
Why on earth do people pretend it's not good? Is it some Reddit meme?

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>Is it some Reddit meme?
Yes. I know because I started it.

Now we've seen how well Emilia can do evil, I'm hoping they dust off plans for a sequel.


Because we thought Luuke was as dumb as it could get.


>EU canon
>corellia is a prosperous jewel in the heart of the galaxy
>royal families build the best starships and send their bravest sons to fight for the empire which they think is a benevolent government
>basically a peaceful enlightment era europe
>han solo joins up and is a phenomenal pilot
>like most corellians he's ignorant of the empire's goings ons
>winds up seeing the worst the empire has to offer
>finally snaps when he sees wookie slaves and frees some of them
>dishonorably discharged, disowned by his clueless family
>disillusioned about everything and scrabbling to earn a living as a smuggler when he was once a prince on the fast track to becoming an admiral


Is... is this an /ecg/?

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Is she gonna become a sith Yea Forums?

>actually believing the 14 y.o. girl's OC Donut Steel-tier origin story in the first is better
Maximum yikes.

Fuck that. She needs to play Adolf Hitler in the all-female version of WW2 next.

>he was once a prince on the fast track to becoming an admiral
This sounds lame as shit for Han Solo.

That's almost as bad as how Shakespeare had every cunt being a nobleman. I mean The Tempest, you have the King of fucking Naples on a ship getting wrecked in Bermuda.

unironicall, it's a very good movie.

it's a poorly-lit borefest that undermines han's character in anh and wastes or mishandles the few good things to be found in the film

More like basedlo

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me on the left

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Han solo being royalty is even more retarded

everybody becomes a Sith or a Jedi in the Star Wars universe. for all that they're supposed to be rare, you can't swing a Jawa without hitting a fucking Force user.

>stalking someone in a bright red raincoat

that's because nobody's going to come to see a play about a shipwreck featuring bean farmer Tom son of Nobody In Particular.

It wasn't great but it wasn't abysmal, I kinda regret not seeing it in theater. It had it's problems for sure, but once the main characters were all on the job, the movie became top comfy and I enjoyed it a lot.

But noblemen are better people than the peasants and therefore more interesting

Tempest should have featured a regular sailing ship crew as the characters. That's out of the ordinary enough to interest the average Elizabethan theatregoer, and would have been a window into a different world.

they didn't want a window into a different world. they wanted to see royalty getting rekt.

we literally have a stealth /ecg/ running in the other thread

What a bunch of brainlets

Why the fuck on earth are you fags claiming it's good it's fucking trash with khalleeesssi killing the main bad guy as han sucks his finger when shes two feet shorter than him. FUCK OFFF

the worst fucking disnywars by far

It objectively is better

the maximum YIKES-award goes to you my friend



Read an actual book which is not glorified fanfiction, you pleb.

lick my balls, pseud incel

Wow, so EU fans are indeed fags! Well, go have gay sex then.

it's shit hombre

>han solo is a faggot
>no smuggling
>hard to see anything
>that fucking "growling" niggress singer
and shit goes on and on and on

Nothing wrong with cyber-sodomizing retarded redditors on Yea Forums on a lazy sunday afternoon

It's very good
>Han solo is a faggot
Niggerincel watch the fucking movie first, before you talk shit about it,kys

>subverting expectations, the backstory
The story for this was good, if they had dropped Negro Calrission and his fembot it had the potential to be a legit great movie. Fuck cannon, reading is for faggots.

It's garbage and you're a pleb

I never understood this argument desu, it's so naive

1. first of all, it implies that you see reading itself as a chore and that you don't really even enjoy it. Maybe you just use literature as a fashion accessory?
2. second of all, there's no difference between a fanfiction movie (any non-lucas star wars project) and a fanfiction book. They're both equally unworthwhile and """not canon""" so if you insist one of them, you may as well pick the one that seems more interesting to you.

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>it implies that you see reading itself as a chore and that you don't really even enjoy it. Maybe you just use literature as a fashion accessory?
Only to literal autists like yourself. Actually it implies that the opponent is an uneducated plebeian who touts his favorite pulp crap like the second coming just because they haven't of yet been exposed to better literary works. Actually, it's not even an insult, because it suggests you are optimistic about your opponent's intellectual abilities and believe they can still acquire good taste through exposure to real art.
>there's no difference between a fanfiction movie (any non-lucas star wars project) and a fanfiction book
Fanfiction works don't get Hollywood adaptations. Whatever is made by someone who owns the rights to an IP is canon, no matter whether it's the first owner or the tenth. Checkmate, EUincel and have sex :3.

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Pointless, terrible script, horrible robot, at least the wimmin was fuckable

I don't know how you managed to sound even more autistic and faggy than I did. Your pedantry is really competitive, but unlike mine, utterly misplaced and therefore fucking useless. It seems you have literally ZERO "unironic" interest or knowledge in art (or Hollywood for that matter). At least I don't live in a dishonest video game simulation like you do

lol desu.. fucking inauthentic shitters

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