Other urls found in this thread:
tomatoes are gross
cringe amerirat
chinks are fucking abhorrent nasty souless ugly little shits.
what are some other insects that eat rodents?
I work in a casino and I deal with chinese all day. I fucking hate main landers.
tomatoes are the best, fuck you
what kind of mental sickness makes these gooks wanna eat things alive
okay this one's pretty cool
Suffering, and fear makes food taste better.
I never know with Asians if i am watching some kind of weird fetish video, a regular Asian doing regular Asian things or a cooking vlog.
Hey chinks what the fuck
The Chinese are soulless insects.
chinks deep down are all capable of some real depraved shit, and whats worse is that they see it as normal.
doormice were a delicacy in rome.
classy dining. they're even still moving!
Can someone PLEASE explain how we're supposed to compete with the chinks when they're capable of iron-willed shit like this
>smoking doesn't make you look cool, they said
They also believe bone dust cures cancer. Chinks are retarded.
we can't. we should just accept chinks as our overlords and marry their beautiful women
>trying to make it a virtue
typical chink
>one cut and her entire face structure changes
I've seen tons of chink makeup removal videos. I don't buy this one.
It's not will. They literally think that eating live animals or torturing an animal to death, gives you the "fight/energy/power" the animal had while dying.
Are their any videos of Asians acting like human beings? Legitimate question I can't find any.
no they actually ate them hell some eastern european countries still eat them though not live.
Do you happen to work at the Goldcoast?
Chinks can barely be considered human.
thats what happens when you grow up in a poor third world shithole and eating mice is considered a staple
it's not really iron willed if you think its a treat to do it
They still have to be willing earn that, even if it's in their heads.
Of course will is involved.
This is just who the Chinese are. I don't care how they decided to live their lives as long as they're doing it in their country and they stay in their country.
Same for any race really, I'm perfectly happy to let every race become who they are and live the lives they want to, just as long as my race is given the same opportunity.
>freeze-frame at 00:12
>"Yup that's me."
fake. did they teach you that in your Chinese school or something?
Yup, nostrils widen from 1 mm to 3 inches in one cut.
That's how animals get eaten in nature. You think a Lion gives a fuck if the zebra it is feasting on is still breathing or not?
>It's not will.
Literally everything that living creatures consciously do is a force of will.
we arent lions negro we cook our food
Except it has been scientifically proved to be the opposite
Niggers never scared me, they're too dumb and goofy.
But chinks are something else. They almost seem non-human.
>I don't care if soulless monsters are becoming a domiant force in world politics
based retard poster
Any carnivore insect will eat a mouse if they're big enough/the mouse is small enough. Really big mantis can eat small vertebrates like reptiles, mice and even birds.
My point is that so called "moral" arguments about this are retarded. That mouse could've just as easily been eaten alive by a cat.
Morrissey was right about the chinks.
They just have poor(weak) taste.
lol chinks always trying to rationalize and justify their subhuman ways.
imagine putting it in your mouth and feeling its fur on your tongue
Humans should hold ourselves to a higher standard. We respect the flesh of our sacrifices and minimize their suffering.
Chinks don't operate in the realm of facts or logic or science. They think drinking eggs boiled in preschool boys' piss will make them live longer.
You swallow the bones too? Can we digest those?
actually badass
There's nothing wrong here , animals do not have rigts.
>They think drinking eggs boiled in preschool boys' piss will make them live longer.
Dis one true! Ancient Chinese magic.
lmao the same chink that's probably all self rightous when it comes to viewing western morals but as soon as your subhuman morals are scrutinized, its all "lol fuck morals". God chinks are so hatable.
No, that's not what I said. Obviously it will be bad if they continue to grow in geopolitical power and start to influence others even more than they do already. I was just talking about the on-the-ground reality of living with such immensely different people. Multiculturalism is societal cancer because different people are simply incompatible, and incompatibility + proximity = conflict.
Chinese people can do as they please in China, they just need to stay in China. Global political influence is a separate matter.
willingly torturing small animals for no reason is sickening behaviour. they could just kill and cook their food like a human would and i dont know what compels them to act like this
Chinks are yellow niggers
>Chinks don't operate in the realm of facts or logic or science
>literally the fastest growing economy in the world
why couldn't they have eaten doormouse? why is that an issue?
True humans do not eat animals.
Cats torture mice too.
Battle of Blair Mountain 布莱尔山之战 Waco 韦科 Ruby Ridge 红宝石岭 Bonus Army Massacre 奖金军队大屠杀 Trail of Tears 一行泪 Kent State Shootings 肯特州射击队 Colonization of the Philippines 菲律宾殖民地 Battle of Bud Dajo Bud Dajo之战 Wounded Knee 膝盖受伤 Agent Orange 代理橙 Bodo League Massacre 博多联盟大屠杀 Tonkin Gulf Incident 东京湾事件 Iran-Contra Affair 伊朗 - 反对事件 Fast and Furious Gun Trade 快速和激烈的枪支贸易 Tulsa Race Riots 塔尔萨种族骚乱 War of Northern Aggression 北方侵略战争
>the Chinese government has officially listed this as a part of Chinese cultural heritage
>eats eggs boiled in piss and dogs boiled alive in gutter sludge then steals American tech
Wow. Based chinks!
you mean some of their people are going to be able to live in all the empty cities they built? i'll take the wasteland over living in a place where the government knows every time you take a shit and a low social media rating equals a travel ban
Are you sure they’re not metaphorically the fastest growing economy? How about facetiously? No, LITERALLY?!
it ancient chinese wisdom I dont expect lesser race to know our advanced custom
Post the one of the girl eating centipedes
So, what's wrong here? People in the west do not eat animals?
They're already colonizing Australia, Canada, and the US west coast via proxies buying up land and properties.
If you have a billion+ people who just churn out shit in 17 hour shifts then your economy will grow regardless. They also have a select few actually smart and mostly reasonable people leading the way.
The average Chinese person has some really retarded views on things. They're a very superstitious people who genuinely believe in things like chi and feng shui and eating of live animals to gain their power and grinding up elephant tusks to improve your virility and all sorts of insane and absurd shit like that.
They're essentially a billion strong pre-medieval being led by a couple of Western educated elites.
Pure eating kino
>Boy egg vendors go to elementary schools in the city where they collect urine from young boys, preferably under the age of ten. The children, having been raised in the city and its culture, are used to the practice. As young boys would in schools from many other cultures, they excuse themselves from class when they feel the urge to urinate. However, instead of going to the restroom, they relieve themselves in the basin that the vendors place in the hallways.
>adrenaline filled tense meat is good
East Asians truly are retarded.
ask me how I know you're chinaman
AMD keynote by Lisa Su.
I am not a hypocrite?
>please read this retarded propaganda from nearly 100 years ago and accept it as truth
Your fear and stupidity is delicious LMAO
Fucking chinks are luaghable. Go eat a fetus, Xu.
God you're fucking thick. Cats arent humans. Of course this has to be explained to a subhuman chink.
t. jawlet
How will Western cucks recover?
Mods. Off topic.
China is actually dystopian
>doesnt understand how economies work
Amerimutts rule most of the globe though
Why are meat eaters so retarded? The meat you eat on a daily basis goes through far worse than what those mice did. They got a quick death and didn't have to spend years being tortured.
Stop wearing clothes
Stop eating with utensils
Fucking retarded millennial
The point of society is to get farther from nature.
That's why we have plumbing. Jesus murphy, I want to punch your head
>"moral" arguments
>instead argues from nature
dude, let's all just kill ourselves because nothing is real!
t. Tastelet
you dont know what i eat faggot
Do you?
>Stop wearing clothes
>Stop eating with utensils
All of these things are made from human suffering.
>these are the same chinks that shit talk western morals
Why do give these retarded ugly bug people any creedance regarding culture and morals again?
Why do westerners torture animals foe years in factory farms?
It's our custom you are just really intolerance
It promote spirit and vigor
Why do we allow people who can't form proper sentences the right to post here again?
ITT people so detatched from nature they have forgotten what death looks like and it scares them.
why do chink eats aborted fetuses?
The only thing that triggered me was his takeout noodle soup in a plastic bag.
>A westerner speaks about morality.
Missed one word. low hanging fruit.
It literally tastes better though. More flavour, more everything roundeye.
lol fuckin dumb chink
Eating a live mouse, a couple seconds of pain for the mouse then death.
Somehow this is wayyy fucking worse then raising animals for years in absolutely HORRIFIC conditions for a cheap fast food meal.
This. Westerners love to live a make belief world where they're all good guys and are completely blind to the suffering they cause to animals and people on a daily basis.
what did he say?
morissey is based
Because they are already dead and do not feel anything?
for food
No. Most sane people don't eat live rats. That's it. Go to bed.
how about you faggots post more webms and stop arguing with eatchother
This user gets it, China number one
>ignorant chink disregarding the thread right in his face
Typical retarded chink.
动态网自由门 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Free Tibet 六四天安門事件 The Tiananmen Square protests of 1989 天安門大屠殺 The Tiananmen Square Massacre 反右派鬥爭 The Anti-Rightist Struggle 大躍進政策 The Great Leap Forward 文化大革命 The Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution 人權 Human Rights 民運 Democratization 自由 Freedom 獨立 Independence 多黨制 Multi-party system 台灣 臺灣 Taiwan Formosa 中華民國 Republic of China 西藏 土伯特 唐古特 Tibet 達賴喇嘛 Dalai Lama 法輪功 Falun Dafa 新疆維吾爾自治區 The Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region 諾貝爾和平獎 Nobel Peace Prize 劉暁波 Liu Xiaobo 民主 言論 思想 反共 反革命 抗議 運動 騷亂 暴亂 騷擾 擾亂 抗暴 平反 維權 示威游行 李洪志 法輪大法 大法弟子 強制斷種 強制堕胎 民族淨化 人體實驗 肅清 胡耀邦 趙紫陽 魏京生 王丹 還政於民 和平演變 激流中國 北京之春 大紀元時報 九評論共産黨 獨裁 專制 壓制 統一 監視 鎮壓 迫害 侵略 掠奪 破壞 拷問 屠殺 活摘器官 誘拐 買賣人口 遊進 走私 毒品 賣淫 春畫 賭博 六合彩 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Winnie the Pooh 劉曉波动态网自由门
This. I'm still waiting for the girl eating centipedes.
i guess if they eat it live they know it's not fake
That's off topic.
And? The man in the OP is enjoying his dinner.
Woah, I didn't know the CW was make The Mask TV series.
they dont torture a bowl of antifreeze tho
About what?
kill yourself gook, then youll never feel pain again!
human decency
>holier than thou
>literally trying to justify eating a live rat
>Vietnam flashbacks
>Omg I fucking hate those eye-slanted shits who killed my friends after we had come to their country, napalmed their villages and rained chemical weapons
>Wtf do you mean they come here as working migrants?....
Why are Americans like this?
Relax it's a joke nigger.
He said they were a subspecies after he viewed videos of what they do to animals.
>Blowtorching dogs to death
>Clubbing dogs to death
>Skinning dogs alive
>Cooking them alive in giant woks
Prepping dinner while eating lunch. Based chinks!
muy basado
And the mouse died seconds after being eaten because the man would've crushed the mouse's brain with his teeth. How is this cruel?
Alpha Chadasian showing white "men" how its done
Chinks don't understand humor being soulless insects and all
this nigga been watching too much dragonball
You know we kill our animals before we eat them, right? We dont go biting into live chicken and cow. Are chinks actually this retarded irl?
>the way he lays his head on the table after doing something he knows he shouldn't have
fucking kek. Chinks really aren't capable of being human.
>Morrissey, a vegetarian and animal rights advocate who last year abandoned the stage at the Coachella festival in California because of the smell of cooking meat, described the treatment of animals in China as "absolutely horrific", referring to recent news stories about animals in Chinese circuses and zoos. He told interviewer Simon Armitage: "Did you see the thing on the news about their treatment of animals and animal welfare? Absolutely horrific. You can't help but feel that the Chinese are a subspecies."
Why do chinks do shit like this? Is it a chink meme?
Why are you acting like a tiny minority of fucked up chinks makes up the population? Nobody in any of the cities is cooking dogs alive in woks or skinning them alive. There are literally a billion chinks and you judge them off some webms on the internet.
Based Rational and Logics sentient individual poster. Vegancucks btfo
asians are literally subhuman filth
The animal is being tortured either way. What's the difference?
Lol not an argument. Go back to chomping down on KFC.
fucking chinks man. look at that brown-yellow skin subhuman chinks expression when he devours a live mice. cracking of its bones, the taste of hot blood, like 20 organs all having different tastes to them and the fur, all in one bite. there is no way this is done for the taste. These fucking beings are closer to insects than people.
these yellow niggers either dont have empathy and see nothing wrong with devouring or cooking an animal alive (be it rats dogs frogs all kinds of nasty shit these fucking 1.5B+ population yellow niggers had to eat to survive during their history), or they enjoy the pain. I really dont know which is worse.
all those blank stares these bugs give when people die in front of them, all those animals cooked alive in pain, all those massacres done in cold blood, man these people make me vomit.
all the chinks here defending this shit, go kill yourselves, I'm certain no one will give a fuck and probably your kin will steal your belongings from your corpse.
Based retard. If you bothered to watch any of the webms you would see the slaughter taking place in a concrete jungle. They wouldnt be killing vermin like that for food unless they were trying to feed vast amounts of poor. COPE HARDER WANG
Reminder that Chinks are killing all the tigers so they can make tiger bone wine and get their tiny egg rolls hard
You have been drinking too much gutter oil Cheng. You must have ruined your taste buds.
>he had this saved
been jacking off to it eh chink?
Now THAT’S what I call ratatouille.
>what’s the difference
>The festival began in 2009 and spans about ten days during which it is estimated that 10,000–15,000 dogs are consumed.
>Many dogs suffer before being killed, there are videos of dogs being beaten to death with metal bars, skinned alive, boiled alive and suffer many diseases.[citation needed] A witness claimed that some of the dogs eaten appeared to be stolen household pets, judging by their collars.[8]
>The animal is being tortured either way. What's the difference?
also farmers dont "torture" animals if the farmers do their job you tard
First, Vietnamese != Chinks.
Second, I'm Russian, retards. But Americans love portraying Vietnamese as villains or vile caricatures despite themselves being in the absolute wrong.
Wrong. You're lucky most peoples preception of chinks are of those that move to the western world. If they only knew that the majority of you bug people are actually retarded and on par with niggers, only being restrained of your true depravity by your authoritarian goverment.
>niggers this niggers that
>meanwhile the Chinese hate the niggers more than you ever will
LOL wh*tes are so fucking creepy
>Second, I'm Russian
Found the problem
>keeping large animals indoors
>allowing animals near your food
>cracking of its bones, the taste of hot blood, like 20 organs all having different tastes to them
Sounds delicious. I'd love a chance to try it.
Chinamin are fucked in the head.
I'm not racist, but I think living in Chinese society is probably the scariest thing imaginable.
Gotta shell some 3rd world shithole with depleted uranium, mutt?
Go explode another RBMK
White people simply have standards.
I've killed dozens of animals to eat them, I never liked killing them, I never had to resort to cruelty, and I treated them well for as long as they were alive.
And then, we white people usually remove the intestinal tract of animals, and their bladder, because we don't like to eat piss and shit, but the chinks love it.
The issue here isn't death, it's a complete lack of respect for anything living, which is one of the things that makes humans not animals. Chinks aren't humans, sorry.
>on par with niggers
How are they on par with niggers when they're literally exploiting Africa?
>human decency
>a westerner speaks about
LEL. As a representative member of the western society you can easily afford vegan diet or at least meat from free range farms. And you are not doing this. You do not have "human decency". Lel. You boil lobsters alive and freeze chickens alive.
What are we even talking about?
t. chink
haha I wouldn't be talking shit about other countries actions if i was you
Do you think they pick the mouses from the wild? They're bred just like cattle. These are baby rats, so mama rat is probably kept in a tiny cubicle forced to give birth 24/7 until she dies a year and half later. There's no difference.
nigger is an expression I use for referring the sub-human part of a nation because niggers have the most reknown. Blacks have dindu nuffins, Chinks have themselves collectively, Indians have poo niggers in south, europe has brown niggers gypsies and immigrants, jews are the greedy nose niggers, you get the point.
Gas the chinkos.
Ignorance isn't the same as sadism.
Why are so triggered mutt?
You don’t know me.
Sorry, I forgot whites have low I.Q. Maybe next time you'll wrap your head around it.
That man is eating his dinner. And sorry to burst your bubble but efficiency comes first when farming animals. That's the reality of eating animals, they suffer. Either get over it or be a vegan.
I get what they're trying to do, but this is really lazy work. Really the only effective one is the fat woman with the open mouth. A kid and an elephants eye? Really? That was the best comparison they could find?
Was it also wrong to help South Korea against Norks?
The Chinese will eat anything, including other people. Look it up. Cannibalism has a rich history in China.
>White people simply have standards.
No you don't. And stop making that other shit up as well.
These threads are made by butthurt chimps and chimp lovers. Their fear is real and I love it.
>Ignorance isn't the same as sadism
Judging by your posts, it should be the same.
Weak man, make weak choices. Do better before your land is taken over.
I'm not denying Russia is evil; it doesn't prevent mutts from having a delusion of some sort of moral high ground whereas they destroyed Iraq and Afghanistan in the last 20 years.
>And stop making that other shit up as well.
>White people actually eat shit, drink piss, and they eat dogs too
Do you believe your own words?
Tell this to those animals.
Yeah I'm sure the dogs killed for these dog eating festivals are treated really good
You're trying too hard user.
>farmers don't torture animals
>stuffing hundreds of birds in disgusting caged pens =/= torture
>forcing cattles to eat the remains of their brethren =/= torture
westcucks are indefensible
Nice troll dude 5/10 just because you’re putting more effort in than you’re getting out.
your average chink in china is.
Yeah I'm sure the chickens killed for these KFC restaurants are treated really good
China should ban the internet. That way we wouldn't have to see all this shit. Let them rot in their own hell. We need a wall. Fucking chunks, suck. Korea #1
nogs dont even realize what's coming once evil whitey is gone lmao
Lol still no argument. Imagine being this sheltered.
i suppose that's true if the only movie you've ever seen is rambo 2
Yeah i bet Russians are real sorry for all the bad shit they did, you're a hypocrite.
please, tell me more
i either have to eat live baby rats or be a vegan? i cant buy meat from a farmer then cook it like a normal human?
the man has no reason to not kill these rats before eating them. he enjoys the suffering.
korean gooks eat dogs just as chinks do.
>one of the noahide laws forbids eating living animals
Forget the samurai, what the Jews really fear are the Chinese.
>also farmers dont "torture" animals
What do you even want me to argue with you about?
Well we definitely don't boil them alive and beat them to death with metal rods or burn them with torches.
You have no fucking argument retard.
>thinking white people don't do that
Yikes. How'd you ever graduate from grade school if you got spoonfed all your life?
I am not a mutt and I have no reason to be triggered son. I have reached inner peace through meditation years ago, there is nothing that can trigger me in this mortal, trivial plane of existence. On the other hand, I shall continue calling subhumans of our earth, subhumans, for sole purpose of expressing a wronghood is universally good behaviour not because I am "triggered"
don't worry. every country will have it's own government approved corporate sponsored internet soon along with their own populist dictators. it's the future
>comparing crazy white people with the average chink
Here's your (You).
My dick
Chinks will literally blowtorch dogs alive and then act like were the same for maintaining and providing for livestock
You only have one example meanwhile you could fill a terabyte easy with Asians doing sick shit to animals.
I have a chinese gf and I’ve lived in China for 2 years, and not once have I seen anything like this.
And you're not trying hard enough.