behavior shifts accordingly. You cannot opt out of the reality of ethnic self-interest being a thing, in rejecting it you're just handicapping the rest of your ethnic group to indulge your conflict aversion


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>retarded newfag still pretending to hate on our reddit bros

Based non-argument
Terrible bait

>Terrible bait
>he doesn't know
As expected of a newfag


>and yet you’re identified as “white”
So are Jews. And a lot of Hispanics and Persians. Are they white too? What people identify you as on the street doesn’t define what your interests are.

My point is that WASPs, Irish-Catholics, Italian-Catholics, Polish-Americans, etc aren’t the same and don’t have the same interests at all. They even segregate themselves into ethnic enclaves, away from other whites. Pretending they’re all “part of the same family” is just as much of a reality denial as pretending Anglos and Somalis are part of the same family.

I just don't understand how people can still find posts like OP's interesting


Niggers xD kill the Jews
Am I fitting in yet??


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Actually we'll just let the browns and blacks put bullets in your skull instead.

was offscreen so nobody was offended.

why some white people have a problem with ethnic groups identify as white? nobody in middle east thinks about themselves as not white. even sudanese arabs who are mixed with africans (but pssst don't tell them that) identify as white. nothing wrong in inflating your numbers. bigger numbers = stronger

Yeah my dick proves that lol

White people are and have been a minority on the planet since white people existed.

Absolute overachievers for their numbers. Look at Australia. Routinely sticks out world class talent in terms of sporting, science, acting/media whatever else, and they're a country with a smaller population than fucking California or some shit.

I'm Chinese btw, but we understand that white people are not bad or an enemy, they just have too much empathy. It's what makes them what they are. I believe the white skin caused them to evolve by being compassionate and huddling together communally for warmth. Whereas Blacks evolved like pack animals not much different to wolves, where they have a top down and the rest all chew at each others assholes for the scrap he throws.

We Chinese have traits of patience and learning. We evolved to be quiet in the reeds and not disturb the water, spear the fish, not charge screaming at a buffalo or use our creative minds like whites to build shelter and grow food in cold.

The future will be a Chinese White alliance. Whites need saving from themselves as they're too easy to think ill of their past and everyone exploits them for it.

Every human race has genocided and replaced another one. No one is guilt free. Whites simply cop blame right now because it's easy to and they let it happen and the world needs a scape goat. In truth, white people made this planet the best it is today, and browns and other cultures contribute to the worst of it, us Chinese included to a large degree.

But this will change. We will take Australia, New Zealand, South Pacific First. We then Take South Africa and destroy the Five Eyes. Japan becomes Servile and then Hawaii is ours. This is when it truly begins.

find love and preferably have sex

Nah, it's about 2100 their population is supposed to hit that (if things continue as they are) but it will never happen.

Blacks can't support themselves and the West can't continue to do so - it will either have to cut off aid (assuming we choose to survive) or will simply collapse if we continue letting them invade us. China and the other Asians aren't going to bail out starving Africans.

Biggest famines and mass die off in human history pretty much guaranteed by end of this century - the population of Africans that Africans can support unhelped is closer to 200m.

Not in America as long as they are using Planned Parenthood like a drive thru.

The only acceptable amount of dindus is the last digit of my post

Listen. Blacks and East Indians are going to die by the billions. Climate change will starve and drown them. If they wanna come over now, get civilized and whatnot, fine. But there wont be a world with 5 billion blacks. There simply cannot.

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Jockbros sitcoms
