Star Wars

Who is your favorire character?

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what the fuck race is this??

that thing

Go back to /pol/.

la cretura de las américas

have sex you fucking incel



Is she black? The ginger hair throws me.

For me, it is Luke and his tight pants.

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>villain who attempted to kill heroes multiple times and inadvertently caused the death of 2 party members
>takes helmet off
>it's a black wemen
>audience gasps in shock
>people are crying
>how could we ever think she's evil how wrong we were

prob this guy
she's british tho

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For me, it’s Mars Guo

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>tight pants
>no ass

Mace rixer

All of them, combined


>the leader of the terrorist gang is a teenager girl

Disney sometimes... Really...


Is this one of those new Disney-brand Star Wars aliens?


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and the movie bombs

It's what the new royal baby will look like in 18 years

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