>I saved you. I saved this city, and all your worthless lives.
>I wish I had enough poison for the whole pack of you. I would gladly give my life to watch you all swallow it!
>You slaughtered a city
>I saved you. I saved this city, and all your worthless lives.
>I wish I had enough poison for the whole pack of you. I would gladly give my life to watch you all swallow it!
>You slaughtered a city
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He should be descending into villainy after that one, yep. He should have been the one who keeps fuelling Dany's madness in their thirst for revenge. However, I think he may come to regret his villainy once he comes to realise the consequences of his hatred.
>I did it for my daddy
Yes. Tyrion getting angry from Nobles, and peasants memeing on him is the same as literally destroying a city.
cringe, and 0/10 b8
It should have at least given him insight into and empathy for Dany's state of mind. Tyrion in that moment really did want to see King's Landing burn. He felt betrayed by them, over one injustice. How many injustices did Dany endure from the city that sided with Cersei?
>How many injustices did Dany endure from the city that sided with Cersei?
uh, none?
he's not heroic in the book and he hates all his family for abandoning him when all he's ever done is try to win their favor
They stood by while the rightful heir's advisor was beheaded without trial in front of everyone. They fed, and armored, and armed Lannister troops, who killed at least some of her soldiers. They did not embrace her, the rightful Queen, she felt betrayed, just like Tyrion did at his trial. The only difference is Dany had enough poison for the whole pack of them.
Hatred can blind someone until it's too late.
Eh, shouldn't Tyrion's experience of saving the city give him more reason to oppose destroying it
Ned literally confessed to treason, and unsurprisingly they didn't revolt when his head was cut off. do better next time
Had a kinda shitty say, am now smiling ear to ear because of how glad I am you'll never ever hold a position in which you get to make creative calls for a work of fiction. Thanks user.
Are you really suggesting two wrongs make a right? Ned was wronged too. By the Lannisters.
they wanted to execute him retar
To be COMPLETELY honest the imp didnt save shit - tywin was the one who saved the day.
He can oppose it but he cannot pretend Dany did something that he at one time wouldn't have done himself. Which is what he did. Rather than help Dany come through the experience in the way Tyrion did, he betrayed her in a fit of hypocrisy.
When you need prophecies is when you're really fucked user. For all you know that guy might be in charge of your favorite media tomorrow.
Proof he'd have done it?
He said he would do it. Do you take Tyrion's speech at his trial to be idle? He seemed pretty genuine to me. He was hopping mad that somehow the city betrayed him because what, they laughed at a whore's story? What were they supposed to do, according to Tyrion in that moment of anger at feeling betrayed?
Yes, but that's not the civillian's fault. They literally don't know or care about what nobles do in their castles. To them he's just some traitor getting executed.
The Lannisters absolutely had a lot of retribution coming to them. The peasants of King's Landing never had any opportunity to take part in any decision-making process though. They even joke about this in the epilogue when the nobles laugh about how it'd be ridiculous to let them vote for a leader.
Indiscriminately murdering peasants, as well as soldiers who'd already surrendered, is a few orders of magnitude worse than killing a bunch of nobles who'd conspired against you. Although neither could be considered 'good' acts.
No I'm suggesting that Ned stark confessed to treason, and the peasants at the time had no reason to think he wasn't guilty. What does Ned being wronged by Lannisters have to do with "injustice" against Dany(i bring this up, as this is the initial comment)?
Then why did Tyrion feel brtayed at his trial by these ignorant civilians that don't know he saved them and then threaten to kill them all in a rage? A threat he seemed sincere about.
I take it to mean that he was angry. He didn't go and blow up any portion of KL with any of the remaining wild fire during his escape, because he's not a wacko loon like Dany.
And the peasants had reason to think Tyrion saved the city and didn't kill their king?
Glad I allowed you to masturbate.
Yes, he cooled down. Or it didn't occur to him. Or he knew he couldn't pull that off. Or he was just so hellbent on killing his father more than the city. Either way, he didn't have the power to carry out his threat when he wanted to carry it out, but Dany did. And Tyrion had no reflection about that at all, that we saw anyway. That experience of his simply didn't occur to him when he was trying to understand Dany's actions?
No no no you seem to have misunderstood. Do you have proof he would have done it?
Were they just civilians? I thought they were nobles, people who'd probably been selected by Cersei or Tywin to have some kind of beef with Tyrion. I can't imagine they'd randomly select some dudes from all of King's Landing to be part of the jury since they'd just end up with half a bench full of Flea Bottom drunks.
>he said
Isn't proof.
>expecting D&D to call up shits Tyrion said seasons ago to complicate their simple speech
They don't want anything. They want it to be as simple as possible.
No, of course not, because he wasn't capable of doing it at the moment he wanted to do it. That is the difference between him and Dany that I'ver already acknowledged. Dany had the means to act on her feeling of betrayal, whereas Tyrion didn't.
He addressed them, "I saved you. I saved this city." He was addressing the city of King's Landing, that he believed he saved.
In the words which you seem to think are proof are various ways in which he could have done so. He had many more means by which to destroy the city than a cunt on a dragon.
What does that have to do with
>Are you really suggesting two wrongs make a right? Ned was wronged too. By the Lannisters'
Which is what my response was to. It's no surprise that a person who thinks Tyrion getting angry, and carpet bombing a city are similar can't follow comment chains.
He killed Tywin, Joffrey is already dead. He's not going to kill his sister. He was free, why would he start fueling Danys madness you dumb cracker.
Yep, that single room accounts for the intentions and morals of 1 million people. Be slow somewhere else.
Later? After he cooled down? But that's not the same thing, is it? Dany didn't wait to cool down, she acted on her feelings because she could. But Tyrion couldn't when he felt that way. Tyrion was released days after his trial, after he had already had a trial by combat and lost that, which was an event that would change his outlook anyway, since there was no longer even a pretense that the people were responsible for Tyrion's fate. The Gods judged him guilty.
Lulz, he becomes a rapist of prostitutes and a murder after that one. He's really messed up in the books after the whole trial and who knows how he will end up. The show severely whitewashes him and his actions. This is a big reason why he became such a meme in the show.
If it wasn't for Tyrion Stannis would have sacked the city and killed Joffrey before Tywin had arrived.
He was asking Jon if Jon would have done it though.
And even if he wanted to do it, it would have been a crime of passion. there is no way for him to think like you, because now he has seen the consequence
Then why did he address them as "this city" which is the same as saying "King's Landing." And "all your worthless lives." Stop trying to pretend Tyrion didn't mean what he said. Anybody who isn't an autist can see he did at that moment.
Of all the arcs nullified in S8, Tyrion might have had it the worse. Why did he save Kings Landing if it just was going to get nuked anyway?
D&D want simple good guy kills bad guy situation
Yes. And instead of using that insight to help Dany understand what she's doing and rein it in a little (though she did nothing wrong), he betrayed her even though he knew precisely what she felt in that moment and if he was being honest with himself knows he once wanted to do something similar.
We will never see him killing that guy and feeds him to peasants because the dude wrote a song about him and being an asshole.
He saved it from sacking not annihilation
>Implying he was talking about the city and not just the nobles
>We will never see him raping that sex-slave prostitute while she's literally sobbing and dead inside while he fucks her.
>>I saved you (the people present). I saved this city (KL), and all your worthless lives (including you, the people present).
>>I wish I had enough poison for the whole pack of you (the people present). I would gladly give my life to watch you all (the people present) swallow it!
He saved the city, including the people at the trial and everyone else in KL. He wishes he had enough poison for the whole pack of the people present at the trial, who he's addressing. Do you speak English? Do you not know what the word 'you' means?
This would have been great. Tyrion using Dany as a vessel to avenge all the injustice he suffered in life. Thats a great idea user. Also fuck these idiots with their sob stories for the peasants at KL, nobody in the books (or in real life for that matter) guves a shit about the masses, Dany did nothing wrong. She didnt go to Westeros to make friends, she went there to conquer and thats what she did.
So he said some edgy shit when he was mad, doesn't mean he would've done it.
He wasn't talking about poisoning Kings Landing. he was talking about poisoning the people in the room who just betrayed him.
>nobody in the books (or in real life for that matter) guves a shit about the masses
Dany and the non Sansa Starks (Sansa is a cunt) are the only one who do. Tyrion sort of does.
Stannis cares about his duty to defend the realm so sort of...
>threatening a bunch of corrupt nobles who are ready to sacrifice non-nobles at any moment, who don't give a shit about the people living in squalor and have literal feces running outside of their homes
>not just figuratively, but literally slaughtering a city, not just nobles but also mostly the poor fuckers who got shat on by the nobles
I like how I read your post in Tywins voice.
>How many injustices did Dany endure from the city that sided with Cersei?
That doesn't make Dany special, almost everyone got just as badly fucked over by her
>imagine being such an autist that you are unable to understand that an enraged man venting at the very people who fucked him over may not mean everything he’s spewing out literally
Tyrion is traitor and fucking incompetent faggot. Should be hanged, and got a hand from other traitorous starks.
Tyrion is more evil than Daenerys, by far. Daenerys did actually nothing wrong, king's landing is sodom and gomorrah. Tyrion is probably the worst advisor in history of westeros.
>Tyrion may have forgotten that he hated the people of kings landing and wanted them to all die, but people of kings landing certainly haven't forgotten about him
Deeds not words.
>king's landing is sodom and gomorrah
because of how it was run by the nobles, the ones who tyrion hated
>>he hated the people of kings landing
>he hated the people ruling kings landing
well he saved Misandei at the arena so that should be worth something to danny.
wow it's almost like people can change or something
Tyrion is basically turning into a villain in the books, fantasizing about killing/raping Cersei and stuff like that
Omg cute 0:46 I wanna protect her and hug her :)
If it wasn't for Tyrion, Tywin would have arrived to find the gates shut and Stannis in control of the city, and Cersei/Tommen/Joffrey executed. So that kills the Tyrell alliance (nobody for Marge to marry). The Tyrells go home, Stannis could sit tight and hold out while Tywin tries to besiege the city.
Meanwhile Robb would keep smashing the Lannisters in the Riverlands, and at that point maybe Littlefinger would see which way the wind was blowing and bring the Vale in on Stannis' side. It's not an exaggeration to say that without Tyrion the Lannisters probably would have lost the war.
>nobody for Marge to marry
This reply is the waaaay too far down the thread. I hate this place.