According George R.R. Martin, ASOIAF will contain an epilogue in the style of the Scouring of the Shire chapter from LOTR. Do you think its going to be about Daenary's Mad King storyline from the show (since George implied Bran is still going to become the King of the Six Kingdoms in the books) or just cleaning up the mess in the aftermath of the war like Jaime in Riverrun?
According George R.R. Martin...
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Yes the burning of KL will almost certainly be Georges version of the Scouring of the Shire with the war for the dawn basically Pelennor Fields.
Since scouring is the penultimate chapter of LOTR then you can see why its the penultimate episode of the show. Whether that works for you or not is another matter
I dont see why the events will be different in the books, George said multiple times it will be the same ending for all the main characters but there will obviously be some smaller details that will change.
The whole point of the Scouring of The Shire was that killing the big bad guy didn't rid the world of evil, there were other bad guys out there that needed to be stopped. It wasn't that the good guys turned evil, or that the whole point of the story or characters was lost. That doesn't sound a lot like the ending of GOT from what was shown on tv.
>The whole point of the Scouring of The Shire was that killing the big bad guy didn't rid the world of evil, there were other bad guys out there that needed to be stopped
that's literally what happened in the show you dingus
>the White Walkers are defeated, the giant existential threat is gone
>but the mundane political war still continues
Definitely fits the theme.
Bronn jokes I hope
>George implied Bran is still going to become the King of the Six Kingdoms in the books
This it's real? please no
If the Others even are the big existential threat. When R'hllor priests do visions, Euron factors into them as the biggest threat of all rather than the Others.
No he didn't. user is talking out of his ass.
he said in interview last month that all the main characters will get the same ending as in the show
Little stuff like Brienne finishing off Jaime's page in the White Book is almost certainly George.
It will, but there will be far more context(and ideally satisfaction) around him getting the throne, and all of the events leading up to it.
The epilogue will be about how Bran is the REAL Night King
>ASOIAF will contain an epilogue in the style of the Scouring of the Shire chapter from LOTR
Of course it will
he said it wouldn't be that different from his ending not that they would be the same.
3d row has no plot or tonal similarity
honestly less jarring for me than the numerous rip offs of warcraft III, that was probably all the evidence we needed to know the NK was a dead plotline.
>Hurr durr, the show is the book!
A Song of Ice and Fire is some kind of prophecy in the books anyhow, not a history book.
>six kingdoms
the moment one kingdom was allowed to break away that was the end of it, why the fuck would any of the other kingdoms remain post-war, there's literally nothing keeping it together.
>The North
>The Riverlands
>The Vale Of Arryn
>The Iron Islands
>The Westerlands
>The Reach
>The Stormlands
>The Crown lands
There are 9 'regions' in the 7 kingdoms. There is no need to change the name with the loss of the north, even if you don't include the crownlands.
no reason to change it other than the name never making any sense because they weren't Kingdoms, only one kingdom under the monarch. But GRR Martin is a total hack whose grasp of feudal society is poorer than a 6 year olds.
>the moment one kingdom was allowed to break away that was the end of it, why the fuck would any of the other kingdoms remain
just like Brexit will crash the EU yeah?
Like that fat fuck's going to finish anymore books.
Not all of them had been independent
It was 7 kingdoms when conquered by Aegon. The Crownlands are often discounted from such counts and Dorne didn't join until relitively recently.
There's loads wrong with what happened in the show. Not least the Riverlands and the Vale wanting to split off in a union with the north and the Iron Islands wanting independence and Dornes traditional independence until literally the last scene where for some reason it's all dropped to give Salsa an empowering moment or something
>implying we'll ever see the last two books published much less an epilogue
Hi, GRRM here, I just wanted to reassure you all tha-HNNGGGG
He's also said he should be locked in a cabin if it's not out in 2020. We'll see Winds.
That's likely, but with his age and being an enormous fat cunt factored in, it's highly doubtful we'll ever see ADOS. It'll likely be a Robert Jordan situation where another author has to step in and complete the book, wouldn't be surprised if GRRM has planned for that with extensive notes in a vault.
He's pretty energetic and quick in recent interviews. Who knows. Maybe he struggled a lot of the second act and transitioning into the third and will find the finale much easier to write like ASoS. He's already said the story will contract considerably after exploding in AFfC/ADwD, so a lot of characters will meet or reunite, etc. I'm not saying we'll definitely get the series complete but you never know. I'm won't be so quick to proclaim we'll never get it is all.
>It was 7 kingdoms when conquered by Aegon
Dorne didnĀ“t join until he was already dead for centuries
There were seven kingdoms when Aegon landed since riverlands was ruled by the ironborn.
Riverland's isn't counted as a Kingdom because it didn't have its own king
That's what I said. It was part of the Iron Islands kingdom.
well not really, anons point was that entire character arcs are changed/finished in what is essentially an epilogue.
I don't agree with anti-climactic endings, frankly the dragging on of LOTR is the weakest part of the book and the movies... It should have ended with everyone bowing to the Hobbits woulda been a 10/10 kino.
jesus christ. Have sex nerds